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Update: I apologize for the issue with NPCs disappearing when using the first person camera, which was due to a mismatch between the released version and my internal development build. Please update to release 9.6.2 where the error has been corrected (always remember to run RealConfig.bat after extracting the new archive).

Dear Wizards and Witches (and Muggles too), I know you've been waiting for this!!

Release 9.6.1, attached at the bottom of the post, fixes a problem that has been annoying some of you (the "lockfree_table capacity exceeded" error that was popping up in Hogwarts Legacy), and most importantly adds a quick menu to the game from which you can now select my usual choice of cameras:

  • "Game default": as the name says, this is the standard camera offered by the game, which works best during cutscenes—and perhaps also when combat gets very intense and you need to see your character and all that surrounds him/her at a glance. The game default camera can still be customized in VR using the offset controls available in the quick menu;
  • "Closer": this bring the camera much closer to your character. The gameplay still feels distinctly third-person, but you're no longer floating away from the action like a drone or a kite :-) You can use the offset controls to customize precisely how near you want to be;
  • "R.E.A.L. close": this gives you an over-the-shoulder perspective of the world, with your character pushed a bit more to the side to avoid blocking your view. The action feels way more immersive, as you're in the thick of battle and much closer to objects that you want to examine, but the position still allows for third-person gameplay;
  • "First person": last but not least, this camera puts you in the shoes of your wizard/witch of choice, which makes the game completely immersive... although combat might be too hard in this mode. As usual the first person camera is my implementation (fancy word for hack), so expect all kinds of glitches and problems of various nature when using it.

I managed to hide the character while in first person mode, so you won't get the clipping you were used to from my Horizon: Zero Dawn, Elden Ring, and Dark Souls: Remastered mods for example. But unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to tell apart the portions that should really be hidden (like the models for the head, eyes, glasses, hair and hat) from those which should be left intact to get even better immersion and feeling of presence (the rest of the body, and most notably the broom when flying). So when in first person you'll feel like you were hiding under Harry Potter's invisibility cloak ;-)

The added cameras are still experimental and won't always work as intended. To switch quickly among them, I recommend using the preset system available in the quick menu. The 4 presets are already configured by default to each use one of the 4 different available cameras, so all you need to do is push both thumbsticks on your gamepad to enter the quick menu and then one of the 4 D-Pad buttons to select the appropriate preset. After your muscle memory has settled in and you no longer have to think about which button selects which camera, you'll see that switching for instance from first person (for exploration and the coolest flying) to game default (for things like cutscenes, the lockpick minigames, or intense combat) only takes a fraction of a second.

The game looks grandiose, and exploring the myriad of little details that make it feel really alive, and such a faithful depiction of the Harry Potter universe, in first person VR will give you an even stronger feeling of being transported to another reality. So I feel like recommending this game even to those of you who haven't tried it yet, perhaps because you're still pouring hundreds of hours into Cyberpunk 2077! Not naming any names, you know who you are []-D

Happy wizarding!!!



Why does Spider-Man see the people around him blurry? I was surprised that it was very smooth unlike before, but the problem is that even if I set the graphics to the highest level, the graphics do not come out as clearly as Papan. Please give me some advice.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Remember, you are seeing things far closer than they were meant to be seen and the textures are therefore going to be more pixelated/blurry as a result in general. Being that it was made for PlayStation, I am guessing the crowd textures are somewhat low to save on performance as well. That is why pumping up the resolution is important in VR mods generally but you can also use upscaled textures to make them more crisp and clear as well. I don't know if you have tried Skyrim VR but that would be a great example of texture mods really having a huge impact on the worlds visuals. It is not exactly the same of course but same goes for Cyberpunk in VR with higher textures. 4k skin and so forth really make a difference unless you are playing at a pretty low resolution perhaps.


After the elden ring update, as soon as I open the game, it crashes. luke, can you fix this problem? I have 3090,pimax 8k+

Brandon(Post Maester)

Works fine for me still. Do you have any mods installed? I haven't played in quite a while but it actually seems to look better than I remember it looking for some reason. It did default to having Ray Tracing turned up to high for me so I wonder if that is causing issues for you as well?


3 words Luke… Dead island 2 when it releases. Pleasssssse 😮‍💨🙏🏼

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yeah, quite a few great looking games releasing this year! That could be a great one to sink some time into in VR :)


Last of Us PC is out! That would be awesome in VR!!

Brandon(Post Maester)

There is a DLSS tweaks mod that forces DLSS to use DLAA instead of normal DLSS. It will of course come with a performance hit as you are no longer upscaling but running at full resolution with DLAA. It does look pretty good when I tested in Cyberpunk and gets rid of most all of the haloing (playing at higher resolution, so not sure about low res). I used the all other games option so I didn't have to bother with figuring out which renaming of the dxgi.dll file works. Just drop all the files except the readme into games actual .exe file (same as REAL mod) and go into the dlsstweaks.ini then set the force DLAA option in there to true. Run the enable overide reg file and you should be good to go. Run the disable reg file and delete the files to remove it or you can go back into the ini file and set the force DLAA option in there to false again. Again it will come with a performance hit as you are no longer actually using DLSS anymore so you will have to lower your settings or resolution but may be worth it to those of you who have higher end GPUs. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/550?tab=files


Hi Brandon I just bought myself a pico4! My question is, do I need to re-run all realvr config for all games to get the games work with the new headset?


I've updated CP2077 to 1.62 and seems that mod doesn't work. Does anyone has similar problem?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yes, I have posted a couple links for downgrading the game on Steam in comments of the Start Here post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/start-here-68859691


Yup, looks like the newest Cyberpunk patch 1.62 , broke Lukes VR Mod. (On Steam) - Disabled all mods except VR mod, still no go.. :-(

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yeah, you will have to downgrade to the previous version. I put some links in the Start Here comments section or just youtube/google it.


I'm new here, so I basically know nothing about the realmod. I've downloaded the latest version I could find here which was REAL_mod_by_LukeRoss_v9_6_2. In unzipped and copied the files into my Steam/HZD game folder. I ran the realconfig.bat, which appeared to be working (0 errors, etc). I'm playing with Virtual Desktop. When I start the game (in VD, or in Steam on the Desktop), the mod hooks to the game and I can see the game menu in VR. However, after 3 or 4 seconds, everything freezes and my desktop is displaying a window showing that "the game has crashed" and whether I want to sent the report, etc. SteamVR crashes too. I can start everything again: SteamVR and HZD, but the same thing keeps happening. Am I doing something wrong?

Brandon(Post Maester)

What kind of hardware are you rockin in your PC? Can you also put your RealVR64.log file on pastebin and post the link here so I can take a look? Should be located in the same folder you put the mod files.


Doesn't work for me with hogwarts legacy, Game isn't launching. Tried setting steamvr as openxr runtime. My log below: https://pastebin.com/iR7hw25q

Brandon(Post Maester)

You most likely need to rename the sl.interposer.dll file to sl.interposer_bak.dll per the instructions linked bellow. https://www.patreon.com/posts/hogwarts-legacy-78458454


Hello everyone, I need your help regarding the 9_6_2 mod. I use it for cyberpunk game.. When I launch the game after installing the mod as advised, the VR does not launch. Do you have any idea what the problem is please. however I'm sure the mod install is correct.. I have an index valve as a helmet thank you very much for your help


same here


Windows 10 is currently out of updates. Is there even one game that has problems running vr mode on Windows 11?


I'm trying to update to Windows 11, but is it optimized for games?

Brandon(Post Maester)

I haven't heard anything super recent on that end. Try looking up some Youtube videos on gaming as well as VR performance on Windows 11. Then let us know :)


Hello I try to play VR in Hogwarts legacy with your latest Version 9.6.2. I exctract the files and copy paste in the good folder Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 and apply Batfiles. But now the game doesnt launch... First time I tried your mod. My game run pretty good in normal use for my config i7 4790K, 16GO, Gtx 1660Super. Have you a solution or did I a mistake during the installation ? Thank you for your answers. And if I changing dxgi.dll to dxgi_bak.dll it s desactivated VR mod

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you also rename the sl.interposer.dll file to sl.interposer_bak.dll per the install instructions linked bellow. The newest update also seems to lock things at 60fps and turn on Vsync, turn off Vsync and set to 120fps instead or you will get odd behavior. 1660s is pretty low for VR gaming so you might have to go in and turn down all the settings to low as well if it is still having trouble launching. Make sure you have it in window full screen as well. https://www.patreon.com/posts/hogwarts-legacy-78458454

Brandon(Post Maester)

AER 2 comes with some extra artifacts around things when in motion or moving the camera, especially 1/3 depending on the game and your sensitivity to it. If you are not able to keep a solid 90fps for 1/2 (if your headset is set to 90hz) or 60fps for 1/3 it will be even worse. There is also the shimmering effect from TAA and AER that has always been an issue, that becomes less so at higher resolutions and with DLSS 3.1.11 on Quality but still a factor as well. If you are playing Hogwarts, you can use DLAA to eliminate that more as well. RDR2, Luke actually fixed the shimmering issue by having DLSS work for both eyes instead of one I believe. That is the only game he took time to fix in this way. It was too much work to do for each game individually and just added more time to mods than it justified in the end. Even if he did the extra work to fix it for something like Cyberpunk, it would have just gotten broken again multiple times over with some of the updates.

Michael Fread

I found this mod via an instruction that indicated a dependency on a first person camera mod but I see references to adding cameras and a first person mode here. Is the other mod still required?

Brandon(Post Maester)

No, Luke's mods are not dependent upon other mods. You just need the latest version of Real and should be good to go :) Let me know if you have trouble with install.


on my pc screen it runs smooth but in the headset it looks all glitchy and shitty... this has not happen with any other pcvr game i have ever used

Brandon(Post Maester)

:) you will have to expound upon the terms "glitchy" and "shitty". What headset you using, how is it connected and what kind of PC hardware do you have?


Your FF7 mod was mind blowing, made me only want to play games in VR now. I’ll figit with it more, but I wish the textures around the face and person were a little crisper. I’m playing Horizon now and loving it.


This is what I see: https://imgur.com/re9U8IX


Could it be the data cables? I dont have a proper Oculus cable, just a normal USB-C. The games run fine on my pcs display, its just in the headset that its brutal.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Sounds like artifacting from AER2 (1/3,1/2) or low performance. What kind of fps are you getting on Legacy while the game is active (not paused)?


I didn't see if or not but trying to use on EPIC, does the mod not work with epic games version?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Can't say for 100% but if you have it on Epic, give it a shot and let me know. Haven't had any feedback that I can remember saying it doesn't :)


hi i had a problem when i change the ppd slider and apply. the game freezes and i cant move anything after that, i was wondering if anyone has had that issue


I still need some help with Hogwarts Legacy. 3D World is (almost) fine, playable at least. But I can‘t reach everything in the menus anymore. There seems to be two layers of problems: 1) When I go into any menu (inventory, settings, talents…) a good portion of the menu is cut of. So there is only a cutout of the original menu visible (as if the menus was zoomed in to much) 2) To make things worse, even within this cutout part I cant reach every position with the mouse cursor. The cursor stops about 75% of the way to the right and about the same downward. That way I can only reach buttons that are in the left and top part of the menu screen. That way I can‘t reach every function within the game (e.g. cant add all spells to the spellsets) The HUD Options in the REAL menu just zoom/move the menu as a whole, the problems within the menu persist. ForceExit VR Mode doesn‘t help either, the problem also persist in 2D (but obviously wasn‘t there before I installed the VR mod) Can anybody please help? I‘d really love to play this game in VR. Is there any way to adjust the menu zoom?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you have renamed the interposer file per the games install instructions (found in release post) don't use DLSS sharpening. There is a shortcut for accessing the two different types of markers on the map by pressing the left thumbstick in. You need to make sure the shortcut function is in the off state when using the menus or it will zoom in sometimes and also make it so you can't select things. This will be pretty obvious because it will be way off.


Hi, I have this problem, where when looking at certain angles, i have VR within VR, aka screen withing the 3d environment (Steam Index VR)

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you have Steam Theater disabled or GOG galaxy overlay if using GOG. Also make sure you don't have any extra overlays, gaming software or any extra SteamVR addons active. Try launching the game from the Steam library on your monitor or you can even try launching from the games .exe file in the x64 folder. I imagine you are just using SteamVR as your runtime?


Hello everyone. I wrote a private message to LukeRoss, but it seems to me that it was not the right channel :-) I just purchased the Quest 3 and I am testing the mod with Hogwarts Legacy. It looks great adjusting the resolution, but I have a problem that I don't see in all the videos I've seen on YouTube about this mod and the game. It turns out that the menus at the beginning ("Continue", "setup", etc.) as well as the subtitles of the game are almost outside the field of vision of the Quest 3 viewer. They are as if anchored. That is to say, when I move my head, the game moves in 3D but the titles, the map, the subtitles and everything that appears overwritten on the screen I see half or I don't see them because they go to the sides and they don't move. Can anyone tell me what could be causing it? I would be eternally grateful. P.S. I am using version 10.7.2 of the mod. I have also tried 9.4.5 and 9.6.2 with the same result. Thank you very much to whoever can help me.

Brandon(Post Maester)

You should try updating to the latest version but your issue is most likely that you need to rename the interposer.dll file. I'll post the games release post which will have instructions for that. Also make sure you do not have DLSS sharpening on and that the game is not limited to below at least 120fps in the settings. There is also a built in shortcut for switching between 2d and 3d map markers by pressing in the left stick. Make sure this shortcut is not active or it will make things zoom in occasionally as well. I think it defaults to 2d map elements but can't remember for sure. If it still seems to zoom in and out randomly, then it is probably on. https://www.patreon.com/posts/hogwarts-legacy-78458454


Hello, despite many attempts to get the VR mod to work, it just doesn't work. I've been trying around for hours, but the theater mode always opens on Steam. Even though I disabled it in the developer settings. I subscribed to Patreon here just for the Hogwarts VR experience. Does anyone know any advice?

Brandon(Post Maester)

https://www.patreon.com/posts/hogwarts-legacy-78458454 that is the original post for the games release which has instructions for installing it. Make sure you rename the interposer file even though you may not have a 4090. Also, if you are not using a SteamVR headset you shouldn't need SteamVR so don't run it before starting the game. If you are using a Quest for instance, you want to have Oculus set as your OpenXR runtime and then just connect your headset and launch the game from your Steam library as if playing flat.


HI the UI is so Close that i cant read it I just downloaded the newest Version 11.0.1


Agree with Stan. The UI is too close and all the prompts on top half and bottom half of the game HUD are not visible. Tried with 10.8 version as well, same problem. And the 11 version just crashes.


Yes thank you!! This should be it but let me know if i did something wrong lol


I cannot get the mod to install.. I have my game installed on a separate drive, not the C drive.. I went to steam to open the program file path.. I copied the mod download and extracted it in the correct place.. I know it is correct as I can click the executable and open the game from the same folder. However when I double click the "real config" to install it comes up and I get this error every time ERROR: This folder does not seem to belong to any of the supported games. Please make sure that the mod zip archive is extracted to the very same folder where the main game executable is found, and not for example into a subfolder. Aborting RealConfig Press any key to continue . . . What am I doing wrong?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Which game? That is an error you would get if it is not in the right game folder. You can actually click on multiple .exe's to start the game. For instance there is an .exe in the main game folder for Hogwarts (I'll assume since you posted here) but you need to go further in to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 The actual .exe file which has a larger size is in the Win64 folder.

Mohamed Ouchnak

I would like to learn and force the activation of my meta quest 2 controllers please

Brandon(Post Maester)

That is not something we would offer support for and I don't really know how to do it exactly myself. Flat2VR Discord is a great place to ask questions like that. People do all kinds of stuff there and also lots of people with tons of VR experience. You won't have any type of motion control and you will end up with less input options because there will be less buttons compared to a gamepad but I know people have done it. It is probably pretty simple once you know what software to use.