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This story was a six-word request by patron burnedbright who wanted to see a story where a “bodysuit mask takes over person entirely”. Hope you enjoy!

Jake took great pride in his body and did absolutely everything he could to ensure he was in prime physical condition: six sessions in the gym per week, a regulated food plan, a daily skincare routine. Unfortunately when it came to his face, he was markedly less confident. His nose was too big, eyes too beady and his cheeks were locked in eternal puffiness. He’d even heard one of his ex-girlfriends joke to a friend that she wished he’d worn a bag during sex! Talk about a confidence killer and a half.

His decision to invest a sizable amount of money into a top-of-the-range bodysuit mask wasn’t one he took lightly, but consistently being passed up for guys who had more classically handsome faces was really beginning to wear Jake down. Well made bodysuits were notoriously expensive but as he was only buying a mask to properly compliment his muscular body, the cost was somewhat mitigated. SuitsU had a whole range of masks available and, much to Jake’s surprise, he even found the perfect one available on the special offers page for a hundred dollars cheaper than anything else on the store, and there was only one left in stock. It seemed like his lucky day!

The Dex facemask was simply gorgeous to behold: a strong square jawline, perfectly proportioned eyes and nose and a head full of beautiful blond hair. How the last remaining mask hadn’t been snatched up already was beyond him, but Jake wasn’t about to waste that opportunity and quickly dropped the item into his shopping basket. It was even available on next day delivery for no extra cost which was good, because Jake was suddenly feeling antsy and impatient. Even just a twenty-four hour wait was more than he could bear.

Jake had been antsy all day while he waited for his delivery but finally the moment arrived. He tore right through the packaging to get to the mask and as he held it in his hands he could only admire the beauty. There was no way anybody was ever going to be able to resist him when he wore the Dex mask! Wanting to watch his transformation into his new beautified self, Jake brought the mask to the mirror in his en-suite, stripped down to his boxers and began applying the gel that had accompanied the mask to his neck and face. It would hold the mask in place and allow even the slightest of expressions to show through the synthetic flesh of the mask. 

Finally it came time for the Dex mask to be brought up and over Jake’s head, where he was able to slide it perfectly into the place. It was a strange sensation; for a moment Jake felt smothered as he attempted to adjust to the second skin, but as the seconds ran by it began to feel comfortable and then even completely natural. He made a few experimental expressions towards the mirror - quirking his eyebrows, grinning and then frowning in quick succession, even wiggling his ears - and he was confident that nobody would be able to tell he was even wearing a mask, it looked so damn good!

Jake was in fact so pleased with how it looked that he ended up indulging in a bit of self-appreciation right there in front of his reflection. Now that he had a more aesthetically pleasing face to match his muscular body, he really was the total package! By the time he’d cleaned himself up, he’d already made plans to head out for a night at the clubs. Much to his surprise, he felt the need to check out Reignbow, the new gay club in town, which was strange considering he was a straight man. With a body and face like he did though, he wouldn’t have to buy himself any drinks all night long! Besides, he felt like being a bit of a tease - the thirsty gays could look but they wouldn’t get to touch...

That wouldn’t turn out to be the truth though as Jake, or Dex as he had introduced himself, had barely been in the club an hour before he was letting a skinny twink grind up against him and then ended up pinning the smaller man against the wall and ravishing his mouth. Another hour later and they were back at Dex’s apartment with the twink forced down onto his knees in front of the muscular hunk, worshipping his cock. “That’s it, bitch,” the formerly demure man grunted, his hands tight in the twink’s hair, “Suck that big cock!” He loved being rough and demanding the other treat him like a god! Why he had ever been so unconfident was beyond a mystery to Dex now, nor did he even want to think about who he had used to be. All that mattered now was that he was respected like a king by anyone he deigned worthy of his attention!

By the following morning Dex had all but completely forgotten about his life as a straight and kindhearted individual. Instead he only knew himself as a gay alpha male who got whatever he wanted and never spared a moment to consider anybody else’s feelings! Had he been aware of his mental changes the former Jake surely would have been mortified, but it was a trap he had recklessly walked into without proper consideration. After all, if he had just scrolled down on the store page he would have seen that the reason the Dex mask was so heavily discounted in the SuitsU sale was because the company had received numerous complaints from the loved ones of customers, all of their stories reporting that they had helplessly watched as the Dex mask corrupted its wearer and turned them into an obnoxious douchebag. Even worse, they had even retained that personality once they’d removed the mask, leaving them changed for good! The new Dex had no intention of ever taking his mask off though, in fact it had already done such a number on his brain that he no longer even remembered that he was wearing a mask at all. As far as he was concerned, he was the only real Dex! 


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