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Make sure you read Part One first! A PDF with both parts (and pictures) is attached below.

Nick Bosa rose from his slumber the next morning and was immediately made aware of how full his bladder was. While he would have definitely appreciated remaining in bed for a little longer, he couldn’t ignore the call of Mother Nature for much longer. Swinging his thick legs out from under the sheets and placing his large feet on the hardwood floors, the hunky football slowly rose to his feet. The bedroom was still dark but he was able to navigate his way to the en-suite with ease, even remembering to step over the clothes that he had hastily discarded on the floor the previous night.

After letting out a loud yawn, Nick wiped the sleep out of his eyes and then pushed down his boxers to give his manhood some breathing room. He quickly alleviated the pressure on his bladder and flushed the chain without bothering to check whether or not his spray had caused much of a mess. With his body now much more at ease, Nick shuffled to the sink and turned on the taps in order to wash his hands. He moved with complete familiarity, as if this was just an average morning for him. There wasn’t a single acknowledgement of the bizarre happenings during his slumber until the moment where Nick looked up from the sink and came face to face with his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His incredibly masculine reflection.

All of the memories that had been locked away in the back of Nick’s mind began to break free, surging forward to prominence in bits and pieces without ever completely creating a full picture. He remembered being Nicola, a woman and the girlfriend of the 49ers’ quarterback, but he also remembered his entire history as Nick. There were two lives competing for dominance in his mind! Their voices were shouting over each other in an attempt to be heard and a migraine was very quickly building at the base of his skull. Everything in his head was so loud! After a brief struggle, the football player’s true identity regained dominance and the former woman was at a total loss for what could possibly be happening.

While Nicola was definitely alarmed by what had become of her, she couldn’t deny that the man being reflected back at her was an incredibly gorgeous one. She could still recognise parts of herself within her new reflection, particularly in the eyes, but all traces of femininity had been wiped out. This was the kind of guy that turned heads whenever he walked into a room, especially considering her handsome face was paired with a muscular body. Nicola couldn’t help but be fascinated by the muscles of her pecs and how different they felt compared to the breasts she usually possessed. She grabbed at them with her larger hands, groping the muscles experimentally and enjoying the result. From there her hands traveled down to explore the cobblestone path of her abs and a wave of pride flushed through her in response to how defined the region was. Bizarrely she could remember performing hundreds of crunches every single day in order to keep her core in such incredible condition, yet she was also aware that those memories belonged to Nick rather than Nicola.

The shrill ringing of an alarm in the bedroom not only pulled Nicola’s focus away from her reflection but also prompted her consciousness to be launched out of the driver’s seat. That skull-crushing headache had disappeared in an instance as things were returned to their new equilibrium, with the male identity rising back to prominence. The competing factions in his mind were immediately silenced as the identity of Nicola Bosa was locked back in its cage. Nick didn’t even remember the violent struggle he’d just had within his own mind, only that he’d experienced a very brief headache that had thankfully passed as quickly as it had arrived.

After stomping back into the bedroom, the athlete slammed a heavy hand down on top of the alarm clock. It was a miracle that he hadn’t broken the plastic piece of crap yet given how much force he tended to use on it but perhaps it was just sturdier than it looked. While Nick definitely longed for a life where he never had to wake up to an alarm, he was quick to remind himself that it was all for a good reason. In just over an hour he would be walking out onto the practice field at the 49ers facility with his helmet in his hand and his jersey over his broad chest. They were still two full months away from the start of the pre-season but these early summer practices were some of the most fun Nick had experienced in his fairly short professional football career. 

This upcoming season would be his fourth in the NFL, although he had lost the vast majority of his second to an injury. Since then he had been even more determined than ever to keep his body in tip-top condition. These training camps helped Nick achieve that, so he wasn’t going to complain about attending them. If anything, it was rewarding to spend his time out under the beautiful California sun running drills for hours in order to be the best football player he could possibly be! There were hundreds of thousands of guys all across the States who would absolutely kill to be in his position and despite putting on a near-constant display of arrogance, Nick actually felt great pressure to prove that he was worthy of retaining his spot on the team.

He arrived at the 49ers facility a few minutes earlier than he usually would, which afforded Nick some time to send a text message to his older brother. The two Bosas had a close bond and liked to spend as much time together as possible which mercifully wasn’t too difficult given both of their teams played out of California. San Francisco to Los Angeles wasn’t too stressful of a journey when you could afford to fly first class! As such, the brothers usually alternated visits every few weeks; Joey would be flying to Frisco on Friday evening once his own training camp had wrapped up for the week. They’d spend the mornings training together like they had all the way back in their high school days, before hitting up a bar for some lunch and afternoon drinks. Sometimes their friends from the team would join them and when that happened, the days usually ended under louder and roudier conditions! When a large group of red-blooded straight men with super jacked bodies and overstuffed bank accounts all got together for drinks, could anything else really be expected of them?

Upon entering the 49ers locker room, Nick immediately moved towards his area and greeted the teammates that he passed by on his way. Among them were George Kittle and Kyle Juszczyk, two of his regular drinking buddies and closest friends on the team. They didn’t always agree on every little thing (Nick tended to be a little more conservative in his politics than the other two) but they got on well enough that Nick had actually acted as a third for each man and his wife. Those had been pretty fun nights, although Nick had ensured that the guy-on-guy action was as limited as could be. Despite living in the gay capital of the United States, Nick simply didn’t feel comfortable with that kind of lifestyle. He’d only made out with Kyle because the man’s wife had begged them to do it, while Kittle’s wife had requested that her husband kiss Nick’s biceps. He’d drawn the line at either of them getting near his cock - that was reserved for their wives, and they’d taken it well!

Nick was just a few inches away from his locker space when he locked eyes with the team’s quarterback, the model-esque Jimmy Garopollo, and for the second time in as many hours, Nick’s sense of self was thrown into extreme jeopardy. The Nicola Bosa identity once again forced itself to the forefront of their shared mind and a gasp escaped her lips as she recognised the man as her boyfriend. Considering she had woken up alone and the memories she had of feeling uncomfortable about sexual scenarios with other man, she was able to deduce that their relationship hadn’t carried over into this warped reality. In fact, Nick didn’t seem to have much of a connection to Jimmy at all.

“N-Nicola?” the other man asked in a hushed tone, catching the transformed woman in surprise. “It-- that’s you, isn’t it?” At a loss for words, Nicola simply stared at her boyfriend (was he technically an ex now?) with her mouth slightly agape. How did he still remember her true identity? The only possible reason was how integral Jimmy had been to her life as Nicola; did that mean her brother would remember her true self too? “I just looked in your eyes and I- I remembered,” Jimmy explained after Nicola had finally matched to voice her disbelief. “Well, I remember us a-and date night last night, but… I also remember you like this. What the hell is going on?”

When confronted by the question, a memory suddenly floated to the front of Nicola’s mind: the wish she had made the previous night! “I… this is all my fault,” she groaned, struggling with a complex cocktail of emotions raging inside of her masculine body. “Last night I made a stupid wish that I appreciated football the same way you and my brother do and then I woke up like this and-- and I don’t even remember who I truly am most of the time!” Nicola’s beefy chest rose and fell with every heavy breath as she struggled to keep herself in check. Despite being the primary identity at that moment in time, Nick was still bubbling under the surface and he absolutely refused to cry in the locker room! It would absolutely jeopardize his masculinity if he started blubbering like a girl, even if she was supposedly their true identity - although that was a point that he heavily debated. His memories and feelings were simply too strong to be fake.

In response to Nicola’s clear distress, Jimmy stepped forward and lifted a hand as if about to cup her cheek the way he used to whenever she got upset. Rather than this familiar motion comforting the woman and reaffirming her identity though, it had the adverse effect. Nick once again powered his way into control and hastily pulled away, snarling in disgust at the quarterback. “Keep your hands off me, dude,” he hissed as his face twisted into a scowl. “You do you, but I don’t want anyone in this locker room to think I’m some sorta homo.”

The scathing remark caused Jimmy to flinch and pull back while Nick puffed up his chest to further intimidate the other man. In doing so, the persona of Nicola was not just pushed back but beginning to completely dismantle - memories were forgotten, never to be recovered, and all of her feminine interests such as fashion and make-up became topics that Nick simply couldn’t give a shit about. If another guy dared to try and talk to him about some girly nonsense like that then he’d laugh right in their face and accuse them of being a queer. No, real men should care about getting ripped in the gym and dominating in sports, just like he did! In his eyes, he was the absolute epitome of masculinity and it had always been that way. In fact, he would have laughed at the idea of being a woman for even a day - why the fuck would he want to do that? He had a fat cock and huge muscles, could being a chick really beat that? Nah, it was so much better being a dude!

As he pulled on the various pieces of his uniform, Nick continued to shed parts of his former life until there was absolutely nothing of Nicola left. He was a red blooded straight man who had grown up knowing that a career in professional football was ahead of him. He’d admired his father and his older brother and every choice he’d made in high school and college had been so he could one day follow in their footsteps and play for the NFL. Now here he was, fully decked out in the red, white and gold of the San Francisco 49ers, getting ready to start a full day of practice!

Once the team had emptied out of the locker room and had their feet on the turf, Nick truly felt at home. There was nothing he would rather be spending his summer doing than being surrounded by his teammates and making sure the team was shaping up for another run at the Super Bowl. The last two seasons had been disappointing but this was their comeback year, he could feel it! Then again, even if they didn’t manage to go all the way, as long as he ended the year with better stats than his older brother, Nick would be happy. He and Joey had always been the competitive sort (even when it came to girls back in their high school days) and that was never going to change!

After several hours of grueling exercises, Nick had worked up quite the sweat and decided to lift up his jersey to get some more of the cooler air on his body. Doing so revealed his taut abs, which received a chorus of mock flirtatious whistles from his teammates. Nick’s own attention though was drifting towards the sidelines of the practice field, where the cheerleaders were putting together a new routine. Upon hearing the whistles, some of them had turned around and were now eyeing up Nick and his sweaty muscles. Lifting up his arms and hitting a flex, the cocky athlete delighted in the squeals of excitement that he received in return. 

Once the practice was over, Nick would take not one but two of the busty cheerleaders back into the locker room showers with him. The blonde bombshells would giggle as he placed a hand on each of their asses while he guided them to a more private area for them to have some fun. Nick was so caught up in his excitement to fill some pussy and get his hot body worshiped that he didn’t even notice Jimmy watching him walk past with a sad look in his eyes. Even if they had though, it wasn’t like Nick would actually care. In fact, he was starting to think the QB was secretly one of those pervy homos…



The real fun thing about this one is "prove it didn't happen."

Martin Guzman

My heart is broken, I had a bit of hope for a sweet relationship 🥲