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This story is a sequel to A Gift From Cody. This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Staring across at the reflective surfaces of the bathroom mirrors had never previously been an exciting prospect, but there was something about seeing a changed man in that mirror that left you feeling as thrilled as you were the moment you realized you were undergoing unexplainable physical changes in the first place. 

It wasn’t just any face grinning back at you but that of Tyler Posey, arguably one of the most handsome young men in the world and certainly one of your top two guys. For years you had enjoyed him as the lead star of Teen Wolf but now you were able to enjoy him in a whole new way - one that exceeded everything you had ever hoped for. Even the concept of meeting Posey had seemed like a dream come true but becoming him? That was a whole new level.

None of it would have been possible either if it wasn’t for your ultimate celebrity crush and the man you had paid out more than your fair share of dollars just to meet, Cody Christian. The man behind the glorious anti-hero of Teen Wolf had turned out to be every bit as perfect in person as he was on screen and even kinder than you’d imagined he could be. The conversation had left you with butterflies in your stomach and a desperate need to pleasure yourself. Little had you known at the time that in giving you a souvenir that had originally belonged to Tyler Posey, Cody had forced you into a transformation that would leave you looking like the latino stud you had admired so often over the years.

If you weren’t so overwhelmed and as a result incapable of rational thought, you might have found yourself wondering precisely why Cody would choose you out of everyone to transform into his former co-star. Hell, you might have wondered why he’d want to transform a fan into Tyler in the first place, but you certainly weren’t getting any answers because your brain struggled to form the questions in the first place. 

Somewhat understandably, you had far more pressing things on your mind, such as the fact that you were currently alone in a locked bathroom with the guy of your dreams and in the body of a close runner-up. If you couldn’t explicitly feel Cody’s breath against your neck then you’d be forgiven for believing that this was nothing more than a dream. 

As Cody’s fingers traced along your newly tanned skin, a shiver ran down your spine. Your brain was still trying to process what was happening but you were more than willing to roll with it when things were going your way. You had Cody bent over the sinks with his perfect bubble butt exposed and it was enough to almost make you sob with joy. 

Even if this did happen to be some sort of fever dream, you wanted to hold onto it for a long time. You were going to savour every single moment, which you were more than happy to do as you ran your hands over the plump ass cheeks of the handsome actor. His leaked nudes were absolutely nothing compared to the real thing, that was for sure.

“Come on, Posey, what’s with the hesitation?” Cody asked, his voice as smooth as silk and pulling you out of your overwhelmed brain. 

“I’m not hesitating, I’m appreciating,” you responded without missing a beat, trying to hide the smirk from your face and failing miserably. There was something uniquely arousing about hearing Tyler Posey’s voice speaking your words that you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to explain. “And there’s a lot to appreciate.” 

For years now you had dreamed of worshipping Cody’s godly body and all too often those dreams had led to you waking up uncontrollably horny or even with soaked sheets. Right now you had the real thing within your grasp and even in your bewildered excitement there was no way anybody was getting you to rush this.

Cody’s only immediate response was a deep chuckle and a shake of his ass, somehow managing to make it appear even more inviting than it already was. Giving in to temptation, you slapped the right cheek and savoured his sharp intake of breath as well as the faint red mark left in its place. 

“I’m not known for my patience,” Cody remarked finally, meeting your gaze in the mirror and firing off his own smirk that immediately sent pleasure rippling down your body and along your cock. In fact it was only by clamping your lips shut that you managed to stop a moan from escaping your lips. Cody had a way of pulling reactions out of you that no other guy could and it would be dangerous to let him know just how much he affected you, even though you knew it was possible your fanatic idolisation of him had been obvious upon your initial meeting back at his signing table.

“What do you want to be known for?” you questioned, spanking him once more and grinning back at him in the mirror. The boxers you had hastily pulled up only minutes before were already tenting as your cock stood to attention and right now your shaft was definitely doing all the thinking for your brain. When the ordinary rules of life went out the window as they had for you, sometimes it was better to turn your brain of and roll with whatever the hell was happening. “An argument could be made for this perfect ass of yours.”

The compliment definitely didn’t go amiss, with Cody pushing back until his ass was grinding against your crotch and your cock all but but begged to be released from his fabric prison. “If you enjoy it so much, why don’t you prove it to me?” Cody asked, his voice a little more than a slow sensual groan that was quite easily the sweetest music to ever reach your ears.

Not content to hold out for any longer, you took hold of the waistband on your boxers and pushed them down, allowing your hard shaft to spring free in relief. It was majestic to behold in all of its big brown glory, much more appealing than your own had ever been. Tyler Posey was well-endowed to say the least and had it now belonged to you, you would have quite happily fallen to your knees and begged to suck it. Perhaps that would be a task for Cody in the future but right now you had bigger plans for you and your beautiful new cock - plans that involved Cody’s perfect bubble butt.

“You got any lube?” you asked, taking a few seconds to stroke your hard shaft and truly savor the fabulous moment you had all but stumbled into. You knew that while Cody was no doubt very talented, he wouldn’t want to take in all of Posey’s impressive shaft completely raw and you certainly hadn’t come to the convention expecting to fuck somebody, least of all your ultimate celebrity crush.

“As if I go anywhere without it,” Cody chuckled, “Front pocket of my jeans.” The knowledge that Cody was always ready and willing to go no matter the location was more than a little exciting and you could hardly withhold your grin. Lowering to your knees, you reached into the pockets of Cody’s lowered pants and indeed, sure enough your fingers found their way around a small tube that you were quick to remove.

The cap of the tube had barely been removed moments before Cody shifted and placed his hands over yours. “Allow me,” he murmured once your eyes met, sending a shiver rippling throughout your body. Taking the tube from your grip, Cody squirted some of its contents onto his hand. You watched in aroused fascination as that same hand moved down to your shaft and began to trace its full length, preparing it for its first entry into its new home. A gasp escaped your lips which Cody was quick to take as an invitation to kiss you, something that you certainly weren’t disagreeing with. Even his very taste was intoxicating for you.

Time seemed like little more than an illusion as the two of you stood there, your tongue exploring Cody’s mouth while his hand continued to lube up your cock. Your body hummed in anticipation and you couldn’t hold back from moaning against the other’s lips, prompting you to finally break apart. “Somebody’s needy,” Cody commented, speaking to you with such familiarity that you were almost overwhelmed by your emotions. How could this possibly be real life?

“Can you really blame me?” you croaked in return, reaching out to trace a finger over Cody’s perfectly defined abdominal muscles. While you had dreamed of being able to do such a thing, you never thought it would become a real possibility. Cody had given you a much bigger gift with that transformative bracelet of Posey’s than he probably even realized.

“Guess not,” Cody mumbled in agreement, seemingly recognizing his own perfection. He was absolutely within his rights to, after all - in fact you might have considered it to be strange if he didn’t find certain pride in his own appearance. He’d have to be insane not to realize that he was a god cut from smooth marble walking amongst simple men. “Now are you going to fuck me or what, Posey? We haven’t got all day…”

Turning Cody back around and pressing him against the restroom sinks, you reached down to grab the actor’s ass cheeks and spread them wide. Pushing your hips forward, your cock pressed against Cody’s entrance and as your hands moved to grab at his hips in order to steady yourself, you were able to push inside of him. The moment of entry forced a sharp inhale as you adjusted to the tightness around your shaft, although the breath was released just moments later as a content sigh. 

Within moments you began to build a steady rhythm, keeping a tight grip on your fellow actor’s hips as you rocked forward and back, each time your hard cock pushing further inside the other. It was strange to think that you were an actor now but it was impossible to ignore when you could see Tyler Posey’s face reflected back at you in the mirror, teeth biting down on his lower lip. That was you and it was possible even more arousing than seeing Cody Christian in all of his naked glory as he was in front of you.

“That’s it, Posey,” Cody moaned, his already deep voice dropping lower into the most sensual tone you had ever heard another man speak in. Your grip tightened as a result, bringing forth a soft chuckle from the other’s lips as he guessed what caused such a reaction. “Come on, big boy, take control. Pound me like a real man!”

You only needed so many invitations to do what you had dreamt of for such a long time. Dominating Cody Christian was something that had decorated your dreams for months and years but it was nothing compared to reality. Thrusting forward with more urgency, you enjoyed the noises of surprise that escaped Cody’s mouth just moments later. It made you crave even more from him and you were damn sure going to get what you wanted. Determination began to swell in your gut as you retreated only slightly just to push forward again.

The steady rhythm that had built up over the past several minutes had taken a quicker and more energetic pace. The sounds of skin slapping against skin as you repeatedly pushed your big latino cock deep inside your celebrity crush-turned-lover filled the otherwise quiet restroom and was nothing but music to your ears. You couldn’t help but imagine the amount of Teen Wolf out in the convention halls, all of whom had no idea that not only was Tyler Posey now among them but he was also getting busy with his former co-star in a public restroom of all places!

Your eyes locked with your reflection as you felt a stirring inside your body that could surely only mean one thing. The pleasure radiating throughout you surged towards your crotch all at once and you were powerless to stop a number of deep expletives from bursting out of your lips as you were overwhelmed by orgasm. Instinctively digging your nails into the tender skin of Cody’s waist, your bucked your hips forward one final time and shuddered as you buried yourself as deep in the other’s ass as you could manage.

Whilst you were still bathing in the afterglow of your own orgasm, you weren’t quite selfish enough to think that only your own needs were important. Reaching around the other’s toned body, you wrapped a hand around the other’s cock and was hardly surprised to find it already dripping with pre-cum. Cody whimpered at the contact but made no move to stop you, just as you had expected. A part of you was surprised by just how willing Cody was to be subservient to you but there was no complaint either. In fact you rather enjoyed the control you were able to exert over him.

Starting your strokes slow, you allowed yourself the time to enjoy Cody’s quiet mewling before beginning to pick up the pace. The other man’s heavy breathing was all the indicator you needed as he approached orgasm. Ever the tease, you bucked your hips forward once more at the same moment your thumb teasingly grazed against the tip of the other’s shaft, finally sending Cody over the edge and causing him to shoot his load out across the mirror that had borne witness to all of your exploits.

Resting your head against Cody’s shoulder, you untangled your body from his and let out a soft laugh. “We need to do that again,” you muttered, pleased by how quickly the other agreed. It had been the best fuck of your life, absolutely no doubt about that, and you were already beginning to formulate a plan for a repeat performance. It didn’t even necessarily have to be anywhere private, you would take Cody wherever the hell you could get him!

As the two of you cleaned yourselves up and somewhat reluctantly dressed yourselves, you couldn’t stop yourself from admiring your new body. Your fingers traced along the defined lines of your abdominals before your hands moved down to grope your firm ass cheeks. They were perhaps your favorite feature - after that glorious latin cock that had already given you so much pleasure, of course. 

There was no doubt that everything about Tyler Posey’s body had been trained to perfection and you would be to reap the benefits for an undisclosed amount of time. Once again you considered that the bracelet Cody had gifted to you was more than you had ever deserved, but hardly something you were about to discard, not when there was still so much potential for fun!


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