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Make sure you read Part One first!

They didn’t suspect a damn thing, Chris thought smugly as he stepped out of the locker room where he had just spent the last hour talking to the football team and their coach. Much to his relief they had dominated the conversation - the college athletes were all eager to impress someone they believed to be a professional football player, and the coach was more than happy to reminisce over Drue’s college career - which allowed Chris to mostly sit back and absorb the information like a sponge. His patience paid off, as he learned from the coach that Drue had won the defensive player Rookie of the Year in his first year at Notre Dame and had later captained the team in his final two seasons. The coach’s rambling had also revealed that Chris’ new body hadn’t had the best start to his NFL career, as he had missed the majority of his first season due to a broken ankle sustained in the first week of the season. By the time he had posed for all of the requested selfies and conversed with all of his new fans, Chris felt rather confident about the immediate future. A little bit of internet research would help him fill in some more gaps about Drue’s professional career, but if he wanted to learn more about the man’s personal life, there was only one source he could count on: the real deal.

He found the other drowning his sorrows in a bar just outside of the campus and it was clear from the other’s slurred speech that he’d had already had enough alcohol to nudge him into the realm of tipsiness. Chris was amused to discover that the manly jock had been drinking fruity cocktails, something that the other had slowly explained was because his usual beer “tasted wrong” in the college student’s body. It was hardly surprising that he had started to get drunk so quickly as Chris himself wasn’t much of a big drinker and his body really couldn’t handle all that much before he started to feel lightheaded. Drue probably hadn’t anticipated that, but since when were jocks known for using their brains? Oh yeah, never. Thankfully the other being in a state of inebriation was good for Chris, as it meant he could more easily pry information out of the other without having to resort to threats - although truthfully he would have enjoyed the opportunity to flex his superior strength over the other.

For the next thirty minutes Chris grilled the athlete now stuck in his body, obtaining all the information he would need in the near future: the hotel Drue had booked an exclusive suite at, the names of his wife and kid, the friends he was planning to visit while he was back in Indiana. Chris was more than happy to cancel those plans to give himself more time to get better acquainted with his new body and life. Am I really doing this? He asked himself, still struggling to believe that he was willingly abandoning his own life to play pretend in the body of another man. Oh hell, who am I kidding? Of course I’m doing this! Body swap narratives had long been a recurring presence in his fantasies and Chris couldn’t possibly have dreamed up a more perfect candidate to switch with; he could hardly pass by a single reflective surface without stopping to check himself out! Drue had truly been blessed with heavenly genetics and now they were all Chris’s to enjoy. Sure, there were people who thought his previous body was cute, but it was now an undeniable fact that his new body was smoking hot! Who would turn their nose up at such an upgrade?

In return for the helpful material that the other man had provided him, Chris decided to impart some of his own history and advice upon the other. He wasn’t sure how much Drue actually paid attention to - likely little, judging by his drooping eyes and noncommittal grunts - but at least he couldn’t say that Chris had left him without any idea what to do with his new life! It was completely fair to say that Chris was being something of an aggressor in their situation but he still wasn’t a complete asshole; he didn’t want the other to end up on the streets or at the mercy of the bigger guys on campus. Of course, there was every chance that it might still happen, but by then it would no longer be Chris’s issue. In just a few short days he would be flying back to Los Angeles to meet his new family for the first time and get his first taste of life as a professional football player. It was both exciting and incredibly intimidating, but now that he had stepped out of his comfort zone in such a major way, the former college student was feeling braver than he ever had before!

When it was clear that the other man was mere minutes away from drifting off to sleep as a result of all the booze he had consumed (at three o’clock in the afternoon, no less), Chris decided that the kind thing to do was escort his replacement back to his dorm room and leave him there to recuperate. The pair of them received a number of strange looks as they returned to campus and entered one of the dorm buildings, but Chris responded to each of those inquisitive individuals with charming smiles that made quite a few of the ladies blush. Prompting such a response from another person (even if it was predominantly women) was a serious thrill for the young man. He had so often considered himself to be invisible amongst large crowds, now there was no chance he would ever go unseen!

After safely depositing the real Drue Tranquill onto the uncomfortable mattress that had been Chris’s nightly refuge, the newly certified hunk quickly left the dorm building and campus altogether. He called an Uber and gave the address for his hotel but almost as soon as the journey was underway his driver was asking why he looked so familiar and if he was famous. A chuckle escaped Chris’ lips before he explained that he was a member of the Los Angeles Chargers and was just back in town to visit his alma mater. I guess I’ve gotta get used to being recognised, huh?

Once the quick journey was over Chris thanked his driver and departed, although not before leaving a five star review and a sizable tip that came straight from Drue’s bloated bank account. Upon entering the hotel lobby and being greeted like the VIP that he was, he then made his way to the elevator and ascended to the eighth floor where his rented complex resided. Scanning the keycard to gain entry, Chris stepped inside and immediately let out a whistle of admiration. The entryway and living space alone were three times the size of his dorm room! Not only that but the apartment had a fully stocked kitchen, a huge bathroom and a balcony in the bedroom with a beautiful view of the city. It was a luxurious display, the likes of which Chris had only ever seen on reality shows about rich folks, but now it was all his to enjoy for the next few days - and what a fun few days it was going to be!

Although he was possessed by the burning desire to strip down and explore his muscular body, Chris forced himself to try and think responsibly. If he was going to pass as Drue for even a short amount of time then he needed to know the basics of football at the very least, and what somebody at the linebacker position was expected to do. Waiting on the coffee table was a latest release iPad that flashed to life upon recognising the face of its owner, and Chris quickly navigated to the Wikipedia pages that would help him gain an understanding. He had always been a dutiful studier and didn’t have much issue retaining new information, although there were definitely some rules that he struggled to get his head around. From there, he navigated to YouTube where he was able to find a number of tutorial videos that explained the game in a more accessible fashion, until Chris was fairly certain he understood what would be expected of a linebacker.

Just as he was finishing up the last video that covered the objectives of the offensive team (he figured it wouldn’t hurt to know how his opponents on the field would operate) and about to close out of the YouTube window, a video icon on the “Recommended” sidebar caught his eye. The icon featured the handsome face that Chris had been seeing in reflective surfaces all day long, and the title declared that it would feature Drue Tranquill discussing how he prepared for upcoming games. Sounds like ideal viewing, Chris noted and settled in to watch it and any other videos of Drue that he could find. They would help him learn the other’s patterns of speech and mannerisms, and it was also kind of arousing to see how the other performed in front of the camera. Indeed, it awoke something deep inside Chris and after clicking into a video where Drue was wearing a tight white base layer, his cock started to respond by hardening. Finally Chris knew that he’d waited more than enough time: he desperately needed to see the goods that his new body possessed!

Putting the tablet back down on the coffee table and retreating to the suite’s master bedroom, Chris positioned himself right in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and began stripping out of the layers that the real Drue had placed upon himself earlier that day. As each strip of hard muscle and tanned flesh was revealed, Chris had to bite down on his lower lip to stop himself from moaning too loudly. He was putting on a sensual display for himself and was already at full hardness by the time he had stripped his shirt off. Getting his pants down around the extreme tenting of his boxers was a challenge, but Chris persevered and was eventually rewarded with the gorgeous sight of his new body fully in the nude. His eight inch cock stood at attention and the bulging biceps of his quads tensed and flexed under his control. Even better was the discovery that Chris now had enough muscle control to bounce his pecs, both in unison and individually, and for the next several minutes he amused himself with his newfound ability, all while wearing a proud grin.

I feel so damn strong! Tensing his core muscles caused his already delightful six-pack of abs to become even more defined and as Chris ran a hand over them he was thrilled by how rock solid they felt. He’d always had something of a soft midsection so to actually have abs for once was beyond his wildest imagination. He looked like he belonged on a damn Abercrombie advertisement! Hell, I bet they’d gladly have me if I volunteered myself. He’d have to store that thought for the future, because it seemed inevitable that he’d enjoy some time in front of the camera. It wouldn’t even be out of character for Drue, based on everything he had discovered about the man whose body he was now occupying!

While having all of his large muscles on display was definitely arousing, it also awoke another idea inside Chris’s mind: how would it feel to put them to use? He thought back to the sign he’d spied in the hotel lobby that informed guests there was a private gym they could use on the basement floor. Sounds like the perfect place to test these guns out! The thought was accompanied by Chris bringing his arms up and flexing his biceps in a display of power that he was certain would never get old. A brief investigation of the wardrobe revealed some workout shorts and a sleeveless black tank which Chris hastily pulled on, and he then completed the look by donning a beanie and some sneakers that he was willing to bet cost more than an entire year of his tuition.

The hotel gym was empty when Chris arrived, although truthfully he wouldn’t have minded having some onlookers. It was strange but considering he had never stepped foot in a gym himself, he felt completely confident in his capabilities. Although there was definitely a part of Chris that wanted to see what the heaviest weight he could lift was, he decided to take it easier by focusing on a higher number of reps with slightly lower weights. He’d even discovered a workout planner on Drue’s cell phone that gave him a guide through the next sixty minutes and made things so much easier for him. Sure, he didn’t understand what all of the machines did but it took surprisingly little trial and error before he had worked up a good sweat and had his muscles pumped up.

Once he had completed the final exercise of that day’s planned workout, Chris returned the dumbbell to the rack and paused in front of the mirror. Before he could even think about it, a chuckle escaped his lips as he took in the glorious sight before him: six-foot-two and two-hundred-and-thirty pounds of sweaty muscle, topped off with a face that would look perfectly at home on the runway and a cock that would make any man enviable. It didn’t seem like a long shot to suggest that he was a perfect physical specimen and it seemed like the future was going to provide Chris with very little hardship, especially if he could get his head around football. He sure hoped that he could adapt to the sport quickly, because he’d love to see the real Drue’s face when he discovered just how easy it had been for his replacement to get settled in his perfect life!


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