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Lucas Lenore was fed up of living in Peter Parker’s shadow. He was just as smart and brilliant as Parker but he was consistently passed up for opportunities that the other seemed to walk into like he was destined for them. The two young men had attended high school together and were two of the highest achieving students in their class but Lucas had consistently been overlooked by their teachers. Hell, not even the school bullies seemed to think he was worthy of their time, as Flash Thompson had directed all of the physical torment towards Parker. It was like Lucas didn’t even exist!

The final straw came shortly before their high school graduation when it became public knowledge that Peter had won the internship at Stark Industries that they had both applied for. It had even been reported in a local newspaper under the headline “The next Tony Stark?” Lucas had bristled when he read it. There was no way in hell that Peter freaking Parker would reach the soaring heights of Tony Stark. He couldn’t even maintain a perfect attendance in high school like Lucas had! None of this was fair and so it was only right that the course of their lives was corrected. It was Lucas who deserved that internship, not Parker, and the scorned student was more than willing to go to the extreme to fix things…

Given the level of emotional turmoil that Peter Parker had caused him, simply staining the other’s reputation wouldn’t be enough of a revenge. No, this was the sort of thing that deserved a more thorough response. It didn’t even matter to Lucas whether or not Peter’s consistent sabotaging of his life was intentional or not; it was an offense that had gone on for far too long. In fact, Lucas was planning to get his revenge in a manner that would prove that he had been the better fit for the Stark internship all along. He had dived headfirst into the planning and research stage and within a week he had already cooked up a little trinket that would allow him to eliminate the competition for good. He wasn’t going to kill Peter Parker - the desperation hadn’t sent Lucas completely off the deep end - but he would most definitely be removed from the equation when all was said and done!

It was on the morning of their graduation ceremony that Lucas put his plan into action. His ‘trinket’ was made out of a repurposed MP3 player and some alien technology from the Battle of New York that he’d purchased on the dark web. The little device also featured a small syringe needle, although it wouldn’t be pumping any liquids into the victim. No, Lucas had invented what he was affectionately calling a “Genetic Rewriter” and Peter Parker was going to be his first test subject. He’d carefully programmed in a whole new genetic code for his rival and once he’d gotten close enough to press that needle into the other boy’s skin, Lucas would finally have his victory.

Getting Peter alone before the ceremony began was frustratingly much easier said than done. His rival had been accompanied not just by his aunt but also Tony Stark himself. The billionaire’s presence only served to make Lucas’ blood boil all the more though, especially when the man had his arm around Peter’s shoulder. Everybody gathered to witness the ceremony was completely distracted by the celebrity in their midst and Peter was getting the attention by proxy. After worming his way through the crow though, Lucas was finally able to get the other boy’s attention. To his great relief Peter agreed to leave his entourage for just a few minutes so they could have a private conversation.

In an amusing moment of irony, the science lab where Peter had continually shown Lucas up happened to be where they had ended up - and where the final chapter of their rivalry would be written. Lucas deliberately let the other boy lead the way and as Peter entered the laboratory, the scheming student pulled the Genetic Rewriter out of his pocket. Right as he was about to make use of the device though, Peter sharply turned towards him with an expression of alarm on his face. “What are you--” he began, only to be cut off when Lucas jammed the needle directly into the other’s neck and slammed his thumb down on the button that would activate the device.

Peter’s eyes bulged, a gasp escaped his lips, and he was even able to swat Lucas away, but it was already too late for him. A single second was all that had been needed for the Genetic Rewriter to begin its work. Peter had lost. Lucas had won.

A brief series of beeps from the device in Lucas’ hands brought his attention down to it and the message he saw displayed on the LED screen prompted a sinister smile to spread across his face. He even held the Genetic Rewriter up in front of him so that Peter could see what it said. “Rewrite of subject’s genetic code has begun,” Lucas read out, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. “Yeah, that’s right. This little invention of mine is gonna change you so much that nobody here will even recognise you. We’re not just talking physically either! I had to make sure there was no way you could undo this so I made sure to include a few chemicals that will slow down brain functions and cause memory problems. Hell, I’ll be surprised if you even remember your own name once we’re through here!”

While Lucas had been delivering the monologue he’d been so excited to give, Peter had begun to stagger and stumble around the science lab. His limbs were suddenly heavy and his balance had been thrown totally off kilter, causing him to collapse against one of the desks and remain slumped there. Peter’s face cycled through a series of emotions: confusion, anger, terror, even pleading! Even if Lucas had suddenly developed pity for his rival though there would be nothing he could do. The rewriting of Peter’s genetics couldn’t be interrupted, nor could it be reversed. The other’s fate was sealed.

There had been too many potential risks for Lucas to have tested the Genetic Rewriter before using it on his rival, but the young inventor had full confidence in his own genius so he hadn’t been nervous about the possibility of it not working as intended. Sure enough, just seconds after administering the rewritten code to the other boy, Lucas was already starting to see physical proof that it was going off without a hitch. The two senior students had always been around the same size in times of height but Peter had a deceptively lean body underneath his clothes, something Lucas had discovered in the changing rooms before gym class. He was a nerd with abs and that felt deeply wrong on every level to Lucas, especially as he himself more clearly embodied the stereotypical image of a nerd with his skinny frame, pimple-scarred face and the thick horn-rimmed glasses that sat upon his prominent nose.

Considering Peter was currently clad in a traditional graduation gown, a good amount of his physical transformation was initially hidden from Lucas’ view. The garment couldn’t contain the dramatic broadening of Peter’s shoulders though, as he almost doubled in width; this was in tandem with a dramatic increase of size to the muscles of his back, as his lats flared out like a butterfly spreading its wings for the first time. Moments later, Peter began desperately grabbing at the robe in an attempt to pull it free, as the tightness around his thicker neck had begun to choke him. It didn’t take much to pull the garment free and once it had been removed Lucas was able to get a much better view of his invention at work. The shirt that Peter had been wearing underneath had split at a number of points due to the newly expanded spread of his back muscles, although the garment hadn’t been completely shredded just yet!

A blossoming of the muscles in Peter’s arms was quick to cause further damage to the shirt, as the fabric was incapable of withholding the massive surge of power that was occurring in both his biceps and triceps. The pair of muscles inflated like balloons, only settling down once they were the size of footballs, and his forearms followed suit to make the limbs perfectly proportional and pumped full of power. Lucas was fascinated by how the muscles bulged and rose as Peter continued to fruitlessly struggle against the changes happening to his body. It was actually quite the arousing spectacle and it only got hotter for Lucas when his rival’s pecs rose like muscular hills on a previously flat chest. The dramatic change of mass in that region caused the buttons of Peter’s shirt to finally hit their limit and they were sent scattering around the room as his mighty chest forcibly made its presence known.

“Why would you do this?!” Peter managed to gasp out, although his voice was much deeper and more monotone than it had been minutes earlier. Lucas was fascinated by that discovery, although he didn’t much care for the question. How self-centered did Parker have to be to have no idea why Lucas would go to such extreme measures? In his mind it was only further proof that the other young man deserved everything that was happening to him! “P-please, you can still fix this!” the other cried out desperately, before wincing and doubling over as the hard muscles of his abs became even more pronounced.

“There’s no stopping this now, you big idiot,” Lucas spat, relishing in how perfectly his insult would fit the other once the Genetic Rewriter’s job was done. “Feel free to try your best though… if you even remember how to use anything in this room, that is!” Peter’s eyes began to dart around the science lab and slowly but surely, an expression of horror appeared upon his face. His brow furrowed and lips twisted into a frown as he discovered that what Lucas was saying was the unfortunate truth. While he had been distracted by his physical transformation, Peter’s smarts had been almost completely drained by the Genetic Rewriter. It was to such an extreme extent that he couldn’t even remember the name of the science teacher who usually taught in that very room and had been one of his biggest supporters over the past several years!

Watching Peter grapple with his new stupidity was great fun for Lucas, but he was also still enjoying the physical changes that were happening across his rival’s body. The other’s lower half had needed some serious improvements in order to match the more muscular torso and arms he now possessed, and that came with his quad muscles bloating and bursting out of his pants until they settled at the size of small watermelons. Peter’s waistline remained tight but his already admirable backside looked as if it had been pumped full of silicone. He had an ass that outshone any of the school’s cheerleaders and would make it difficult for him to wear anything other than sweatpants made from resilient materials. It was a much different story in the crotch region though, as it was the only part of Peter’s body that would receive any amount of shrinkage. That had been a purposefully petty choice by Lucas and he didn’t have any regrets as he watched the bulge in the front of his tattered pants dwindle. Peter’s six inches diminished down to a mere two inches and even when he got hard his length wouldn’t see much in the way of growth. He would forever be seen as one of the guys with a hot body and fat ass but incredibly lackluster manhood. He definitely wouldn’t be pleasing anyone with that nub of a cock so it was lucky that his juicy ass would make him a prime target for lustful tops.

The final part of Peter’s transformation was centralized in the facial department, as his features shifted to such a degree that it was nearly impossible to recognise him as Peter Parker. Only his eyes remained the same, with the rest of his features experiencing either subtle or extreme changes to completely hide his true identity. His round face took on a squarer appearance with both his jawline and brow becoming more prominent, while his nostrils also widened. Peter’s thin lips quickly became much plumper and any man who caught sight of them would immediately be struck by the thought of how good they would look wrapped around a hard cock. In fact that would be one of the few things Peter would actually be any good at, along with shaking his fat ass and flexing all of his impressive muscles. 

With the last traces of Peter Parker completely eliminated, the man’s transformation finally concluded. Lucas was in awe of what he had created. His Genetic Rewriter was going to make him a millionaire someday soon given how incredible the results were! Peter now wore a permanently confused expression and his mouth hung open, as if he was inviting anyone to stick their cock between his lips. Never in a million years would he be chosen for any sort of science scholarship, nor would he even make it more than a week in a place of higher education! No, Peter’s destiny was now to wear skimpy clothes that showed off his massive backside and his humiliating lack of bulge and have rich men stuff those panties full of dollar bills.

As for Lucas, now that he had gotten a taste of revenge, he was already hungry for more. Perhaps Tony Stark deserved his own turn as a subject of the Genetic Rewriter…


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