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I know, I know :-( Sorry sorry sorry...

I was on a much-needed, so-many-times-postponed, gotta-take-it-sometime-before-I-die vacation and of course all updates broke loose :-D

I had actually configured my PC for remote access before I left, in the eventuality that something like this happened, but for some reason when I was notified about the mod-breaking updates and tried to fix the code remotely I couldn't get access to my machine. Maybe it was a configuration error on my part, maybe international restrictions on encryption took over (not saying anybody else got access and locked me out BTW, it's just that my system did not respond).

Anyway, now I'm back in the saddle! Release 9.7.0, which you can find below, should fix both Cyberpunk 2077 and Ghostwire: Tokyo. Both should enter VR again, and I also fixed a few hooks that were broken by the forced updates.

Stay tuned for a new release this month! <3



Hi, VR mod is really good but I can not see quest note well in VR. Is there a way to see it better?


It has solved. HUditor is great.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yeah, hear good things about Huditor but haven't felt the need to use it yet :) Maybe after the DLC drops. I am trying to play as little as possible until then so it doesn't feel old. It really is amazing how immersive it is with Luke's mod every time I jump back in.


Hi guys, on my 4090 + Quest 2 using VD I get a weird coloured flash at the top of the viewing area, anyone else run into this? any idea what graphic setting is related?


Double tap virtual desktop button on left controller, this takes you to desktop mode. Activate VD keyboard by aiming your controller below screen. Hit windows key so taskbar comes up. Click cyberpunk icon on bottom taskbar then click the center of game screen. Re-enter VR.


Endenring 1.09 doesn't work yet? How long ago did it come out?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Just tried it and it works fine for me with the newest Real Version. What kind of errors or behavior are you getting? Do you have mods installed? What headset are you using and how is it connected?


Frame generation does't work with VR. Once turned on, the game vanishes in VR and stays only on a monitor. Once set to off the game requires restart. For example frame generation also doesn't work with Vsynch, and I think smth similar with VR. As for the RTX. I managed to set all the setting to high and RTX to on, but resolution to 2400x2400 . 3000x3000 gives it small stutters with RTX on. On a 4K HDR monitor RTX is just WOW, but in VR, agree, it is way too blury and doesnt give that jaw dropping effect. So I would rather go for max everything out keeping RTX for VR off. Still, it is playable even with RTX on 4090 card.


hello guys, can someone explain to me how can i do to play without VR? I have a 3440x1040 screen but since I downloaded REAL VR, I can't go back to this resolution (it is no longer offered). thank you ^^


Hiii can someone help pleaase? I have the same error when trying any of the mods can you help me fix? 'CHOICE' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Aborting RealConfig Press any key to continue . . .. . I will say that I have my main windows running on my C drive but all my games runs in my A drive ( I have a terabyte of space there). Please...help...

Brandon(Post Maester)

You will have to go in and manually change the Pathway of the config file. Just change to .txt and open with notepad or whatever text editor you favor. Look under the install section for the particular game and change the pathway there. If you are not familiar with any of that, let me know what game you are installing and I will give more detailed instructions.


So I recently downloaded this mod file, thankfully after a few trial and error got it to work. but I am having a problem where every time I fire my gun(two triggers on game pad) the R.E.A.L. VR menu comes up. kinda annoying when in combat. any fix for this?

Brandon(Post Maester)

If you are playing cyberpunk, are you using the newest version of the REAL mod? It should not be able to bring up the REAL overlay unless the game is paused.


How the hell do I launch this on Quest Pro? Should I be inside SteamVR? It's just opening in a windowed mode on my laptop not inside the headset


Hello, I want to know if you plan to launch compatibility with Motion controllers VR, I'm tired of having to play VR games with a Star wars type xbox controller. I want to know if you will have a solution like the NEXUS game Valhein where we have the perfect functioning of the motion VR controllers. Thanks.


Does anyone know how to fix the DLSS issue with cyberpunk. Whenever DLSS is active the startup screen starts violently flashing white and then when actually in the game it flickers between flat view and full immersion while flashing white and flickering


I am playing with a 4070 and a Ryzen 7 5800 x on windows 11 if that is any help


Can someone help me figure out why I get such bad ghosting in CP2077? I've got the mod working, but I've spent the better part of two days trying to figure out why the ghosting is so bad. I'm on a Quest Pro with a 3080ti. I've tried AER 1/2, AER 1/3, and Legacy AR. I've also played around with the resolution and the PPD. I currently have the resolution at 2432x2432. Is there anything else I should be tweaking?

Brandon(Post Maester)

With a 3080ti, you should be able to play at a higher resolution than that. Resolution will be the biggest factor in reducing shimmering around objects (if that is what you mean by ghosting). Using DLSS quality will help mitigate shimmering depending on what version you use ( they seem to have different TAA implementations) 3.5 seems pretty decent as well as 2.5.1 Try using DLSS Quality with Legacy AER and increasing resolution up towards the 3000 area. I don't remember which one I played at when I had a 3080ti but I was able to have a pretty solid experience with that GPU. Also turn off screen space reflections (for extra headroom) as they are grainy anyways and prioritize higher resolution over higher settings first.


I had it working before, but for some reason now every time I load up cyberpunk I only get the 2D screen. I have tried reinstalling the mod, but it isn't working. I have tried this on a quest pro and a quest 3. Not running steam VR and going directly to desktop and launching cyberpunk. Any suggestions?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you are using one of the latest versions attached to either the Far Cry 4 or Far Cry New Dawn posts. They include a fix for the latest CP patch. Also make sure to run the config file again when you drop the new files into the game folder.


I desperately need some help... For two hours I have been trying to get Uncharted running smoothly. I usually try to get things working before I ask others to use their time helping me. So here is what I got working to this point: - game runs in 3D in my MetaQuest3 over VirtualDesktop - the game will only start in borderless windowed mode (Fullscreen is not available) - I use OpenXR in VirtualDesktop as well as in REAL VR - my Monitor resolution is 2540x1440 (I dont know if that makes a difference, but thats the resolution set within the game) - as long as I leave the REAL setting at 8.8pixels per degree, I can reach the whole screen with my mouse in the menues, as well as in the REAL menu. (8.8 results in 1440x1440 (1:1) - the game is playable but looks like crap - as soon as I increase the pixels per degrees, I cannot reach the whole screen anymore, even on the monitor, the game window is cropped (I have a screenshot) - also increasing the pixels per degree doesn't seem to increase the quality noticeable. Any ideas, what I am doing wrong or how I can improve the experience? What does increase the visual quality, right now the image is very pixelated... Sorry, its a long text, but I thought it helps, when you see, what I already worked out. Thank you so much for your help!