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It wasn’t uncommon for outsiders to question how Josh and Vance had become such good friends and honestly Josh could never blame them for their curiosity. The two young men were about as different as could be in terms of physicality: Josh was just a hair shy of six foot, barely weighed one-hundred and twenty pounds and was cursed with poor eyesight that was only partially remedied by heavy prescription glasses, while Vance was a good seven inches taller, one-hundred pounds heavier and had incredibly sharp eyesight that helped him dominate the football field as a college quarterback. They looked like quite the odd pair when standing next to each other, as a skinny white nerd seemed to some like rather odd company for a handsome black athlete to keep.

Their unexpected friendship had begun back in sophomore year of high school when they had been paired together on a science project. Josh had instantly been filled with dread when the chemistry teacher read out their names and there had even been some laughter from their peers, but Vance had actually turned out to be quite different from the nerd’s expectations. He had thought that the school’s quarterback would force the work onto his shoulders and then take credit for it after doing nothing at all, as the try-hard jock that Josh had been paired with in his freshman year had done. Vance refused to do as such though and insisted on taking on a fair share of the project and even made the suggestion that they could meet up in the school library after his football practice in order to properly plan out how they were going to complete the project.

Throughout the duration of the project, the two boys had gotten to know each other and Josh found himself admiring how Vance, despite being aware of his academic shortcomings, tried his hardest to make meaningful contributions. Josh also got the sense that very few people had actually given Vance the chance to try and learn and instead had gifted him shortcuts simply because of his importance to their high school’s athletic programme. The quarterback responded positively to somebody actually giving him the chance to prove himself and by the time the project was complete, the pair had become fast friends. As a result, Josh never had reason to fear bullying from the jocks throughout the rest of his high school days, as none of the football team wanted to risk getting on Vance’s bad side, and the team’s star player had proven himself to be quite protective of his new friend.

Four years later, their bond continued to remain strong. By complete chance they had ended up attending the same college and although they seemed destined for different paths in life beyond the education system, Vance had never stopped looking out for the smaller man. There was one stark difference between high school and college though, and that was that Vance wasn’t the starting quarterback, but rather one of the backups. As a result he didn’t have quite the same influence over the rowdier guys on the team like he had when they had been in high school, and Josh thus became a target of their torment. Vance stood up for him whenever he caught wind of how Josh was being treated but the nerdier student had started to hide the events and their effect on him from his friend, fearing that he would indirectly cause Vance to alienate himself from his teammates and jeopardize his possible future career in the NFL. Friends didn’t drag their friends down into the depths of misery with them, after all.

Vance saw the situation a little differently though, and through another brilliant moment of chance, he ended up with the capabilities to do something about it. In his first year of college he had dated a pretty redheaded girl who he had later discovered was actually a witch. They had broken up shortly afterwards for unrelated reasons, but Vance had soon discovered that some of her magic had passed through to him as a result of their lovemaking. It took considerable trial and error but eventually he had learned to exercise some small amount of control over his new mystical skills. From there he decided that the best use of his magic would be to make Josh’s life better, and it didn’t even take all that long for Vance to find the perfect solution to their problem…

Josh thought nothing of it when he received a text message from the quarterback requesting his presence at his dorm room in the hall on the other side of the campus. The concept of spending time with his friend was preferable to completing the essay he was supposed to be working on for one of his classes, so he was more than happy to fire off a response confirming that he’d be right over. He suspected that Vance probably wanted a little bit of friendly tutoring from him, as that wasn’t exactly uncommon, but time in the other man’s presence would always be appreciated. As much as he had tried not to, Josh had ended up developing quite the major crush on his best friend and while he knew that nothing would ever come from it, he still experienced a thrill from just being in the other’s presence and prompting the other’s handsome face to split into a delighted smile.

It took around ten minutes for Josh to walk from his own dorm room to Vance’s, but when he finally made it to his friend’s door and was welcomed inside, the nerdy student was met by a rather bewildering sight. His heart had leapt in terror when he locked eyes with Brent, the football team’s starting tight end and Josh’s biggest tormentor, but then he had identified the fact that the muscular athlete had been gagged and bound to a chair. Brent squaled through his gag, looking at Josh with a combination of both fear and fury in his eyes, while Josh turned towards Vance in search of an explanation. The story he received in return was hard to believe but in all their years of friendship Vance had never led him astray, so Josh found himself cautiously believing the other’s claim.

“Run that by me again,” the smaller man asked, pointedly ignoring how Brent was thrashing against his restraints. “You want to move all of Brent’s size and strength from him to me… with your new magic powers? Josh was a lover of fantasy fiction but this was a lot for even him to comprehend. Had it been anybody else saying it to him, he definitely wouldn’t have believed them. “You’re aware of how insane this sounds, right?”

Despite his friend’s hesitancy, Vance didn’t seem deterred. “I know, I know, but I promise you that I’m telling the truth,” the quarterback replied calmly, crossing the room and gently placing his hands on Josh’s shoulders. “This asshole doesn’t deserve to throw his weight around like he’s a king and deep down I know you’ve always wanted to build some muscle.” That was true, although Josh had never verbalized such desire. He was terrified of going to a gym and being humiliated for being such a weakling, so he had never allowed himself to consider it as a serious possibility.

Still toying with how far he actually believed what he was being told, Josh remained silent and instead allowed his gaze to fall upon the restrained Brent. It was actually quite the gorgeous sight to behold now that he had gotten over his initial trepidation about being in the same small room as his bully. As much as Josh had wished otherwise, he actually found his tormentor to be quite attractive with his square jawline, thick neck and beefy frame. Rumors had circulated around the campus that the team’s tight end was rather well endowed too and that possibility had manifested itself in a number of Josh’s midnight fantasies in recent months.

As he scanned the captured football player from head to toe, Josh took his time in admiring each of Brent’s muscle groups and considered how they might look upon him instead. His gaze paused on the athlete’s massive delts which were as round and powerful as boulders, and the massive sloping trap muscles that traveled from his thick neck to those beautiful shoulders. From there it was only a natural progression to delight in Brent’s powerful arms, with the biceps and triceps forming upper arms the size of footballs that were perfectly complimented by sturdy and hairy forearms. The slender waistline immediately gave way to thighs as large as watermelons, but Josh’s attention was quickly grabbed by the obscene bulge at the crotch - even flaccid as he was, Brent had to be at least eight inches!

“I’ll do it,” Josh exclaimed, forcing himself to look away from the gorgeous muscular display in front of him and back towards his best friend. “Whatever you have to do.. Let’s do this.” Was he nervous? Absolutely. Was he certain this was a good idea? Not at all. The more rational parts of his brain had been overruled by his lust for muscle and his desire for revenge against his tormentor though, so for the first time in perhaps his entire life, Josh was willing to take a risk and make the leap into the unknown.

The smile that spread across Vance’s face in response to Josh’s confirmation made the young man even more handsome, but it lasted only a few brief moments before he adopted a more serious expression and beckoned his friend closer. “This is going to feel a little weird at first,” he explained, his steady tone of voice hiding the trepidation he felt about casting such a powerful spell for the first time. “Trust me though, the end result is going to be well worth it.”

After everything they had been through together, Josh hardly needed the prompt to put trust in his friend. He was more likely to trust Vance than his own family! As such, when the quarterback placed his hand on the back of his head and gripped it tight, Josh’s only response was to shiver slightly at the contact. Vance then did the same to Brent, who continued to thrash about in the chair he had been tied to, and began to chant in a language that Josh vaguely recognised as being Latin.

Just a few seconds into Vance’s chanting, Josh experienced a sudden warmth flooding throughout his body that seemed to originate from the point of contact. Then, all at once, his body began to inflate like a balloon being pumped full of air. His skinny limbs were transformed into jaw-dropping displays of muscular power within just a few short seconds, with his shirt being torn at the seams by such rapid expansion of size. The cheap fabric had lost the battle with Josh’s newly broadened back and his mighty pectorals almost instantly, and the remaining rags did little to hide the gorgeous muscles underneath. Below his pecs, Josh’s once-pudgy stomach had been sculpted into a perfect set of abs that anybody would find difficult not to admire, regardless of their sexual attraction.

Josh’s lower half followed suit, with his skinny thighs blossoming into quads that looked strong enough to crush anything that got between them. His relatively flat ass (something Josh had always lamented over) exploded into two plump globes, as round and firm as soccer balls, and the grey sweatpants that he had been wearing were pushed to their very limit. While the transformation process had caused quite the rush of adrenaline and arousal, it was never more powerful than when his below average manhood expanded to match the legendary length that Brent had once owned. Even his balls sat heavier within his boxers, packed full of hyper-masculine testosterone. The resulting tent at the front of Josh’s pants was quite the obscene sight and would be enough to make any man jealous!

As the transference of Brent’s muscle approached its end, a few more subtle changes to Josh’s appearance took hold, such as his soft jawline taking on a squarer shape, his cheekbones becoming more defined and his cute button nose taking on a more prominent shape. While Josh and Vance would always know the truth, anybody else might think that Josh was actually his own non-existent hunky older brother.

Finally Vance lifted his hand from Josh’s head and the newly muscular student let out a relieved sigh as his temperature sighed. He was still painfully hard, but weirdly he didn’t feel all that embarrassed about it, which was odd. Normally he was the type to overthink everything, but now he acknowledged it as simply being something that happened to guys, especially dudes with such high libidos like him! Wait, what? Where did that thought come from?

As he turned towards his friend to question whether it was possible that some of  Vance’s magic had seeped into his mind and warped his way of thinking, Josh’s attention was instead caught by the chair where Brent had been tied down. He had been expecting to see his former tormentor reduced to a pathetic skinny twink but instead there was nothing but empty ropes and a small mountain of dust on the seat of the chair. “Is that… Brent?” Josh asked hesitantly.

“It is,” Vance confirmed, quickly stepping forward to block Josh’s view of the pile of dust that Brent had been reduced to. “I don’t want you to think about that though. I did what I had to do to make sure that asshole would leave you alone forever.” The other boy still looked a little guilty about what his magic had done to Brent, but he fixed his intense gaze upon his best friend and offered a smile. “As far as anyone knows, Brent’s just run off with some girl. I sent texts from his phone to guys on the team so they should buy the story. It’s not as if there’s a body for anybody to find.”

This got a whole lot darker than I was anticipating, Josh thought to himself, although deep down he actually felt rather glad that he would never have to deal with Brent again. His life was going to be so much easier, especially as he’d never had to worry about his former bully begging them for his muscles back! “Was it just the muscles you transferred?” he questioned, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Once again a guilty expression flashed over Vance’s face.

“Well… it’s a little more than that. You’ve also got all of his sports knowledge and skills and if I’m right, his uber-straight persona might have had a bit of an influence on you too, so I think you might be bi now. But hey, the team needs a new starting tight end and I can put in a good word for you!”

Josh knew that he should probably have been annoyed at his friend for playing with his mind without permission but the more he thought about it, the less concerned he felt. The concept of getting to join the football team and share a locker room with Vance was actually pretty exciting. Previously he’d only ever gone along to the games to support his friend and had never really cared about the sport but now he felt the intense desire to help his college team finally win a national championship. Hell, Josh didn’t even mind the fact that Brett’s influence had caused him to go from gay to bi, as he knew that it would make it even easier to find people to worship his new and improved muscular body! It certainly wasn’t what he had been expecting but now that all was said and done, he really didn’t have any complaints.

It was time for a new chapter in Josh and Vance’s friendship to begin and the pair of young jocks were confident that their bond was only going to become even stronger!