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Zander Worthington was living a miserable life. He had never even wanted to go into the business sector but it had been expected of him just because of his surname and lineage. Zander’s father, Alexander Worthington IV, had worked tirelessly throughout his life to turn Worthington Pharmaceuticals from just another company to the number one pharmaceutical company in all of North America. His unexpected death in a traffic accident had been heartbreaking for everybody at Worthington Pharmaceuticals, but especially Zander who was still struggling to adapt to adulthood. Even five years on, he continued to contend with his father’s early passing, and the stress of taking over a multinational company was distinctly visible on every part of his body.

Absolutely everybody involved with Worthington Pharmaceuticals knew that Alexander wanted his son to take over the reigns as CEO but very few of them were enthusiastic about the idea themselves. Zander was seriously underqualified and had a terrible attitude, snapping at the people working underneath him on a moment’s notice and even firing them for daring to look at him wrong. To say that Zander was unpopular among the company would be an understatement - he was outright loathed.

This was of course only made worse by the fact that Louis Hartridge, the Chief Operating Officer who worked directly below Zander, was universally beloved. Not only did the mature man have decades of experience in business but he was also incredibly personable and inspired confidence in anybody who he crossed paths with. He had been best friends with Alexander since their private school days; Alexander had even served as best man at Louis’ wedding to John, his beautiful husband, back when gay marriage had first been legalized. Louis was the only person who never openly disparaged Zander and he always did his best to try and serve as a mentor to the ill-tempered CEO. It didn’t even matter that Louis’ own husband didn’t like Zander very much, he wasn’t about to give up on the son of his late best friend. He owed it to Alexander for all those years of friendship!

Zander was well aware of how much more respect Louis received from their employees than him and he didn’t like it one bit. Despite all the help that the older man had provided him over the years (especially since taking over as CEO), Zander’s jealousy made him start to resent the Chief Operating Officer. Absolutely everything in the other man’s life seemed to be so perfect. Even though he was over double Zander’s age, Louis still had an incredibly fit body with a slender waistline and broad shoulders. His dress shirts always looked painted on over his barrel chest and powerful arms, while the pants were perfectly tailored to his long legs and highlighted the sizable derriere that was the result of a consistent squat routine. It wasn’t uncommon for people at the Worthington Pharmaceuticals offices to whisper about the “daddy vibes” Louis gave off. 

If there were comments being made about Zander’s body and appearance though, they would be much less complimentary. Even before his father’s death he had been thickly built and the years since then had only seen everything bloat further. There wasn’t a single item in Zander’s wardrobe that was a smaller size than XL and even some of those sat a little tighter on his large body than the CEO liked. While he knew he wasn’t grossly overweight, the businessman definitely felt a lot of shame relating to his shape. He had previously employed a personal trainer to help get him into shape, but the stresses of his job and the severity of his temptations kept Zander from sticking to the diet plan that had been assigned to him and eventually he’d dismissed the trainer rather than continuing to pay for his unused services.

The news that Louis would be going on an extended vacation with his husband was met with great dismay by the multitude of employees at Worthington Pharmaceuticals. If the COO wasn’t there to protect them and pull Zander back when he had one of his famous temper tantrums then it was very likely that a handful of them would be out of a job before the older man got back from his two months under the Barbados sun. Zander was actually glad to see his second-in-command leave the office for such a lengthy stretch of time though, as it signaled the perfect time for him to put his plan into action. He was no longer content to live his own miserable life and had decided that Louis’ body and less stressful position in the company would be a much better fit for him, so he had put a large portion of his personal fortune towards a little trinket that would help him get precisely what he wanted.

Something that very few people knew was that Alexander Worthington III had actually been a great believer in the power of the occult. It wasn’t just hard work and business savvy that had led to Worthington Pharmaceuticals becoming the juggernaut that it had grown to be - no, at least part of that success should be credited to the variety of warlocks that Alexander had paid handsomely in exchange for their supernatural services. That was a secret that the late businessman had kept from even Louis, his closest confidant, and his son had only discovered the truth upon finding his father’s journals among his possessions after the funeral. As such, Zander was just taking a page out of his old man’s book by thinking outside of the box and working smarter rather than harder! It was what Alexander would have wanted for him, Zander was absolutely sure of it.

The Bracelet of Cavanaugh had cost the young CEO a cool five million dollars and while he definitely still had a mountain of money in the bank, Zander was hoping that he hadn’t just fallen for one of the most expensive scams of all time. He had found mention of the amulet in among his father’s secret research into the occult and the unique ability that the piece of jewelry possessed made it an essential purchase. It was the lone entry among the vast catalog of magic-imbued artifacts that Alexander had written about in his journals that possessed the power that Zander longed to harness. With the bracelet wrapped around his thick wrist, the unhappy young man would be capable of switching bodies with any other living being and he knew precisely whose body he would choose!

While working closely alongside Louis was frustrating for Zander as he was constantly reminded of just how beloved the older man was and how much better his life was, it was useful in the current unique circumstances. Thanks to their shared secretary, Zander had a copy of his COO’s flight details and could put his plan into action at a time when Louis would be unable to do anything in retaliation! It just so happened that the Bracelet of Cavanaugh arrived on Zander’s desk the morning that Louis and his husband were due to fly out. The happy couple would be celebrating their wedding anniversary but Louis wouldn’t be the one enjoying it. No, it would be Zander cuddling up with John on those sandy beaches while his former mentor kept things running in the office!

After carefully placing the bracelet around his wrist and tightening the clasp, Zander took a moment to admire the item that would soon be causing the most dramatic change he would ever see in his life. The item was made out of pure gold and was decorated with small sapphires, rubies and emeralds, all of which sparkled as the morning sunlight poured through the office windows. There was an almost hypnotic quality to the bangle’s numerous gemstones, so much so that Zander almost lost himself into a trance! The beep of an alarm snapped the man out of his stupor before he could fall too far though; it meant Louis would be boarding the plane imminently and so it was time for Zander to see if the Bracelet of Cavanaugh really was as powerful as his father believed it could be!

Closing his eyes, the CEO cleared his mind of all distractions and focused only on one thing: his desire to occupy the flesh of Louis Hartridge. He pictured the older man’s trim and muscular physique, with the sleeves of the polo shirts stretched tight and the bottom of them tucked into the top of his jeans. Zander thought about the many times he had seen John Hartrtidge cuddled up against his husband’s side, his smaller but no less muscular frame making them look like a perfect complimenting pair. Never in his life had Zander poured all of his focus and desire into one singular thing and, to his great relief, the intensity of said desire was capable of awakening the ancient magic locked within the bracelet. The gems shone bright like miniature suns and the man gasped as he felt the unfamiliar tendrils of magic reach deep inside of him and take hold of his very being.

Slowly but surely, Zander’s spirit was pried free of its physical attachments and lifted gently up into the air as an invisible and ethereal essence that was swiftly launched from the top floor office of the Worthington Pharmaceuticals office all the way to the city airport where it would find its new host body. During this journey the spirit would cross paths with its counterpart and while Zander was most definitely looking forward to reaching his destination, the spirit of Louis was filled with terror and dread. Was this what dying felt like? Louis would soon come to learn that the truth of the situation was actually much more twisted than a simple death. That might have even been a mercy in comparison to what would become of him!

The two spirits slammed into their destination bodies like a vehicle striking a tree - violent enough to throw both of them onto their backs. In the case of Louis (now unceremoniously dumped in Zander’s overweight body), he was unfortunate enough for the back of his skull to make a hard collision with the ground which knocked him out cold. Zander fared better by avoiding any head trauma, but he was given a quick introduction to how much worse a dramatic fall could be on older bones. Every muscle in his back flared up in agony and his bones ached in protest, but those pains were somewhat eased by the warm presence that was by his side in an instant.

“What the hell just happened, babe?” John asked, his handsome face twisted into an expression of deep concern. It had been a long time since anybody had looked at Zander like that (in fact he wondered if there had ever been a time that somebody had) and as such, even if he hadn’t been winded from his fall, he still would have struggled to find his voice. Zander had always recognised John to be a good looking guy but now that he was seeing the man through Louis’ eyes, he appeared utterly radiant. 

“I-- must have tripped,” Zander lied, ignoring the shiver that ran down his spine when he heard the familiar voice of his godfather speaking the words. He tried to push himself up but a dramatic increase in back pain caused him to wince and cease his attempts. “Care to help me up… babe?” The word sounded foreign in Zander’s head but any oddity in his delivery was seemingly dismissed by John as a side effect of his nasty introduction to the pavement he remained sprawled upon.

Despite being considerably shorter than his husband, John wasn’t frail by any means. The husbands were regulars at their local gym and had better bodies at the age of sixty than they had even back in their twenties! Although it wasn’t without some grunting and groaning as a result of the sharp pain shooting up and down his spine, Zander was able to get back up on his feet with John’s help. As he’d outstretched his hand though, Zander had noticed that the Bracelet of Cavanaugh had appeared on his wrist rather than remaining with his body back at the Worthington Pharmaceuticals offices. He hastily removed it and dropped it into the satchel that hung by his side, hoping that John hadn’t noticed it. Luckily it seemed like his new husband was still distracted by the dramatic tumble that the supposed love of his life had just taken. “Are you alright?” John asked, gingerly running a hand over the taller man’s back. “Did you sprain something?”

Now that he was back up on his feet (or rather Louis’ feet) Zander was relieved to discover that the pain was easing up a little. “I’ll live,” he huffed while the corners of his lips pulled up into a faint smile. There would definitely be some lingering discomfort but nothing felt broken or completely debilitating. “Come on, let’s go get checked in.” Lacing his fingers with his husband’s and then grabbing the handle of his suitcase with the other hand, Zander hastily led the way into the airport. As he was unaware that the real Louis had already slipped into unconsciousness by that point, he was eager to keep John distracted and away from his phone. It seemed likely that the very first thing Louis would do would be to try and contact his husband and Zander wasn’t about to let him jeopardize the whole thing.

While the pair waited in the queue to get their luggage assessed, Zander leaned in close and pressed a kiss to the shorter man’s temple. He wasn’t used to behaving in such an affectionate manner but he was quickly growing to appreciate it. John’s presence was calming in a manner that Zander had never really felt before and he was jealous that the real Louis had gotten to experience this for so long. Why hadn’t anyone chosen to love Zander the way he deserved to be? That was the kind of self torment that often drove the young CEO into one of his infamous temper tantrums. It’s fine, I’ve got a devoted lover now, he reminded himself, pushing a potentially hostile mood away.

Cuddling up against his new husband’s side hadn’t just been so he could enjoy being physically close to John though. No, Zander had used it as an excuse to sneak a hand around the shorter man and slip it into his jacket pocket where he kept his cell phone. Once he had carefully pried it free, Zander tucked it into his own back pocket with the intention of hiding it away later. Hopefully he’d be able to get lucky and convince the other man that he’d left it at the home the husbands shared in order to prevent John from even looking for it.

Sure enough, it wasn’t until the pair were already in their business class seats on the plane that John noticed the absence. He was initially perturbed, fearing it had been left in public somewhere, but Zander was able to assuage the other man’s anxieties by insisting that it would be good for the pair of them to go the whole vacation without contact with the outside world. “It can just be us like old times,” the impostor suggested, wearing a fond smile on his face before leaning in to capture the other’s lips in a brief but sweet kiss. It was vastly different to the majority of kisses in Zander’s past. Those had often been desperate and even violent at times, whereas this one was soothing and even therapeutic. Zander felt so safe in John’s presence, like he had always been Louis and the man whose lips were pressed against his own really was his husband.

With the danger of the real Louis getting ahold of his husband and alerting him to what was going on now being eliminated, Zander was able to enjoy the start of his vacation in complete bliss. “Shall we get some champagne to celebrate our getaway?” he suggested, unable to hide the excited grin on his stolen face. Much to his delight, John quickly agreed and the pair were soon equipped with a glass of champagne each. To Zander’s great delight, John was definitely the more talkative of the two men. As such, by the time they landed at their destination, Zander had been able to absorb a lot of information about the couple’s friendship circle. That had been something Zander had been a little nervous about, as his knowledge of Louis’ life was mostly limited to work and the little parts that his father had shared with him before his passing. With John being such an open book and access to Louis’ social media accounts though (which he was already in the process of changing all the passwords to), Zander was confident that he’d get caught up enough in no time. Nobody would have any reason to suspect he wasn’t the real Louis Hartridge, least of all his gorgeous husband!

Once the pair were off the plane and settled in their spacious hotel suite, they were quick to make their way down to the pool and enjoy the gorgeous weather. The clear blue skies above them and the gentle breeze against Zander’s hairy and mature skin left him feeling more peaceful than he ever had in his entire life. While the cocktail in his hands was nice, by far his favorite thing was the beautiful view - namely John, who still managed to have a full six-pack and firm pecs despite celebrating his sixtieth birthday earlier that year.

There was no denying that the time the pair spent both beside and in the pool was fun, it was nothing compared to the moment later that evening when they were alone in the hotel room together and John made it clear that he wanted to “test the bed out”. Zander was quick to agree as well as to initiate a passionate makeout session like they were a pair of horny teenagers about to have their first time together. Something that was different to Zander’s usual practices was the fact that both he and John had to take a viagra pill in order to help their body reach the optimal conditions for love-making. Zander was rather impressed to discover that his current body possessed an impressive eight inch cock and it was incredibly sensitive to the touch, which he discovered when John got down onto his knees and took the hard length between his lips. The decades of experience were immediately clear; John gave the best blowjob that Zander had ever been blessed with! In fact, he seriously struggled to hold himself back from blowing his load right then and there. There was still so much he wanted to enjoy, after all…

It was a sad truth that Zander rarely got to have sex in his own body unless he hired the company of a male escort. Unlike what he believed, it wasn’t the CEO’s thicker build that turned people away but rather the unpleasantness of his personality. Up until that day it had been almost six weeks since Zander had last gotten laid so he had quite the bit of sexual frustration worked up. John was an incredibly willing participant throughout it all, even when the thrusting of Zander’s hips became more forceful and his grip on the other’s tight waist increased. When all was said and done and the pair of lovers collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty mess, they were both utterly spent. Even with all the time John and Louis spent in the gym together, that had been perhaps the most intense cardio session of their long lives!

“That was incredible,” John gasped, resting his head against the larger man’s broad chest. “I’ve never known you to be so dominating before!” When Zander asked if he had been okay with it, his new husband simply laughed. “Oh, I was more than okay with it, babe! That might be the best sex we’ve ever had!” Hearing that made Zander’s face light up with a triumphant smirk. Finally he was better than the real Louis at something! Oh how he wished he’d recorded that conversation just so he could listen to it back and relish in the glory of that comment over and over again…

As the days in paradise with his lover turned into weeks, Zander grew more and more conflicted about whether he would ever want to return to his body. Sure, he’d be giving up three and a half decades of his life, but wasn’t it worth it when he got a beautiful husband and the respect of his employees in return? There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that Louis would try and get his body back and then expose Zander for what he’d done, so the scheming CEO was already starting to come up with various plans on what he might do to remove the other from the equation entirely. Perhaps he could get “Zander” institutionalized for his apparent identity crisis, leaving the CEO position free for the new Louis to ascend to!

The frequent nights of pleasure with John were definitely some of Zander’s favorite experiences in his new mature hunky body but he was having almost as much fun in the resort’s gym. In stark contrast to his prior attempts to get in better shape, Zander felt incredibly motivated to keep the older body he was currently occupying in good shape. He was incredibly impressed with his new strength and it seemed like others were too, as he rarely made it through a solo session in the gym without somebody approaching him to tell him how cool they thought that an older gentleman like him was still so dedicated to his fitness. Of course, the majority of Zander’s workout sessions had John right there beside him and despite spending almost every waking moment with the other, he continued to be delighted by his new husband’s company. John and Louis really had been made for each other and Zander was quite content to take advantage of that connection.

While the selfish young man was enjoying himself on the vacation of a lifetime, the real Louis had been left to keep Worthington Pharmaceuticals running which was much easier said than done when he no longer had the respect of those working for him.

Unsurprisingly, the older man was absolutely furious at what Zander had done to him and was planning to stage a coup once he had been restored to his own body, which he could only hope would happen after the vacation was over. None of his calls or messages seemed to be reaching John and while he could see that the messages of blistering anger that he sent to his own number were being read, he never received a reply to any of them. The employees at Worthington Pharmaceuticals simply thought that “Zander” was having one of his extended temper tantrums, especially since he was having to do more work without the COO being present. Louis desperately wished he could tell them the truth but he knew that nobody would ever believe him even if he tried. He had to continue playing the part of Zander Worthington and he absolutely loathed every moment of it!

Eventually the decision on whether or not to switch back was taken completely out of Zander’s hands. He and John returned to their hotel suite one evening after a romantic walk on the beach to discover that the room had been ransacked and their suitcases were wide open. All of their valuable items had been stolen and that included both of the hidden phones and the Bracelet of Cavanaugh. John was understandably mortified by the theft but the new (and forever) Louis had the polar opposite response. In fact, he struggled to hide the glee from his face when he realized what it meant for him.

In his eyes, the theft was an intervention by whatever higher power existed out there in the greater universe. It was a clear sign that his decision to switch into Louis’ body had been the right thing to do and that he was supposed to keep the hunky older body for himself. Relief washed over him like a wave as he silently thanked whoever had been responsible for the theft. They would never know what a life changing difference their petty crime had made on him!

As their vacation came to an end, the new Louis was actually excited to return back to the city and be reunited with the man he’d actively replaced. He no longer had to fear going back to his depressing life and body because it would never actually be possible. In fact he was actually hoping for the former Louis to have a very public meltdown because then it would give him good evidence to get “Zander” thrown into the madhouse, leaving him free to live the life he’d always deserved to have. For the rest of his days, he would be the one true Louis Hartridge and he was so looking forward to spending every moment of his future with his loving husband!


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