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The subject of this Himbo TF story was decided by last week's poll, which Sam Hubbard won with 55% of the final vote!

Bengals with a playoff win, who would have believed that when they drafted you back in 2018? Sam Hubbard thought to himself as he returned to the locker room after their successful game against the Las Vegas Raiders. There really was no better feeling than achieving a hard-earned victory with his team and that feeling was even sweeter when it came during the playoffs. They were the underdogs in the Super Bowl race for sure, but who didn’t love a good underdog story? Every single guy on the Cincinnati Bengals roster was working their tails off to make sure their playoff run went as deep as it possibly could and Sam was proud to be one of the team captains. The guys who lined up with him on the field were like brothers to him and he couldn’t think of anybody better to succeed alongside.

The six-foot-five and two-hundred-and-sixty-five pound football player struck quite the imposing figure, but in actuality he was a gentle soul who liked to keep things pretty low-key. As such, when he entered the locker room after the game and found a party starting up with cigars and bottles of liquor being handed out, Sam opted to get dressed out of his uniform and vacate as quickly as possible. At twenty-six years old, he wasn’t exactly an old man, but it was safe to say that Sam’s partying days were best left in his undergrad years. Despite how much he loved his teammates and the concept of getting drunk and rowdy late into the night, after hours of throwing his weight around the football field nothing seemed more appealing to Sam than the thought of returning back to his place and having a nice long soak in the bath.

It took several minutes for Sam to shuffle through the crowded locker room (he was stopped for multiple selfies with the younger guys on the team and had refused a number of shots offered to him) and finally make it to his compartment. Once he was there, he quickly unlocked the small safe at the back and removed his cell phone from within. Just as he’d been expecting, there were a number of text messages from friends and family members congratulating him on the victory, but there was one message amongst them that immediately stood out due to its stark difference from the rest.

Unknown Number: hey when can we meet to discuss the project for class?

Sam stared at the message for several seconds, going over the words in his mind and trying to piece together what they could mean. It didn’t take very long for him to decide that the message was meant for somebody else, as the only “class” Sam was taking was a weightlifting course with the team’s coaches and there were definitely no projects involved there. Deciding that it was better to alert the person that he wasn’t who they were aiming to get ahold of, the football player quickly typed out a response.

Sam: sorry man think you’ve got a wrong number here. not a student.

After putting the phone back in his locker, Sam quickly pulled his jersey up and over his head and let it drop onto the bench behind him. Then it was a case of getting out of his pads, which was much easier said than done when the teammates who would usually offer an extra pair of hands were all busy celebrating. By the time Sam had finally shuffled his way out of his shoulder pads, it had been several minutes since he had replied to the unknown number and his phone screen had illuminated to show that he had received his own reply. Although he expected it to be nothing more than an embarrassed apology, Sam still decided to pause his changing to check it out.

Unknown Number: this IS sam hubbard’s number right?

The inclusion of his name in the message gave the hunky football player pause. His confidence that the message had been intended for somebody else had been well and truly shaken, but it still didn’t make any sense to him why he’d be receiving messages about some sort of class project. With his brow furrowing and a frown forming on his face, Sam hastily fired back with two questions of his own.

Sam: who is this? how did you get this number?

For reasons he couldn’t quite comprehend, Sam felt rather perturbed by how the text conversation was progressing. He knew that it would be perfectly valid for him to simply stop replying but his curiosity had him eager for answers. This time he didn’t return the phone to his locker but rather kept it in hand as he waited for the unknown number to reply. It only took all of twenty seconds, but the reply that came through only filled Sam with even more confusion.

Unknown Number: this is florian from sociology 101. the prof partnered us for this weeks project! jeez short memory much?

Sam bristled at the mocking tone of Florian’s message and how the other continued to make no sense. It seemed clear from his texts that the other was a student, but Sam’s own college days were well and truly in the past and he hadn’t even taken a Sociology class! This time Sam hit the keys on his phone screen with a little extra pressure and he grimaced in a clear display of aggravation.

Sam: listen here i’m a goddamn nfl player and i don’t have time for this shit. you have the wrong number. bother somebody else kid.

Hopeful that his blunt statement would put an end to the conversation, Sam put his phone back in the locker and tried not to think about why he was getting so worked up about some silly texts. It was probably just a prank from one of his friends using a burner phone or something. After removing his cleats and tugging off his socks to expose his sweaty feet though, Sam felt compelled to check his phone again and sure enough there was another message waiting for him.

Florian: being a college athlete isn’t the same as being in the nfl lol besides i thought you played baseball?

Sam was so wrapped up in his blistering anger towards his conversation partner for continuing to double down on the mockery that he failed to even notice that the man’s number had somehow saved itself onto his phone. The mere suggestion that he played baseball rather than football had him seeing red because what the actual fuck? If this was somebody deliberately messing with him (and he was certain that it had to be) then they were doing a good job of pushing his buttons. Any thought of giving up on the conversation had been completely abandoned but as Sam typed out his angry reply, the contents of his locker changed ever so slightly: his football helmet warped into a new shape, and a baseball bat suddenly manifested behind it.

Sam: ok punk this is ur last straw. i’m telling u that u have the wrong number so stop fucking texting me about some class project shit. i don’t go to college!!

A string of replies came before Sam even had the chance to put the phone down and their contents had the professional athlete almost crushing his cell phone within his meaty paw.

Florian: just because you don’t show up to class doesn’t mean you don’t go to college lol

Florian: look i’m just trying to make sure you don’t flunk because i know you aren’t the brightest in the upstairs department no offense

“This motherfucker!” Sam growled, his rage palpable at the insult towards his intelligence. Who the fuck does this kid think he is? Sure, maybe Sam wasn’t going to be winning any general knowledge quizzes any time soon but that didn’t mean he was dumb. He had more than enough brain power to ensure that he knew all the rules of baseball and-- wait, baseball? That didn’t seem right…

Florian: cmon san lighten up! i don’t think this project will take too much work but you’ve gotta at least put some effort in. i’m not doing it all just to save your ass… as nice as your ass is lol

While San was slowly reading through the message, his already sizable backside was expanding like a pair of balloons being pumped full of air. The fabric of his pants were severely stretched over two huge globes that were a perfect mixture of muscle and fat. Such a perfect ass would make any woman jealous and any guy think twice about their heterosexuality, and suddenly San’s memory was littered with moments where he had prioritized squats and hip thrusts over everything else.

Florian: while we’re on the topic of your ass btw is it true that all the size back there is to make up for some lacking at the front?

Heat immediately rose up into San’s face and his cheeks flushed deep scarlet. Florian’s latest message left him completely mortified but only because he knew it was true. As the athlete had been reading the message, the bulge in the front of his pants had become a little less pronounced. The hefty eight inch weapon he had been carrying had dwindled down to a mere four inches and San could now clearly recall a good number of times that guys in the locker room had teased him about his manhood being less than average. It was one of his top insecurities actually.

San: shut up

Florian: i’ll take that as a yes then lol

Florian: its no big deal though. i guess you don’t need to use it for much considering your reputation.

A shiver ran down San’s spine as he attempted to understand what Florian was implying with his latest message.

San: what reputation?

Florian: cmon sean everybody knows that you’re the biggest bottom on campus! you’re like a local legend!

Sean let out a nervous laugh in response to the revelation and silently prayed that it wasn’t true. He thought he was being discreet with his hookups. He knew that his chances of going pro in baseball would suffer if scouts knew that he was secretly gay so he tried his best to reign his lust for the male form in. Sometimes though that was easier said than done. A good number of guys on the baseball team had used him as a hungry hole when their girlfriends weren’t putting out and it was the same for the football and basketball teams too! It had been like that since early on in his freshman year at the college, when his peers on the baseball team realized what a needy slut he could be behind closed doors and spread the news to the other jocks on campus.

Sean: dude stfu i dont no what ur talkin about

Florian: lol sure you don’t

A small speech bubble icon appeared at the bottom of the screen to indicate that Florian was typing out another message but as Sean impatiently waited for it to come through, his body made a few more subtle adjustments. His height decreased by a good five inches to put him at an even six foot while a good sixty pounds of bulk slowly siphoned away to put him at a much leaner two-hundred-and-five pounds. The only part of the athlete’s body that didn’t look any smaller was his fat ass which continued to remain the highlight of Sean’s still impressive body. The only issue was that he was starting to feel frustrated that he hadn’t had his hole filled lately, so Florian’s next message came with quite the tempting offer…

Florian: how about i sweeten the deal and promise to fuck you if you just come over to my dorm and help me with this project?

Closing his eyes for a moment, Sean did his best to think back to one of the few times he had actually made it to his Sociology 101 class. With some great effort he was finally able to summon up a picture of Florian in his mind and he definitely wasn’t disappointed with what he saw. The guy wasn’t a stereotypical nerd by any means, although he was easily one of the smartest in their class. There were no thick-lens glasses, dorky high-waisted pants or painfully skinny limbs. Florian actually looked like he spent a decent amount of time in the gym and even though he was a few inches shorter and some twenty pounds lighter than Sean, the baseball player knew that his classmate would probably find it quite easy to dominate him in the bedroom. Oh fuck, that’s hot. Sean’s meager four incher was suddenly tenting the front of his pants and he could hardly stop himself from reaching down and stroking at the sensitive appendage.

When his eyes opened once more, Sean discovered that there were several more messages from Florian waiting for him. What he failed to notice though was that the locker room he was standing in was no longer that of an NFL team but rather one for a college baseball team that just happened to share the same black and orange colors of the Cincinnati Bengals. Behind him the scenes of an NFL team’s post-victory party were replaced by a calmer display, with college baseball players dressing themselves after a grueling practice session. A few of the jocks glanced Sean’s way, their eyes fixating on the himbo’s jaw-dropping backside for a brief moment before moving on.

Florian: you know that tone you took with me earlier was pretty rude

Florian: as is keeping me waiting right now

Florian: whats the holdup huh?

Despite being flustered as a result of his intense arousal, Sean continued to remain confused, as things still didn’t quite add up. Why would he still be in college when he was in his mid-twenties?

Sean: sumthn isnt rite

Sean: im 26

Sean: didnt i alrdy gradu8?

Florian’s next reply arrived mere seconds after Sean sent his confused ramble and it featured a string of laughing emojis. Then, while Sean tried to understand why he was being laughed at, another message arrived that was more mocking in the same fashion as Florian’s previous messages.

Florian: you, graduate? haha that’ll be the day

Florian: besides i know you got held back in high school a few times but you’re only 21 not 26 get a grip lol

A dumb chuckle escaped Sean’s lips as he read the message and realised how wrong he had been. It was just like him to forget his own age! People liked to say that he was “as dumb as a bag of rocks” but truthfully Sean had absolutely no idea what they meant by that. Sure, he wasn’t the smartest but even he knew that rocks didn’t have brains!

In a split second, five years were washed off of Sean’s face, giving him a more youthful (but still studly) appearance without even any trace of the stubble that he’d had just moments before. Meanwhile the locker room around him changed further, with the black and orange of the Cincinatti Bengals being replaced by the red and white of the Arkansas Razorbacks. The name above his locker no longer read “S Hubbard” but rather “S Humphrey” - although his actions off the field had earned Sean the nickname of “Humpalot”, which always made the dimwitted jock laugh.

After the frequent reassurances from Florian, Sean was now certain of the fact that he was a student at the University of Arkansas and felt silly for ever questioning otherwise. He had hopes of going pro in the MLB one day, although that still seemed far off given he was only in his sophomore year. Before he could get too lost in his dreams for the future though, a chime sounded from his cell phone that drew his attention back to the screen, where a new message awaited him.

Florian: now are you gonna come let me fuck that bubble butt of yours or not?

Before he could even formulate a reply, Sean was startled by a strong hand grabbing at the thick cheeks of his ass. Glancing over his shoulder, he realized that a couple of his teammates were looking expectantly at him, wearing nothing but their heavily tented jockstraps. Sean instantly knew what they wanted from him and he was more than happy to give them what they wanted! First though, he had to send a message back to Florian to promise that he’d show up soon. He really didn’t care about the class project at all but he would never pass up the opportunity to get his needy hole filled!

Sean: fck yh bro ill be there asap

Sean: got 2 fnsh in locker room first if u no wat i mean

As his teammates bent him over between them and started to put his holes to good use, Sean took a brief moment to reflect on just how much fun it was to have such a sexy body and an intoxicating allure that no man could resist, no matter how straight they claimed to be. Maybe if professional baseball didn’t work out for him, Sean would seek out Florian and ask his new friend to set him up an OnlyFans account. After all, it wasn’t as if the college athlete had the brain power to do much more with his life, nor could he even imagine ever wanting to do anything else!


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