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This incubus story was a commission from one of the Watt Tier patrons.

Robbie Amell rolled his broad shoulders, let out a contented sigh and smiled at the handsome reflection in the mirror. “You’re lookin’ good, stud,” he remarked, not at all ashamed of showing himself some well-deserved appreciation. He wasn’t the type to really fuss about how well his career was going or how many award shows he was invited to; what really mattered to Robbie was how well his looks were maintained.

Unlike many of the actor’s contemporaries who spent hours slaving away in the gym to build their bodies and obsessively crafting the perfect skincare routine to keep themselves looking as young as possible, Robbie used alternative methods that he found to be infinitely more successful. The truth of the matter was actually startlingly simple, but few would believe it even if he confessed to it: Robbie was an incubus, and he kept himself in incredible condition by draining the youth and energy out of other men.

It was the rivalry between Robbie and his arguably more famous cousin Stephen that actually led to the younger Amell being transformed into an incubus. He had always been the more image-obsessed of the two actors and had resented how Stephen’s starring role in Arrow quickly made him into an on-screen sex symbol. Jealous of his cousin’s success, Robbie turned to the supernatural to try and find a solution. Unfortunately his initial idea of warping reality to make him the actor portraying Oliver Queen didn’t ultimately come to fruition, but his attempts had at least led to him meeting Vernon McAllister.

The portly middle-aged man claimed to be a warlock and while Robbie had needed some convincing of this fact at first, McAllister came through with evidence by summoning a gold bar from thin air. Vernon also happened to have a comic book obsession and longed to possess the body of a real life superhero. The catch was that he could only properly perform a possession spell if he was able to be in a private space with the subject. The deal he struck with Robbie was thus rather simple: Robbie was to get Vernon alone with Stephen so the warlock could slip into his cousin’s skin, and in return Vernon would cast a spell that made Robbie into an incubus, where he would be able to prolong his youth and beauty for as long as he may like.

It had been six years since Robbie had agreed to Vernon’s terms, achieving a permanent victory over his cousin in the process, and he was pleased to say that he didn’t appear to have aged a single day since! His friends would always grumble about how he was clearly blessed with great genetics or was secretly slaving his life away in the gym and Robbie relished in their clear frustrations. Sure, he definitely had some great starting genetics to get him going but being an incubus was definitely the secret to his success and it wasn’t one that he was prepared to share with anyone else.

In recent weeks though Robbie had started to notice a few lines around his eyes and that his shirt sleeves weren’t fitting quite so tight around his biceps anymore. It wasn’t the first time he had encountered such developments and as such he knew precisely what to do in order to stop the situation from getting any worse: he needed to feed. Luckily he was in the perfect position to get that done, as he had recently begun work on the Resident Evil sequel and that meant there were plenty of young virile men around that he could use to help satiate that supernatural hunger within him.

It didn’t even take Robbie all that long to find a suitable candidate, as within five minutes of leaving his trailer he had already locked eyes with one of the minor actors on the production and he immediately recognised the desire in the other’s gaze. The handsome man was in his early twenties, judging by the youthful appearance of his face, and had a delightfully muscular physique that was bigger than Robbie’s own, both of which were factors that made for perfect prey.

After starting up what appeared to any outsider to be a completely innocent on-set conversation, the actor quickly learned that the young man’s name was Freddy and that he was working his first Hollywood production after years of playing bit parts on CW television shows. He didn’t even seem to mind that he was playing a part with no lines of dialogue (he was portraying an Umbrella mercenary in a few scenes with Tom Hopper’s Wesker character), he was just happy to finally be on a movie set. Truthfully Freddy seemed like a nice guy who probably didn’t deserve what was coming to him, but Robbie’s transformation into an incubus and the intensity of his desire to stay young and hot had robbed him of much of his morality. Guys like Freddy stopped being real people and started looking like Happy Meals with legs instead.

The invitation back to Robbie’s trailer clearly caught Freddy by surprise if the younger man’s wide eyes were anything to go by, but the upstart actor was quick to agree without any hesitation. Robbie could hardly hide the smirk from his face as he led the unsuspecting fool back to a more private space where nobody would be able to see Freddy get the youth drained out of him.

One unexpected consequence of his transformation into an incubus had been Robbie’s transition from heterosexuality to homosexuality. Completely overnight he had gone from finding the female body alluring to merely tolerable, while his fascination with the male form skyrocketed towards a near perpetual state of desire. It had meant the end of his engagement to the woman he’d spent the better part of his adult years with but the ability to sleep around and experiment with guys meant that Robbie wasn’t really sad or concerned about the breakup or his sliding along the kinsey scale for all that long.

The trailer door had barely just clicked shut behind Freddy when Robbie pounced on the man, crushing their lips together in a kiss that exhibited all of his untameable desire. Despite his muscular body, Freddy melted like butter underneath him and quickly sacrificed all control, something that the more experienced actor was more than willing to take advantage of. Within seconds he had guided the younger man to the bed at the end of his trailer and had him thrown down onto the mattress.

The process of removing their clothes was incredibly quick thanks to the eagerness of both men and Robbie whistled in delight when he saw just how defined Freddy’s torso was. “Now those are some abs!” he praised, before lowering himself down to run his tongue along the hard muscles of Freddy’s six-pack. From there it was only a short trip to each of the man’s pecs and Robbie wasn’t at all surprised to hear the delighted moans burst forth from Freddy’s lips when the incubus teased the younger man’s oh so sensitive nipples.

Once he had Freddy at the point where he could do little more than whimper and shiver in delight, Robbie finally moved down and took the man’s cock between his lips. Freddy was decently hung at seven inches but he wasn’t the biggest Robbie had ever taken, so the incubus had no issue working his way around the thick length while his partner in crime panted and moaned in his lust-fuelled haze. In just a few short minutes he started to feel Freddy tremble beneath him and they both knew that a climax was imminent. Robbie didn’t let up for a moment, taking all of his new friend’s cock down his throat right as the man hit completion and pumped his virile seed right into the belly of the beast he was unwittingly sacrificing himself to.

As he ingested the precious nutrients contained within Freddy’s cum, Robbie’s incubus abilities kicked into overdrive and the effects of his feeding soon became obvious. The troubling lines around the actor’s eyes were instantly smoothed out and his skin obtained a healthy youthful glow that had him looking like he was back in his early twenties rather than his thirties.

That wasn’t the only change to Robbie’s body though, as every muscle of his body expanded all at once. In some areas this growth was more subtle but there was undeniable expansion to his arms which rapidly ballooned into mighty weapons that would surely split the seams of whatever shirt the wardrobe department tried to force the lead actor into. Robbie glanced down at himself to see his pecs swell in similar fashion, becoming full with hard muscle that Freddy had earned for him, and the abs underneath made their presence even more clearly known with enough definition to make any bodybuilder jealous!

While Robbie was reaping the benefits of their little tryst, Freddy was struggling to understand why he felt so completely exhausted. It was more than his usual post-orgasm exhaustion, he could tell that much, but he was so tired all of a sudden that he could barely raise his head from the mattress. If he had then he would have seen not only Robbie’s transformation but the changes to his own body.

Although it appeared like Robbie had stolen somewhere in the range of a decade from Freddy, that was inverted and tripled when it came to the younger man’s own changes. His boyish good looks were suddenly hidden behind a collection of tired creases across his face, and the thick hair that had adorned his head was suddenly much thinner on the top and was almost entirely gray!

The damage had continued throughout Freddy’s body, as the muscles he had worked hard to achieve and maintain had been completely stripped away, leaving him with an incredibly small and fragile body. In fact he had ended up so skinny that Robbie could even see hints of the man’s rib cage and there wasn’t even the slightest hint of abs or pecs to be found anywhere! His legs were similarly stick thin which was a stark contrast to the mighty tree trunks that Robbie now possessed.

Perhaps most embarrassing of all for Freddy was that his seven inch cock had shrunk to a meager three inches, while Robbie was now sporting a jaw-dropping ten inches. He already knew that he would struggle to hide such a monster in the front of his pants even if he was wearing the baggiest sweats he owned!

Climbing off of the bed and leaving the exhausted and drained middle-aged man to slip into a much needed sleep, Robbie swaggered in front of the mirror and enjoyed the beautiful muscular display that he saw before him. He was rock hard and ready to enjoy himself, but he knew that he would be expected in the wardrobe room soon and they’d definitely be scrambling to find something that would fit his new size, so it was probably best not to keep them waiting.

Before he left though, Robbie glanced once more back at the lightly snoozing man he had just drained and let out a brief sigh of pity. Perhaps he could speak to the casting director and get Freddy’s role shifted from a burly Umbrella mercenary to a frail Umbrella scientist. He supposed it was the least he could do to thank the man for the precious gift of his youth and muscle…


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