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This story was a six-word request by patron Bizz, who wanted a "Watt and Bosa brother body swap". I was only too happy to work on it - I'm definitely in an NFL hype mood at the minute!


When Joey and Nick Bosa expressed in an interview that they hoped one day to have the opportunity to play side-by-side on the same football team as a pair of ass-kicking brothers, they had thought it was an innocent response to an innocent question. Considering they were both members of the defensive line on their respective teams and not all-star quarterbacks or wide receivers, the brothers did think it was a little strange that the reporter had apparently insisted on speaking to them out of everyone in the NFL. Still, a payday was a payday and they weren’t about to complain, especially when more media attention meant that they’d be able to negotiate higher salaries when their contracts were up.

The fact that neither of them had even heard of The Ripanaugh Sports Journal, the publication that the reporter worked for, before was rather surprising though, and the reporter himself exhibited some odd behaviours as they settled in for their interview. Nick suspected that the skinny reporter was a homo - he’d detected the hunger in the smaller man’s eyes as they travelled over each of their muscled and conditioned bodies - but given the negative news stories that had spread about him in the past, the Niners player was doing his best to appear as accepting as possible. He couldn’t help the tightness of his smile though, or how he shifted in his seat whenever the reporter’s eyes drifted a little low. Joey also had similar suspicions about their reporter’s attractions, although he himself wasn’t overly bothered by it, and instead took it as a compliment. He did, however, keep a careful eye on Nick; nobody knew the younger Bosa and his temper better than Joey, after all.

When the reporter confidently exclaimed that he was “certain” he could make their hopes become a reality though, neither man was capable of holding back their laughter. In what reality would a nobody reporter have the power to make either the Niners or Chargers trade one of their star players to a rival team? The laughter soon died in their throats as the reporter’s muddy brown eyes began to brighten and then glow a vibrant purple, quickly engulfing both of the two-hundred-and-sixty pound plus athletes in the supernatural light. The pair were completely frozen in place, their muscular bodies suddenly rigid and unresponsive.They could do nothing but watch as the reporter lifted his hand, put the tips of his middle finger and thumb together, and clicked. They could hardly predict that there would be so much power in such a simple action.

Joey was suddenly gripped by the feeling of being compressed, losing three inches of height and forty-five pounds as his goliath frame settled into a softer physique, although still evidently built for elite level sports. It was as if a gentle chill had rippled across the surface of his body that prompted him to shiver and quiver while the weight disappeared, leaving his previously-tight shirt sitting a little looser around his torso. His lantern-esque jawline relaxed into a rounder shape and his different colored eyes settled on a light blue, while his angular features adopted a more cherub-like and approachable appearance. The reporter raised a handheld mirror - where had that come from? - and Joey was stunned by the fact that he no longer saw his own face looking back at him, but rather that of his former Chargers teammate, Derek Watt!

In the chair next to Joey, Nick was beginning to experience his own changes too. He didn’t quite lose as much weight or muscle as his older brother and he remained the same height, but he could feel his muscles shifting beneath his clothes and soon that transformative sensation had spread up his thick neck and across his face too. His tanned skin adopted a paler shade while his nostrils flared out, lips plumped up and his hair pulled back into a tighter cut. Just as with his brother, the ebony palette of his irises lightened until they were a bright blue, only increasing the similarities between both brothers. As Nick looked into the mirror that the reporter held up, his stomach twisted into a knot at the surprise that greeted him. Looking back at him was the face of the Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker, T.J. Watt!

Once the unnatural plum radiance of the reporter’s eyes had faded and he was once again looking at the two athletes with his regular unremarkable eyes, the brothers found that they finally had control over themselves again. They shifted in their seats to make themselves more comfortable with their changed frames, but their emotions were quickly bubbling to the surface. Nick, who had always been the hothead of the two, was of course the first to react and in typical fiery fashion: “What the hell did you do to us?” Hearing the words come out not as Nick’s usual Floridian accent but rather the tones of a Wisconsin native like T.J. sent the (now former) Niners player for another loop. He gripped at the arms of his chair so tightly that his knuckles started to whiten, desperately fighting the urge to lunge forward and grab the little freak who had somehow caused the impossible to happen.

“Only what you both told me you wanted,” the reporter countered in his most innocent tone, although the little smirk playing on the corner of his lips suggested that he found amusement in their changes, and perhaps even more than that. Nick’s eyes - T.J.’s eyes - drifted down and found that their interviewer had tented out his pants, evidently aroused by the transformations he had just witnessed. The fiery Bosa - now Watt - brother opened his mouth once again, ready to spit a scathing remark about the other being a pervert, when the reporter lifted his hand again and clicked his fingers once more. The brothers both flinched, terrified at what new hell was going to be unleashed upon them, but there were no physical changes to follow. While the duo desperately tried to work out what was changing, the reporter’s magic was actually making its way through their minds, subtly sculpting them to be more accepting of their new identities. Nick’s fiery temper was quelled and Joey became even more relaxed as they settled into their new roles. “How do you feel about it now?”

The two athletes shared confused looks, before the older cleared his throat and leaned a little closer to the reporter. “About what, sorry?” asked Derek Watt, a little embarrassed that he had somehow lost track of the interview. “Being on the same team?” When the reporter nodded his confirmation, Derek settled back and gave a winning smile. “I love it! Now we’ve just got to work on getting J.J. with us, right?” He turned and nudged his younger brother, and T.J. just chuckled and nodded in agreement. Having two Watt brothers on one team was awesome, but having all three in the same uniform would be even better! The only thing more important than football after all was family, and there was nobody better to have watching your back than your brother! Luckily for them, the aroused reporter had a little more magic mojo left to use, and he’d always wondered what it would be like to have some younger brothers and be a sports megastar like J.J. Watt…



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