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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

This wasn’t how Cody had wanted things to go down. He’d known that his family and friends were only acting out of love for him but they were blinded by ignorance and their unwillingness to let go of old grudges. One day it would tear them apart but Cody wasn’t going to let himself be dragged down with them. He knew in his heart what was right and he’d always been stubborn enough to follow his own dreams, even if they didn’t align with what his family expected of him. 

The relationship between himself and KJ from the rival Apa family has blossomed unexpectedly amidst the chaos of their warring families. Both young men knew that their union would never be approved of which is why it had been the best kept secret in all of Verona. As far as anybody knew, Cody despised KJ just as every other member of the Christian family did for the Apas, and vice versa. The truth couldn’t be any further from that, though.

There was really no doubting that should their relationship be uncovered the consequences would be severe but as young men often were, they let their arrogance blind them to the dangers and make them foolishly brave. The Christian family had immense political sway, while the Apas had been linked to a number of occult-obsessed groups on the fringes of acceptable society. Cody had been raised on stories that painted KJ’s uncles as masters of the voodoo arts and even his mother as a Witch Queen. The days of him believing such childish tales were long behind though, although in retrospect he perhaps should have spared them more thought.

After months of being careful, the supposed bachelors were caught out due to a moment of untameable lust. It was a rare moment where the Christian and Apa families were gathered in the same building, along with every other family of importance in Verona. All the influential families were expected to gather for the birthday celebrations of the mayor’s sons and maintain a thin illusion of peace throughout the night, which was a near-on impossible task considering the simmering hatred threatening to burst out should a single word be said in the wrong tone.

Escaping from their families, Cody and KJ reunited in one of the many bedrooms in the mayor’s grand home. They had deliberately chosen a bedroom that had belonged to one of the mayor’s servants because they knew nobody would expect to find them in such a place below their family’s standings. Thrilled at the opportunity to spend some genuine time together, the horny fools were content to lock the door behind them and begin to undress.

With every passing minute the fear of being caught sharing such a confined space together in private began to fade away, especially as Cody’s calloused hands traced patterns over KJ’s milky smooth skin and provoked soft moans to escape his lips. Their tryst had begun as simple physical appreciation between two handsome young men who made obvious efforts to care for their bodies, but it soon blossomed to something far more than they had ever expected. Still, they were never ones to pass up the opportunity to enjoy the physicality of their relationship.

Unfortunately for the young men, their simultaneous disappearances from the party had caught the attention of one of KJ’s uncles, a ‘silver fox’ of a man if there ever was. Dustoro Apa had always been bemused by the rumors of occult activity that surrounded his family because out of all of his siblings and other relatives, only he had any true understanding of the greater power that existed beyond the realm of ordinary understanding.

Having long had his suspicions about his nephew, Dustoro had taken to monitoring the redheaded young man closely over the past several months. Like many in the Apa family, he considered the Christian family to consist of dirty mongrels and the thought of one of his own mixing with the youngest Christian son simply didn’t sit right with him. It made his skin crawl just to think about it.

Upon following his spiritual guide straight to his nephew’s location, Dustoro was greeted by the unmistakable sounds of two men enjoying a passionate moment and he immediately saw red. As far as he was concerned, KJ had made the ultimate betrayal of their family and that would earn him the most extreme of punishments.

Summoning upon the power that was buried deep inside of his heart and mind, Dustoro began his path for revenge against his family’s traitors. Forcing the door off its hinges, the man relished in the panic he observed flashing across the faces of his nephew and his lover. Perhaps if he was feeling in a better mood then he might have at least spared KJ a few words but Dustoro simply didn’t have time for that.

Reaching out with his magic to force the two against each other, the warlock only had to contemplate for mere moments what he would do to them. It would have to be a suitable punishment, but thankfully Dustoro had a lot of experience in this department. His family received some bad press for their supposed occult links but in his case those rumors rang true.

KJ gasped in pain as he felt his uncle’s magic rippling around and through him. Pressed against him, Cody struggled through the same pain until their grunts and groans rang out in near-unison. Neither man had experienced anything like it before but still they struggled through together, their distinctions between their bodies becoming harder to determine with every second of pain-fuelled writhing.

A royal purple colour began to spread across KJ’s back, shining in the candlelight that illuminated the room. The colour spread across his bare skin and through Cody’s too as the separation between them was closed for good. They had wanted to be together after all and now they were permanently attached - although this wasn’t their end point. Dustoro still had more planned for them.

Inside the merged being, both young men could still feel each other’s presence. While it was undeniable that the transformation forced upon them was painful, there was a pleasure hidden within that pain that pushed their minds into orgasmic bliss. It was quite unlike anything they had ever experienced before, nor would ever experience again.

The combined being that had once been Cody Christian and KJ Apa began to morph before the warlock’s eyes, bending to his will as he reshaped them into precisely what he wanted. Their limbs merged and features became confusingly obscured until finally their head and legs began to be pulled towards the torso. Soon after their chest began to deflate while buttons pushed out from the neckline down.

After minutes of surprisingly arousing transformation for the men that had fallen victim to Dustoro’s magic, all that remained was a purple shirt made of the finest silk in all of Italy resting on top of the bed sheets.

Dustoro admired his handiwork with a smile on his face and stripped himself of his plain white shirt to reveal an impressive physique covered with a forest of silver hair. Reaching down to the bed, he traced his fingers over the silky fabric before finally lifting it and holding it close so he could take a strong inhale. He could still smell sex and the scent of both his nephew and the Christian kid - and boy, if that didn’t turn him on!

Pulling the shirt over his broad shoulders, Dustoro was delighted by how pleasurable the silk fabric felt against his skin - and how tight it hugged his muscular body. Leaving his top three buttons undone to show off his hairy chest, the Apa uncle stepped in front of a mirror to admire himself. He could still hear the faint moans of pleasure from his nephew and nephew’s partner which only fueled his own arousal. 

When he stepped back into the party nobody would know that KJ and Cody had joined him. It wouldn’t take much to spin a rumor that the young men had run away together to elope and even if somebody suspected that he had any involvement, well Dustoro could always use from pants or a suit jacket to match his new favorite shirt...


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