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This story was a request made by a Watt Tier patron and features a biker transformation. Hope you all enjoy!

To say that Cole was displeased to discover that Jerry was leaving their “on the road” lifestyle behind to settle down with his wife and start a family would be something of an understatement.

Jerry had been his right hand man and closest confidant for almost a decade since they had ditched high school at sixteen and decided to live their lives by their own rules. While most people would assume life by their own rules would involve just getting drunk and partying nonstop, for Jerry and Cole that meant traveling from town to town and state to state with only their precious motorbikes and some leathers to their names.

Even though they had picked up a number of other like-minded guys across their travels, Cole still wasn’t thrilled at the idea of doing it without his best friend beside him. Unfortunately, Jerry was too damn stubborn to be talked out of his decision, so the biker was forced to get creative in order to heal his hurting heart. If Jerry was really going to leave him then he’d just have to get himself a new Jerry.

Of course, what Cole had never actually had the courage to admit to his best friend was that the feelings he felt towards Jerry went far beyond friendship. The pair had grown up in an incredibly conservative town, so from a young age Cole had been taught that homosexuality was a sin. Even though he had spent his adult life meeting new people and thus shaking off the illusions that his hyper-religious parents had instilled in him, Cole had not yet reached the point where he felt comfortable accepting that side of him. Nonetheless he had pined after his best friend in silence, watching on the sidelines as Jerry romanced and eventually wed a pretty redheaded chick who didn’t seem to hold much appreciation for her husband’s oldest friend or his way of life. Cole had an uncomfortable feeling that she had worked out that he held feelings for her man and that was the reason she was trying to tear Jerry away from him, although she had never confronted him about it which he was thankful for. He wanted to hate her but she made Jerry happy and ultimately that was the most important thing for Cole.

Now he just had to think about his happiness.

A year prior to Jerry’s departure, Cole’s biker crew had helped scare off some thugs who were terrorizing a small rural village and in return for coming to their defense, Cole had been given a small gemstone by the town’s elderly matron. When she had explained that it held the power to transform anyone into the man of his dreams, the bearded biker had been both amused at the idea that she seemed to genuinely believe magic to be real, but also concerned at how easily she had identified his hidden homosexuality. He had grumbled a dismissal of her claims but accepted the gemstone anyway just as an act of courtesy. But now that twelve months had passed and he suddenly had a reason to use it, he was relieved to discover that he had kept it after retrieving it from a box in one of his many storage units across the state of Texas.

Heading from the storage unit to one of the dive bars he liked to frequent on the outskirts of Austin, Cole found himself rolling the gemstone between his fingers as he thought about what he might do with it. Decisions could wait until after he’d had a drink though and mercifully the bar was almost completely empty when he arrived. Guess it’s to be expected considering it’s only… what, three in the afternoon? Cole took a seat at the bar and glanced around to take note of who else was occupying the venue at such an early time in the day. Aside from a middle-aged redneck couple gossiping away in a booth and Cole himself, the bar’s only other patron was a fresh-faced blond kid who looked to be only just of legal drinking age. He looked completely out of place in the grungy location with his skinny jeans and the plain gray tee that hugged his slender torso and arms. Cole was fascinated. What could have prompted this kid to end up in a bar with a poor reputation at such an early time of day?

After receiving his order from the bartender Cole relocated to the same booth as the clean-cut young man and took the seat directly opposite him. His unprompted arrival in the booth caused the blond to look up from the drink he had been nursing (gin and cola, if Cole was to guess) and lock eyes with him. Even though he was trying to maintain a confident demeanor, Cole could easily identify the alarm behind the other’s eyes. “Ease up, kid. I come in peace,” the biker remarked, offering a friendly smile. “What’s got you so wound up, hmm? Something tells me this kinda place isn’t your usual scene.”

“You’re right about that,” the younger man replied after a moment of hesitation. “Got dumped, failed a class and found out my parents are getting a divorce all on consecutive days, so… gin it is.” He raised his half-empty glass and took a swig from it. Given what the kid had shared, Cole held himself back from appearing too pleased that his guess had been accurate.

“Tough break, dude,” he lamented. “Can definitely relate to that first one… in fact, I’m kinda going through a breakup of my own at the minute.” Cole kept one hand on his beer bottle but the other moved below the table as he unconsciously fished the gemstone out of his pocket. “Fuckin’ sucks, right?”

In no time at all the kid’s apprehension towards Cole dissipated and he soon introduced himself as Harry and explained that he was a student at the nearby college. He even took notice of Cole’s leathers and asked what he rode which brought them onto a discussion about classic Harley Davidsons. Much to Cole’s surprise, Harry actually knew a fair amount about bikes although he had never actually driven one himself. “Maybe once I graduate and move out of my parents’ basement I can get myself one,” the college student remarked while wearing a hopeful smile on his handsome face. It hadn’t exactly gone unnoticed that Harry was a good looking young man, but he was definitely too clean-cut to meet Cole’s tastes. He was into guys like Jerry that had a bit more of a rugged quality to them.

Jerry. Just thinking about his secret crush prompted the gemstone in Cole’s hand to suddenly start radiating warmth. The dramatic change in the stone’s temperature came as such a shock that it caused Cole to flinch and as he did so, the gemstone was sent up into the air and then skidding across the table. Harry clamped his hand down on top of it before it could drop into his lap and then held it between his forefinger and thumb, apparently unaffected by that intense heat. “What’s this?” the younger man asked innocently, a bemused smile creeping onto his face as he inspected the jewel.

Cole was left at a loss for words, but not just because it was difficult to explain why he was carrying around a small red gemstone with him. No, the real reason for why he was currently speechless was because a number of impossible transformations were beginning to occur to Harry in the immediate aftermath of him making contact with the supposedly magical jewel. Maybe that old lady wasn’t so crazy after all…

The first change was the subtle broadening of Harry’s shoulders, with the muscles of his deltoids rounding out to become powerful boulders. Beneath those wide shoulders, the sleeves of the college student’s shirt began to swell with muscle until they were as large as footballs. The protruding of a pair of meaty pecs prompted notable tightness at the front of Harry’s shirt and although the student’s lower half was hidden from Cole’s sight due to the table between them, the biker predicted that the kid’s jeans were facing similar pressure from the rapid expansion of his quads.

Luckily Harry’s clothes didn’t have to struggle for much longer as they quickly warped into a get-up that Cole was actually rather familiar with. The kid’s tee lost its sleeves to properly show off those powerful shoulders and arms, becoming a tank top with a deep neckline that helped to show off Harry’s strong chest. Cole was still struggling to come to grips with what he was witnessing when things took a leap even further into insanity: ink was spreading across Harry’s new muscles and it was forming incredibly familiar patterns and artwork. The resulting tattoos were ones that Cole had not only seen upon Jerry’s body, but had been in the room to see getting applied to his best friend’s body! 

Given the appearance of Jerry’s tattoos upon Harry’s suddenly familiar body, Cole already knew what the final stage of the transformation would entail, but it was still something of a shock to see the college student’s boyish good looks shifting to become the tough and intimidating visage of Harry’s ultimate desire. His soft jawline was replaced by hard edges that were decorated with perma-stubble and the button nose became more pronounced. The light blue of Harry’s eyes darkened to become a chocolate brown and his blond hair dropped several shades darker, with the sides shaved in the same style that Jerry had worn for the past several years since he had cut off his long locks.

Within the space of thirty seconds the approachable “boy next door” had been replaced by a biker that was not only every bit as tough as Cole but actually struck an even more imposing figure! The expression of amusement had faded from Harry’s face and was instead replaced by Jerry’s trademark glare. Cole’s heart was beating up a storm and his pants were suddenly incredibly tight as he held the other man’s intense gaze…

“What the fuck is this, anyway?” the new Jerry asked, throwing the gemstone back across the table. Cole caught it and immediately noticed that it no longer radiated the heat that had caused him to fumble it beforehand. That’s… weird. Before he could get too caught up in his thoughts though, Cole’s attention was captured by Jerry’s legs rubbing against his own underneath the table like they were some horny teenagers trying to be discreet in public. “You think they’ll notice if we sneak into the men’s room and have some fun before we take off?”

Cole’s struggle to find words continued in the wake of Jerry’s latest statement. Had he heard that correctly? Was Harry - Jerry - really suggesting that they hook up in the restroom of a dive bar? Were Cole’s wildest fantasies actually becoming true? Just roll with it! This is what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it? Cole focused his gaze down on Jerry’s hands (now wrapped around a beer bottle like his own rather than the gin and cola that Harry had been nursing) and the absence of a wedding ring immediately stood out to him. Not only was this Jerry not married but he also seemed to be sexually interested in Cole, something the real Jerry - no, the original Jerry, because the man in front of him was most definitely real - had never actively displayed.

Finally Cole stumbled back upon his voice, right as a grin began to spread across his handsome face. “Who fuckin’ cares if they notice?” he replied, reaching down and massaging the bulge at the front of his pants. He had waited over a decade for the chance to have Jerry fuck him and he refused to wait even a single moment longer! Just like that crazy old lady had promised, he had the man of his dreams right in front of him, and the confidence to finally open himself up to his true love had finally blossomed within the tough as nails biker.

The restroom door had barely swung closed behind them when the new Jerry had pounced upon his friend-turned-lover, capturing his lips in a hungry kiss that was unlike anything Cole had experienced ever before. It was simply better. He had never come alive when making out with chicks (or even the occasional twink) the way he did when it was Jerry’s mouth doing sensual warfare with his own. It only felt natural for Cole to adopt a more submissive role in the encounter, allowing the taller and more muscular man to guide him into position. There wasn’t even the slightest complaint from the bearded lead biker as his dream man bent him over in front of the mirror and began to rim Cole’s hole with his talented tongue.

By the time they had finished up in the restroom Cole was walking with a slight limp and both men struggled to hide the smirks from their faces, even as the bartender glared at them. They hadn’t exactly been quiet, but Cole really didn’t mind. In fact, he felt a whole lot better about how things had gone down. Jerry could have a happy life with his wife and whatever family they went on to have, but that didn’t have to stop Cole from getting a happy ending with a Jerry of his own! 

As they walked out of the dive bar, Jerry grabbed at Cole’s ass and pulled the vehicle keys from his pocket. “I’m driving,” he declared, climbing onto the Harley Davidson first. Cole didn’t really mind; he liked the thought of cuddling up behind his hunky man. Once his arms were wrapped around Jerry’s waist, they were riding off into the sunset together with their biker gang close behind them, following their leaders towards the next exciting adventure…


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