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Requested by DreadHalo

As a member of the X-Men, a superhero group consisting of mutants each with their own unique powers, Piotr “Colossus” Rasputin wanted nothing more than to keep his friends safe. His mutation often allowed him to do so, as he possessed the ability to coat his already muscular body in a metallic exoskeleton, granting him enhanced strength and a near impenetrable defense. To his dismay though, there were some villains who continued to menace the public even after having their plans thwarted numerous times and among those villains were ones who could match Colossus’ superhuman strength and staggering size.

Although his intimidating exterior might suggest otherwise, Colossus was actually a peaceful individual who wished that there was some way of making these individuals turn a new leaf and abandon their villainous ways. Some of his teammates considered him to be naive and even foolish for holding onto this faith but he didn’t let their opinions trouble him. Somebody had to have faith that these villains could see the error in their ways and Colossus was more than happy to be the one to keep hope in his heart, even if it made his friends regard him with something close to pity.

While it wasn’t completely unheard of for a mutant to develop a secondary mutation some time after their primary one, it was still fairly rare and Colossus had never anticipated that he would develop one. He’d discovered it purely by chance, right in the middle of a hard-hitting fight with a rampaging mutant that looked like he’d swallowed a whole steroid factory. As he caught the other man’s fist in his palm, Colossus had thought to himself about how much quicker he’d be able to end the fight if his opponent wasn’t so big. It had been an entirely innocent thought in the heat of the moment but a second later, the mammoth man had begun to shrink as his muscles were sucked right out of him. Within seconds he had lost an entire foot and a half of height plus at least two hundred pounds of pure muscle! By the time Colossus finally let the man’s fist go, his opponent could only be described as a petite twink. The X-Man could hardly believe what he was seeing!

As his defeated opponent stared up at him with terrified eyes, Colossus’ innate kindness overtook the heat of battle. “There is no point continuing to fight, my friend,” the Russian mutant informed the smaller man in his heavily accented voice. “You should come with us to Xavier’s school and learn how to use your gifts for good.” It wasn’t the first time that Colossus had attempted to win over one of his opponents and show them that there was a better way for them to live their lives, but unlike previous attempts, this one seemed to work. The twink nodded meekly and then cuddled up against the metallic mutant’s side, starting to sob. It was quite the unexpected development but Colossus did his best to offer support by gently patting his former opponent on the top of his head.

Given the bizarre ending to that conflict (particularly his opponent’s sudden loss of their muscles and strength), the X-Man had failed to notice that he too had experienced some physical changes as a result of his developing secondary mutation. While it was much less pronounced than his opponent’s shrinking, Colossus had actually expanded in size due to the broadening of his muscles. As they returned to the X-Mansion the only thing Colossus managed to notice was that his costume felt a little tighter than usual, although he saw no reason to consider this a concern or even much of an oddity.

Over the next two weeks, Colossus found himself with a shadow constantly trailing him - the enemy-turned-ally seemed reluctant to be too far from the superhero team’s resident gentle giant. The twink introduced himself as Dan, although he’d taken on the supervillain name of “King Krusher” during his mini crime spree to reflect his mutant power of super strength. He was still in possession of that strength, only nobody would be able to tell from the exterior due to his incredibly short and slender physique. In some ways Colossus felt guilty for ripping the man’s size out of him, even if it had been done unintentionally, but he was glad that it had ultimately resulted in Dan turning his back on his aspiring villainous ways.

It was subtle at first but with each passing day Colossus began to suspect that there was more to his secondary mutation than just the ability to drain the muscles out of someone (and even that he still wasn’t sure how he’d managed to do). The way Dan looked at him was loaded with much more than simple adoration and it was impossible to miss how the smaller man’s eyes trailed over the Russian’s giant muscles whenever he was wearing his costume or any other tight-fitting clothes. Although he wasn’t the most experienced with romantic situations, even he couldn’t ignore the intention behind the petite hand that copped a feel of his backside or Dan’s frequent offers to massage him after the team returned from a mission.

Despite previously identifying as straight without much reason to presume otherwise, Colossus opted to be a little more open minded when Dan finally requested to give the larger man “the best blowjob of his life”. The other more than lived up to his word, as he handled the giant nine inches like an absolute pro, bringing Colossus to the point of climax in just a few short minutes! He wasn’t sure if Dan had been gay before the muscle draining scenario but he certainly acted like it wasn’t his first time providing pleasure to another man and he’d done a damn good job of it too.

Not long after that, Dan became a near permanent resident of Colossus’ bedroom, where he would beg to be dominated by the X-Man. Wanting to return some of the pleasure that the smaller man had provided him with, Colossus consented and made great use of the other’s perky ass and his tight hole. Before long he was certain that he’d never go back to having sex with women because it simply couldn’t compare to the pleasure Dan offered him!

As the X-Men were adjusting to the not-so-secret burgeoning relationship between Colossus and the small-time villain-turned-ally, they were called out to tackle the threat of Juggernaut, who was rampaging in a nearby neighborhood. Due to most of the team’s primary members being across the ocean dealing with a larger threat, there was only a small remaining group who could be sent to stop Juggernaut and Colossus was among them. Considering he was one of the few people who could truly match the villain in terms of size and strength, it was only logical that Colossus should engage him in physical combat while the rest of the makeshift team escorted the neighborhood’s residents to safety.

Just like in his earlier fight with King Krusher, Colossus found himself receiving quite the beatdown, although he wouldn’t remain on the defensive for long. After ducking under one of Juggernaut’s mighty swings, the mutant grappled his opponent from behind and summoned all of his strength in order to lift the other from the ground. As he did so, Colossus’ mind ever so briefly remarked that such a move would be easier if Juggernaut wasn’t so big and muscular, and as this thought crossed his mind, his secondary mutation activated itself once more.

Considering the Juggernaut was larger than King Krusher had ever been, the rapid diminishing of his muscles was even more noticeable. His ginormous arms looked like deflating balloons and the end result had them no less than a sixth of the size they had been just thirty seconds prior! Juggernaut’s powerfully built chest experienced a similar fate with his mighty pecs being completely flattened and even ending up somewhat concave in appearance. His legs, once powerful tree trunks capable of stomping holes through pure concrete, were as severely affected as his arms were: shrinking to match the overall density of a pair of pool noodles.

While all this was happening to the villain, Colossus’ already large body was starting to bloat with even more muscle. As the power was drained out of Juggernaut’s body, it flowed right into the Russian mutant’s and his costume simply couldn’t contain the large amount of mass that was being packed onto his muscular frame. Within seconds his arms had doubled in size, each arm’s mountainous biceps and bulging triceps matching the circumference of his waist! Behind where the villain was pressed to his torso, Colossus’ six-pack abs expanded into a jaw-dropping ten-pack with each individual ab being like a stone brick in an impenetrable wall.

By the time he finally allowed the defeated villain to drop from his arms, Colossus had grown to a massive height of seven-foot-six and was easily at least five-hundred pounds of pure muscle! His costume had torn in several places as his muscles bulged, including between the massive globes of his ass cheeks. The various onlookers (including Colossus’ own teammates) were absolutely flabbergasted by what they saw and to an extent, so was he. The size he’d obtained from Dan had been miniscule in comparison to what he had drained out of Juggernaut - there was absolutely no ignoring it this time!

With the threat effectively and uniquely neutralized, the X-Men were able to restore some calm to the neighborhood. As Colossus carried the newly twinkified Juggernaut onto the X-Jet, he took note of both how the vehicle creaked in protest at his new weight and the lustful expression that was spreading over the smaller man’s face. It was a look that immediately reminded him of Dan, who was surely waiting for him eagerly back at the mansion. The thought of having two adorable twinks offering themselves up to him excited Colossus greatly and the building of tension in his crotch caused even more tears in his costume to appear around that region, which he hoped his teammates would fail to notice or at the very least choose to ignore.

Although the nature of his secondary mutation continued to remain a mystery to Colossus, he wasn’t exactly displeased with it. He had very quickly come to love how submissive the men he drained were and it had helped him learn more about himself and his own desires too. It wouldn’t be long before he’d require a larger bedroom at the X-Mansion so there was room for all of his lustful slaves to stay with him! The rest of the team might view the new arrangement to be somewhat unusual but at least they could rest assured that Colossus had taken care of some of their strongest opponents and made mutantkind a lot safer in the process!


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