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Hey folks, this story may be somewhat familiar to you as it was originally released in November of last year. For his first request at the Watt Tier, Nate wanted me to expand on the concept even more so this version features an extra 3,131 words to bring it to a total word count of 7,617! I hope you all enjoy this "remixed" muscle growth / gay to straight story, and if there's any old stories you'd like me to go back and "remix" in a similar fashion then let me know.

Nate had always admired muscular guys who spent countless hours in the gym to sculpt their bodies, but he’d never seen that as a potential avenue for himself. Back in his early teens he had dominated the soccer field but after an unfortunate injury his fitness levels naturally decreased. Now nearly a decade removed from his soccer days, the grown man actually felt a little too self-conscious to sign up to the gym closest to his apartment. Even though he was neither worryingly skinny for a grown man, nor embarrassingly large, Nate still lacked confidence in his body. He was a little thicker around the waistline than he would have liked and when he flexed his arms, there was only the smallest rising of muscle beneath the doughy flesh. Nate didn’t exactly cringe away from his reflection but he didn’t regularly stop to admire himself either.

In the past several months though, Henry had entered Nate’s life and prompted a subtle shifting of the status quo. The pair had met through an online community about their shared love for pop music, and as they got to know each other better, Henry had opened up about his fitness journey and even shared several progress pictures with his new friend. It was through his regular conversations with Henry that Nate began to toy with the idea about finally signing up to a gym membership, and his new friend was incredibly supportive of the idea. “I’m not a pro or anything, but I can help plan some starter workouts for you!” the British-born Henry had offered during a late-night video call, his enthusiasm palpable even from thousands of miles away.

It seemed to be fate, as no sooner had the concept forced its way into Nate’s mind but he discovered that a new gym would soon be opening up just a short distance from the college where he was currently taking classes! Considering its newness, there was a good chance that it wouldn’t be as crowded as the gym that was actually closer to Nate’s home, even if it was actually a more expensive membership. Much to Nate’s surprise though, on the day when he decided to finally bite the bullet and sign up, there was a large sign on the window declaring that there was a single-day exclusive offer for a majorly discounted lifetime membership. The sheer quality of the deal was mind-boggling, but Nate wasn’t about to turn his nose up.

Sure enough, as he stepped through the doors, he discovered that there wasn’t a single patron in the gym; the only occupant was the silver-haired behemoth standing behind the desk as if he had been expecting Nate. To simply call him a man would be doing him a disservice, as he was twice as broad as Nate and almost a whole foot taller. Despite the man’s nearly seven-foot height and well-conditioned muscles, there was something kindly radiating from his eyes and smile, and the normally nervous Nate found himself put strangely at ease. He approached the desk with surprising confidence and was surprised to encounter a pleasant smell as he stepped closer. It caught him off guard - he had been anticipating a heavy musk considering how the giant appeared to have sweat right through the stringer that was clinging desperately to his massive chest.

“H-hey, I was wondering about the offer you’ve got in the window?” Nate started, doing his best to keep his voice steady despite the fact his heart had begun to beat rather rapidly in his chest. The man before him looked like he’d walked straight out of one of Nate’s muscle-bound fantasies! You have a boyfriend, the younger man reminded himself. Besides, he’s probably straight and even if he was gay, he’d probably be looking for another bodybuilder to lift and pose with… It was a struggle for Nate to pull himself out of his own mind once he had gotten going. His thoughts always seemed to run away from him, and he was nervous that he had been left gaping at the man’s huge pecs for several long seconds. Mercifully, if that was the case, then the silver-haired giant didn’t seem to mind all that much, as he still wore that same kind smile when Nate finally dragged his gaze back up to meet the other’s eyes.

“I was wondering how quickly someone might respond to that,” the man boomed out, his deep bassy voice echoing off the walls of the uncrowded establishment. “Happy to have you here, son! I’m Greg, but you can call me Boss. This place is my baby.” He looked around the gym and then focused back on the chubby young man before him, the same friendly smile still being worn on his lips. “Let me just go get that contract for you to sign. Don’t go anywhere!” With that, the man turned and disappeared into his office behind the desk, giving Nate a brief look at the broad back muscles and the perky ass cheeks that were barely contained within his tight gray shorts. The sight made Nate’s head spin and caused butterflies to appear in his stomach. He’d had no idea that his local area was also home to such a mature hunk! He was glad that his boyfriend wasn’t present with him at that moment because it was impossible for Nate to hide the lustful expression from his face, no matter how hard he tried.

The muscular gym owner returned a few seconds later with a hefty paper document in his hands - it had to be at least fifty pages - and dropped it on the desk in front of Nate. “There we go. Make sure you read through it carefully and then sign on the dotted line on the last page,” the man advised, “If you’re happy with everything in the contract then we talk about the payment plan after.”

Nate mumbled in agreement and began flicking through the numerous pages of the contract. Although he paused on each page for several long seconds, he didn’t read much of anything at all. He couldn’t tear his focus away from the older man and his intoxicating aroma, and the thought of seeing the man working up a sweat out on the gym floor was enough to seal the deal for Nate. He simply had to become a member for that beautiful sight alone! He was already excited to tell Henry about Greg - he was certain that his friend would be jealous that he got to train in such close proximity to a mature bodybuilding hunk. Who wouldn’t be?!

Finally making it to the last page of the contract, Nate eagerly accepted the pen that was offered to him and hastily scrawled his signature on the dotted line. At that precise moment in time the young man wasn’t thinking about anything more than how good it would be to enjoy Greg’s company (or at least the sight of him) on a regular basis. As such, there was no possible way that Nate could grasp the gravity of the moment and how that one decision would come to shape the remainder of his years.

“You just made the best choice of your life, son,” the mature bodybuilder declared, scooping the contract up from the desk and beginning to return to his office. “I’ll just get you something to change into… those clothes simply won’t do.” The statement was unexpected enough to snap Nate out of his momentary reverie, and a frown played upon the edges of his lips. As far as he knew, it wasn’t common for gyms to provide free workout gear to new members, but perhaps that had been one of the many points on the contract that he had just signed. Heh, wonder what else I agreed to!

When Greg returned, he was carrying a gray compression shirt and pair of athletic shorts, both of which were branded with the gym’s name: The Aesthetics Workshop. Nate accepted them with a polite smile, although he already had his doubts about the items. He’d never worn a compression shirt in his life and he was cautious about how it would make his soft stomach look. It seemed highly likely that the tight fabric would cause bulges in all the wrong places and that would only make Nate feel worse about himself, but what choice did he have? There wasn’t a chance in hell that he was about to refuse such a kind gesture from the gym owner. He desperately wanted to stay on Greg’s good side, so if he had to wear some unflattering clothes to do it then so be it!

With some reluctance, Nate finally tore himself away from the welcome desk and followed the gym owner’s directions towards the locker room. As he approached, the door opened and a pack of three men almost ran him down, with their hairy muscular bodies quickly making the newcomer feel inferior. They didn’t so much as look in his direction, let alone apologize for forcing him to jump out of their way. Instead, they were engrossed in their conversation which, from the small snippet Nate heard, appeared to be about a sorority girl that one of them was hooking up with. Once he was sure that the men couldn’t see him, Nate rolled his eyes. Why were so many straight men so gross in how they spoke about women? Didn’t they hear themselves?!

Unfortunately the changing room wasn’t as empty as Nate had been hoping, as there were two more men present who glanced his way as he entered. Both were slightly older - likely in their forties and fifties - and wore surly expressions on their faces, as if warning him off even attempting to make friends with them. Nate quickly averted his eyes and hurried towards the back of the room where he might be given at least a little bit of privacy. The absolute last thing he wanted or needed was for either of those intimidating muscular specimens to start judging his unimpressive body as he hastily stripped out of his clothes. The unfairness of such judgment bothered the young man; he was sure that they must have had equally uninspiring starting points before embarking upon their own fitness journeys. Why were fitness meatheads so unwelcoming to newbies? Even if he miraculously managed to craft his body into a physique that would make Hercules proud, Nate swore that he would never look down at anybody just starting out. He was going to do better than that!

Getting ahead of yourself there, he reminded himself. As if you’ll ever get even a quarter as big of any of those guys. You’ll be lucky if you even see the smallest hint of abs. It wasn’t uncommon for Nate’s inner monolog to be defeatist in nature, but it was hard to find issue with it when he looked down at his chubby stomach. The compression shirt that he held in his hand seemed destined to be much too small and as Nate pulled it down over his shoulders, he immediately knew that his fears had been realized. The garment was stretched tight across his torso, doing nothing beyond highlighting the areas that Nate felt more insecure about. Stepping in front of the mirror, the young man did his best to feel optimistic but he couldn’t stop himself from focusing on how the tight garment only served to accentuate his flabby chest. Did he really have to wear it?

Well, Greg wants you to… That was really all that needed to be said. Nate was actually a little embarrassed by just how quickly he had let himself be consumed by his lust towards the older man and forcibly reminded himself that he had a boyfriend waiting for him at home. Sure, his boyfriend wasn’t exactly the same kind of physical specimen that Greg was, but he still made Nate happy. Focus on that! It was dangerous to spend too much time thinking about Greg’s physical dominance, lest he start to have a physical reaction of his own. Even if it seemed highly unlikely that the other men in the locker room would find any reason to look over in his direction, he really didn’t want to risk anybody catching him sporting a hard-on in the changing rooms.

While it didn’t spike the same anxieties as the compression shirt, the shorts that had been provided to Nate didn’t fit much better either, as they were strained around his thick waist and bunched up around the crotch. There was very little to be left to the imagination and while Nate wasn’t exactly the biggest in the manhood department, he still felt uncomfortable with having it all on show. Maybe if he was just a few inches larger, sure, but even then he wasn’t much of an exhibitionist. Having anyone stare at him was enough to make him feel nervous at the best of times, having them staring at his junk would probably send him into a meltdown!

Once he was fully changed into his new workout gear, Nate took a few moments to psyche himself up. He was finally alone in the changing room and could faintly hear the sounds of activity in the gym beyond the doors, calling to him like an alluring siren while also remaining vaguely threatening. The young man was stuck in the middle of a push-and-pull situation, anxious about embarrassing himself in front of those muscle hunks yet excited about the possibilities of a healthier lifestyle emerging. Ultimately, this excitement caused his bravery to win out as his determined mind caused him to make a beeline for the doors to the gym floor.

Much to his surprise, Greg was waiting on the other side of the door for him. “You were in there so long I thought you might have gotten lost,” the older man joked, slapping a heavy hand down on the smaller man’s shoulder. A shiver ran right through Nate’s entire body. Holy shit, does this guy have a magic touch or what?! Every fiber of his being had sung in perfect harmony in response to the touch and he immediately missed it once Greg pulled his hand away. “Why don’t you start off on one of our chest press machines? Remember, start light and work up from there!” After sharing his nugget of wisdom, the gym owner departed to greet a pair of pretty blonde girls who had just entered. Although he was nervous to be left to his own devices, Nate figured that it would be best to follow the advice and quickly scouted the gym until he identified the machine in question.

“Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” Nate mumbled to himself, setting the machine at its lightest weight and then getting settled into position. Readying himself to be humiliated by his lack of strength, Nate instead was caught off guard by just how easy the weight moved. In fact he almost lost his balance because he’d been applying too much force for such a measly weight! Guess I underestimated myself, he thought as he adjusted the weight to something that might present more of a challenge. Sure enough, it was definitely more effort to push the weight up and away from his chest, but after ten repetitions of the movement, Nate knew that he hadn’t hit his limit just yet. He could definitely afford to put the weight up a few more levels!

With his confidence rapidly escalating after every successful rep, it wasn’t long before Nate was genuinely enjoying himself. He’d stopped thinking about what the other residents of the gym might be thinking about his lackluster physique and instead focused the entirety of his attention on making sure he was getting a full range of motion and feeling that mind-muscle connection. It only vaguely confused Nate that he actually knew anything about proper form when working on a machine that he’d never used before, but those thoughts were nothing more than a distraction from his workout, so he quickly discarded them and instead just focused on how energetic he felt. Suddenly he was starting to understand why all those fitness influencers he thirsted over on the regular loved sculpting their bodies in the gym so much.

What Nate failed to notice during his time with the chest press machine was the rather remarkable change that was occurring to his torso as he completed each respective rep. The first few reps had caused his flabby man-tits to squeeze together but as he progressed into his second and third set, the fat underneath the surface had hardened and transformed into solid muscle. By the time he finished his fourth set on the machine his flabby chest had been replaced by a modest pair of pecs and while the fabric of the compression shirt was still stretched, it was now for a much more exciting reason.

Over the next thirty minutes Nate moved between a variety of machines, each one focusing on a different muscle group, and tried to get his head around how they worked. He was so in the zone that he didn’t even feel embarrassed when he took his place on the hip thrust machine and began performing the rather suggestive movement required. As Nate reached the top of the movement and squeezed the muscles in his glutes, the relatively flat ass began to bloat from a healthy mix of fat and muscle. By the time he had completed all four sets on the hip thrust machine, the shorts were struggling to contain the basketball-like globes of his ass, and there was a certain bounce to the cheeks as he made his way across the gym to the next machine.

Much to the gym newbie’s delight, he discovered that he was actually capable of working with relatively heavy weights on almost everything, and the longer his workout went on, the more natural he felt in the environment. At first he had been too anxious to let out even the quietest noise of exertion as he attempted to complete his reps, but that anxiety had faded away as he grew more comfortable, and an aggressive growl escaped Nate’s lips as he completed his final rep on the hack squat machine. Holy shit, that was tough… but fun. He had been squatting two hundred and twenty pounds in total and even he knew that those were mindblowingly impressive numbers for a gym rookie! Throughout the exercises his quad muscles had expanded to become as large and as solid as watermelons, and the shorts were now incredibly strained as a result of the massive changes to his lower half.

Nate’s undeniably impressive pecs, ass and legs were soon complimented with improvements to various other parts of his body. Spending some time on a cables machine caused rapid changes to both his sagging stomach and his spindly arms to bring them more in line with the muscular physique he was building. Completing one-hundred cable crunch reps reduced the bloat of his stomach to a severe degree, flattening out the surface and even prompting the slight hinting of abs being hidden just under the surface. He followed up the abs exercise with six sets of cable bicep curls and with each repetition his twig-like arms inflated a tiny bit more. By the fourth set the sleeves were finally fitting around his newly toned upper arms but after finishing that sixth and final set, the sleeves of his compression shirt looked to be in just as much distress as his shorts were.

After stepping away from the cables machine, Nate spared a moment to look down at himself and whistled in appreciation. He couldn’t understand why he had ever been so hard on himself: he had a pretty great physique in the making! His stomach was perfectly flat, his biceps were bulging to a surprising degree, and his quads looked pretty defined underneath the shorts. Sure, he wasn’t huge like some of the bodybuilders he followed on Instagram but he had a great starting point! No, that can’t be right, a rogue thought in Nate’s mind suggested. Wasn’t he supposed to be carrying a little more weight around his waist? Hadn’t the workout clothes been rather unflattering around his soft body when he’d first put them on back in the locker room?

Pushing the uncertainty aside for the time being, Nate returned to his quest to familiarize himself with every piece of equipment in the gym. He wasn’t sure why but he felt a growing desire to ensure that he could use it all while still maintaining perfect form and - most importantly, of course - lifting heavy to prove that he was every bit of a man as the others in the gym. He had a great opportunity to prove that when he stepped up to the weightlifting platforms and began to load up a barbell in preparation for his first attempt at deadlifts. Even as he moved the weights from the rack to either end of his barbell, the muscles of his arms were beginning to swell and the sleeves stretched further around the expanding bulges of his biceps and triceps. Those weren’t the only changes happening at that moment though, as the front of Nate’s shorts were being placed under strain by the expansion of his manhood. His average length grew by several inches until it settled at seven inches soft and it also gained some girth, with the end result creating quite the jaw-dropping and mouth-watering display in the front of those obscenely tight shorts.

Wrapping his hands around the metal bar, Nate inhaled once and then pushed up through his feet to raise the bar up to the top of his quads, all while maintaining a perfectly straight back. The movement was perfectly fluid, like a knife through butter, and after completing his first set, Nate knew that it would only be logical for him to rapidly increase the weight if he wanted to provide himself with a real challenge. It was only once he had loaded up the bar to around the two hundred and seventy-five pounds mark that he actively began to struggle with the weight. Pushing through the movement with every little piece of determination he could muster, Nate emit an almighty roar and every muscle in his body expanded at once: his pecs and ass ballooned, his traps rose, shoulders broadened, calves bulged… No part of him was safe from the dramatic increase in muscle mass, but the gym rookie was so focused on completing the exercise that he failed to notice the changes to his physique!

After dropping the barbell back to the ground, where it landed with a loud crash, Nate brought both hands to his face to wipe away the sweat. As he did so, his facial features shifted underneath to take on a more classically handsome appearance: a sharper jawline, more pronounced cheekbones and a stronger brow. Not only that but the lonely whiskers on his chin blossomed into a full goatee that circled around plumper lips and his thick eyebrows took on a more manicured shape. The shaggy mane of hair upon his head was next to change as Nate ran his fingers through it, with the sides pulling right back in until he was left with a stylish fade style. His lips even curled into a smirk, with the expression feeling as natural as it did to breathe, all while he relished in the victory of achieving a new personal best record. Within a matter of moments, the last recognisable parts of Nate had been completely eradicated, leaving him looking and feeling like a brand new man. No, not just a man. An animal in his natural habitat. A king lording over his domain!

Nate inhabited this new arrogant mindset for only a brief few seconds before he caught sight of his reflection and that same rogue voice in his head from before returned: Wait, who the hell is that?! 

The shock of seeing such a different reflection had caused Nate’s true self to return to the surface and the smirk immediately dropped away from that handsome face. His moment of realization was immediately challenged though, as his rational brain struggled to maintain control given the speed and ferocity with which thoughts were barrelling through his mind. The man in the mirror was an absolute hunk with gorgeous tan skin and huge muscles - especially those ginormous pecs that threatened to bust right out of the compression shirt - but it most definitely wasn’t Nate. He was a chubby white nerd… or at least, he was supposed to be. What could have caused such a dramatic change, not just in his physique but also his face? There had to be some sort of reason for the transformation and it took mere moments for him to identify the likely reason -- “The contract!”

Stomping back across the gym, Nate hastily approached the reception desk where Greg stood, beaming at him like a father proudly watching his son at a school event. He didn’t seem at all concerned about Nate’s changes, nor the angry expression on the recently transformed stud’s new face. “What did you do to me?!” Nate hissed as soon as he was close enough to be sure that nobody other than the gym owner could hear him. “I don’t even look like me anymore!” Even as he spoke though, Nate discovered that the changes were more than just surface level: he had somehow adopted an accent that he instantly recognized to be European, possibly Germanic to be more specific. This is just getting weirder by the minute. Sure, Nate hadn’t exactly been the best at self-love but that didn’t mean he was comfortable with the idea of shedding his own identity to become a complete stranger either!

“Nothing you didn’t agree to,” the older man countered. The kind smile Nate had been so enamored with previously suddenly seemed to harbor a sinister streak. “Why don’t we talk about this more privately?” Greg then turned and led the way into his office, where he quickly shut and locked the door behind the overwhelmed younger man. The click of the lock may as well have been the slamming of a jail cell door for how it made Nate feel in that moment. “Go on, take a look at your contract. It’s right there on my desk,” the gym owner encouraged, waving towards the hefty document.

As Nate approached the desk, he quickly scanned the walls and took note of various photographs decorating them. Each of them featured Greg posed next to a bodybuilder or fitness model, including some of Nate’s personal favorite thirst follows on social media, such as Ryan Terry, Alex Crockford and Jordan Morello. How the hell does he know all those guys?! Did he transform them too? There were much more pressing issues at hand though, so he quickly refocused on the document and the text that greeted him on the very front page prompted a sharp intake of breath and a rapid increase in his heart rate: Employee Contract. How had he missed that crucial detail?!

“I can’t be working twenty-four-seven, you know. I needed some staff, and that sign you saw in the window was an enchantment that would only appear to suitable candidates,” the mature bodybuilder explained, slapping his hand down on Nate’s shoulder once more and causing a shiver to run down the spine of the recently-transformed hunk. The contact only lasted a few fleeting moments before Greg rounded the desk, sat down in the chair and folded his powerful arms across his broad chest. Nate remained frozen in place, the contract held in his hands but his focus now completely on Greg. “Of course, you wouldn’t do as you were, but I was anticipating as much, which was why I had all the changes written into the contract. You’re just the lucky guy who saw it first, so you get the prestigious position of being the chief personal trainer at The Aesthetics Workshop. Whatever you did for a living before, trust me that you’ll enjoy this so much more. All you’ve gotta do is help folks work out, keep yourself in great shape and bring in new clients. Trust me, son, this is going to be the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do in your life!”

As his new boss outlined his future, the resistance that Nate had towards his unexpected changes slowly began to crumble away, although not without a fight. Think about it… nobody walking all over you ever again. He had an intimidating body and he could choose to give in and have a personality to match, but-- No! This isn’t right, I can’t just give it all up and become some hyper-aggressive meathead!

Despite his best efforts, it was soon clear that his own thoughts and feelings were betraying him, as Nate found himself contemplating just how blissful it would feel to forget about the pressures of school and his demeaning part-time job for something that would make him feel - and look - so much better. He could feel his smarts slipping away by the second, with his college degrees ending up being completely eradicated from his memory and replaced by knowledge of nutritional plans and the best exercise regimes for muscle growth.

No, no, no… What about my boyfriend? the wilting voice in his mind desperately asked. He tried to picture the man who he had spent so many nights in bed beside but an image failed to present itself. Why can’t I remember what he looks like? Fuck, I can’t forget my boyfriend!

An aggressive voice interrupted and quickly shut down Nate’s final resistance with a blunt statement: Wait, boyfriend? Ha, fuck no! I’m not a goddamn faggot!

It was the shock of realizing that he was about to permanently become a straight man that caused Nate’s final fight to fail. His identity, thoughts and memories were all washed away and replaced by Greg’s creation: Jamar Pusch, the perfect promotional tool for The Aesthetics Workshop on social media. Instead of his head being populated with memories of growing up fighting for the respect of his parents or putting himself through higher education for multiple degrees, Jamar could now only remember being discovered by Greg as a teenager back in Germany. The older man had then brought him over to the US, citing the incredible potential Jamar had, and Greg had helped him become a star bodybuilder under his tuition. Jamar was the first to admit that he owed absolutely everything he had in life to his coach and next to himself, Greg was easily the most important person in his life. As far as he was concerned, his coach was his only family and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Finally feeling comfortable in his own head, Jamar let out a sigh of relief at the fact his bizarre headache was finally resolved and he could get back to being his awesome self. Sure, he was an arrogant son of a bitch with a reputation for seducing his female clients, but could he really be blamed for having such an irresistible charm? The female population of the world was better off for having him looking out for the hottie among them. Jamar’s memory was full of moments where he had used that charm to his advantage, including convincing a friend’s fiancée to cheat on the night before her wedding, which was one of his most prized memories.

Greg had created a man who was a mercenary in most walks of life, but his loyalty to the older man, who he saw as a mentor and father figure, was absolutely unwavering. It was thanks to Greg that Jamar had become a star bodybuilder with a loyal social media following. He would do absolutely anything to ensure that his mentor’s new business venture was a success - well, anything that didn’t require him to do anything too gay. He’d given his boss a blowjob or two in the past, but that was different. It was just part of their arrangement and Greg had assured him that there was no need to overthink it. Other than that, Jamar was a total lady killer who was notorious for being able to get women wet from a single smirk!

Leaving the boss’ office, Jamar looked out across the gym and nodded in approval at what he saw. While it wasn’t busy enough for his liking, it was already more populated than it had been just a few days prior and he was confident that he had played a major part in that. Now he just needed to make sure that everybody in town knew that The Aesthetics Workshop was the one and only place to get their pump on, and maybe he’d even scout out some new personal trainers to work under him. They just had to share his appreciation for the female body and not threaten his position as the gym’s alpha - aside from Greg, of course.

Rolling his broad shoulders and cracking his neck, Jamar settled back into his usual confident smirk and swaggered out into his personal playground. He didn’t have a client coming in for another thirty minutes so he deemed that his best course of action would be to get a pump going. As he strutted towards the free weights area, the champion bodybuilder quickly became aware of several pairs of eyes upon him, and looked over to see three dudes with modest physiques and way too much body hair watching him. Jamar immediately identified the jealousy in their gazes and let out a snort. Who wouldn’t be jealous of a stud like him?

“Shouldn’t you queers be focusing on yourselves?” he challenged before lifting up his arms and hitting a double bicep flex. “I’ve got two reasons right here why you all need to back the fuck up.” The words were heavily accented as a result of Jamar’s German heritage but they more than did the trick and all three men looked suitably mortified at being called out. “Such beta bitches,” he muttered to himself as he turned his attention towards the rack of dumbbells and selected a pair of forty pounders which he quickly began to curl with ease. The sight of his biceps bulging was a glorious sight but when he glanced around to see if any chicks were appreciating it, Jamar was disappointed to discover that the gym was currently something of a sausage fest. We need some pussy up in this place STAT! The queer vibes of the gym populous were getting way too prominent for Jamar’s liking and he was considering talking to Greg about restricting the clientele because he simply couldn’t deal with so many homos lusting over him. Didn’t those fuckers see that their way of life was quite simply wrong and abhorrent?

Heh, speaking of fairies… While Jamar had been performing his first set of bicep curls, he had been joined in the free weights area by the most pathetic excuse for a man that he had ever seen. No, man was being too generous - this was a beta bitch if there ever was one! The dude was thinner than a lamppost with arms as thin as twigs and his gym clothes hung off of his skinny body to really accentuate just how badly he didn’t belong among alpha gods like Jamar. To top it all off, the total loser wore ridiculous glasses and was even trying to sneak glances at Jamar! Did this little punk really not even realize what a total embarrassment he was?!

“What the fuck are you looking at, fag?!” the gym alpha growled, dropping his dumbbells to the ground and rounding on the unfortunate soul who had committed the cardinal sin of lusting after the strictly straight man. “What are those you’re lifting: one pound each? Fucking pathetic, just like you!” Jamar’s words were followed up by laughter that some might perceive as cruel, but in the bodybuilder’s eyes it was totally deserved. How dare such a sad little runt stink up his gym in such a fashion! As such, he was delighted when the skinny nerd dropped his measly dumbbells and scrambled away as if fleeing from a crime scene. Hopefully he doesn’t come back, Jamar thought, proud of his actions in “cleaning up” the gym’s clientele.

After a good twenty minutes of curling heavier weights than anybody else in the gym (except maybe Greg) could even hope to lift, all while grunting loudly with each rep, Jamar returned the dumbbells to the rack. He took a moment to survey his kingdom and was pleased to see that his next client had arrived and was warming up with some stretches over on the mats. Tiffany was one of Jamar’s favorite clients to train and it wasn’t exactly difficult for anybody to work out why: she was a gorgeous blonde with big tits, a fat ass and more money than sense. She was also incredibly unsubtle about how attractive she found Jamar - hardly surprising, as anyone with a working set of eyes could see that - and they had made good on that mutual attraction a number of times since she had started training at The Aesthetics Workshop.

His previous tormenting of that weak nerd and the taunting of those pretend alphas had already encouraged Jamar’s cock to spring to life but the thought of taking Tiffany into the locker room and having his way with her prompted the tent in the front of Jamar’s shorts to become positively obscene. Absolutely everybody in the gym could see his engorged manhood but nobody would dare challenge him on it because they knew that he was as good as Greg’s son and pissing him off was a surefire way to get their memberships revoked. As he approached the mats, Tiffany looked up towards him and her gaze was immediately locked on the hard length in Jamar’s shorts, to which she instinctively found herself biting her lower lip in a clear display of arousal. Once she finally forced herself to meet his eyes, no words even needed to be said. Jamar only had to nod his head towards the locker room and Tiffany was quickly on her feet, leading the way towards the more private setting all while giving the gym alpha a perfect view of the plump ass in her pink gym tights swaying from side to side with each step.

It was mere moments after the door to the locker room had closed behind them when Tiffany pounced on him, attacking Jamar’s lips with a frenzy that really displayed how much of a needy slut she could be. Although impressed by her eagerness, the muscular stud quickly made sure to force her back and pin the busty blonde against the wall so she knew precisely who was in control. “You want me, babe?” Jamar growled, his tone deep and sensual, with the sexiness only furthered by his faint German accent. He received a desperate moan in response; apparently the extreme nature of Tiffany’s arousal had robbed her of the ability to speak.

After spending a few moments groping her massive tits, Jamar moved his hands to the edge of her workout top and by applying just a small amount of his strength he was able to tear the garment free! Much to his delight, Tiffany hadn’t been wearing a sports bra underneath. With her C-cups now completely exposed, Jamar wasted no time in putting his lips to work and coaxing several more whimpers of pleasure out of his sexy client. Even while he kept his lips busy, his hands were moving down to the waistband of the gym babe’s tights and once again the fabric fell victim to his impressive strength, and Tiffany’s distaste for underwear was made even clearer. “I like a girl who comes prepared,” Jamar growled, appreciating how his dominant attitude and mighty strength had already started to make her pussy wet. Just as it should! In his humble opinion, anybody who looked at Jamar and didn’t immediately get horny as hell was clearly fucked up in the head and needed to be locked away in a madhouse.

Although he enjoyed getting to explore Tiffany’s sexy body, Jamar was of the opinion that it simply wasn’t right for him to be the one doing all the work, so just as it seemed like Tiffany was about to reach her orgasm from the efforts of his lips and fingers alone, Jamar took a step back. Smirking in response to the disappointment that flashed over the blonde babe’s face, the champion bodybuilder simply lifted up his arms to hit a massive bicep flex and popped his pecs a few times. “Time for you to put some effort in now,” he grunted, “Come worship your alpha god!”

Tiffany didn’t need to be told twice; it wasn’t her first rodeo after all. She had some seriously talented lips and a tongue that knew what it was doing, so over the next ten minutes she gave a masterclass in muscle worship, all while following Jamar’s instruction. The sweat he had worked up while doing dumbbell curls before her arrival was licked up and she even followed his order to sniff and kiss his pits. His pecs and abs were given the proper amount of attention, with each one being treated like some holy relic by the number one worshiper in the Church of Jamar Pusch.

Once he was satisfied that his body had received the attention it deserved, Jamar finally allowed for things to transition into the main event. With them both completely naked and caked in sweat, they were a gorgeous sight to behold - and indeed Greg was watching the events happen live on the CCTV system, stroking his thick meat in the privacy of his office. Rather than laying her down on one of the benches, Jamar chose to lift Tiffany with his strong arms and fuck her up against the wall of lockers, having her bouncing on his cock and screaming out his name: “You’re my god, Jamar! You’re my alpha! I’m yours, I’m yours!”

Surprising neither of them, Tiffany reached orgasm before Jamar, but when he finally did, he came with a masculine roar that could be heard all the way out on the gym floor. They hadn’t used protection but Jamar didn’t give a fuck; the bitch would be lucky to carry the offspring of such an alpha! “There’s your scheduled cardio session,” he remarked in boisterous style as he pulled out of her and returned her to her feet. Tiffany rolled her arms and slapped him lightly on the shoulder but they both knew it was the best workout she would have all week. Unfortunately she was now tasked with finding new clothes given the tattered state hers had been left in after Jamar had torn them from her, but that was quickly fixed by Jamar forcing the door on one of the lockers and then giving her some of the clothes within. Whoever they belonged to would probably be pissed but that was a situation for Greg to deal with, not him, so why should he care?

As Tiffany went about getting dressed in her stolen clothes, Jamar positioned himself in front of the mirror and started to hit some flexes that made all of his glistening muscles pop. Although he was in no shape or form a homo, he considered his body to be the most beautiful sight in the whole damn world. He was a living spectacle! The gorgeous sight displayed in the mirror even started to flood Jamar with arousal once more thanks to his incredibly high libido, and he gave his stiffening cock a few appreciative strokes while maintaining eye contact with his handsome reflection. 

After he had blown his load for the second time in ten minutes, Jamar finally began to get dressed once more. He still reeked of sex and semen and there was no doubt that the gym clientele would be able to smell it on him but he saw no reason to be ashamed of that. They all wished that they got as much pussy or looked as good as him! Once he had pulled the sweaty compression shirt back over his massive chest, Jamar spared a few moments to pop his pecs and even grope them. Tits so big even all the chicks are jealous, he thought proudly to himself. Although he was sorely tempted to jerk off in front of the mirror once more, Jamar knew that Greg wanted him to be out on the gym floor setting an example for all of the wannabes that he had helped bring in.

Blowing a kiss towards his reflection, Jamar turned and began to strut towards the locker room door. He still had several hours left on his shift and he highly doubted that Tiffany was going to be the only slut to receive a personal “cardio” session with him. Before that happened though he wanted to prove to all of the pretenders in the gym that he could bench press more than double their personal bests because if there was one thing that rivaled the enjoyment Jamar got from sex it was humiliating beta bitches who only wished they could be half the man he was! Maybe if they stuck around the best gym in town they’d be in with a shot of impressing Greg, but they all knew that absolutely nobody was ever going to be the resident alpha other than Jamar Pusch!


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