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Dear friends,

today I want to try something new <3

I know that so many of you have been waiting to play Hogwarts Legacy in VR.

The game officially releases tomorrow, but with the Deluxe Edition they granted 72 hours of early access. So I dived in and drafted a VERY ROUGH preview release of a R.E.A.L. VR mod for the game.

With the occasion I would like to shed some light onto the process I use to cook up these conversions, so if you're feeling brave please follow me into my virtual laboratory... never mind the skeletons :-D

The double-early-access draft is attached below.

Setup instructions

The mod is in no way complete! Please excuse the chaos and debris everywhere.

There is no RealConfig yet: just unzip the archive into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64" folder (or whatever your custom path is if you have a version from a different store, or you changed your Steam library location).

In case you have a 4090 card, or if the game doesn't want to enter VR, you should also navigate to the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Nvidia\Streamline\Binaries\ThirdParty\Win64" or equivalent, and rename "sl.interposer.dll" to "sl.interposer_bak.dll".

When you start the game next time it should enter VR. Be patient with the preliminary phase where it "prepares" shaders (I don't know why but for me it does that every single time I launch the game). After that is done, frame rate should go back up to normal and you should be able to access the menus.

You will need to manually change at least the following settings:

  • WINDOW MODE to Windowed Fullscreen (otherwise the game will force you to your monitor resolution which is usually no good in VR)
  • VSYNC to OFF
  • FRAMERATE to Uncapped

Then you'll want to bring up the mod overlay (both thumbsticks on the gamepad or Pause/Break on the keyboard), use the "Target pixels per degree" slider to select a resolution of about 2384x1904, and press the "Adapt resolution" button. Of course the pixels per degree value that you should choose depends on how powerful your GPU is and on what compromise you want to strike between sharpness and fluidity.

Update: I am aware that the resolution needs to be set again when a new level is loaded, and I will try to fix that. Fixed in release 9.4.4!

The mod has preliminary support for AER v2. If you don't go crazy with the resolution I recommend "1/2 rate", otherwise select "1/3 rate" to let your GPU breathe and allow for higher pixel densities.

Be warned that if you wanna try this, it's going to be a very bumpy ride!

Most options in the "HOGWARTS" page of the overlay will do nothing. However "Force 2D virtual screen" should be working and you can use it if you find a section of the game which is impassable in VR.

Navigating the overlay with the gamepad will be possible, but button presses will leak through to the game. Update: Fixed in release 9.4.5.

Cutscenes will be watchable and 3D, but show the obnoxious "cinematic" black bars.
Update: Black bars removed in release 9.4.1.

Some menu options will be unreachable if you select resolutions much higher than your monitor can display.
Update for release 9.4.2: the software cursor provided by the game, controlled by the gamepad, can now reach all of the virtual screen. Avoid using the mouse or you'll still limited by the monitor size.

World markers (the UI items that are supposed to be attached to world objects, like quest indicators or health bars) will not be in the correct position. They are always one of the most annoying and time-consuming issues to fix.
Update for release 9.4.2: I fixed some of them but the majority (especially in the world maps) are still floating in the wrong positions.
Update for release 9.4.3: All world markers should be fixed. There is one issue left with the game-provided software cursor (details at the end of the post).
Update for release 9.4.4: Some quest markers were still glitchy, but they should be correctly placed now. Also the map is finally usable in 3D (more info the end of the post).

You might get some errors in the log file, which I'm going to take care of as I make further progress on this.

Final notes and updates

I will be updating this later today if I manage to fix anything else on the fly, and certainly during the next few days.

Let me know what you think of this approach! I'm not saying by any means that I will make it the rule for all new releases, as I don't really like to serve food undercooked ;-)

But I wanted to surprise you with an unexpected release, even though I do apologize for the state it's in []-D

Release updated to 9.4.1: The black bars in cutscenes should no longer be visible now. I had missed one place where the camera aspect ratio was hard-coded by the game to 16:9 instead of following the one dictated by the chosen resolution. Apart from the annoyance of having to do adjustments manually, the main issue remaining for playability is the world markers showing in the wrong place, which I will try to fix tomorrow.

Release updated to 9.4.2: The software cursor provided by the game can now be moved to all positions of the virtual screen with the gamepad stick. Avoid using the mouse for that or you'll still be limited by the monitor size. I fixed some of the world markers but the majority (especially in the world maps) are still floating in the wrong positions and will require additional work.

Release updated to 9.4.3: All world markers should be in the correct position now. Maps are almost fully functional, except for the in-game cursor being properly aligned  to the floating HUD but not to the world markers. I will probably need to implement a manual solution where you can click the left thumbstick to toggle the cursor between being drawn on the HUD (in 2D, to select menu entries) versus being pushed into the world (in 3D, to select locations).

Release updated to 9.4.4: Turns out some quest markers were still glitchy, but they should all be properly placed now. Also, maps are now 100% functional in 3D, although it might take some time to get used to my proposed interaction model. Basically you'll see that the software cursor (the big white/yellow circle) provided by the game can now be toggled between two modes by clicking the left thumbstick on the gamepad.
In the default mode the cursor is 2D: it aligns correctly with (and allows you to select) all menu entries in the game UI. If you click the left thumbstick while in a map, however, the cursor/circle will become a 3D world object which can be moved around either with the left gamepad stick or simply by turning your head. In this new mode the cursor will align correctly with the world icons, and in addition the game will try to help by snapping it onto the icons when it's close to them.
All the surrounding information (like the textual descriptions of quests and locations) will stay in place as you look around, and it will not follow your head. My advice for easier interaction is: before selecting a world location, turn your head a little to the right; then use the left thumbstick to move the cursor leftward until it snaps onto the desired icon. That way, when the description appears on the right side, you'll already be looking straight at it and reading the text will be much more comfortable.
I find that having the maps in 3D is fun and it more than makes up for the bit of inconvenience in dealing with my dual-mode cursor. That said, you can always use the "Force 2D virtual screen" option on the overlay if dealing with the 3D interaction seems overly frustrating.

Release updated to 9.4.5: This new release brings several important improvements to gameplay.

  • Fades to black will no longer incorrectly be applied to the HUD only, and will instead darken the whole virtual world as expected.
  • Items that you find in chests will now be properly listed on the HUD, instead of being pushed in the upper right corner of your visual field where they were mostly unreadable.
  • I updated the mod to hook the latest Steam Input interfaces; when navigating the R.E.A.L. VR overlay with an XInput-compatible gamepad, buttons will no longer leak through to the game.
  • Slow motion and pause commands are now functional in the "HOGWARTS" overlay page for some epic boss battles :-D
  • Most important of all: aiming will now work correctly, with the crosshair tied to your gaze, placed at the proper depth and exactly showing where your spells will land!

It seems like we're finally getting somewhere with this 0-day mod! I played a good chunk of the beginning of the game and everything seems to be working fine in VR. Also the performance is not bad, considering how grandiose the game looks :-)



Is there somewhere I can download the 9.4.3 version?


When you try and adapt any new resolution it crashes back to 2d as unresponsive until you ctl-alt-del and force the exe to shutdown. any eta on a fix for this?

Brandon(Post Maester)

It does not seem to be a common issue. What version of Real are you running? Do you have it set to windowed? You renamed the interposer file? What resolution is the windowed resolution set to in the game settings? Also make sure you are not running geforce, OpenXR Toolkit or any other possible overlays or performance software that could be interfering. Also PC specs and Headset etc info would be helpful.


same thing too both with this and the latest 5.0,pimax 8kx and 4090,renamed the dll etc


After playing for about 45 min, I consistently get a small windows dialog popup that says lockfree_table capacity exceeded class lockfree_table unsigned _int64,struct ID3D12Resource * _ptr64, 128,void I can mash the enter key and it goes away and I can sometimes play for a little longer before it happens again (but I usually only get a few seconds), but I usually then just exit the game and restart playing for another ~45 min until it happens again. I am using a quest 2, link cable, 90 Hz, 4090 GPU, windows 11, setting that AER2 thing to 1/2, 20.0 resolution slider (but it happens when I back off too), high in-game graphics settings, ray tracing all off, DLAA anti aliasing. I'm getting 90 fps most of the time with some areas dipping it down to ~75-80 fps Is this a bug that can be fixed? It's only mildly annoying to have to restart the game every 45 min, but it would be nice if that wasn't needed :) Didn't have this issue when using your mod in spiderman or CP2077. Overall, this VR mod has been amazing. Keep it up!


I had the same issue, turned on dsll and the problem disappear


I tried it with AMD FSR 2 Quality enabled. could play over 50 minutes, no error. But it looks bad in compairson to the original. Perhaps you stumbled over a possible fix (for the time being)? Edit: Elaborated a bit.


I play with 1/2


How do I set the world scale up? Is that an option in the settings menu?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Yeah, should be an option in the Hogwarts tab of the overlay. Yes, DLSS runs at a lower resolution and then upscales it so it will say the actual res vs the upscaled one.


I'm sure Luke is still working on this to fine tune it. Because what he did with Cyberpunk 2077 AER 2.0 Looks awesome even on my 3070 and no ghosting! I hope this will be the same cuz this is an incredible game, a masterpiece of art and most likely Game of the Year.


But that is because Hogwartz locks the res settings based on hardware analysis in the beginning where it boots up and can only go to 1980 max and even lower on DLSS. Which is why I have halo/ghosting around the characters.

Brandon(Post Maester)

You have to use the ppd slider to change the resolution in VR. DLSS will still render from a lower resolution as you adjust the ppd but it will help you go higher. Use the reply button also please to try and keep things more organized for people to look through.


Where is the ppd slider? Is that on the Real VR config or the game settings itself? Because in the game settings its grays out to where it wont let me change anything if I have it on DLSS. Also Im having issues with head tracking where the Rift wont detect it sometimes saying lack of light. But it only happens on Hogwarts. When it does work, the head tracking is locked. Im sure Luke Ross is working on this. Gotta be patient.

Brandon(Post Maester)

That sounds like a lighting issue with your room/setup. I really don't think that is a mod issue. The ppd slider is on the main tab of the mod overlay, not in the games settings. Push the pause key on the keyboard to open the overlay. Either press both thumbsticks or triggers on gamepad, can't remember which for Hogwarts.


Will this work with virtual desktop?


Works for me. I can recommend to play it with the first person mod.


You need a separate mod vom NexusMods: https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/869 there are some problems with the hud, but overall it works pretty good together with the VR mod


Thank you for the Fast answer. I have install the mod and i have the menu. But when i make the firstperson Mode. I only have a transparent Avatar. Without the VR mod it works. Habe you any make some other Option?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Now you can just use first person with the REAL mod :). You may need to uninstall the fp cam files for the other mod as they may conflict with REAL.


The camera setting in REAL mod don't work for me. Nothing happened

Brandon(Post Maester)

Have you updated to the newest version and run the .config file? Should be a new menu with camera options that opens before the usual Real overlay.


This MOD now has a first person mode


Anyone got advice ? The mod is great but the picture quality I get in VR is super grainy. I tried various resolution from the REAL menu and changing from 1/3 to 1/2 to mono .. i got a bit better but.. yah grainy even at near 2000shx2000ish. and yes i made the necessary change (blur off, windowed fullscreen etc)

Brandon(Post Maester)

2732x2732 is around 4k I believe, that is where things start to look pretty decent overall, of course it is a matter of opinion/expectations to some degree. Remember you are looking at something far closer than it was designed for, you are basically blowing up the screen and shoving it closer to your face. Also the game doesn't seem to support 1:1 resolutions like Cyberpunk which would be beneficial as well. If you can lower settings and/or use DLSS (ideally Quality) to raise your resolution as much as possible, it will look much better. You could also remove things like bloom which can get in the way of overall color contrast as well as increasing contrast to make things stand out more. But Higher resolution is the most simple and direct method to gain a better image in PCVR mods in general.


What Target pixels per degree would you suggest for a GTX 1660 SUPER?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Honestly that is on the lower end of the VR GPU spectrum so I am not quite sure. I would recommend lowering any settings you can as much as possible to increase the ppd though. High settings at a low PPD will never look better than higher ppd on low settings for the most part. Textures would be a probable exception. There are some mods on Nexus for lower end systems that may also be of benefit for you as well. It really is sad that PC gaming has become so ridiculously expensive at the high end. Hell, even at the newer mid end thanks to Nvidia :(


I have a Varjo Aero Headsest and RTX 4090 - How does it work?

Brandon(Post Maester)

I would imagine it just uses SteamVR as a runtime but I have zero experience with Varjo. Is the mod running after you install it? Does the config file set up fine? Do you get any type of errors? Are you having issues figuring out how to install the mod? Give me some specifics on what you actually need help with :) including what game/s?


Is anyone having issues with LOD / object / texture pop in for Hogwarts or Cyberpunk? I'm running 4090, i7-12700k and 64GB ram. It seems to only happen in VR mode.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Hogwarts, yes to a degree. Cyberpunk, maybe here and there but nothing very consistent at all. Are you using any texture or LOD mods with Cyberpunk? With Cyberpunk, there is kind of a shimmering as things load in closer going from 2d distant textures to 3d higher textures. You can increase LOD distance with mods on Nexus to help eliminate it. I don't know if anything like that has been made for Hogwarts yet. With a 4090 you should have plenty of VRAM for some additional texture mods and increase LOD mods to make things better.

Brandon(Post Maester)

You could try putting the following lines in the games Engine.ini file, it helped quite a bit on my end with Hogwarts. [SystemSettings] r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=.1 r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-3 foliage.LODDistanceScale=5


You so nice Brandon. Endless patience over and over again 😊🎁


my game does not start after installing the mod!? any advice/ideas?

Brandon(Post Maester)

What game? You can put your RealVR64.log file on pastebin and post the link here and I'll take a look but I am guessing it is probably something like renaming the sl.interposer.dll file depending on what game you are trying to play.

Brandon(Post Maester)

So you will most likely need to rename the sl.interposer.dll file per the install instructions attached to the same post you are commenting in. Just expand the post up top here and there will be instructions for install that will also have the file path to the dll. Also make sure you follow the other instructions. Let me know if it still does not run after that.


Hi there, I have a problem where the .bat file (installing for HogwartsLegacy) keeps saying error: the folder doesn't seem to belong to any supported games. and goes on to instruct to make sure the realvr pack is installed in the same place as the executable. It is! Idk what to do from here. any suggestions?

Brandon(Post Maester)

First, lets confirm that the files are in the right folder which is... D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 Sounds like you are sure of that though, so it could be a matter of the config file not looking at the correct drive where your user files for the game are stored. If you have multiple drives or your user/appdata folders are on some other drive than C: that could be the case. If so, you will have to change the .bat file to .txt so you can edit the install section of Hogwarts and point it to the correct drive. Its not that difficult but I haven't done it in a while so would have to look at it again. If you are knowledgable enough to figure it out from there go for it, if not, let me know and I will explain further.


First thanks for responding. Before I posted I looked at the bat file to see if there was a preset location it looks in. I did't find one. Only thing I found was it looking for the HogwartsLegacy.exe which I assumed it would see if the bat was in the same folder as the exe. If the bat has a preset path I can change that in the bat if you point me in the right direction. here is my install path: D:\Games\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64


after looking again, I still see no set path. It looks to me (unless Im missing something) that the bat is looking within the folder it is in. for example: If Exist realrepo goto have repo. It does and it goes to have repo. then there it says If not exist realvr.ini (it dont exist because the setup hasent completed) so it goes to noini. there it looks for the game exe and the exe is there (names are identical) but for some reason its not recognizing it. I tried moving hogwarts to the steam path just in case and its the same problem. I do have multiple drives but user/appdata folders are still on C: drive. I could try changing the pointer to the appdata on the D: drive but I don't see or undrestand what line of code is doing that under hogwarts install. And honestly I dont see how that would fix it anyway since the bat file never gets that far

Brandon(Post Maester)

Please use the reply button to keep things organized. Make sure you are using Real version 9.7 or at least 9.6.2. Are the save and settings files for Hogwarts in your C drive, did you try looking for them?


Hello, the picture shakes all the time when I move my head, I have 90fps and I'm running . I use an HP Reverb G2 That's how it is with cyberpunk and Hogwards. Help Please

Brandon(Post Maester)

Sorry Takumi, didn't see this one. Are you sure you have 90fps while the game is active (not paused)? Make sure you do not have any extra software or overlays like OpenXR Toolkit or Geforce running. You can put a copy of your RealVR64.log file on pastebin and I can take a look there as well.


Hi guys, is there a easy to be able to see the dialogue on the bottom left? and the map?


im having the same issue with howarts legacy..did you ever solve it ?


Having issues with everything being silhouetted/ double vision in the mods I have tried even when sitting still. 7900xtx, 5800x3d, quest 2 over link cable. Any insights? I must be missing something.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Probably the shimmering that comes along with TAA not working properly with AER and depth. Using higher resolution will mitigate it to some degree as well as changing the TAA version you are using or turning it off entirely. You can also use mono rendering which will fix it but remove stereoscopic 3d. You could also increase the world size in the REAL overlay to reduce it based on size. This will make things larger of course and move toward a mono view but a small increase could be helpful. Just have to experiment and find a good balance point for you depending on how much it bothers you. Playing in 1/3 vs something like Legacy will probably give you more artifacting and keep you from playing at higher resolutions most likely.


Hi, do you also have a problem with the ui when changing the ppd in Hogwarts Legacy? It gets clipped so I can't click on the outermost buttons etc. anymore. With default settings of 11.2 ppd everything is fine. Do you need to set a specific ratio? I am using a HTC Vive Pro 2

Brandon(Post Maester)

You shouldn't need any specific ratio. Make sure you renamed the sl.interposer.dll file and don't have DLSS sharpening on. Also make sure you are playing in Windowed full screen and not windowed.


Played some yesterday on Quest Pro 2 things seem odd. Colors look really blant in vr. Maybe some setting in my quest? too bright? Things in distance especially trees look really bad, flickering and stuff- even worse with dlss on. No change of settings corrects that.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Try googling texture streaming issues/fix for Hogwarts. One thing that helps is to increase the texture streaming pool size based on your GPU VRAM. I'll paste instructions below. That one specifically helped with texture pop in and slow texture loading for me. You can also update the games DLSS version to 3.5 and see how that performs. That is an issue the game has outside of VR as well. https://steamcommunity.com/app/990080/discussions/0/6063574513305183193/ There are also custom game ini files for performance on Nexus but I don't know which ones are best or work well in VR.


Anyone load up Hogwarts recently? Typically iam good at eliminating ghosting and when initially installing this game a couple months ago I had it looking wonderful and was very happy with my settings but loaded it up today and the ghosting was way out of control like the worse I've seen. Tried the usual settings to eliminate it such as crank the ppd and try 1/2 1/3 but made no difference. The only thing that remotely made a slight difference was adjusting world scale larger seemed to bring the ghosting together. I'm literally seeing 3 of everything. Maybe an update broke something?


Hi All, I'm using a Quest 2. Any suggestions on what resolution to set? I'm getting a fair bit of tearing on just about every setting, high or low. I'm assuming there is a sweet spot? Anyone got it right?

Brandon(Post Maester)

Check what rendering mode you are using. If you are using the default 1/3 try switching to Legacy to see if it helps. I'll link a post on the rendering modes below :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/gaming-in-vr-at-76076877


I bought the HW VR game for my wife but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get this mod to work. I installed it as per instructions in the text but nothing changes. Might be out of my league with mods as this is my first but was really hoping to get this working for her. Is there a support forum somewhere that I can find to locate help for newbs?

Brandon(Post Maester)

You can ask here Jon :) Although posting further up is a good idea so I am more likley to see it. Did the config file run without any errors? Did you run the Realconfig.bat file?:)?


I had a heck of a time getting this working on a quest 3, i had like a "forced" 2D screen overlay of the game within the VR which i couldnt get rid off but i eventually figured out the problems after 4 hrs of troubleshooting so here is my solution incase anyone else is having the same problems. This assumes you have oculus app installed (and loaded), and then you use questlink to connect to your PC, then launch steam vr on the computer, and launch the game after installing this mod (but actually if you go to Recent > Expand All > Collections > click the latest version (ignore the game) in my case 10.8.0 and then install it aswell over the top. Run the bat. Run the game. It should load in quest 3. Once in game, if you have a screen overlayed ontop that you cant get rid off, in my case it was because my PC monitor was connected to my PC with a display port cable! When i switched it over to a HDMI and relaunched everything it worked properly without the second screen overlay. Im not sure what causes that issue but it took me forever to figure that out. Then i noticed i was getting about 12fps regardless of where i put the adapt resolution slider, so i had to change the VR renderer from auto, to Steam VR, then that fixed it, i was getting good frame rates, with an rtx 3080 i bumped the slider up to 12.0 (recommended resolution above) and it was hovering around 50-70fps much better. Hope this helps people, i hope someone can make a controller mod that allows you to teleport from point to point (like halflife alyx) instead of walking to reduce motion sickness. Cheers!

Brandon(Post Maester)

You should actually be using Oculus runtime and not using SteamVR at all. You are losing out on performance doing so. Set Oculus as your OpenXR runtime in the Oculus app and don't start SteamVR at all. Just have your headset connected to your pc and launch the game from your library as if you were playing flat.


Hello, I just tried this mod. I have the software on my pc, i have extracted the zip in the Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 map. I start Occulus app, connect the cabel, I enter quest link, start the game, and after loading the saved game, I see the game like on a big screen, but not in VR. What am I doing wrong? I also tried the rename "sl.interposer.dll" to "sl.interposer_bak.dll". I don't know how to get in the mod overlay, nor do i get more then a 2D screen in front of me. I don't understand. Please help me.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Are you running SteamVR at all? Please put a copy of your RealVR64.log file on pastebin or drive and post the link here and I will take a look.


Hi. I can't get this mod to work either. I have the game through the Epic games store and copied the files to the Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 location, as well as renamed the file "sl.interposer.dll" to "sl.interposer_bak.dll". When I run the "RealConfig.bat" file I get the following error: "The game appears to never have been run. Run the game at least once to create your user profile, then quit it and try installing the mod again." I've run the game multiple times and still get the error. I tried running it through the Epic games store launcher, through steam, and directly via the .exe file. I've also been using the Oculus link. Can someone help me resolve this error?


Hey I’m having trouble getting rid of the 2D cinema mode in VR. Using a quest 3 with open XR and link cable but I must be doing something wrong. Should quest link be on? I saw someone saying something about unchecking theatre mode in steam vr but I don’t even have that option when I open HL properties in steam. But I wouldn’t even need that if I’m using open XR right ? Help please!


I also already renamed the interposer, went to windowed fullscreen and all the other suggested changes, and when in the REAL mod pause menu there is no option for target pixel change


Hello all the best to you! I have the problem that I can't get Hogwarts to work. Unfortunately, Steam has removed the VR cinema mode and therefore you cannot deactivate it, after which the game is not displayed in VR but in Cinema mode

Brandon(Post Maester)

Sorry for missing this, did you try using the beta version of Steam? Also, you may be able to go into the Steam folder in in program files and into the SteamVR folder and rename the Steam Theater .exe file so it won't run.


Has anyone had an issue where the aiming reticule is off center? My field of view and camera generally seem fine, but whenever I press the aiming trigger or am trying to aim at something in combat by looking at it, it's like it thinks I'm looking up at like a 30 degree angle. Problem happens with all camera types (first person, third person, etc.).

Brandon(Post Maester)

It does seem off a bit but hard to tell just how much because it is based on where your HMD is and not your eyes necessarily. When I try to line my HMD up with the target it is decently close but then it is harder on my neck because I am used to holding my head up more to account for the weight of the HMD. I don't see any way to adjust the reticle unfortunately.


Unfortunetly Hogwarts Legacy is unplayable for me with this mod. Maybe there are some fixes for my problems so I'll just cry them out: - Game overlay (menu, healthbars etc) is sticked to HMD and its very very large. So large I cant even see outmost game-gui options. - While playing camera is shaking.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you have renamed the interposer file per the install instructions, in this Patreon post above. Also make sure you are not using DLSS sharpening at all, or it will zoom in on things. Make sure you don't have OpenXR toolkit active if it is installed, or it will cause shaking. Hopefully that helps fix your issues :) If not, let me know, as well as giving me more details. What headset you are using, as well as posting a copy of your RealVR64.log file on pastebin or drive and dropping the link here.


VR is working but the HUD shows the full 2d game overlayed in front of me instead of just the HUD elements. I can't play the game since its showing me almost a theater mode of the 2d game in front of my vision while in full 3D vr mode. Very strange not sure what to do but when I change the HUD size and distance it affects it so I assume it has to do with the HUD.


I'm having issues with the camera. If I move my head even slightliy while moving, the camera while jerk over to the side and force me to start walking in that direction. Does anyone know if that's a setting I can turn off?

Brandon(Post Maester)

The character movement will follow your head, I just got used to moving my stick the other direction to make up for it while I was moving. I didn't even notice I was doing it after a while. No way to change it unfortunately.