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This is the last entry in this series. I hope you have all had as much fun reading it as I did while writing! Thanks as always go out to Soul Controller for being a great beta reader.

Seven days after the swap, Chris Evans knew for certain that his acting prowess was being pushed to its very limit. This wasn’t like acting in a film where he only had to be in character while the cameras were on him, he had to be performing at all times, and as his younger brother no less. Thankfully Chris had always been fairly close with Scott and therefore was capable of putting on a near perfect impression, but it was still tiring to keep up the illusion from morning all the way to noon. The only moments he was actively allowed to be himself - mentally and emotionally, not physically - was when he was alone or with his brother, and those moments were fairly rare for one particular reason…

Truthfully, the more time Chris spent with Steve, the more convinced he was that Steve was the perfect guy for Scott. He was a perfect gentleman, always very attentive to “Scott’s” needs, and a genuinely great conversation partner. It was for those reasons that Chris really didn’t mind spending so much time with the other, but also why he felt so guilty about it. Steve was under the impression that he was spending time with his boyfriend, and thanks to some magical interference, Chris couldn’t even be truthful with him. The guilt continued to eat away at him, but what choice did he really have? He couldn’t put distance between himself and Steve because then he’d be actively jeopardizing his brother’s relationship, and he wanted to be responsible for that even less!

Having been single for a fair amount of time, it took some getting used to having another person in his bed, and even longer to get used to being intimate with another man. Chris had been in full support of his brother when Scott had first opened up about his sexuality, but he was also certain of his own heterosexuality. He could recognise when another guy was attractive but he’d never felt any romantic or sexual inclination towards them. Whenever he’d had company in the bedroom he was used to it being someone with a typically petite frame and certain body parts that were notably lacking from men. As such, for the first few nights Chris hadn’t slept quite as comfortably as he’d hoped, still trying to adjust to the much heavier and firmer presence next to him (there was also perhaps an argument to be made for the fact he was now having to sleep in the guest room rather than his own bedroom). Each day it was getting easier though and while Chris was still very much a straight man, he was confident that he could continue to keep his brother’s relationship alive for the hopefully short duration of their body swap.

While acting as his brother kept him busy throughout the day, Chris was actually rather pleased to have his gym commitments vanish entirely. He liked working out and keeping his body in good shape, but there was no denying that it was a draining experience at times, and Chris had secretly craved a little time off. His personal trainer was a great guy but very intense, and he wasn’t afraid to bark orders at his celebrity clients. The thought of Scott having to work under Louis’ steely gaze brought a smile to Chris’ lips; he had no doubt that his younger brother was loathing every moment of it. He made a mental note to tease his brother about it once he got back from the gym, as even despite their bizarre circumstances there was no possible way to stop the sibling banter.

On the fourth morning after the swap, Steve cuddled up to his side and came out swinging with a question that hit Chris like a freight train: “So I know we said that we wouldn’t do anything while we were in your brother’s place, but… well, he’s out at the gym for like two hours every day.” It was spoken in as innocent a tone as such words possibly could be, but it was impossible to ignore that there was a certain weight to the question that made Chris rather nervous. He was left scrambling for words, his mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. Wake up, Evans, say something!

“Oh! Um, well… I think it would still be a little weird, wouldn’t it?” he stammered, his cheeks flushing deep with colour. “I mean, what if we lost track of time and he came back and saw, you know? Like, he’d probably need therapy. Lots of therapy.”

Steve raised a curious eyebrow. “I don’t think we do anything too extreme that would provoke such a need,” he argued, lips splitting into a bemused smile. “But if you think it would be weird, I can wait until we get home.” He moved in closer and when Chris turned his head towards him, Steve pressed their lips together in a quick but sensual kiss. When their lips finally parted, he spoke again: “You know, you’re really cute when you get all flustered like that.”

Chris wasn’t sure his heartbeat had ever been so elevated. He’d kissed Steve several times since the swap - it would have been a major red flag if he hadn’t - but the mere implication of the other man’s words set off warning sirens in Chris’ head. He and Scott really needed to get their asses in gear to sort out the swap because having sex with another man was just one step too far for Chris. He respected that there were people who enjoyed it, but the concept of fucking or being fucked by (he hadn’t dared to ask Scott what their situation was) his brother’s boyfriend was one he was unwilling to consider. It was morally wrong and besides, he definitely didn’t swing that way. No matter what body he was in, he was a straight man and that wasn’t going to change!


Fourteen days after the swap, Chris came to the conclusion that he was a bad person.

Despite establishing that having sex with his brother’s boyfriend was a line he wouldn’t cross, he had ended up giving into Steve’s charming flirtations and his own body’s hungry desires. Indeed, it was only three days after he’d made that self-imposed rule that he’d broken it. They had departed his house in Boston on the afternoon of Chris’ tenth day in Scott’s body, and returned to the apartment that Scott shared with Steve in Los Angeles. The sun had gone down by the time they reached the residence and the pair relaxed back on the sofa to share a bottle of wine. One thing had led to another and suddenly Chris was waking up the next morning with a sore feeling in his ass and a guilty thrill over the very bad thing he’d just done.

There was a serious need for coffee and self-reflection that morning, and Chris spent several hours walking around the unfamiliar neighborhood just to try and make peace with what he’d done. It was a betrayal of Scott’s trust, he was certain of that, but there was also a part of Chris that insisted he’d only done it to keep his brother’s relationship with Steve progressing smoothly. How long would he have gotten away with turning down sex before the other man started fearing that “Scott” was cheating on him or had simply lost interest? Those excuses were hollow, but they also happened to be quite loud in Chris’ mind and on the verge of drowning out his morals. He was only certain of one thing: he absolutely could not tell Scott about what he’d done!

For the rest of the day Chris busied himself with researching body swaps in a more old fashioned manner than his brother was doing, by going to the local library in looking through books about ancient mythologies and legends. There were a few stories that contained similar soul swapping scenarios, but there was incredibly little to suggest that they were anything more than stories, and they certainly weren’t going to be much help to Chris. In most of those stories the transference only finished when the two individuals had learned to properly respect the other, but that couldn’t exactly be the case for the Evans siblings. They absolutely respected and loved each other already, that wasn’t a lesson they needed to learn by walking in each other’s shoes!

When he finally got back to the apartment in the late afternoon, Steve was perplexed by his disappearance, but Chris managed to convince him that he’d just been out in the city seeing some friends. He never felt good about lying to Steve - or to anyone really - but that choice had literally been taken out of his hands. Rather than letting himself dwell on any of the lingering feelings of guilt, Chris decided to busy himself by preparing their dinner and listened to Steve’s stories about his day of working from the home office. With every passing day the conversation between them felt easier and easier, and Chris wasn’t having to ask Scott for nearly as much information as he had at first. He felt like he was really getting to know Steve for himself.

Although the experience was never quite guilt-free, Chris was able to justify to himself that the blowjobs he was both giving Steve and receiving from him over the next few days were all in the name of preserving Scott’s relationship with the other man. While Chris was definitely no stranger to having someone’s lips around his cock, the slight tickling of Steve’s stubble briefly pressing against his balls as he took in the entirety of Scott’s thick length was certainly something he needed to get used to. Similarly, Chris had some apprehension over giving his first blowjob, but it turned out to not be nearly as bad as he had been anticipating. Scott had trained away his gag reflex so Chris was able to take his boyfriend’s impressive length without much struggle, and once he heard Steve moaning in delight above him, Chris was absorbed by the intense desire to pleasure the other man as best as he could.

On the two-week anniversary of the swap, Scott requested a video call so they could properly update each other on the happenings in their rightful lives as well as their findings in their research. The conversation started a little strained, especially as Scott asked about Steve. Chris really didn’t feel like telling his younger brother the full extent of the lengths he was going to ensure Scott’s relationship with Steve stayed strong, but the uncomfortable expression on the other’s face - his own face - suggested that Scott at least had some idea what was happening behind closed doors. As such, the redirecting of the conversation to their attempts to switch back came as a welcome deviation.

Although neither brother had actually discovered anything with any substance, the conversation remained lighthearted, especially when Scott teased his older brother about the fact there were people on the internet who fantasized about switching bodies with him. Chris was rather flustered by that revelation. Despite his years of seeing thirsty messages on social media from fans, he was still surprised by the creative methods in which other people sought out pleasure. If there were people out there who got off on the notion of switching bodies with another man then why hadn’t this situation happened to them? Chris certainly hadn’t invited it to his door!

The video call came to a rather abrupt end after Steve returned home from his evening drinks with work friends and kissed Chris, right in the view of the camera. Chris had deliberately averted his eyes rather than looking at the screen to capture his brother’s reaction. It had been an innocent kiss, not some heated makeout session, but it was still enough to cause a pang of guilt within the older Evans. His inner angst was short lived though as only a short while after the call had ended, a buzzed Steve was climbing onto his lap and peppering his neck and face with kisses, with clear intentions of taking things further. Once again Chris found himself falling back down that slippery slope towards being the worst big brother ever...


Twenty-eight days after the swap, Chris was forced to accept that he could no longer convincingly label himself as a straight man.

In the two weeks since he had started having sex with Steve, the superstar actor began to question his own sexuality. He had always felt confident in his own heterosexuality and his numerous past relationships with women had been genuine, he knew that much, but it was impossible to deny that he was now both romantically and sexually attracted to Steve. It wasn’t just though Steve though, as Chris found himself absently fantasizing guys he had once worked alongside without any issue: he imagined Sebastian Stan giving him a sensual massage, Anthony Mackie giving him a handjob underneath a dinner table, Jeremy Renner encouraging him to give him a lapdance while they were alone in a trailer. These newfound fantasies always brought a considerable amount of colour to Chris’ cheeks, but they also always made his pants fit a little tighter thanks to the growing bulge underneath.

Considering his gradual acceptance of his newfound homosexuality, it was hardly surprising that Chris started to feel more adventurous in the bedroom with Steve. It was rare that a night passed by without the pair making love, but now Chris found himself craving to indulge in his brother’s secret fantasies. Never in a million years would Chris have guessed that Scott had a uniform fetish, but seeing Steve dressed up as a fireman made him so hot and bothered that he was leaking pre-cum without even touching himself once. It hadn’t taken much to convince Steve to play along, and the other man even confessed that he’d been hoping their sex life would take a turn towards the wild side sooner rather than later.

While it was Steve that most commonly topped, it wasn’t long before Chris had his opportunity to enjoy the other man’s ass for himself. The plump globes of Steve’s derriere looked like they were sculpted from marble; their perfection drove him wild. The other man’s hole was tight too, and as Chris began pushing inside of him, Steve let out an eager whine that only spurred him on even more. Keeping a tight grip on his boyfriend’s hips, Chris built up a steady rhythm - in, out, in, out - until he could no longer contain himself and was pumping hard and fast, fuelled by his own greedy lust.

As incredible as the sex was (both kinky and vanilla), it wasn’t the only thing that Chris truly loved about his time in his brother’s body. He enjoyed the opportunity to go out on romantic dates in the city and not be constantly stopped by fans who wanted a selfie with him, or to beg him to make another Captain America film. Chris loved the support of his fans but as a naturally introverted person he’d always felt somewhat awkward when approached by strangers in the street, and that happened far less often while he was occupying the flesh of his less-mainstream brother. Sure, there were some who recognised him as Scott Evans, particularly gay men, but it was nowhere near as frequent. He was free to go about his day, hand in hand with his boyfriend, and his anxiety at an all-time low.

Passing by a magazine stand in the middle of the city, Chris was caught off guard by a picture on one of the covers: it was of his own body with some petite blonde pressed up against his side as they hailed a cab. The headline underneath gave some more context to the situation: WHO IS CHRIS EVANS’ MYSTERY NEW LADY? A brief chuckle escaped the real Chris’ lips and the last remaining shreds of guilt about his scandalous actions with Steve in the bedroom finally drifted away. Evidently Scott was having just as much fun in his own body, and Chris really couldn’t blame him. They were only human after all, they couldn’t resist their bodies' desires forever!

The budding relationship he had with Steve had caused Chris to slip on his research into body swapping until he ceased altogether. It wasn’t by conscious choice, but rather that he was growing more and more comfortable in his younger brother’s skin to the extent that it was starting to feel like his own. He enjoyed all the little things that came with being Scott: not having to exhaust himself in the gym every single day, carrying around a bit of softness on his body, and living a more low-key life than he’d ever be able to as an A-List superstar. It seemed clear to him that they weren’t going to find any answers or they would have stumbled across them already. They evidently just had to let things run their course, and maybe the situation would resolve itself somewhere further down the line.

Staring into his brother’s face in the mirror, Chris told himself that he wasn’t settling down into Scott’s life for good. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure how much he believed that.


Two months after the swap, Scott Evans entered a jewellery shop in downtown Boston and emerged with an engagement ring in his pocket.

A brief conversation with his older brother had helped Scott come to the conclusion that it was the right time to move onto the next stage of his life, and he knew for certain that he wanted it to be with Steve. He didn’t know it of course but Steve had supported Scott through one of the most confusing times of his life and truly made him feel like he was loved and appreciated in a way that nobody had ever managed before. He’d even come clean about his intentions to his older brother and, just as he’d hoped, Chris was in full support - as long as he got to be Scott’s Best Man at the eventual wedding, of course.

It had come as something of a surprise to Scott that his brother had so willingly accepted to remain as Chris, despite the stresses that came with being one of the most popular faces in Hollywood. Scott certainly didn’t envy his brother’s life: he’d tried it on and ultimately come to the conclusion that it wasn’t for him. He’d much rather settle down and have a peaceful existence with his future husband. Of course, he wouldn’t be giving up acting for good, but his days as a superhero or even a leading man were most definitely behind him, and he was perfectly okay with that. There was just as much reward to be found in other avenues of life, and Steve made him happier than any amount of cinematic success ever could.

As he boarded the plane that would take him and his boyfriend to their romantic getaway destination, Scott thought about his upcoming proposal and couldn’t help but smile. His gleeful expression didn’t go unnoticed, as Steve leaned in close to his side and asked what had put him in such a good mood. There was no hesitation in Scott’s response: “It’s all you.” He placed a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead for good measure, and felt his heart swell as Steve cuddled into his side just in time for the plane to begin its ascent into the skies.

Setting off into his bold new future, Scott looked forward to the day that he would eventually forget about ever having been Chris Evans. He was Scott truly and completely, from his mannerisms to his desires, and he wouldn’t have it any other way!


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