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So many people thought Derek was just a pretty face and while he wasn’t about to deny the aesthetically gorgeous nature of his facial features, he also had a keen mind for business and had used it to make himself a financially successful fitness model and social media influencer. He wasn’t afraid to be cutthroat in his approach to his career, even casting aside people once they had outlived their usefulness to him, because at the end of the day the only thing he really cared about was securing his own future comfort. Too many people held themselves back by being too sensitive - he wasn’t going to be that foolish.

Unfortunately that sort of behaviour also earned Derek quite a few enemies and although he perceived himself to be untouchable behind his sphere of social media fame, he would soon discover that he was far more vulnerable than he could have ever believed. One of the individuals that his selfish behaviour had affected was Graham, a fitness clothing designer who Derek had pretended to be interested in (despite the fact he was undeniably straight) just to get close enough to score a new sponsorship with the company Graham worked for. Once he’d achieved as such and signed his new contract, he told the other man the truth and left Graham humiliated. Unlike the others Derek had screwed over though, he wasn’t going to take it lying down. He was going to get revenge.

Given Derek’s arrogance, it didn’t take much to get him in the perfect position for Graham’s plan to come to fruition without the fitness model even knowing what was going on. He was at another photoshoot with the company Graham worked for and had accepted the gift of a protein shake without question. Prior to it being delivered to him though, Graham had mixed in two little pills that he had purchased off of the Occult Web: one that would leech away Derek’s intelligence and the other that would make him more suggestible. They had been pretty costly to procure but he knew without a doubt that they were going to be worth it once he had well and truly humbled his enemy.

Graham watched from the shadows as Derek’s body started to process the drugs that he had unwittingly ingested. They were evident in more subtle ways at first: he was quicker to respond to the photographer’s instructions and there didn’t seem to be quite as much activity behind the eyes as the photoshoot continued. Thirty minutes after the drug consumption though, he had a near-permanent expression of confusion fixed onto his handsome features and when he wasn’t under instruction he stood around awkwardly, unable to make his own decisions on what to do. Even the photographer’s request for him to freestyle his poses was met by a complete freeze-up like a deer in the headlights of oncoming traffic until the instructions resumed to put him at ease.

Once the photographer had all the shots he needed, the crew started to pack up the studio but Derek remained in position, watching the movement around him in bewilderment. That was when Graham walked up, took the model by the hand, and suggested that the other accompany him. Had Derek not been under the influence of the drugs that had permanently corrupted his psyche, he likely would have sneered in disgust at the other man, but in his inebriated state he followed thoughtlessly without any hesitation. Graham had acted quickly; Derek would view the first authoritative figure he came across under his new mental state as his Master and he had every intention of it being him. Thankfully nobody tried to stop him, although there were a few eyebrows as folks saw him leading Derek away by the hand, given the model was known as something of a womanizer.

Once he had Derek alone, Graham made his primary instructions incredibly clear. He had the model down on his knees, a perfect picture of subservience and declared in a firm voice: “You will do anything and everything I tell you. You no longer think for yourself, I do all the thinking for you. You’re lost without my commands. Do you understand me so far, slave?” When Derek nodded obediently, Graham continued: “You will start every morning by giving me a tongue bath, and end every night by submitting your body to me to do with it as I will. You will transfer all the money you make from your sponsorships and campaigns straight into my account. You will cease all contact with everyone but me. You are mine. Got it?”

“Yes sir,” the other man replied, the empty look in his eye shifting into one that could only be described as adoration. To him, Graham was his world, his everything, and he could no longer remember anything that had come before his Master’s instructions. If he couldn’t remember it though, evidently they didn’t matter. Indeed, the only thing that actually mattered was making sure Graham’s every desire was realised, and given the tenting of the other’s pants - at perfect level for the currently kneeling Derek - he already knew the first manner through which he could please the other...



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