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Make sure you read Part One first!

An unpleasant shrill sound pulled Morris Hunter out of what had been a perfectly pleasant dream and thrust him into the waking world. The alarm clock on the bedside table proudly declared it to be six in the morning and the morning sun was just starting to poke through the gap in the bedroom curtains. Reaching out, Morris slammed his hand down on top of the clock in order to silence its screeching cry, just as a groan emerged from the man beside him in the bed. “Time to get up,” the Math teacher mumbled, lightly nudging his boyfriend in the ribs before swinging his legs out from under the duvet.

The coldness of the wooden floorboards prompted Morris to inhale sharply. Even two weeks after that fateful trip to the Mathlete Championships, he still wasn’t used to waking up in a room without carpeted floors. There were other days when he almost cried out in alarm when he awoke to find another presence in the bed with him! Such responses would have been unusual for Morris Hunter, who had lived in that apartment with his long term boyfriend for just shy of three years, but the Morris who was rising to his feet at that moment wasn’t the real Morris. Two weeks prior, he had been Kyle Danhausen, a closeted high school senior and one of Mr Hunter’s star students. 

Although the theft of his favorite teacher’s body had been entirely unplanned, Kyle had known from the moment that he’d opened the hotel door to discover a copy of his former teenage self standing there that he had no intention of switching back. He had silently lusted after the man for years and now he had the man’s muscular flesh under his control… he’d be insane if he willingly gave that up! With his mind made up, Kyle had opted to pretend like he had no knowledge of the body swap. “All that travel must have really scrambled your brain,” the new Morris suggested to the teenager standing just outside his hotel room after he’d suggested that they were in the wrong bodies. “Maybe you should go to your room and lay down for a bit?”

Not being totally coldhearted, Morris did feel apologetic for attempting to gaslight the man whose identity he was in the process of stealing, but his own selfish desires won out over his moral compass. An expression that was equal parts alarm, confusion and anger spread across the teenager’s face and he opened his mouth to protest, but the words that emerged were sputtering and nonsensical: “But-- this isn’t-- I’m…” Tears sprang up into the former teacher’s eyes as he grew more distressed, but the new Morris remained strong and refused to drop the act. Instead he reached out, placed a hand on his student’s shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze.

“You’re just tired, Kyle,” he insisted, speaking in a tone of deep concern. Playing the part of the caring teacher was actually turning Morris on, which the tent in the front of the pants he’d hastily thrown on upon hearing the knock at the door could attest to. He’d been hard since first putting on the teacher’s clothes and was eager to get better acquainted with his new manhood but he couldn’t exactly do that with one of his students in the room, could he? He had a duty of care, after all! “Go get some sleep, I’m sure you’ll feel better afterwards.” That was a lie - Morris knew that the other man would likely still be in extreme distress but he was saying anything that might get the other to leave alone for a while. Not only did he want the time to explore his new body in more detail but he’d also benefit from getting the opportunity to plan how he was going to keep the new Kyle in check.

Two weeks later, Morris was still having some difficulty in getting Kyle to accept his new life. For his part, he hadn’t once let the act drop and continued to insist that the suggested body swap was the product of nothing more than extreme exhaustion, severe self-esteem issues and an overactive imagination. He’d even gone as far as recommending that Kyle seek assistance from the school counselor for the identity issues that he was suffering from, like any caring teacher would. Aside from that though, he was doing his best to keep the other at an arm’s length. That was easier said than done when Kyle kept showing up at his classroom door between lessons with tears in his eyes and persistent protests that he was telling the truth.

Unfortunately for Kyle, the longer this ordeal went on, the less sympathetic the new Morris felt towards him. He was quickly growing irritated with how stubborn his body-swapped student was being and finally his patience had run out. Approaching the school principal, the Math teacher informed the older man of Kyle’s odd behavior and claims since the trip to the Mathlete Championship and expressed that he felt uncomfortable with the student remaining in his class given his apparent fixation with him. To Morris’ delight, the principal shared his concerns and agreed to move Kyle into a different class group so that they would have less reasons to cross paths. The teen would also be forced to attend the counseling sessions that Morris had previously suggested he attend and the principal would be making contact with Kyle’s parents to ensure they were aware of their son’s apparent mental health issues. All in all, the meeting with the principal seemed like a step in the right direction.

Back in the present moment, Morris reached his arms high above his head and then stretched down to touch his toes. He could still feel the dull ache from the previous day’s workout but he knew how important it was to be consistent if he wanted to maintain the beautiful muscles he was now in possession of. 

“Come on, it’s time for our workout,” he called over his shoulder, glancing back to find his boyfriend pouting at him. Dean was as handsome as they came and he had a good body too, although he wasn’t quite at the same level of muscularity as Morris himself was. The couple trained at their local gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings before traveling separately to their workplaces, which always put the Math teacher in a good mood to start his day. There were very few experiences that were quite as fun as working up a sweat and having his boyfriend there to both admire him and be the subject of his own admiration!

As the couple got dressed into their workout clothes and left the bedroom behind, Morris took notice of Dean’s unusual quietness. The other man was usually rather bubbly once he was out of bed, so this degree of silence stood out like a sore thumb. He’d been fairly reserved the night before too, although the Math teacher had presumed that it was just the result of a tiring day at work. Now he couldn’t help but suspect there was something more to it than that. “What’s up with you this morning?” Morris asked as the couple climbed into Dean’s car and set off towards the gym. Although he had technically only been Dean’s boyfriend for a couple of weeks, the new Morris already had incredibly deep feelings of adoration and protectiveness towards the other. It didn’t matter that this was his first ever relationship, he wanted to be the best boyfriend he could possibly be.

“I got a weird phone call yesterday,” Dean confessed with a gentle sigh, “Sounded like some kid but he… okay, don’t laugh, but he said he was you and that you were an imposter pretending to be him.” Morris’ blood ran cold. That little shit… I should have known he’d go after my man! “I think it might have been one of your students, although how he got my number I don’t know. He knew a fair amount about us too…”

“Like what?” the teacher asked sharply, feeling a mixture of anger and panic beginning to boil over inside him. “What did he say?”

“He knew where we went for our first date, for example. My middle name too and the name of my parents…” Dean glanced over at the man in his passenger seat and upon meeting his gaze, Morris detected a hint of doubt in the other’s eyes and his panic jumped right into overdrive accordingly.

“Ugh, I know who that was. There’s a student in my class who's been getting creepily obsessed with me these last few weeks. I’ve tried to deter him and had him moved out of my class but it seems like he’s taken things a step further,” Morris explained, choosing to see his words not as outright lies but a mere twisting of the truth. “I’ve talked about you - about us - in lessons before so that must be where he got the stuff about our first date. As for our parents, he must have just stalked us online and found our Facebook pages or something.” Reaching over, he placed a hand on Dean’s muscular thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Come on, babe, don’t tell me you actually believed his crazy story, did you?”

Relief washed over the other man’s face as he listened to Morris’ explanation and his lips spread into a sheepish smile. “Maybe just a little,” he murmured, a faint redness rising to his cheeks. “I blocked the number anyway. It creeped me out, both what he said and the thought that maybe I was sharing the bed with a total stranger…”

“Is that why you didn’t want to do anything last night?” Dean answered the question with a simple nod of the head. Morris let out a disgruntled huff. “Just another reason for me to resent this kid.” The laugh that left his lips was hollow, even despite the fact he seemed to have won his boyfriend back over. “I’ll talk to the principal again, see if we can call in the kid’s parents. If he keeps this up, we might have to go to the cops.” It would be quite the dramatic end for their little saga but if a restraining order was the only thing that would keep Kyle away then Morris was more than willing to go that far. He wasn’t going to let the other get in the way of his newfound happiness - for the first time in his life, everything was going right. He had a hot body, the respect of his peers and a gorgeous boyfriend! He even enjoyed his job as a Math teacher and none of his students had been able to tell the difference in the teaching quality since he had taken over. 

As the vehicle came to a stop outside of the gym, Dean leant over and placed a kiss on Morris’ cheek. “Let’s forget about him,” he implored, massaging his boyfriend’s thigh. The Math teacher hummed in agreement, then kissed his boyfriend on the lips in response. Yes, let’s… Goodbye Kyle!


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