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This story was a six-word request by patron Luke DeAn, who wanted to see an "obsessed fan bodyswapping with Hugh Jackman". Hope you enjoy!


Reese was glad that he didn’t have many friends because he knew they would point out just how unhealthy his tendency to hyperfixate and obsess over things was. There were many things that the disenfranchised young man obsessed over, but chief among them was his love for the Australian actor Hugh Jackman. He’d loved the Aussie’s musical turns in Les Mis and The Greatest Showman, but it was his performance as Wolverine in the X-Men films and the daddy-ish turn in Logan that really captivated Reese. He had been a fan of the Wolverine character as a comic book-reading kid, but Jackman’s gruff performance of the Canadian mutant had sent him rocketing into a world of desperate craving for something he knew he could never have. He both lusted after Jackman, imagining himself running his hands down that furry torso, and felt envious of him, his gorgeous body, and all his successes.

That wasn’t to say Reese himself was unsuccessful. He’d suffered through years of abuse in high school but had come out the other side as an intelligent young man with a promising career as a stage manager in the local town playhouse. It didn’t exactly earn him all that much but it kept him close to showbusiness and given his own lack of acting ability, it was probably about as close as he was ever going to get. There also happened to be a small part of him that secretly hoped to meet his obsession through work, although what were the chances that an international megastar Jackman might join a touring production that would come to their small town? Not even Reese could be that delusional, although he couldn’t help but continue holding onto the hope. He was a firm believer in miracles, after all.

While his fandom of the actor had started innocently enough, over the years it had begun to mutate and intensify, corrupting Reese in the process until he was near-constantly thinking about the actor and how badly he wanted to be within the other’s presence - or, even better, his body. His obsession only continued to escalate to new extremes: he had spent his life savings in an auction to purchase the leather superhero costume that Jackman had worn in the X-Men films and although it was a poor fit for his skinny frame, it instantly became his most prized possession. He even swore he could still detect what he imagined was the actor’s scent on the costume; it was musky and manly, like a small fire in a forest clearing. How he wished that scent was coming from his own body!

It was only logical that, entirely consumed by his obsession, Reese would soon turn to extreme measures to make his desires a reality. Getting access to the dark web and then getting his hands on the grimoire of a legendary warlock was no easy task, but it was worth every cent Reese had to spend, and every hour of sleep he lost for what had felt like searching for a needle in a haystack. Once it was finally in his possession though, he couldn’t help but weep tears of joy. His fantasies had taken a giant leap towards becoming a reality and his hands shook mercilessly as he turned the pages of the ancient book that had cost him the entirety of his month’s paycheck to get ahold of. It wasn’t for nothing though, as he finally located the page he had been searching for. In neat ink cursive, the details of a body swapping ritual had been outlined, and considering the main requirement for the ritual was that he needed to have something that belonged to the subject of the spell, Reese knew it wouldn’t be long until he had everything that he had ever wanted!

Just a few short hours later the young stage manager had gathered together the rest of the required materials for the ritual: thirteen wax candles, pig’s blood and a large bag of salt that he used to make a pentagram on the floor of his tiny box apartment’s living room. He took a moment to thank his past self for applying themselves in Classics class back in high school, as the grimoire was entirely written in Latin, before lighting each of the candles while beginning the incantation. Once he was sat in the middle of the pentagram, naked as the day he was born and surrounded by thirteen flickering flames, Reese put a smear of pig’s blood on his forehead and across his lips as the grimoire instructed, before finishing with the repeated chant of the ancient ritual with the leather costume gripped in his arms and pressed against his chest. As he did so, the flames of the candles grew stronger and brighter, and their increased intensity sent sweat rolling down Reese’s back. The heat soon grew so powerful that Reese feared he might pass out and accidentally set fire to his apartment. Given his history of disappointments and failures, it wouldn’t have been horrifically surprising, but this time Reese had the echo of a powerful warlock supporting him, and failures would soon become a thing of his past.

With every passing second, the young man’s slender body began to inflate by a few millimetres at a time while a more sun-kissed shade began to travel across his pale complexion. His shoulders grew broader and deltoids rounded out; his flat chest soon blossomed with muscle as two large pecs formed and pushed out from his chest to create a ledge, while his abdominals contracted and strengthened to create visible definition between the two slabs of meat; his skinny legs ballooned with power, the quads becoming boulders of muscle while his calves became similarly sculpted and his flat ass cheeks became noticeably more spherical. Reese tensed his arms, still tightly holding the costume to his newly expanded chest, and watched in delight as the massive biceps rose and the definition of his mighty triceps stood out. Even his feet had joined in the changes, becoming longer and wider and the toes thicker to boot, making Reese glad he wasn’t wearing any shoes, because he most certainly would have bust out of them!

While he now had the muscular physique of his obsession, Reese’s transformation wasn’t over, as hair began to grow across almost every inch of his body: along his forearms and legs, across his broad chest and around his jawline and mouth. The hair grew in thick and black, while the naturally sandy blond hair of his eyebrows and on top of his head darkened to match its shade. His gaunt cheeks became plump and his overall forlorn demeanour was refreshed with new energy and life, granting him a well-nourished and vibrant appearance. His thin lips similarly became fuller, his mossy green eyes lightened to a dazzling hazel and the crooked nose that had made him such a target for bullies back in high school adopted a thinner and more aesthetically pleasing shape. Lines of maturity settled on his face as he progressed from his mid-twenties to his early fifties, although he felt stronger and more youthful than ever. In fact, for the first time ever, he felt truly alive

All at once the dancing flames of the thirteen candles were suddenly extinguished, leaving Reese in complete darkness. His heavy chest rose and fell with each breath and he slowly loosened his iron grip on the costume, allowing it to rest on his thick forearms. As he rose to his feet and adjusted to being over six inches taller than he had been prior to the ritual, Reese’s mind was already beginning to fill with ideas. Every fantasy he had ever had about Hugh Jackman and that tight leather costume was now a real possibility for him, and he wasn’t prepared to waste even a single moment! The garment embraced his muscles as if it were an adoring admirer as he pulled it up over his legs and over the thick length - another marked improvement over what he had possessed before - that had rapidly begun to harden in the seconds since the completion of the ritual. Once the leather was finally up and over his chest, he zipped it up to the neck and savoured the delicious sensation of being safely wrapped up in the most erotic apparell imagineable to Reese. 

Leaving the pentagram and proceeding towards the mirror in the bathroom, Reese couldn’t help but let out a booming laugh. He had wanted to believe with his whole heart that the ritual would work, but there had still been a cynical voice whispering at the back of his mind, trying to make him believe that all of his hard work would be for nothing. Now though, as he looked into the mirror and saw the face and body of Hugh Jackman reflected back at him, Reese was glad that he had persevered with what sounded like an impossible task. There was no doubting that he was the happiest man alive in that precise moment, and things were only going to get better for him once he got to Hollywood and started to live the life he had always deserved!

While Reese was undeniably having the best day of his life, thousands of miles away, Hugh Jackman was experiencing the worst day of his own. It had started off completely normally but all that had changed when he stripped down and stepped into the shower. As he began soaping up his muscles, he was surprised to find a sudden chill come over him, despite the fact that the water hitting his broad back was the usual warm temperature he enjoyed showering at. Doing his best not to give into shivering, the actor accelerated his scrubbing but soon discovered something even more troubling: his large muscles were beginning to dwindle! His tree-trunk legs were looking more and more like twigs, while his thick arms were suddenly as thin as pencils and depressingly undefined! His body hair fell from his once furry chest too and disappeared down the drain as Hugh’s panic only escalated.

By the time the actor had stumbled out of the shower, suddenly overwhelmed by how large the bathroom around him seemed, he was a completely different man. Nobody, not even his wife or family, would ever look at the slender twink and accept that he was the real Hugh Jackman, even if he told them things only he could have known! He was completely frozen in fear and the sudden ringing of his doorbell only pulled the actor deeper into hysteria. Just earlier that day he had invited over some of his acting buddies for a few beers and a bit of karaoke, but there was no way he’d be able to answer the door looking as he did now! As much as he silently prayed for it to stop, the doorbell only continued to shriek. What the hell was he going to do?


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