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This female-to-male story was requested by one of the Bosa Tier patrons and will be followed up by a second entry soon. I had a lot of fun writing this one, so I hope you all enjoy it!

For somebody who had been surrounded by football her entire life, Nicola Bosa had remarkably little interest or appreciation for the sport. This fact was often the source of countless jokes from Nicola’s closest girlfriends, especially since Nicola’s father had played for the NFL in the nineties, her brother Joey was currently one of the top defensive players in the league, and even her boyfriend was an NFL quarterback! It didn’t seem to matter that all the men in her life had been or were currently professional football players though as the sport simply didn’t grab her interest very much at all. She hadn’t even been one of the cheerleaders in high school, choosing instead to gather her popularity through helping her fellow female students with their makeup and looks. This extracurricular activity of hers had seemingly paid off in the most beneficial way ever, considering the twenty-six year old was now living her dream life as an insanely successful beauty influencer with a total hunk of a boyfriend by her side! But considering how the universe seemed determined to keep her closely tied with the sport of football, Nicola had finally come to the conclusion that she needed to learn to at least tolerate it enough to finally sit through a full game.

The boastful beauty influencer’s boyfriend was none other than Jimmy Garoppolo, the current quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, where the pair of them lived. Truthfully it wasn’t even Jimmy’s football career that caught Nicola’s attention at first, it was the simple fact that he looked like he had just stepped off the runway and right into her life to give her the perfect piece of arm candy. He was as physically beautiful as a man could possibly be and his personality wasn’t half bad either. Sure, maybe it was shallow for Nicola to appreciate his looks above anything else, but it wasn’t as if she disliked everything else about him; he was just a little on the bland side at times. Jimmy loved to talk about football whenever he got the opportunity (he was currently fretting about being replaced by a rookie his team had drafted the previous year) and unfortunately those just weren’t conversations that Nicola had the patience to entertain for very long. She felt somewhat bad about being so passive in those brief discussions, but what could really be done?

The pair returned to their San Francisco mansion after a mostly successful date night and Nicola was quick to initiate intimacy in order to help smooth over some of the stilted conversation from earlier in the night. Things progressed in hot and heavy fashion and Jimmy soon had Nicola panting out his name as he put his tongue to good use. He had always been an incredibly attentive lover and was far quicker to prioritize her pleasure over his own than her previous lovers had been. His every touch and kiss was capable of driving her absolutely wild and as such she had little issue with returning the favor by taking his above average length between her lips.

Once they had both achieved orgasm (multiple times in Nicola’s case) and cleaned themselves up, Jimmy was quick to roll over and begin snoring softly. Nicola didn’t quite feel ready to settle to sleep though, so she crept out of the bedroom and moved to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. Once she had the glass in hand she then proceeded out to the balcony in order to appreciate the beautiful nighttime view of the city at night and the blanket of stars above them. It was during this moment of serenity that Nicola spotted a streak of light traveling across the night sky and she was suddenly swept up by the innocent notion of wishing upon a shooting star. “I wish I could love football like Jimmy and my family do,” she sighed, a bittersweet smile flashing across her face.

Nicola could have sworn that the shooting star shone a little brighter after that, but she was too much of a grown woman to believe that to be a real possibility. No, it was probably the effect of all the wine she’d had to drink that night. Envisioning that a star shining brighter upon making a wish for even a second was definitely something that caused Nicola to realize that she should probably retreat back to bed where she could snuggle up next to her hunky man. By the time the morning rolled around it seemed likely that she would probably have forgotten about the shooting star and her wish altogether, although ultimately this wouldn’t be the case…

As soon as the beautiful woman had stripped back down to nothing and was once again under the sheets, snuggling up against her studly boyfriend and drifting off into the land of sleep, the universe began its work. Nicola’s wish had been heard and whatever higher power existed had deemed it important that her wish be granted. While Nicola wouldn’t see the results until she rose in the morning, a dramatic transformation was happening to every part of her world which would make it practically unrecognizable by the time the sun returned.

The physical transformation started with Nicola’s face. She was an undeniably gorgeous woman with soft, delicate features and filler-enhanced pouty lips. But as the seconds ticked by though, her face was losing its feminine qualities in exchange for a more masculine visage. Her plump lips thinned out and were soon surrounded by a flood of sprouting bristles of hair that formed a bushy and untrimmed beard. Despite remaining firmly in the land of dreams, an expression of distress passed over Nicola’s face and a hand lazily moved up to scratch at the untamed forest of facial hair. This unconscious protest seemed to do the trick, as the hairs retreated and instead adopted a shorter and more manicured appearance. Meanwhile, Nicola’s round jawline had taken on a harder edge to become just as strong, pronounced and angular as that of the man beside her. This soon proved problematic though, as the more pointed nature of her jaw pressed against Jimmy’s back and her boyfriend instinctively shuffled away from the point of discomfort. The increased distance subtly encouraged Nicola to roll onto her back with Jimmy retaining the majority of the sheets, leaving the woman’s naked body almost entirely exposed.

Behind the closed lids, Nicola’s eyes remained the same as they had always been - a beautiful chocolate brown - but the new heaviness of her brow and the larger nose that was more in proportion with the rest of her masculine features essentially hid her true identity. As the woman’s nostrils widened and the overall shape of her nose became more angular and pointed, a soft chorus of snoring began to rise from her open mouth to fill the room. To contrast with the addition of stubble that now decorated the lower part of her face, Nicola’s long hair made a hasty retreat back towards her scalp. A full fifteen inches of her long shiny locks was lost in just as many seconds, leaving her with a high fade that wasn’t too dissimilar from the one her older brother had only recently gotten.

With her face now almost completely unrecognizable, the unseen artist responsible for Nicola’s transformation moved its focus lower. The woman’s slender neck expanded to a much thicker circumference as the muscles beneath the surface were pumped full of strength, encouraging the rapid development of trap muscles on either side. Nicola’s light snoring dropped several octaves as an Adam’s apple developed to protect the newly strengthened vocal cords. The woman’s snoring was now not only deeper in tone but also louder and gruffer in texture.

The next stage of the transformation featured invisible hands pulling at Nicola’s shoulders, stretching them out while also sculpting the initially unremarkable zones into mighty boulders. Such large muscles would surely cause the various feminine regalia that filled her wardrobe to experience severe pressure just to contain them. In fact it was probably most likely that she’d tear right through the dainty garments if she even dared to try and wear them anymore.

If her new deltoids were impressive though, then the arms attached to them were on a whole other level! The once-delicate limbs had tripled in size to become intimidating weapons packed full of strength that was nearly superhuman and even in their unflexed state, the gorgeous combination of Nicola’s biceps and triceps made her upper arms as large as footballs. Her forearms had transformed to become similarly sturdy, with the collection of muscles tensing as the woman unconsciously balled his hands into fists for a few seconds. Nicola’s changes were so thorough that even her palms were not left untouched, with numerous calluses appearing upon the previously smooth surface as she uncurled her fingers. At the same time, the long acrylic nails that adorned the tips of Nicola’s fingers decreased in length as the cherry red polish slowly chipped away. When the changes finished, she was left with short and uneven nails, seemingly giving the impression that her future form had a tendency to bite them.

Still fast asleep, the partially transformed woman rolled onto her side and lazily threw her heavy arm over her partner’s body. With her newly enhanced strength, it didn’t take much for her to trap her quarterback husband against her changing body. If the roles were reversed and she hadn’t yet succumbed to the siren call of sleep, Nicola almost certainly would have complained about how tightly she was being held. Then again, given the current state of her body, the couple likely would have had far more to be concerned about!

Prior to the sudden development of the bulging shoulder and arm muscles, Nicola’s chest had easily been her most eye-grabbing feature. It was no secret that she’d had that region ‘enhanced’, going from a B-cup to a set of “double D’s”, and she loved how Jimmy could never seem to keep his hands off her tits whenever they were alone. Sometimes they even got frisky in public too, much to the frustration of Jimmy’s teammates, who Nicola always believed were jealous of him for scoring such a gorgeous babe. As such, had she been awake, Nicola would surely have been mortified to see that the mounds of flesh and silicone were decreasing in size. Given how her new arms held her boyfriend against her front, the dramatic decrease of her bust brought the pair even closer together. Her chest was also taking on a slightly different shape, with her breasts being reassembled into a pair of muscular slabs. Although she wouldn’t be needing a bra anymore, the pecs she now sported ensured that she continued to feel a distantly familiar heaviness on her chest. Her new pecs had also created separation between herself and Jimmy by forcing their bodies apart, prompting her to release the unconscious hold on his waist and once again roll onto her back.

While Nicola’s stomach had always been flat, the subtle hint of abdominal muscles just under the surface made that particular stretch of skin even more appealing. On the other side of her body, her back expanded to become a monumental expanse of muscular glory. Every muscle in the region seemed to tense at once for a brief moment, highlighting the dominance of her new lats in particular. The transformation of her upper half had left Nicola much with a much wider frame than the man beside her and she absolutely dwarfed him in the muscle department too, although his abs remained slightly more defined than hers. The feminine curves of her body that both she and Jimmy had enjoyed so much were completely gone, replaced by a blocky build packed full of bloated muscles.

Undeniably the most dramatic change to Nicola was the recalibration of her genitals in order to better match the more masculine appearance of her torso, arms and face. The folds of her womanhood merged together and began to protrude from her body in slow but steady fashion. Like many girls, Nicola had briefly wondered how it would feel to possess a cock and a set of balls rather than her pussy. When she eventually rose from her peaceful slumber she’d finally get the chance to find out, as once the changes had settled down, she was sporting a full eight inches of thick veiny manhood, as well as a set of testicles that were as large as golf balls. Her new endowment put her at an inch longer than Jimmy’s cock and she was easily girthier too!

With Nicola’s manhood now firmly established, the transformative spectacle continued with the rapid inflation of her thighs. Like the muscles of her arms just a short while earlier, Nicola’s quadriceps were being pumped full of enough strength to power her across a football field in a moment’s notice. The beauty influencer’s highly desired thigh gap disappeared as the muscles expanded while her skinny calves bulged out from the lower part of the limbs with greatly elevated importance.

The final region of Nicola’s body to undergo such drastic changes was her feet and they wasted no time in catching up to the rest of her larger body. Her prized collection of high heels would definitely no longer fit, as her feet expanded from their original dainty size to become broader and longer. She’d rocketed up twelve shoe sizes at the very least, as nothing short of a USA size twelve would be suitable for her giant feet!

While the major developments of the transformation had come to a close, there was still one thing missing, as Nicola’s body had remained almost completely hairless beside the thick facial hair decorating her square jaw. This was quickly rectified as the testosterone pumping throughout her new masculine body prompted the rapid sprouting of body hair in a number of places. The growth was mostly localized to her chest, forearms and thighs, but there was also considerable hair introducing itself under her arms, on the tops of her feet and around her manhood which had previously been completely waxed. A treasure trail was the final puzzle piece to fall into place, traveling up from her crotch hair to create a dividing line between her abs. With that, Nicola’s physical transformation was complete. Absolutely anybody who saw her in that moment would perceive her to be a man based purely upon the evidence before them. In time, Nicola would come to see herself that way too, although that was still in the future…

Despite everything that had already happened up to that point, the night wasn’t quite over yet. The next changes were not made to Nicola herself but rather her surroundings, as they now seemed like a strange fit for the burly man she now was on the surface. Even sharing a bed with another man seemed out of character for the sort of man that fate had seen fit to make Nicola and so the first thing to vanish from the room was her quarterback boyfriend. Jimmy’s solid form seemed to evaporate and the sheets that had been covering him lazily dropped down onto the bed.

That was only the first change to Nicola’s surroundings though, as the bedroom soon began warping as if it was being viewed through the gimmick mirrors of a funhouse. The ultra-stylish design that the couple had picked out was replaced by a much more basic configuration, as if it had been picked out from a brochure and fitted into the space without any attempt to personalize it. The framed photos of Jimmy and Nicola had simply ceased to exist and were instead replaced by a variety of high school and college football trophies, as well as one that declared Nick Bosa to be the NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year.

Indeed, when the beauty influencer finally rose from her eventful night of sleep, it would not be as Nicole but rather as Nick. Her entire history and reality had been rewritten as a result of her wish and she was going to have a whole lot more than just the big muscles and her new manhood to get used to…



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