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And yes, that includes Cyberpunk 2077 []-D

I know that so many of you have been waiting for this one. I'm sorry that it took me so long. The Hogwarts Legacy insta-mod contributed to the delay, but the main reason was that I didn't want to ship AER v2 for CP2077 until automatic frame rate control was ready, because when that works it makes everything so much easier. Unfortunately however Auto is still too unstable even for early access, so for now I only enabled the two manual modes you're already familiar with: "1/2 rate"  and "1/3 rate", which on a typical 90 Hz headset will respectively run the game at 90 fps and 60 fps.

So, at the bottom of the post you'll find release 9.5.0. Its main features and improvements are:

  • RealConfig support for Hogwarts Legacy, and of course everything that was already in release 9.4.5.
  • Finally we're back to a unified archive for all supported games. You'll no longer need to keep track of which mod version works with which games ;-)
  • "1/2 rate" and "1/3 rate" AER v2 now supported for all games, including Cyberpunk 2077 but also all the others that were still missing: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Ghostwire Tokyo, Stray, Ghostrunner.
  • No Auto mode yet for any of the games, except for Dark Souls: Remastered where it's temporarily hard-coded to replace the old R.E.A.L. mode, so people who can achieve full frame rate don't need to use obsolete mod versions. That means that in DS:R you'll be able to replicate the old behavior (180 fps) by selecting "AER v2" from the dropdown menu instead of "1/2 rate" or "1/3 rate".

Hope this works for everybody! I changed so many things that it's almost guaranteed I messed something up, and I had very little time for testing because of the work on Hogwarts Legacy, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and I'll be here fixing what's broken in the next few days :-)



anyone get graphical like glitches in there headset while playing cyberpunk? I never used to before this update I also done a fresh install


Bug report: As soon as I enter combat in the mission Disasterpiece the game will crash after one minute of gameplay. This happened like 10 times in a row even with a re-install. Also , sometimes when I start CP, the image looks like a shattered explosion glitch running at 2fps


Hogwarts Legacy does not start at all in VR after renaming the nvidia file and the real config does not work at all either it says to start the game when it has been started and played through. Must not have tested the Epic Games Launcher version I assume.


I figured out the issue, you forgot to include the (cudart64_110.dll) file in the v9_5_0 version. I put that file in the same directory with the realconfig.


I am however, getting a strange graphical bug in Cyberpunk. (Didn't get this pre-AERv2). Occasionally, the bottom ~1/3 of the headset's (Quest 2) display will become overlayed by a light gray "smokescreen" which seems like it could be caused by some smoke effects in the game. Changing the target PPD slightly usually makes this go away for a while, but eventually it always comes back. It could be a red herring, but seems to be the part of the screen which can't be seen on my monitor.


I believe you are using Oculus Link, I'm not sure what causes this smokescreen effect but it is not unique to this release nor Cyberpunk. I have noticed this behavior when using my Quest 2 (also a 3080) with Link, via Air and Cable, in a number of games. I haven't found any behavior that directly causes it other than just playing for a bit of time. If you end up finding what causes this, I would also love to know as I have yet to find a fix to prevent it from happening. My fix was to just use Virtual Desktop as it doesn't happen there.


Hi, I can't press "pause" buttom for start cyberpunk in quest 2. ¿How I can do it?


CP2077 crashing during the Yorinobu braindance, anyone else having issues with it?


Ok so now it works, if you havent played in a while, sometimes the games uupdate, and you add a new mod and it doesnt work... Just uninstall and reinstall the game, add mod, and works!


I had this in previous versions as well. I just completed it in 2d and switch back TO VR afterward to continue on.


Tried AER v2 1/2 and 1/3 but there is ghosting and looks worst than Mono, tried with DLSS on or off but still can't figure it out, isn't AER v2 supposed to make it look way better and smoother? need help

Brandon(Post Maester)

It depends on the game still and what mode. It works better in some games than others at the moment. If you are running 1/3 you will probably have some motion reprojection. 1/2 will have less to none as long as you are hitting whatever fps your headset is set to, preferably 90. That also depends on the game and your hardware. It was meant to eliminate the motion judder from playing at lower fps and it does this very well in some games but I believe Luke plans to work on it more in the future to improve its performance both in general and in specific titles.


Using the Aer v.2 I don't perceive any visual improvement and not even an increase in performance if I use 1/3. Also I have a higher latency which makes the gaming experience worse than when I use the Aer v.1... I believed it but I think I will continue to use the V.1...


Did the Hogwarts Legacy March 8th update break compatibility for anyone else?


I'm also having issues loading openxr on my pico 4. Oculus is the only runtime that loads. Here's my log https://pastebin.com/rQevV439

Brandon(Post Maester)

Are you using virtual desktop? Looks like it is trying to connect to a quest 2 and then failing to find it in the log. Your runtime should be SteamVR if you are using Pico with VD. Oculus should not enter the equation anywhere.




Sorry i am late ...a very busy day .....the Log ist from Cyberpunk with 9.5.0

Brandon(Post Maester)

No worries, just use that reply button and I'll forgive you :) The log still says it is not available, maybe you are making it private or something?


For me AER 2 to gives too much latency

Brandon(Post Maester)

Try having teenagers, always surprised by the latency of the teenage mind :) Just make sure you are hitting the target frame rate without lots of dips, also depends on the game and how quick the action is. It is nice to have options though. Who knows maybe AI will offer some giant gaming improvements in the years to come. Or maybe it will just find the concept of Squid Games exciting and decide to imprison us and make us compete for its own entertainment. The future is full of possibilities :9)


Sadly I'm not getting along with this release at all (CP2077). On legacy AER (9_3_3) I was getting a solid 80-90fps with most settings on high (DLSS Quality, no SSR)., 18.9 rez in the custom VR settings. All on a 3080 with a Ryzen 7 3700x. With AER 2 I get a horrendous wobble on the whole image at anything except 13 or below on the custom settings....which is just too low rez for a game like this. The wobble is akin to when you turn on Steam's motion smoothing. It's completely unplayable. Worse still, legacy AER is performing worse in this version than it did in the previous one. So yeah looks like I gotta roll back and downgrade for the time being....

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yeah, the overhead with AER2 makes it a difficult choice still. Hopefully improvements will come in the future but for now just use what works for you and you can enjoy. It is odd that you get worse performance with Legacy as it should be the same. I use the same settings and get the same performance on my end with the newer versions. Could be a tiny difference I am just not noticing but nothing substantial at all. Although I should say that I don't play CP much anymore just now and then to test or check something out.


Hi! I'm new to this, so I may be overlooking something. But I cannot seem to find any instructions for how to install the mod for Cyberpunk.


Nevermind - I just found the pinned post. For some reason it didn't show up for me after I signed up.


On flat screen I get over 200fps in cyberpunk on a 1440p monitor near to 300

Brandon(Post Maester)

Please use the reply button to keep things organized, plus it will notify people when you reply to them. First, you have to consider that you are now running two screens essentially instead of one. Second, you are looking at things far more closely than they were designed for so they will naturally look more pixelated/blurry. I have a 4090 and 5800x and I can run with most settings on High, DLSS Quality at the highest resolution in game settings 3900 something at 80-90 fps. I do not have any RT on as it is still very performance heavy in VR (two screens instead of one) and it does not look near as good in VR as it does on flat screen to me in any game I have tried. You will also want to swap back to DLSS 2.5.1 and give it a shot on Quality as it reduces the haloing in Cyberpunk by quite a bit. I will put a link, just download the file and drop it into the same game folder where you put the REAL mod files. The blurriness in the distance is made worse by TAA and you can disable it but then you will have lots of aliasing and jaggies to deal with. DLSS 2.5.1 seems to have the least offensive TAA implementation of the bunch, unless something new came out in the last few weeks that I haven't tried yet. There should also be some decent videos on YouTube for good 4090 VR settings for Cyberpunk at this point I would think. I also opt for higher quality textures off of Nexus, 2k is good for most things and 4k only for skin and some environment assets, otherwise you may get shimmering on small/medium items if you do 4k. Welcome to the world of PCVR mods :) its a lot of learning and experimenting as PC game modding is in general.


Bro I have a 3070 and I run Cyberpunk on Ultra, w DLSS Quality , no RT ,but I set the res a tad lower than 2160p still looks nice.

Brandon(Post Maester)

If you are happy there, then that is great! For most people I think higher resolution with lower settings would look better visually but It is all about you enjoying the experience in the end :)


Ya Im surprised how Cyberpunk runs smooth on my 3070! I'll have to experiement with higher settings.


Having trouble with Hogwarts, hopefully he can make it just as smooth as CPunk with some tweeking.


Single Network Firewall??AS the game- Ghostwire Tokyo - its a spanking new Rig, rtx 4090 core 19 3900k,Ethernet speed 1000mb Brandon, full discloser, PC's where never my thing I was OS user but have been for along time going down the rabbit hole of VR. Brandon you did it! I went into all app's and closed them down and switched off. also windows firewall and opened the game directly on desktop, when I open headset it links and opens Oculus app then launching game & opens steam. the games seems to be working very well so thank you. but now I need the perfect settings for the game - where should I look, and what about firewall?

Brandon(Post Maester)

HAHA, you shouldn't need to close all your apps but if it is a prebuilt, there could likely be some kind of performance software causing a conflict. Does it have Geforce or anything like that installed? Most likely there was something specific causing the conflict. Now that you have a working baseline, you can turn things back on or try running them to find where the conflict actually is. It could possibly be the firewall I suppose and then you would have to allow whatever it is blocking through the firewall. You will need to look up how to allow an application through your firewall, should be some good videos on Youtube. Yeah, I have only gotten into PC gaming maybe 5 or so years ago, I was always a console gamer growing up. PCs can be a lot of learning depending on what you want to do with it and really optimizing your performance. Its so easy to make mistakes and not even know it. Probably the worst experience I had was when I knocked my CPU off the desk and bent some pins :( I had just spent like $400 on it and I just remember feeling absolutely heart broken. Luckily I was able to fix it and get all the pins bent back. I swear, upgrading my PC can be way more nerve racking than any of my RE VR experiences :)


Hey yeah has Geforce installed, have really no notion how to use it, I'll start testing, you tube being the new learning method, funny howI wasnt able to find one person that had this problem, well one guy that didn't remember how he fixed it Ha, Brandon you are a God !! thank you for your time a patients.

Brandon(Post Maester)

NP, please do use the reply button to keep things organized though :) Let me know if you have more issues with the mod. I honestly would just uninstall Geforce, it can have some uses but it can also just get in the way and hinder performance as well.


Hmm.. I'm logged into steamdb but it will only display last 16 depots and I think v 1.6.1 is later than that, any thoughts on how to view older depots? Edit, update broke a lot of mods so doing a fresh install first.


Just been playing a little in 4k overdrive with 100fps, still feels empty without VR, you've spoilt us broski, any thoughts on a mod update or is it a lot of work?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Looking at images of Overdrive VS RT High, the difference is not really that big for the huge performance cost. I haven't tried it though, what are your thoughts? Unfortunately Luke is out of town for a couple weeks so will have to wait until he gets back for a fix :( He needed a break though, all the AER2 work while still doing game mods was pretty brutal really.


"Fixing folder permissions... Successfully processed 111 files; Failed processing 0 files Working around NVIDIA V-Sync bug... WARNING: A new profile backup will NOT be made because one already exists in the RealRepo folder. Forcing V-Sync to Off for application "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe"... V-Sync is already forced off for this application/profile Success! Installing graphics settings preset... Copying game specific files... 1 file(s) copied. Cleaning up... All done!" After downgrading it still doesn't work :(


No that I’ve got it working at 9.5.0 on 1.6.1 with Ray tracing, high res… AER2 is pretty amazing. The depth at which I’m seeing the game in high resolution at a frame rate that isn’t choppy or making me sick… it’s next level VR. I tried it on both my Rift S and Quest 2 and I can’t wait to see what a difference something like the Quest 3 will be able to do. Those of you with the Pro or Index…. Is it even crazier?


After some type of Steam game update, Cyberpunk 2077 VR is no longer activating. The game remains in 2D theater mode after launching game. Reinstalling REAL fix files/folders did not change anything. Note that, prior to this game update, V9.5.0 was working great with Cyberpunk 2077. Using Varjo Aero with 4090, VR Wire 2, i9-13900K, 64 GB, max graphics and window size (3920x3920), with DLSS set for optimal quality.

Brandon(Post Maester)

You will need to roll back to the previous version until Luke gets back in a couple days and starts working on a fix hopefully. For Steam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5H-Lef0YS0


Same here, I can't get it to work. It opens in theatre mode on steam.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you roll back, link in comment above yours, and don't open SteamVR before launching the game if you are. Double check that the game is actually on 1.61 after you downgrade by right clicking the games .exe file, selecting properties and then details.


I am rolling back game to jan and see if that works


got it working but only by rolling back to jan 31st and using lukes v9-3-2


9.6.2 doesn't work with the Cyberpunk2077 1.6.2 updated version of the game. Are you planning to release a fix to address this problem? It's been a while since we heard from you Luke.


think he is on vacation


that is why i rolled back

Brandon(Post Maester)

Luke is on Vacation through today, should work on a fix when he gets back. For now, you can downgrade to the previous version on Steam and GOG. For Steam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5H-Lef0YS0

Brandon(Post Maester)

Thanks for being helpful and responding but please use the reply button to help keep things more organized :)


Daft question but can anyone with a Pico 4 help me into running Cyberpunk in VR? I have downgraded to a working version

Brandon(Post Maester)

What kind of behavior or errors are you getting? Did the config file run without any issues? If you check the .exe version is it actually 1.61?


yeah definitely V 1_61. no errors running the config file. Using VD but no option to jump into VR, is there a keyboard key to open Luke's VR options within the game?

Brandon(Post Maester)

No, you should be able to run the game from your library just fine. You should not have to start SteamVR first. I think a couple people have had to start it for some odd reason but you usually do not want to start any extra software, just run the game like you were playing it flat and the mod should start whatever it needs. As long as your headset is active. Also make sure you have the "use optimal resolution" box unchecked in VD settings unless you need it for streaming.

Brandon(Post Maester)

The shortcut for the Real overlay is the pause key on keyboard. Usually both triggers, both thumb sticks or start and pause together for gamepad, depending on the game.


aer 2 not showing up,how toi?

Brandon(Post Maester)

It will say 1/3 or 1/2 in the Real Overlay as apposed to Legacy AER, both of those options are AER2 locking at either 90 (if that is the hz your headset is set to) or 60 for 1/3 but should feel like you are playing at 180fps or 2x whatever your headset is set to.


Hi Luke... just became a Patron and trying to wrap my head around everything. I am a longtime 3DV/SD3D/VR user, so not my first rodeo, but I can't seem to use my wireless Xbox one or wired Dualsense controllers in Horizon while using your mod (except to call up the menu via the 2 triggers on the Xbox one controller.) I tried toggling steam controller input on/off, but that didn't help. Are we limited to mouse/keyboard in-game? Thanks.

Brandon(Post Maester)

No, Xbox controller should work just fine. Sometimes I have to toggle Steam Input off then on as you did but also restart my system. I have also had to go into Steams Controller settings and just uncheck all the controller support options and then check again. You could also try switching to default settings instead of Steam input.


Thanks for your help - restarting Steam did the trick. One other question. In some of the in-game engine cut scenes, my perspective is from below floor level. Is that expected behavior or is there a setting that will adjust that? The Y-axis control of the right stick is disabled during these scenes.

Brandon(Post Maester)

No, that is not expected behavior in general unless you are maybe using first person in Hogwarts as it will mess up the camera views in cutscenes. Unless you are switching to first person view from the overlay in a game the cutscenes should be working fine. Is your floor level in your VR boundary setup accurate?


Yes, floor height is correct (Quest Pro) and am using the TP camera. I am also using Virtual Desktop - could that be the issue?

Brandon(Post Maester)

I haven't had that issue with VD before personally but the more software you have interacting with each other the more possible conflicts. What game are you playing?


Hmm... Playing Horizon ZD

Brandon(Post Maester)

I haven't played that with VD in quite some time, I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning and let you know if it is any different for me.


Is there any estimated time frame for AERv2 to be updated for Cyberpunk to work on the current game version? I'm unsure how long these things usually take and I don't mean to be pressing but I'm just curious if there's any timeframe that could be given? A week? A month? I honestly just didn't want to roll back the game but if it's going to be a long time then I may consider it. I also obviously signed up as soon as it broke thinking a fix would be within a month (I was guessing) to the Patreon again not knowing Luke would be out on vacation for 2 weeks. Not that he doesn't deserve a vacation :)


NP... I have just been messing around with it for the last hour or so. I'm starting to think my Alienware M15/3070 is not a powerful enough rig for the demands of the game in VR. I have played with lowering graphics settings, different 1:1 resolutions, etc., but the missing textures and draw-in are really bad. I have played the game in S3D with Superdepth3D and it has performed very well and looks great, so I'm not sure what the issue might be.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yeah, I had no issues with cutscenes playing the beginning again this morning. If you are having really bad texture pop in or missing textures then that is probably the case. I remember having that with my 3070 on PC which is going to be more powerful than the laptop version if I tried to get up past the base resolution set by the config file. Since some of the camera angles are from the floor I can see that being an issue in combination with that. The floor angles looked fine for me though, I could see the character and world as I was meant to. You should be able to play at a lower res with DLSS on though, just a matter of finding where the textures don't have issues loading in. If you are playing on High settings, you could definitely lower them to get some more performance as well.


Yep... just tested on my old desktop (2070) and it runs much better. No more pop-in and everything doable on Medium settings at 1920x1920 w/Fid FX on Ultra Quality. One thing, though, a lot of blurring when moving the camera on the X-axis and seems to happen even when dropping the resolution. Any ideas?


my captures for Spidey are shaking, how could I do for have a good capture?

Brandon(Post Maester)

I do not do any capturing so Flat2VR discord is probably a better place to ask. There should be a box you can check in the mod overlay to create a source for OBS if that is what you are using. I also have a link to some software I saved but have not tried it. It is for OpenVR though. https://github.com/baffler/OBS-OpenVR-Input-Plugin


Hi! I have been trying to use room scale on my Oculus in HZD. When I turn, the left/right movement becomes inverted, which makes it hard to play. (The issue also occurs when only turning the head a bit to the side, as one does while seated. In this case the character moves only a bit in the wrong direction, which might make people nauseated easier, but is no show stopper.) The cause might be that the head movement is handled differently to the camera movement through stick/mouse. A workaround could be to just always reset the camera before walking, but I couldnt figure out how to do that on a gamepad. Any thoughts how to handle that?

Brandon(Post Maester)

I don't remember having any issue looking around in HZD at all. What headset are you using and how is it connected to your PC? May want to look at the in game settings and make sure there is no aim assist or head movement type settings you have on? You can reset the VR position by shaking your head no a couple times.


Hi Brandon. Thanks for always being so quick to reply. I have an Oculus Quest 2 and currently connect it via cable as if it were a Rift. I dont use Steam VR. Good idea to double-check the game settings, but aim assist is off. What head movement settings are you referring to? The kind of camera reset that fixes it is the one within REAL. Shaking the head resets it for the headset ingame does not seem to have an effect.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Hmm I wonder if the character model and your headset view are off somehow for some reason or if there is something up with your environment setup? I am using a G2 mainly but using VD with my Pico works just fine as well. I can look around in my headset perfectly with no issues. How is your performance overall? Its easy for me to always say everything works great for me when I have a 4090 :) I tried messing with the camera compensation settings in the overlay as well as some other settings and I couldn't get the behavior you are having so not sure what to tell you really. Are you using a newer version of REAL? If all else fails you could try running the config file again or a fresh install of the game.


Hi Brandon. Are you saying that turning the head SHOULD be equivalent to changing the view via mouse? Just to clarify, my issue is not looking around, it's walking around. When I turn my head or body to the side and then try to move into that direction, I move somewhere else. (Into what had been the “forward” direction before turning). My performance is usually above 40-50fps. I had to reduce the resolution to 1344^2, below the pixel number that I play the game in flat. When using REAL's default resolution setting, the world shows up seriously incomplete (not just poor quality). I reinstalled the game a few times while trying to get REAL to run at all. Never helped. (Back then I needed your insights to fix that :-)) So what I did now is update to the latest version REAL, running its BAT file, and removing my few mods. Didnt change anything though...


I have a similar problem with HZD - I'm hoping this is just a setting I am missing. I like to play this game in third person but when I move the character, she moves properly but the camera with either move way up in the air so I am looking down in bird like view or down to the ground level looking up like a fox. This constant shift of the horizon really makes you stomach turn. Am I missing something?

Brandon(Post Maester)

No, sorry I did not understand initially. It sounded like you were saying that when you move your head sideways the camera has some kind of vertical shift or something like that. Your headset view and the character model are not connected, so when you move your physical body or head the directions will not necessarily match up. So if you look sideways and then move, the character is still facing the same way it was unless you move the in game view with the thumbstick. I guess the least motion sickness inducing way to play would be to still use the thumb sticks in combination to look around as much possible and then your own view to look up or down or get closer looks at things. I don't really get motion sickness very easy at all, so never bothered me.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Hmmmm, again, I haven't played this game much in quite a while but that sounds odd that the camera would get that far away. You can adjust the camera distance in the overlay if you need to move it closer.


Yes I have seen that in the settings but it does not stop the camera from flying.


Is there a way to temporally disable the mod to see if this issue also happens in flat? Wonder if it could be a controller issue


Hi David. The change in camera height you are describing is I THINK the normal behavior when moving the mouse or camera stick up and down. It also happens when playing on PC, it’s just less noteworthy. Also confused me initially. So “just” don’t change the camera in that direction. Happy to hear that I am not the lone player of HZD at the moment ;-)


Using the sticks as you describe is what I do while seated. But the whole point of room scale is to be able to turn as in real life, which I think is much more immersive. So coupling head and camera stick motion would be a nice feature. But looking at the issue that David is having, it might be trickier than it seems... A workaround would be to find an option to easily reset the camera within REAL. REAL allows to assign arbitrary keys on the keyboard for that function. Is there also a way to assign game controller buttons?


I disabled the mod to see if the behaviour was the same while playing pancake. Nope camera remains locked in the character. Push stick up camera pans up as it should pointing at character. Push stick down and we have a locked on pan down. Looks like it might be a mod setting or the mod is made so camera is free which won’t work for me.


would love to have also 1/4 rate as my pimax 5k+ at 90HZ has headset tracking latency while in 120hz mode is perfect, so 1/4 frame will allow 60hz cap at 120hz. By the way as i'm one of the guy that have always complained about how bad was aer with that scroll-ghosting i have to say that this is a big leap forward, at the price of some artifacts but is much better than the old behaviour.

Brandon(Post Maester)

It could happen somewhere down the road eventually as Luke has already tried it himself I believe. No word on including it yet though.


Hi guys, is there a easy to be able to see the dialogue on the bottom left? and the map?


hogwarts legacy

Brandon(Post Maester)

Does the map just not show up for you at all? If the HUD seems off, try changing the ppd slightly and hitting adapt resolution, sometimes when you change the resolution things are too close and if you do it again once or twice it will usually sort itself. Make sure you don't have DLSS sharpening on as it will zoom in on things for some reason. Also, make sure the game is not locking you at 60fps after the latest update in the games settings. If you tried switching to windowed mode instead of windowed full screen this can cause issues with the cursor not reaching the screen and perhaps other things. I think I actually had to delete the game folder completely and reinstall to fix that when it happened to me, just running the config file again did not fix it. Do you have any other mods installed? Also make sure you don't have any other gaming or overlay software running, like Geforce, OpenXR toolkit etc...


Brandon. Thank you so much for your detailed help. Let me give them a try and get back to you. Cheers!


Hey folks, three quick questions after running the latest 10_0_3 mod including realconfig.bat for Hogwarts legacy: (1) The screen seems pancake-y. I'm in full VR, I'm not seeing the desktop or anything, but when I look around while in the world it looks more like a flat image to both my eyes than two images with different perspectives. Just want to make sure this is the intended functioning of the mod; (2) When I look at my character, there's a lot of artifacting around it. A sort of blurring, odd effect. My settings are ultra quality, so I'm confused; and (3) What are the controls / configs to change the camera perspective? Thank you!

Brandon(Post Maester)

1. You should have a stereoscopic 3d view of the game that is producing renders from each eye (they are alternating so not synched simultaneously) so it should not look pancake-y. 2. The mod will default to using AER2 (1/2 or 1/3) which will come with additional artifacting mainly around the character but also around objects depending on how sensitive you are to it. You can switch this to Legacy AER which is not producing the extra frames and therefore should not have that same artifacting but may have more motion jitter. This also heavily depends on your fps, you want to make sure you are getting a solid 90 fps (assuming your headset is set to 90hz) at 1/2 or 60fps at 1/3. Also want to get 80-90 fps on Legacy to avoid bad jitter and performance issues in general. 70 at the lowest probably. 3. You can open the real overaly using the pause/break key on your keyboard or pressing in both thumbsticks or triggers for most games. Some games will be pause and select button. I think Hogwarts is both sticks but don't remember 100%. The first screen of the overlay will have camera options, make sure you read and it will explain how to get further into the overlay as well as what cameras you can pick. You can alter the cameras to your liking here as well. Hope that helps, let me know if you have more questions :)


Hello everyone, I am new to the pc scene and I am old. However, Ive been coming along ok. Does anyone have a list for me on what mods to use on nexusmods.com? I am overwhelmed and dont want the mods to interfere with Luke's mod. My specs are pretty optimal, so im not worried about over doing it. Thanks in adavance


Question About AER. Am i doing someting wrong? When i use 1/3 it runs the best. when i change to 1/2 i stutters but when i put AER its not even playable. - too much stutters. I have 4070Ti so as far as I knowit shoud handle it. Maybe i shoud change Oculus framerate settings? i have it on 80hz


I seem to be having an issue with the preview window being super jittery in CP2077 the HMD visuals look fine but the preview is super jittery, as if its rendering the left and right eyes every other frame.

Brandon(Post Maester)

AER2 carries extra overhead because it is generating extra frames and HL is also CPU heavy as well. Have you tried turning down some settings to gain extra overhead? I am guessing the setting probaby default pretty high and some of them are actually not worth it in VR if you look closely while changing them. In Hogwarts turning down the vegetation setting to medium actually has a significant impact on performance for example from Ultra or High or whatever the max is. Also make sure to turn the population setting down as that will make a big difference around Hogwarts Castle especially. You could go down to 72HZ to lower the fps needed for 1/2 further but if you have not tried lowering the game settings, I would definitely start there.

Brandon(Post Maester)

That is precisely what it is doing with AER. That is normal behavior for the game window. Some VR software has its own mirror you could use like WMR or if you are using Oculus, REAL actually has a built in OBS source you could use for capturing.


Hello, I'm having trouble with Dark Souls: Remastered crashing while using the mod. Usually happens during combat and it happens quite frequently. Running the game flat there are no issues. Here is my log https://pastebin.com/RNgka3Yc

Brandon(Post Maester)

In the future, if you could please post under a newer Patreon post that would be ideal. I don't often scroll back far. Thanks for the log, it looks like a couple patches are not applying correctly. I will have to test out on my end to see if I get the same behavior.