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After an exhausting shift at work where he had almost told his asshole manager to go fuck herself, Nate was very much looking forward to getting home, settling down in his comfortable chair, and playing some video games. Due to their clashing shifts, Nate’s boyfriend was required to sleep soon, so they exchanged a brief conversation and a sweet kiss before the other man shuffled tiredly into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Truthfully Nate was somewhat relieved about this - he wasn’t sure he could manage any further communication with anyone without exploding. Decompressing in solitude was a necessity; he’d feel a lot better after a few hours of playing games without interruption.

Once he had made himself a cup of decaf coffee and settled down in front of the laptop, Nate was finally able to let out the heavy sigh that had been building up since the start of his shift. Almost immediately after loading up his Steam profile though, the young man’s attention was grabbed by a notification alerting him to the fact that his account had supposedly received a gift! That’s odd, Nate thought as he navigated his mouse pointer to the notification with some hesitance. After clicking on it, a pop-up filled the majority of the screen featuring a small paragraph of text that provided some context for why he had received the unexpected gift.

Sorry you had another crappy day at work, the message began. I thought you could do with something to fix your day up and let you escape into a less stressful life! I’ve heard people rave about this game, especially after the latest update, so I’ll be interested to hear how you get on with it! I hope it's the “life-changing experience” that all the reviews claim it to be. Anyway, enjoy it and let me know what you think. Maybe I’ll have to pick up a copy for myself! From your best friend, Henry x

Attached at the bottom of the message was an option for Nate to download the gifted copy of BRO SIMULATOR 2K22. It wasn’t a title that Nate had ever heard of before, but he was never going to scoff at a gift. He wasn’t sure how Henry had known about his bad day considering the last messages they had exchanged were a full six hours ago, but it wasn’t the first time that his internet pen pal had swept in to brighten a gloomy day. Nate had done the same in return at various points in the history of their friendship too; it was as if there was some invisible string connecting the two young men that allowed them to sense when they were in need of intervention. The gifting of a sixty dollar game was something of a large step in their friendship and while there was a part of Nate that wanted to refuse it simply due to the price tag, his curiosity got the better of him and he slammed down on the option to download the game.

While he waited for the software to install, Nate scanned through the game’s store page and quickly discovered that Henry hadn’t been lying about the reviews: there wasn’t a single user that had rated it less than four stars! The game’s summary promised “lifelike graphics” and an “immersive experience” but was shy on detailing the gameplay mechanics. There weren’t any gameplay videos either, just a selection of screenshots that all featured muscular jocks in a gym setting. Sure enough, the graphics looked so photo-realistic that Nate wasn’t totally convinced that they weren’t just pictures taken directly from the Instagram feeds of assorted fitness influencers.

A brief chime from the laptop’s speakers alerted Nate to the fact that the game had finished its installation process, so he hastily clicked out of the store page and booted the new software up. It loaded up in an instant, greeting Nate with a screen that featured a muscular jock in a white stringer standing next to the game title. The jock had a hand clasped around his other wrist and all of the muscles in his arms and chest were tensed up, all while a cocky smirk decorated his handsome face. Given the photorealistic graphics that he was being presented with, Nate was hardly even surprised when his soft cock twitched in delight. This was just the very first screen too - how much more hotness awaited him within the actual game?! He wasn’t sure if the developers had intended to make a game that would titillate its player-base but when those players were thirsty gay men like Nate, that was what would ultimately happen!

Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the game’s studly mascot, Nate navigated his cursor towards the “New Game” option and proceeded through to the next screen. Quickly identifying that it was nothing more than a boring terms and conditions page, Nate hastily scrolled to the bottom without reading any of it and selected the box to signify his agreement. The moment he clicked the option to continue though, the young man was blinded by an unexpected burst of light from his laptop’s webcam. When his eyes finally recovered from the shocking assault, Nate found himself on a character creation screen. The 3D model on the screen was initially generic but with each passing second it began to take on some more familiar features: the rounder jawline, the wide nostrils, the thicker waistline… The game was making a perfect digital replication of its player! What kind of tech is this game running on? Nate wondered to himself, hovering somewhere between amazement and alarm. I’ve never heard of anything like this!

Once the on-screen character was a completely accurate copy of the young man sat at the laptop, a pop-up appeared on screen to display a message that Nate immediately found to be disconcerting: Downloading browser history and personal documents to construct a suitable narrative for the user! “Wait, what? I never agreed to that!” Nate exclaimed, although he already knew that there was a very good chance that he actually had agreed to it. Had he really been expected to read through that huge wall of text on the terms and conditions page?! Why had none of the reviews on the store page mentioned that the game would breach the user’s privacy to such an extreme degree?

Before he could get worked up enough to consider quitting out of the game and caving to his growing anxieties, the pop-up disappeared and Nate was instead shown a fully constructed profile for his in-game avatar. It had absolutely every detail spot on - from basic things like his birthday to the details of his multiple college degrees and even his secret kinks and fetishes! Having such thorough information listed on the screen made Nate’s cheeks burn from embarrassment. He wrestled with the temptation to quit out of the game, but his curiosity had been awoken by the game’s unusual character creation system. Despite some trepidation, he eventually moved his mouse to the “Start Your BroSimulator Journey!” option and unwittingly took his first step onto a new path in life…

Given the lack of detail that had been provided on the store page and the attached screenshots, Nate had been left to speculate how the game would play. He surmised that it would probably be most logical for the game to play from an omnipresent third person position like in games such as The Sims. As such he was rather surprised when the game loaded up and he found himself controlling his character through a first person perspective. In the bottom left corner was a small panel that featured his name and basic stats such as his height (5’11”), weight (240lbs) and IQ (121). Each one of them was spot on and Nate continued to be both amazed and creeped out by just how thorough the game had been in reconstructing him within the digital world. On the opposite corner of the screen was the objectives list, of which there was currently only one: “Sign up for your membership!

He had loaded up in what appeared to be a gym (a logical starting location for the game, Nate supposed) and was face-to-face with a handsome man behind the reception desk. Once again Nate was blown away, not just by how hyper-real the graphics were, but also just how attractive the NPC was! With his wild mane of curly red hair, his thin pencil mustache and the nerdy Marvel stringer wrapped around his muscular chest, he was a perfect example of Nate’s dream guy! The NPC’s idle animation was to occasionally lift his arms up and hit a double bicep flex, something Nate was quite happy to watch several times over before finally selecting the option to start an interaction. 

“Wassup my dude, welcome to Casa del BroSim, the number one gym for super bros like you and me!” the NPC exclaimed, his delightfully deep voice booming through the laptop speakers to serenade Nate’s ears. “My name’s Max, bro. You must be Nate, right? Yeah, I heard you’d be coming in today. Are you here to sign up for a membership?”

Max returned to his idle animation while two options appeared on the screen for Nate to choose from. He could either confirm that he was there to sign up for a membership to Casa del BroSim or reject and exit out of the game entirely. Although he was still understandably perturbed by the various invasions of privacy that the game had performed so far, Nate was too curious for his own good. He wanted to see what the game had to offer, even if it was only some virtual eye candy! After the chaotic day at work he’d gladly take any form of stress relief he could get, so without much hesitation at all, the gamer selected the option to continue further into the game.

“That’s awesome, dude! I can see we’ve definitely got some work to do but don’t worry, you’ll be one of us in no time at all!” Max remarked, blessing Nate with a cocky smirk as he paused between sentences. “It looks like you’ve already got some basic workout gear on, but I’ve got some Casa del BroSim clothes behind the counter here that you can unlock by finishing up some basic quests. All you’ve got to do is introduce yourself to three people in this gym and take a drink from the water fountain over there. That should get you used to the basic controls, then we can move on to your first workout!”

After accepting the quest, Nate’s objective in the top right corner changed from “Sign up for your membership!” to “Introduce yourself! [0/3]” and “Take a drink!”. With this new guidance in mind, Nate turned his character around and looked at the assortment of NPCs that were currently occupying the gym. There were ten options but he only needed to speak to three, so he decided to introduce himself to those who looked the least intimidating. Nate wasn’t sure why he was so scared to introduce himself to the behemoth bodybuilder at the back of the gym considering he was only a collection of pixels, but he rationalized it to himself as simply playing like he really was entering a gym for the first time.

Within just a few minutes Nate had successfully managed to introduce himself to a cute blonde girl wearing Ivy Park workout gear who had introduced herself as Jenny and then to another girl with a bright green pixie cut called Mina. The young gay man had chuckled at the vaguely flirtatious dialogue of the characters; considering all the background research the game had done on him, had it been unable to work out that he wasn’t the type to be attracted to the female form? Putting that thought to the back of his mind, Nate scouted the room to decide who would be the perfect candidate for his third and final introduction. 

Feeling a little bolder after completing the first two steps in the quest, Nate decided to bravely venture away from the gym’s female clientele and introduce himself to a shirtless hunk over by the squat racks. The NPC was squeezed into some of the tightest pants Nate had ever seen and even though he knew what he was looking at wasn’t even real, he was in amazement of the man’s massive quads and voluptuous backside. It was so delightful to behold that Nate was actually disappointed when the character turned to face him upon his approach. There was still plenty to appreciate from this new angle though, as the man was sporting a pair of juicy pecs that he bounced as part of his idle animation.

Upon exchanging greetings with Kyle the shirtless stud, Nate navigated his character towards the water fountain and selected the option to take a drink. In a bizarre twist of fate, Nate actually found himself feeling strangely refreshed after his character finished the drinking animation. Not thinking much of it, he focused back on the game and moved his character back to the reception desk where Max was waiting for him, now with a green exclamation mark hovering over his head. “Radical work, my dude! You just scored yourself some sick Casa del BroSim threads!” the NPC proclaimed, pulling out a matching tee and pair of shorts from under the desk and handing them over. “Next stop: the changing room! Go put these sweet threads on, broski!”

The consistent bro-talk of the male NPC characters didn’t quite grate on the player as much as he had expected it to. In fact, Nate actually found it strangely charming. It probably helped that the characters were all so good looking, as like most people in the world, Nate was always a little more forgiving of a fictional character’s flaws when they had an undeniably beautiful exterior. He followed Max’s instructions without hesitation, navigating his character from the reception desk to the locker room. If this had been happening in his everyday life, Nate would have been relieved to find it as empty as it was. He’d always hated changing in front of others back in his high school gym class days and that dread persisted through to adulthood and similar public settings. While in a video game though, he was truthfully a little disappointed that there weren’t more hunky NPCs in the room for him to ogle.

Once his character stood deep enough in the room, a large red arrow appeared on the screen, pointing to a small backpack icon on the HUD. Nate moved his cursor over to the icon and opened up the inventory screen where he was greeted by his slowly rotating character. A brief tutorial taught Nate how to switch out the clothes he’d begun the game in with the ‘Casa del BroSim’ gear that he’d been rewarded with upon the completion of the first quest. It was a simple click-and-drag situation but the action had ripples far beyond what Nate would have expected. His attention was so firmly fixed upon the game that he failed to notice the clothes he was wearing upon his own very real body (his ill-fitting work uniform) were warping to become a perfect replica of the branded workout clothes that his character was clad in.

Upon returning to Max once again and completing the second straight simple quest, Nate was pleased to learn that more of the game’s features were now unlocked. It seemed like each of the exercise stations in the gym would activate a different minigame and he’d have to get a full three stars on each of the five starting exercises - dumbbell bicep curls, barbell bench press, parallel bar tricep dip, kettlebell squats, and bodyweight crunches - before the more challenging parts of the game would become available. The gameplay mechanics themselves seemed incredibly simple and a strange match with the clearly costly visual aesthetics of the game, but the game seemed to be a relatively easy-going experience and that was really what Nate needed for himself that evening!

With his objectives now updated, Nate decided to go through them in the listed order and so steered his character towards the rack of dumbbells. After clicking on the rack in order to start the tutorial minigame, Nate’s character was joined by another handsome NPC. This one had short spiky brown hair and neatly trimmed stubble, but it was his shirtlessness that captured Nate’s attention primarily. The man’s gorgeous pecs featured a sprinkling of chest hair and his full set of abs popped from even the man’s slightest movement.

“Sup, bro? I’m Chris but you can call me C-Dog! Looks like you’re ready to pump up those biceps, huh?” the shirtless stud asked in a sultry Australian accent. “You’ve come to the right place, dude. If you follow my instructions, you’ll have arms like mine in no time!” To accentuate his point, the man lifted up his arms and flexed the powerful muscles in his arms. It didn’t matter that ‘C-Dog’ was only a character in a video game - Nate was still thirsting hard!

The bicep curl minigame was simple in design, with the player being required to hit the spacebar of their keyboard at certain points during the curling motion. It actually reminded Nate a lot of the skill checks in Dead By Daylight, a game that he’d sunk several hundred hours into, and as such he had absolutely no issue getting a near-perfect score on his first attempt!

“You’re a natural, bro!” C-Dog exclaimed once the minigame finished and the screen displayed Nate’s score of 93% as well as a message proclaiming “+4 ARM STRENGTH!”. Once again though, the progress Nate made in the game had ripple effects in the real world, although the young man continued to be oblivious to such events. It wouldn’t have been too wild to describe his arms as being thin like noodles and he often left any tasks that required carrying heavy objects to his boyfriend. After playing the bicep curl minigame though, the limbs now possessed a small hint of definition, with the small bump of a bicep filling up a little more space in the baggy sleeves of his transformed shirt.

C-Dog insisted on “upping the intensity” for Nate’s second attempt at the minigame. This meant the skill checks were both more frequent and the bar he had to hit was smaller to reflect how his character had progressed onto a heavier weight. With his focus completely wrapped up in the task at hand, Nate failed to notice the hill of his bicep ascending to become a mountain. His forearms were also broadened as part of the exercise and he found himself unconsciously slamming down on the spacebar with more ferocity than before. It all paid off though because this time around Nate got a perfect 100% score, the full three stars he needed to complete that part of his questline, and a “+6 ARM STRENGTH!”. Nate wasn’t exactly sure what that meant but he was proud of himself nonetheless!

For the next thirty minutes Nate made steady progress through his list of objectives without his attention drifting away from the screen even once. He was so absorbed in what he was doing in the game that he actually started to feel like he really was there in Casa del BroSim! The staggered transformations to Nate’s body continued to go unnoticed as a result of his narrowed focus; not even when he wiped the sweat from his brow with his forearm did he notice how much thicker his arms had become. The real world had completely dropped away and the stresses of Nate’s terrible day at work had finally been forgotten, although he had no intention of halting his playthrough to go and join his boyfriend in bed.

After successfully pumping his biceps full of power, Nate moved on and found one of the free weightlifting benches. He actually felt a little intimidated by the barbell bench press. His anxious brain was quick to highlight how serious of an injury he could cause by accidentally overloading the bar and crushing himself. Not only would he potentially hurt himself but he’d embarrass himself in front of the gym’s clientele and expose himself as being a frail weakling! It took him a moment to remember that he was playing a game rather than actually performing the exercise for himself, so he wasn’t really at risk of an injury! A low chuckle escaped Nate’s mouth as he came to that realization. How could he have made such a silly mistake?

Now feeling much more optimistic about the task ahead, Nate listened to the tutorial that was given to him by the latest NPC arrival, a blond surfer dude with a Californian lilt to his deep voice. This minigame involved Nate repeatedly mashing the number five on his keyboard in order to fill up a bar that would make his character push the loaded barbell away from his chest. As with the bicep curl exercise before, the minigame would get progressively harder as he worked through the set but given its overall simplicity, Nate wasn’t exactly worried. He had this in the bag!

Sure enough, the bench pressing minigame really wasn’t much of a struggle at all. His first attempt scored him an 88% and a “+5 CHEST SIZE!”, while his second scored him the full three stars and added a +7 to his chest size. After completing the minigame and receiving congratulations from the surfer dude, Nate finally took notice of the changing statistics in the bottom left corner of the screen. His weight now had him listed at 210lbs, a full thirty pounds lighter than he was in real life! This rare moment of awareness didn’t extend to beyond the game though, as Nate had once again failed to notice the effects that his playthrough was having on his real physical form. The weight loss hadn’t been limited to his character, Nate was now overall leaner which was reflected by his shrunken waistline and the flattening of his pudgy belly. In tandem with the exercises though, the gamer’s chest had gained a fair amount of muscle mass. His doughy man-breasts had been rebirthed as a pair of meaty pectorals that Nate absentmindedly found himself bouncing in celebration of clearing his latest objective.

Nate powered his way through the three remaining items on his list and with each completed minigame and announcement of an increase to his character’s stats, his real life body underwent further changes. While the work on his biceps had definitely helped fill his sleeves, the tricep dip minigame pushed his arms even further until the fabric was wrapped tightly around the muscles of his upper arms. Similarly, upon completing the kettlebell squats, Nate’s thighs were given new life as a pair of powerful quads. He even had full meaty calves for the first time ever! The last exercise that he had to complete were the bodyweight crunches, which played out as another keyboard-mashing minigame like the bench press before, only this time he had to complete as many reps as he could in sixty seconds. After a few attempts he was finally able to claim the full three stars and in doing so had caused a six-pack of abdominals to carve their presence onto his formerly flat stomach. 

By the time Nate returned to Max at the reception desk to claim his reward, his weight had settled at 195lbs with only minimal body fat remaining. In both the game and in real life, his muscles glistened with a light coating of sweat and the workout clothes now looked as if they had been perfectly tailored to his proportions rather than the sloppy fit they had been previously. All of Nate’s cares had dropped away - he now only cared about continuing to make progress in the game.

The reward he received for completing the introductory workout quest was a pass to the gym’s sauna which Nate happily accepted. Sure enough, as he navigated his character into the sauna and closed the door behind him, his own body temperature started to rise once more. Nate’s time in the sauna didn’t serve to just get him sweating though, as his pasty white body adopted a light tan that would henceforth be his natural shade. This wasn’t the only change to occur within the room though, as the man’s vocal chords deepened and his Adam’s apple pushed further forward to give the formerly soft spoken individual a much gruffer and traditionally masculine voice.

Despite the lack of gameplay while he had been within the sauna, Nate felt perfectly relaxed when he emerged from the room and returned to the reception desk to receive his next quest from Max. “Looking good, bro! No homo though,” the redheaded jock exclaimed, holding up his fist which Nate instinctively bumped as was expected of an aspiring Bro. “Speaking of, we’ve got some pretty hot babes in the gym right now. Why don’t you go and introduce yourself to one?” The NPC paused for a moment, frowned and added in a quieter voice: “I guess there’s also some dudes who might be into it too, if that’s your thing.”

Nate could only laugh. As if it hadn’t already been clear that the game had been developed by straight dudes then that dialogue had definitely confirmed it. While Nate was an out and proud gay man (as his boyfriend in the next room could attest to), he found some amusement in playing along with the aggressively hetero fantasy that the game was attempting to push onto him. It didn’t take Nate long to find a generically pretty female NPC with blonde hair and a double-d chest back over where he had participated in the crunches minigame, who introduced herself as Lacey upon him starting up the interaction. The conversation played out as a minigame of sorts as well, with multiple dialogue options for Nate to choose from. He doubled down by picking the most obviously flirtatious choice every time and after just a few minutes, the relationship bar with Lacey showcased on the left side of the screen was almost three-quarters full!

Throughout the encounter Nate’s average six inches not only reached its maximum hardness but even began to grow beyond that, settling at a girthy eight inches that was tenting his shorts to an obscene degree and dripping with pre-cum. This time though the changes weren’t limited to Nate as in the bedroom of the small apartment he shared with his boyfriend, the partner in question was going through a dramatic change of his own. The sleeping man was robbed of his manhood in favor of a tight pussy and a pair of tits while his overall frame became much more petite to even further highlight the new woman’s considerable curves. The short black hair was exchanged for long blonde locks while the masculine facial features softened to better match the rest of her feminine body, completing the transformation of Nate’s boyfriend into a flesh and blood version of Lacey. 

“You’re super hot and we should totally go out some time, but I’ve gotta get back to my workout now!” the in-game Lacey declared, bringing the interaction with Nate’s player character to an end. The dismissal was accompanied by a kiss to the cheek and another message popping up on the screen featuring three stat increases: +10 ATTRACTIVENESS, +10 CHARM and +25 HETEROSEXUALITY. The rewards brought a cocky smirk onto Nate’s subtly shifting face. Fuck yeah, I’m a charmer! As he reveled in his latest in-game success, the roundness of Nate’s real life face gave away to sharper edges, resulting in a more angular jawline and chin. The various scars left behind after a turbulent battle with acne in his teen years were eliminated, leaving the young man’s face perfectly smooth. His eyes darkened to a chocolate brown and the sprouting of extra hairs around his eyebrows left them bushier than they had been before. The mop of dirty blond hair upon Nate’s head adopted a much curlier composition and a more stylish cut while also dropping several shades.

Nate’s physical changes were almost complete but he continued to play the game for at least another thirty minutes, collecting a variety of rewards after completing different objectives given to him by Max. One gave him a selection of tattoos that he was quick to equip on his character’s arms and on his upper left chest. Another featured a stat increase of “+15 SOCIAL MEDIA SAVVY!” which not only downloaded TikTok onto Nate’s cell phone but also populated his account with various thirst trap videos that had earned him millions of views. His occupation as a disgruntled retail employee was overwritten by a new life as an influencer who had used his good looks to earn what had previously been his annual income in just a single month! Completing a posing minigame in front of one of the gym’s many mirrors rewarded Nate with a “+25 SEX APPEAL!”. This not only had the side effect of making him much more confident to the point of arrogance but also further shifted his reality. He didn’t just make money from his career as a social media influencer - he was a content creator on OnlyFans too and was earning six figures a year combined from his various sources of income!

Nate probably could have continued playing Bro Simulator 2K22 for the remainder of the night if it hadn’t been for his laptop unexpectedly overheating and shutting itself down. The young stud was annoyed that his gaming session had been cut short but a glance at the time on his cell phone revealed he’d been playing it for almost three hours. As such, it was time for him to go record some spicy content to post on his OnlyFans so he could please his fans. Nate knew the majority of his subscribers were men and wasn’t totally comfortable with that anymore, but if they were willing to line his pockets then he didn’t see the harm in giving them a bit of a show! 

Maybe after he’d finished his recording session he’d post up a good review of Bro Simulator on his TikTok page. He was certain that a good number of his fans would benefit from playing it just like he had, although he truthfully could no longer pinpoint what the game had actually done for him. His former life as an out of shape gay man in a deadend job had been completely scrubbed clean from his mind, although that was no great loss. This new life as a total alpha bro was so much more rewarding!



Thank you for such an incredible and hot story. It’s always a great time to read a BroSim story (but even better when you’re the subject). Without a doubt this will be a story I’ll be reading it OFTEN 🥵🔥