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This story was a request by Kayllik, one of my new Watt Tier patrons, and involves inanimate and animal-to-human transformations.

Beast Boy wasn’t usually the type to investigate supervillain sightings solo, but desperate times called for desperate measures and both the Justice League and Teen Titans were stretched thin. It seemed like all of their collective villains had decided to strike at once, so the smaller tasks were left to the Titans like him. He had been dispatched to investigate rumors of primate sightings in Metropolis’ underground system and to see if they meant that Gorilla Grodd was planning something big. A simple recon mission, that was totally within Garth’s capabilities! Unfortunately, it wouldn’t end up being quite so simple…

It didn’t take the young hero long to find evidence of Grodd’s minions in the underground tunnels but rather than reporting back, Beast Boy decided to continue on. Maybe if he was able to stop Grodd’s plan single-handedly he’d finally get some respect put on his name! If nobody else was going to champion him then he’d have to do it himself: You’ve got this, Garth! This is your moment!

It was mere moments after Beast Boy had made those encouraging comments to himself that he stumbled into the trap that Grodd had laid for him. All of a sudden the Teen Titan was surrounded by Grodd’s gorilla henchmen and even though he did his best to fight them off, it wasn’t long until he found himself restrained. One of them had such a tight grip around Beast Boy’s throat that he could barely breathe and certainly couldn’t focus enough to use his shifting power to escape.

“Good, I hoped it would be you that they would send,” Grodd’s voice rumbled inside Beast Boy’s head. “My plan wouldn’t work without your powers, so your attendance was vital. It’s amazing what the power of suggestion can do; one stray thought implanted into Green Arrow’s mind and it set off a chain reaction to lead you right to me.” Now that he thought about it, Garth realized that it had been Green Arrow to suggest sending him out on his own since it was only supposed to be a recon mission. None of them were to have known that the idea had been telepathically forced upon him by Gorilla Grodd!

All the young hero could do was watch in terror as Gorilla Grodd emerged from the shadows, his massive primape form sending a shiver of fear down Beast Boy’s spine. Despite his body’s incredible strength, it was Grodd’s telepathic abilities that made him such a dangerous villain, and it was clear that he had wicked intentions. Something told Garth that things weren’t going to end well for him and he could only hope that the Teen Titans noticed if he didn’t check in with him soon and would come running to his rescue. Fancy that: me, a damsel in distress!

One of Grodd’s gorilla minions lumbered towards Beast Boy and held up a strange blue crystal that was glowing so bright that it hurt to look directly at it. They held the crystal up towards Garth’s chest and let go, but rather than dropping to the ground as it should have, the crystal continued to linger in the air. Not only that but it slowly started to inch forward until it was mere millimeters from making contact with Beast Boy! He barely had enough time to send up a silent prayer before the crystal pressed against his chest and then began to surge inside of him! The point of entry burned and the Teen Titan’s eyes filled with tears as the magic contained within the crystal started to worm its way through every inch of his body.

The henchmen released Garth from their grip once the crystal had fully disappeared inside of him but by that point he was too consumed by discomfort to tap into his powers and begin fighting back. His body writhed and warped in a twisted mockery of his own shapeshifting powers, but this time Garth wasn’t transforming into any animal or creature. His arms began trapped at his sides, the limbs melting away as his body shifted into a gelatinous green blob. His head was the next to get absorbed into that strange concoction, with his face disappearing into the mix after twisting into a final terrified expression.

Throughout the whole transformation, the (now former) Beast Boy remained completely in tune with his senses and as such he could hear the thunderous laughter coming from around him, and Grodd’s voice in whatever remained of his mind: “You’re going to be such a great help to me…”

After remaining as the shapeless blob for almost a minute, Garth finally began to take on his new form. The blob positioned itself as a rectangle and began to solidify with one large hole being created at the top end and two smaller holes at the bottom. Garth had no idea what had become of him but Gorilla Grodd and his henchmen now saw an enormous pair of green boxers where the Teen Titan had once been.

As Grodd moved forward and collected the transformed hero from the floor, Beast Boy was rocked by the intensity with which he felt the villain’s physical touch. Just being held in Grodd’s hands caused an incredible pleasure to spread through Garth’s fabric body, as if he was having an endless orgasm. That feeling only intensified when Grodd opened up the boxers and carefully positioned himself in them. As the boxers were pulled up and finally rested around the giant gorilla’s midsection, Beast Boy forever lost the ability to form anything that might resemble a rational thought.

That wasn’t the only thing that happened once Grodd had donned the giant pair of green boxers though, as within moments the villain had begun his own transformation. His hairy pelt began to retreat until his flesh was mostly smooth with only some hair remaining on his head, under his armpits and on his chest, while his skin tone shifted to a rich ivory. Next came the overall shrinking and warping of Grodd’s massive primeape form and as his muscles reshaped to better mimic those of a human, the villain rose to stand on two giant feet until he stopped at a mighty six-foot-seven.

The resulting physique was still incredibly impressive, with giant furry pecs and massive twenty inch biceps. His legs were as thick as tree trunks and clearly held quite a bit of power as he experimentally tensed the muscles of his quads. His neck remained thick and his shoulders were broad, but the most prominent changes were obviously to Grodd’s face as his skull transitioned to a more human appearance. The resulting face bore some similarity to Garth’s own, only much more mature and hunky.

“Finally… I can walk among them without the humans ever knowing,” the newly transformed Grodd declared out loud, unable to hide the smile from his face. His plan for world domination had just taken one giant step forward. He would only remain in this human form while he wore the transformed Beast Boy, but that was quite alright with him. He’d always be a gorilla no matter what his external appearance was, and once he’d had his way with the world, the human population would be transformed to join his gorilla army! It was about time that his plan was finally put into motion…


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