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Make sure you read Part One first!

“Undo this sorcery this instant!” the transformed Prince Frederick roared, flinching at the monstrously deep voice that burst forth from his lips. To make matters worse, he found himself speaking in the Orcish native tongue rather than that of the humans! As if it wouldn’t have already been an incredible struggle convincing the people of his kingdom that he was actually their beloved prince, now there was a language barrier in the way too! It was almost enough to rob Frederick of all hope, but a few morsels of resistance clung on, refusing to be defeated just yet…

“Not a chance, boy!” the orc shaman replied in a mocking tone. It took Frederick a moment to realize that the response had also been in Orcish and that he’d understood it as perfectly as if it had been said in his native tongue. “We didn’t do all this for nothing. You’re going to be very useful to us from here on out.” The shaman had walked back towards where Frederick was, still on his knees in the center of the ring of candles.

“I’ll never help you,” the prince spat defiantly, struggling to get back to his feet as a result of his severely modified weight. A jolt of revulsion rushed through his body whenever he looked down and saw the large green mitts where his delicate pale hands should have been. He mentally cursed himself for being so careless and going on ahead without requesting backup first.

Laughter rippled across the gathered crowd. “You already have,” the shaman retorted, raising his hands and showing the chalice within which he had poured some of Frederick’s blood prior to his transformation. There was now a trail of thick red smoke coming from within the goblet and a sweet aroma drifted across the clearing. The transformed prince plummeted further into the depths of fear as he stared up at the shaman and the chalice. Whatever had been done to his blood, it wasn’t good - that was about as much as he could be certain of!

After Frederick was finally able to rise to his feet, he began to stagger forward with every intention of knocking the chalice out of the orc’s hands. Unfortunately before he could take more than a handful of steps, two sets of hands had wrapped around his arms and held him in place. Although he tried his best to struggle free, he was unable to escape the iron-like grasp the orcs had on him and so was forced to watch as the following events unfolded. Another orc had stepped forward to stand by the shaman’s side - older, with a heavily scarred face, scraggly silver beard and only one working eye. It was wearing nothing more than a loincloth, above which was a thick muscle gut and a sagging pair of pecs. Once upon a time, the orc had likely been a mighty warrior and in incredible shape but those days were likely at least two decades in the past and the years since then had softened his green body.

Despite not having any idea what would happen, Frederick was still consumed by dread as he watched the disfigured older orc take the chalice from the shaman and bring it to his lips. He’d learned firsthand that the orcs had more advanced magic available to them than his father’s kingdom had initially predicted. They had always seen the orcs as nothing more than primitive beasts and while they were most definitely beastly in nature, what they had done to Frederick proved that orcs weren’t as small minded and primitive as he had originally believed.

The orc downed the contents of the goblet in a few quick gulps and then threw the chalice into the dirt at its feet. A hush fell over the gathered crowd with the only remaining sounds being Frederick’s deep grunts as he continued to try and break free. Within seconds though even he had been stunned into stillness, as his eyes took in the sight of the orc’s seven-foot-something frame dwindling down almost a foot and a half until he stood at an even six foot. As he shrank in height, the bulkiness of the orc’s muscles also deflated somewhat, preventing him from looking too bizarrely proportioned, and his large muscle gut began to retreat. Frederick watched in a mix of amazement and horror as the orc’s stomach became completely flat and then started to feature the hints of a six-pack. His pecs had also tightened up, with the creature’s large nipples shrinking in size and gaining a newfound sensitivity where even the slight breeze in the forest clearing caused them to harden up.

As the orc’s waist shrank, the loincloth dropped down to his ankles and exposed his cock and balls in the process. The appendage was losing some of both its length and girth, although even once its shrinking stopped, it was still seven inches long and accompanied by testicles the size of tennis balls. A gasp escaped Frederick’s lips at this point though as he came to a horrific realization: even despite the green coloring of the skin, he recognized that manhood. That was his cock! This revelation jolted the transformed prince back into action, although he came no closer to breaking free from those who were holding him back.

The tree-trunk limbs that were the orc’s arms and legs were the next part of the creature to undergo changes, with the fat being sucked away and the muscles shrinking to better match the proportions of his torso. What remained was the brutish head of an arc on top of a body that (aside from the green shade of the skin) otherwise appeared more akin to that of a human! A chill ran down Frederick’s spine as he waited for the inevitable to come to fruition before his eyes. He’d thought that being transformed into an orc would be the worst thing he’d experience that day but this… seeing an orc being transformed into a copy of him? No, this was so much worse!

The horns that protruded from the orc’s scalp and the tusks from beneath its lower lip soon started to regress before vanishing completely, as did the long and unkempt gray beard. The creature’s overall skull shape also shrank slightly to make it a much better fit for the more slender neck upon which it sat and putting it in proportion with the smaller body below. With the most definable traits of an orc now absent, it was mere seconds before the remainder of its features began to shift in order to resemble more human ones: his wide nostrils and bulbous nose thinned and straightened, his brow and jaw both became less aggressively pronounced, and his yellow teeth brightened into a blinding white while also straightening and filling in the gaps where some had been knocked out over the years.

Thick dark hair started to sprout from the orc’s bare scalp, adopting a familiar short yet swooping style, while small amounts of stubble grew along the softer jawline and around the thin lips. Next, the bloodshot yellow eyes warped into a gentle hazelnut. With this, the only thing tying him back to his previous identity as an orc was the swamp green skin and even this was soon to be a thing of the past, as his flesh quickly adjusted until it had inherited Frederick’s light tan. Now that the transformation was complete, the new human rolled his shoulders and turned his head from side to side, testing out how it felt to move in this new form. A delighted smile soon spread across his face; it had been years since he’d been able to move without even the faintest twinge of pain and protest from his old bones!

Just a few feet in front of him, a choked sob escaped the real Frederick’s lips as he stared at the perfect recreation of his former self. Nobody would ever look upon the man and doubt that he was Prince Frederick, even though he was most certainly an imposter! Breaking down into sobs, the former prince could do nothing but watch as his replacement began to don the armor he had been wearing prior to being captured. While he dressed, the imposter spoke with the shaman, but their words were utterly unintelligible for the real Frederick - it seemed he couldn’t even understand the human language anymore!

Those few final morsels of hope and defiance that had remained with Frederick after his transformation completely dissipated in response to the latest turn of events. He couldn’t possibly hope to be restored to his human body now, nor could he even warn his father of the threat that would be returning to the kingdom in his place. The thought of an orc assuming his identity and taking his place at the palace made Frederick want to vomit and sure enough, he did just that, throwing up all over his naked body while the crowd around him once again burst into mocking laughter. Frederick’s torment wouldn’t last forever though, as now that his hope had been thoroughly crushed, his human consciousness was slowly being washed away. Within days he would be nothing more than a crude and violent orc with no memory of ever being a dignified human prince!


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