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Thanks go out to The Great Storyteller for this idea!

While Dustin happily called himself a fan of the Cleveland Browns, the truth was that he was mainly just a fan of the team’s star quarterback, Baker Mayfield. He had first noticed the athlete when he was competing at the collegiate level and had prompted a scandal in conservative circles by grabbing at his junk to taunt another player. From that moment on Dustin had been absolutely hooked, watching every game that Mayfield played and letting out an audible cheer when he was drafted by the Browns in 2018.

Of course, a large part of Dustin’s fandom was rooted in the fact that he found Baker to be incredibly attractive, but he also respected the man’s athleticism and skill on the football field. It wasn’t those things that he lusted after during his nighttime fantasies though, as Baker had quickly become the main star of Dustin’s sauciest dreams. Sometimes the quarterback would be decked out in his full football gear, other times in just a jockstrap and it also wasn’t uncommon for him to be wearing nothing at all. No matter what state of dress Baker was in, Dustin awoke the next morning with a delighted smile on his face and a serious case of morning wood.

As such, when Dustin saw the Cleveland Browns were running a competition in collaboration with Cavanaugh Charities to win a game-worn jersey by the one and only Baker Mayfield, he jumped at the chance. It was ten bucks per entry, up to a maximum of five, so Dustin of course dropped a full fifty dollars to make sure he stood the best chance possible of winning. He knew it was a long shot, but he clung onto hope nonetheless. The thought of clothing himself in something previously worn by his number one crush was like a drug to him, he simply couldn’t get it out of his mind. He had to win!

Despite Dustin having steeled himself for the inevitability of his failure to procure a winning ticket, life finally decided to show him some love. After another demoralising shift at his retail job, his spirits were about as low as they could be, but his mood rocketed upwards when he received a notification on his cell phone. That notification just so happened to be from the official Cleveland Browns app, and it was notifying him that - against all odds - his name had been the winning draw! Dustin had to pinch himself just to check that he wasn’t dreaming; it seemed too good to be true.

Unfortunately his afternoon of complete elation was followed by days of complete monotony, just waiting for the arrival of his new prize possession. Individual days felt like whole weeks as he impatiently anticipated the delivery, and by the time the parcel finally arrived at his door five days after the initial notification, Dustin had all but worked himself up into a frenzy. He’d spent the past several evenings rewatching Baker’s best games from both his time with the Browns and his college career, and almost every waking thought had revolved around the quarterback. It was fair to say that he was obsessed, but Dustin saw no reason to feel ashamed. At least he wasn’t tweeting creepy declarations of love directly to Baker’s accounts, or slandering his wife out of pure jealousy - although he was undeniably jealous that she got to sleep next to (and of course get fucked by) such a hunk every night!

Tearing open the parcel like a lion pouncing upon its prey, the Browns fan let out a wild noise of excitement. The jersey dropped into his lap from the remains of the packaging, but it was only mere moments before Dustin had raised the garment to his face, not for close inspection, but rather to take a long inhale. Just as he’d hoped and anticipated, traces of the athlete’s sweaty scent remained trapped within the fabric. Dustin sent out a silent prayer to whatever kind soul had made the decision not to wash the jersey before sending it his way. Closing his eyes and taking another long sniff, it was easy for Dustin to imagine he was really in the presence of Baker Mayfield, perhaps in the locker room after another successful win. He could picture the quarterback so clearly, hyped up from a victory and sleek with the intense sweat that had soaked through to the jersey. The man would demand to be worshiped like a god and Dustin wouldn’t even hesitate to drop to his knees and do anything and everything that was asked of him.

It was hardly surprising to Dustin that his overactive imagination had him sporting a chub in his pants within a single minute of breathing in that beautiful masculine musk for the first time. He wasn’t content to simply hold the jersey in his hands though, so with the frantic pace of somebody working like their life depended on it, Dustin stripped out of the ill-fitting beige polo that was part of his work uniform and replaced it with the white-and-brown jersey. 

Unsurprisingly it wasn’t a perfect fit, with his slender shoulders and lean build making the item of clothing look larger than it was. Even worse, the extra weight he carried around his stomach (an insecurity Dustin had struggled against for some time) left a small but noticeable pouch that hampered some of the fanboy’s initial excitement. Still, he was wearing a jersey that Baker Mayfield had won during a real game of football and there was no denying how awesome that was!

What Dustin couldn’t see from his perspective were the slow and subtle changes that had started happening to him from the moment he had taken that first inhale of Baker’s gorgeous aroma. The initial developments were only visible to a trained eye, as a small patch of chest hair sprouted from the smooth stretch of Dustin’s upper torso, just enough not to dominate but rather add a little maturity to his image. Further body hair made its presence known by growing under his armpits, and then most notably along the soft curve of his jawline. By the time the jersey had finally settled around him, obscuring the newly developed chest hair, Dustin had developed stubble that bordered upon being a light beard, something he’d never once managed since going through puberty. The best he’d managed was a few whiskers on his chin - until now of course!

Not to be missed was the sudden changing of both the shade and style of the hair upon Dustin’s head, which happened in an instant as he pulled the jersey down over his head. His overgrown sandy blond hair was replaced by a much shorter cut made up of curly dark hair that better matched the hair on his chest, under his pits and in his beard. The changes to Dustin’s bushy eyebrows were more understated but the slight thinning and reshaping of them helped to better frame his eyes and give him a more groomed appearance.

Even while Dustin miserably inspected the slight bulging from the softness of his stomach, his body was entering the next stage of alterations. It was Dustin’s hands that were next to be transformed, with two whole inches added to the span between the tip of the pinky finger and thumb. His smooth palms developed a number of rough calluses, as if he’d spent years gripping steel barbells, and the carefully manicured nails that he’d painted a vibrant orange just a few nights earlier shifted to become short, clipped, and lacking any decoration. It was impossible for the human eye to see the changing paths of the lines upon Dustin’s palm and the warping of his fingerprints, but they were nonetheless an integral part of his burgeoning transformation from a nobody into an NFL quarterback.

While Dustin convinced himself that the jersey’s ill-fitting nature was of little consequence, the modification of his body continued with his lower half, as his small feet swelled and settled at several sizes larger. His skinny calves developed into the stronger muscles of somebody who had to be quick on their feet in order to survive, and the hair on Dustin’s legs advanced to become much more populous. The amplification of his quad muscles was much more prominent, as they pumped up like balloons being filled with helium. Power was packed directly into those strong muscles and Dustin was forced to stand in a wider stance just to feel comfortable. That small shifting of his weight prompted the seams on the inside leg of his work slacks to begin splitting thanks to the extreme pressure placed upon them by his enhanced muscles.

The rapid inflation of Dustin’s thighs was mirrored by the expansion of his ass cheeks, with the relatively unimpressive rear blossoming into two mighty globes of muscle that caused further damage to the unprepared fabric of his pants. The seam that ran down the back of the slacks exploded under the stress, prompting the fabric to finally fall to the ground in tatters, a helpless victim of Dustin’s ongoing transformation. Considering he’d literally burst out of his pants, it was now impossible for the young man to not notice what was happening to him. He stared down at his lower half in amazement, even experimentally tensing the muscles and giggling in excitement at the delightful sight of them flexing under his control.

Discovering his transformation had triggered a rush of pleasure to spread through Dustin and his manhood quickly began to stiffen in response. He was on the shorter side of average - five inches, but decently girthy - so he quickly identified the changes spreading to his cock when he watched the length stretch past his expectation and settle at around seven and a half inches. Even his balls surged to a new size, becoming both larger and heavier as higher levels of testosterone began to pump their way through Dustin’s body.

Dustin’s greatest insecurity was the next to fall under the advancing transformation, as the bloated belly that had bothered him for so long began to retreat as if he was taking in a large breath. His soft stomach toned up in mere moments, with the unwieldy gut becoming a flat surface that even hinted towards the presence of abdominal muscles just under the surface. Further up his torso, the slight sag of his pecs disappeared in favour of much more aesthetically pleasing mounds of muscle, decorated by the new chest hair he had developed only minutes earlier. He was by no means as ripped as a fitness model, but compared to what he’d been working with before, Dustin felt photoshoot-ready!

While there was no denying that the bulging biceps were an absolute wonder to behold and the broadening of his shoulders helped Dustin carry himself with a more confident posture, the real apex of his metamorphosis came as his facial features began to warp. Dustin had always been somewhat plain in appearance, with nothing to make him stand out in a crowd, but that was no longer the case as his chubby cheeks deflated, his button nose expanded and his brow became heavier. The soft curve of his jawline shifted to form much harsher edges, adopting a masculine ideal that better matched the rest of his body, and with that, Dustin’s transformation was finally completed.

As he stepped in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in his tiny apartment’s lone bedroom, Dustin was almost brought to tears by the beauty that greeted him in response. Every part of his physical form had been completely replaced by that of his number one crush and sports hero, Baker Mayfield! With some difficulty due to his racing heart, Dustin eventually relaxed his facial muscles and settled into Baker’s usual smoldering gaze, and his rigid cock throbbed in response. This wasn’t quite a dream come true, but that was only because he’d never even dared to dream that such a thing could ever happen!

“Well holy shit,” he gasped, relieved to hear the athlete’s commanding bass bursting forth from his lips rather than his own soft lilt. “I’m Baker Mayfield. I’m Baker fuckin’ Mayfield!” If his heart had given out at that moment, Dustin wouldn’t exactly have been surprised. This easily beat out any other moment in his relatively unexciting history as the best moment of his life! How could his graduation or his twenty-first birthday ever match up to this?

Although Dustin had felt some trepidation at stripping out of the game-worn jersey, he was relieved to discover that its absence didn’t cause the transformation to revert, and he was free to explore and enjoy Baker’s body in all of its naked glory. It was mere minutes before he had worked up a sweat and was once again enjoying that manly aroma, only this time it was coming from his own pores rather than from the shirt! The grunts, groans, moans and whimpers that followed were an absolutely delightful soundtrack for Dustin’s thorough analysis of the athlete’s body. He spared no expense: kissing his biceps, sniffing his pits, playing with his balls, and of course stroking his cock until he had covered his flat stomach with several loads worth of Baker’s cum. That seed quickly found its way onto Dustin’s fingers and then into his mouth, allowing him to finally enjoy the taste of his crush.

It was during the comedown from that incredible high that a thought finally entered Dustin’s mind: what had happened to the real Baker Mayfield? Was he still out there in Cleveland, blissfully unaware that he now had a perfect doppelganger that was operated by a horny gay man? If he was still around and managed to find out about Dustin, how would he react? Would Baker have enough of a narcissistic streak to fool around with his double, like his biggest fan hoped? It seemed unlikely, but Dustin wasn’t about to rule it out, not after he’d just experienced the impossible for himself only a short while earlier. 

Those questions eventually led Dustin towards what felt like the inevitable conclusion, and he chuckled as the thought lingered in the front of his mind. Shifting so that he was almost pressed up against the mirror, and his crush’s face was mere inches from his own, Dustin began to formulate a wicked plan. When the dust eventually settled on whatever happened at their unavoidable, there could ultimately only be one true Baker Mayfield, and no matter how dirty he’d have to play, Dustin was going to make absolutely sure that it was him!


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