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It was hardly uncommon for Nathan McCallum to receive new sponsorship offers from companies selling workout clothes or protein supplements, but something about the message he had received from Cavanaugh Fitness had really struck a chord within the Australian fitness influencer. He couldn’t quite explain why but he felt compelled to accept the invitation to promote their new line of products and his mind was only put at ease once he had sent back a confirmation. The response from whoever was running Cavanaugh Fitness’ social media accounts was lightning fast and the delivery of their products seemed to be too, as he was informed that the “Ultra Mass Builder” powder that they wanted him to promote would be on his doorstep by early afternoon that very day! Nathan was so caught up in his inexplicable excitement that he failed to notice the red flag: he hadn’t even given them his address, so how did they know where to send it?

The gorgeously tanned Aussie hunk was in high spirits for the rest of his day, which his wife and friends were quick to take note of. There was an extra pep in Nathan’s step as he went about his daily tasks, including filming a workout to post on his social media channels, and a grocery shop to ensure that his fridge was fully stocked with healthy ingredients. After having a romantic midday picnic under the warm Australian sun, Nathan returned home while his wife went on to meet her friends for some afternoon drinks. His lips turned up into a grin when he caught sight of the brown delivery box waiting for him by his door and he hurriedly brought it inside. He tore the box apart like a lion brutalizing its prey and pulled the large pack of protein powder from the remains. “Cherry flavored?” he read from the front of the pack, “That’s fun!”

Eager to try out his new supplement for the first time, Nathan hurried to set up a camera so he could film a taste test reaction. In just a few minutes he had the camera on its tripod, the shake made up and his shirt off. He had learned from his years of promoting content on social media that showing off his muscular chest (and particularly his lightly furry pecs) typically led to more engagement from his followers. If he wanted people to take his recommendation and use his sponsor code for Cavanaugh Fitness, it was easy logic that he’d benefit from going shirtless for the video. Hell, he’d probably get even more clicks if he went without the shorts and remained only in his briefs, but that was a line Nathan had no intention of crossing.

Once the camera was rolling, Nathan gave his usual enthusiastic greeting and explained the purpose of the video. “Of course, we have to give a shout-out to the nice folks at Cavanaugh Fitness for bringing me on as a rep! Don’t forget to use my code NATHAN if you want to get your own batch of Ultra Mass Builder! Let’s see how this tastes, shall we?” Then, without any hesitation, Nathan brought the shaker to his lips and took a large gulp of its contents. The cherry flavor was even stronger than he had been anticipating, but it went down his throat as smoothly as a regular milkshake would. In fact, the taste was so pleasant that Nathan couldn’t stop himself from downing the whole drink in just a few short seconds!

“That was delicious,” the fitness influencer remarked, flashing a grin towards the camera. “I can feel myself getting bigger already!” He was joking, of course, but he knew that companies loved that kind of chatter in sponsored videos. “Looks like I’ll be doing a second workout today, huh?” Feeling content that he had all the footage he needed, Nathan took a step towards the camera so he could stop the recording. As he did so, there was a sudden rumbling in his stomach and a rumbling belch forced itself out of his mouth. It caught the man completely off guard and he said a silent prayer that it had happened during the recording of a video rather than a live broadcast. “Definitely got to edit that out,” he reminded himself, before letting out a second burp that was equally as obnoxious. Why did that shake make me so damn gassy?

Before Nathan could even contemplate getting out from the camera’s view, he was rocked by another round of angry protesting from his stomach and for a brief moment the Aussie thought that he was about to throw the contents of the shake back up. That didn’t happen, but what did was much more alarming: his flat stomach started to distend, with his beautiful cobblestone abs losing their definition in mere moments. The sudden swelling of his gut should have been impossible but there was no mistaking what Nathan saw when he looked down at himself. “What the fuck?” he gasped, pressing his hands to his stomach as if trying to push it back to its flatter form. The muscle gut was still firm and tough underneath his hands, but he could already feel further rumblings beneath the surface which definitely concerned him.

All at once, in perfect view of the camera, Nathan began to grow. His muscles inflated at once, like dough rising in an oven, and the fitness influencer was at a complete loss. The expanded gut that had caused him such grief only moments earlier was suddenly hidden behind the burgeoning pectoral muscles that quickly dwarfed his view. While Nathan’s pecs had always been pretty prominent, they were inflating to the point that they were comparable in size to watermelons! The only reason that he didn’t topple forward from the weight of his new muscle tits was that a similar process was happening to his ass, with the cheeks ballooning up the size of basketballs and splitting the seams of his shorts right down the middle!

If the massive increase to his backside hadn’t caused enough damage to his previously perfectly fitting shorts then the enlarging of his quads and thighs was certain to finish off the job. Due to the defined nature of his legs, Nathan had never had the “thigh gap” that image-obsessed women seemed desperate to achieve, but the possibility of ever having one was destroyed by the dramatic escalation of his muscles. His bulky legs forced him to spread out his stance just so he didn’t crush his manhood and by the time they stopped growing, his quads were twice the size that his waist had previously been!

Nathan’s calves followed suit, with his lower legs growing to match his giant new proportions and the diamond-shaped muscles became incredibly prominent to an almost grotesque degree! Much to his horror, Nathan’s feet didn’t seem to change size at all, leaving him feeling dangerously unbalanced. He was certain that if he tried to take even a single step forward then he would end up crashing down to the floor and be unable to bring himself back up to a standing position. He was helpless!

While the fitness influencer was busy panicking over his massively inflated lower half, the expansion of his muscles continued with his shoulders and arms. Nathan had already been broad but his shoulders were suddenly stretched apart like they were being used as the rope in a ferocious game of tug of war. To complement this, his decently sized traps began to ascend to mountainous new heights, creating a perfect slope from his absurdly thick neck down to the bulging boulders of his shoulders. He ended up almost as wide as he was tall and the muscles along Nathan’s arms all amplified to better match their surroundings. One by one his biceps, triceps and forearms inflated as if they were pool floats being pumped full of air, and their inexplicable development didn’t stop until the muscles were so overblown that Nathan couldn’t even bend his elbows anymore! He was stuck with his arms outstretched on either side of his barrel-like torso, with his unchanged hands looking comically small at the end of the monstrous limbs.

Glancing around the room in search of something that might help him, Nathan quickly realized that with his massive new size, he wouldn’t be able to make it through any of the doors in his own home anymore. He had only grown perhaps a few inches taller but it was the width that caused the most issues and even turning sideways seemed unlikely to help him. Besides, he didn’t want anybody to see him in such a state and think that he’d overdone it with steroids or anything of the sort. He’d never been on gear even once but now he had such a monstrous body that even guys pumped full of steroids for years wouldn’t be able to match up against him!

As the man’s eyes fell on the camera and he identified the flashing red light above the lens, his heart sank: his humiliating muscle growth had been entirely captured on film! His last hope was that his wife would return home soon and miraculously delete the footage before anyone could see it, but she’d probably be too horrified by his appearance to listen to his desperate pleas. What the hell am I going to do?!

Before Nathan could get too worked up over what the future might hold though, he felt a familiar stirring within his gut. Oh no, not again! Suddenly his body was expanding once more, with his already grotesque muscles inflating to comically impossible proportions. His pecs had grown so big that they completely dominated his view, leaving him unable to see anything past them, and his traps were so bulky that he could no longer turn his head in either direction! He was growing ever larger and larger with each passing second and to his great distress the process didn’t seem to be slowing down this time…


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