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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy! 

For once in your life, luck actually seemed to be on your side. The city just a short twenty minute drive from your small town hosted an annual comic convention that attracted perhaps one semi-famous special guest each year. Sadly none of the guests from the past few years had interested you so you had chosen to stay home and watch re-runs of Teen Wolf, your favorite show. You had always dreamed that one of your favorite cast members from the show might make an appearance at your local ComicCon but it seemed like a mere fantasy.

The announcement of Cody Christian as one of the September 2017 Convention special guests made your heart skip a beat. Despite your wish coming true, you were reluctant to believe it, predicting that some sort of prank being played on you and the other local Teen Wolf fans was a much more likely possibility. For hours you fussed over whether to buy a ticket - surely if Cody was going they would sell out much quicker than normal - until the young man himself finally tweeted out a confirmation that he would be attending, solidifying your determination. Parting with thirty bucks had never felt so weightless before. 

No price seemed too big for the opportunity to meet the man who had not only graced your television screen with his beautiful face and enviable muscular body, but also all of your dirtiest dreams and wildest fantasies. You had experienced celebrity crushes before but you had never felt quite as strongly about them as you did about Cody. He had made a permanent space for himself in both your heart and brain and you could only hope that your moment to finally be in his presence would be everything you’d ever hoped for.

Realistically you knew there was no way Cody was going to request that you suck his cock or present his ass for you to fuck but that didn’t stop those beautiful images decorating your dreams and thoughts as the weeks counted down towards the start of the convention. You would be more than happy to settle for a handshake - perhaps even a hug - and a pleasant, if brief, conversation. Just breathing the same air as Cody and getting a photo with him would be a special moment for you and anything more than that was an extra.

The pressure of meeting your dream man came at a price and you couldn’t help but overthink every little thing in your preparations, obsessing over what you should wear and which aftershave to put on. You didn’t want Cody to see you as just another fan, let alone one of the creepier sort. Perhaps it was a long shot but you were hoping that perhaps you might be able to get a follow on social media or something from him if you were just nice enough and presented yourself as well as you possibly could.

As the morning of the convention finally rolled around, you fought back any nerves that threatened to rise. You had lost count of the amount of times you had ironed your clothes but you finally felt comfortable that you were your best self and would make a good impression on the man it mattered most to. 

Unsurprisingly the queue for Cody’s tables was the longest of the bunch and mainly populated by teenage girls, although there were other young men such as yourself in the mix too. Some were even in cosplay, wearing McCall lacrosse jerseys or Derek’s famous leather jacket. You were rather pleased to see that there were no Stiles cosplayers or even people gushing about him and his actor, as both had been a growing source of ire for you over the years. The only positive of the show ending, as far as you were concerned, was getting Dylan O’Brien away from the likes of Cody, Tyler Posey and Dylan Sprayberry.

Finally you reached the front of the line and you stepped forward to the table, breath hitching in your throat as you admired Cody Christian with your own eyes for the very first time. Somehow he managed to be even more gorgeous than he was on television - his plain black shirt stretched out by firm muscles and his facial hair evenly trimmed in a way you had always struggled to manage. He looked like a million bucks and suddenly even speaking seemed like a difficulty in his presence, no matter how much you had prepared.

“Hey dude, how are you doing?” Cody asked, smiling pleasantly up at you. He twirled a pen through his fingers and you did your best not to get distracted thinking about how masterful those fingers could be while exploring your body. Keep it PG-13, you told yourself, willing your cock to stay down. Considering Cody was pretty much at eye-level with your crotch, he’d surely notice if anything started bulging.

“Uh-- I’m good, thank you,” you replied after a moment of hesitation, willing yourself to relax. A smile spread across your face as you reminded yourself that this was a moment you had dreamed of for years. “Are you enjoying the convention? We don’t get many big stars like you here.” It was the honest truth, even if you were mainly saying it to compliment him.

“I am, I really am,” Cody confirmed with a nod of his head, “And thank you, that’s very kind of you to say. Are you a Teen Wolf fan?”

Any doubt in your mind that Cody would be less inviting than you’d hope he’d be was quickly dispelled. He was a polite young man with a sparkle in his eyes that made you feel truly special, even among the long queue of fans you had been in for an hour. “Absolutely. Theo’s one of my favorite characters,” you replied, feeling more confident in yourself, “Well, Theo and Scott. I think they make a great pair.”

Cody’s eyes seemed to light up at that. “You think so? Me too!” he agreed, “I really love working with Posey. He’s great to do scenes with. Such a professional… handsome too.” He winked and let out a soft chuckle even as your heart did backflips. Immediately you began to picture Cody and Tyler Posey flirting on set and if that wasn’t a perfect image you weren’t sure what was!

“He is,” you acknowledged, a faint blush coloring your cheeks. “I’m really happy to hear you like working together. You guys seem really cool.” Oh god, my fanboy’s beginning to show. Reign it in, Matthew - reign it in! “I mean, I hope you do more stuff together after the show.”

“That’s the hope.” Cody paused for a moment then, before his smile grew even wider. “Hey, as you’re a big fan of us both, how about I give you a little something?” Your heart began to beat rapidly as you took in what he said. 

“Um, sure. I mean, I’m pretty sure I should be the one giving you gifts but…” You trailed off, willing yourself to stop before you embarrassed yourself. Instead you just watched as Cody reached into his backpack underneath the table. After several moments of fishing through it, he sat up straight and held out his hand for you. 

Resting in his palm was a simple brown leather bracelet. You stared at ut curiously for a few moments, wondering why it was being offered to you in the first place. “Posey gave it to me when I first started on the show. Maybe you’d like to have it instead?” Cody explained, smiling earnestly at you as you struggled to comprehend his offer. You had always hoped that Cody would be polite and friendly, but his generosity had come as a very welcome surprise.

“If you’re sure,” you murmured, still trying to understand how this was even happening to you. Reaching out a hand to accept the bracelet, your heart fluttered as Cody’s fingers brushed against your own. Blushing under the young actor’s intense gaze, you slipped the bracelet on over your wrist and was surprised to find that it was only slightly tight on your arm. 

“It looks good on you,” Cody said, signing one of his headshots for you.

“A little tight,” you pointed out, admiring the actor’s hands once more.

With a brief chuckle, Cody glanced back up at you. “I’m sure you’ll grow into it,” he remarked, smiling sweetly as he pushed the autograph across the table towards you. “Did you want a selfie too?”

Cody leaned forward across the table, his hand resting on your lower back as you did your best to keep your hands steady while pulling out your cell phone. Even just the slightest touch from him threatened to make your crotch area uncomfortably tight and fighting it back was a difficult struggle. Thankfully the pictures turned out alright and you were able to escape from the table just as your cock was making its needy self known and before it could cause your encounter with Cody to end on a sour note.

Excusing yourself to the nearest restrooms, you dashed into one of the stalls and almost immediately pulled your pants down and freed your erection from the constraints of your boxers. “Fuck!” you gasped, your mind dwelling on the moments of contact with Cody just minutes before as you began to stroke up and down your length, building a steady rhythm. You never would have dreamed of doing something like this in a public restroom before but your desire for the actor had only intensified upon meeting him and you just couldn’t help yourself.

Caught up in your pleasure and with your eyes closed tightly, you were clueless to the beginning of a transformation throughout your body. Radiating from the gift you had been given just minutes before, your body began to pulse and change, promising an exciting new future for you.

Your arms there were soft and wholly unimpressive began to tone up as your biceps bulged out to the size of small footballs while your wrists became slightly more slender so that the bracelet was as perfect a fit as Cody promised it would be. On top of your still ordinary body, the muscular arms appeared to be something of an oddity but certainly not an unwelcome one given the strength that you could feel pulsing through them, as if you were capable of lifting a damn truck with your bare hands.

The unzipped jeans became much tighter around your thighs as fat turned to muscle and the result of thousands of squats and leg exercises in the gym that never truly happened came to fruition. As your calves swelled with muscle and feet expanded several shoe sizes, you were left groaning in arousal. Every minor change sent a new burst of pleasure through you, as if Cody himself was massaging each body part the sensations radiated from.

A golden tan spread across your once pale skin, changing your natural complexion as other parts of your body shifted and adjusted to new features. There was a slight stinging as your jawline rearranged, becoming slightly uneven, but the pleasure rippling throughout your changing body kept you distracted from the momentary discomfort. In fact you were so overwhelmed by the lust that you could hardly understand it. You had never anticipated that just being in Cody’s presence would have such an extreme effect on you!

Your cock felt harder in your grasp than you could remember it ever being - and bigger too - but with every stroke your body felt better and better. Jerking off was hardly a rare occurrence for you and yet it never quite felt this good. Perhaps it was just knowing that only minutes ago the very hand you were now using to massage your hard shaft had been in contact with Cody Christian’s own hands that made this moment feel extra special. Hell, it didn’t even bother you that you were getting off in near-public either and why would it? You had to seize the moment and considering the sensations you were feeling, you couldn’t help but want to live in that exact moment forever!

“Holy shit,” you groaned in a husky voice decorated with desperate need and lust. Your mind was playing visions of Cody jumping over his signing table to press your lips together and it was only spurring you on even more, causing your hips to buck as you neared the moment of climax. Firm v-lines had appeared on your torso, the finishing touches on a sculpted body that others might presume had taken hours of gym work and a dedicated diet to achieve. How wrong they would be, as this athletic body had been gifted you by alternate means, means that even you wouldn’t be quite able to comprehend - once you realized what was happening to you, of course. You had been far too caught up in relieving yourself to notice just how much you had changed.

After a sensual few minutes you finally reached your orgasm and could no longer hold back the groan that had been building up inside of you as you sprayed your load out across the stall door. It was a moment that sobered you quite quickly and a blush covered your cheeks as you realized what you had been doing. It was so unlike you! Quickly cleaning up after yourself, you were so distracted by your embarrassment that you failed to notice any of your changes until you opened the stall door and was greeted by a face that wasn’t your own in the mirror.

The face was instantly familiar and your heart skipped a bit as you tried to comprehend what was happening. The man in the mirror was none other than Tyler Posey, another one of your celebrity crushes and one of Cody’s best friends! You could hardly believe what you were seeing, even as you stepped closer to the mirror and moved your hands to your face to properly explore your changed features.

“This is so weird,” you gasped, blinking in surprise as you discovered that you not only looked like Tyler but sounded like him too! “I’m dreaming, this isn’t real, it’s too good to be real,” you told yourself, unable to tear your eyes away from your reflection. Tyler Posey had always been a handsome guy but in your opinion he’d never looked more beautiful than he did at that very moment as your reflection!

Although the handsome face staring back at you had you transfixed, it quickly fell second place to the big latino cock that was still hanging out of the front of your jeans. “Fucking hell!” You had previously only registered at an average length for a guy your age but there was no doubt that your cock was now eight inches at the very least. With the tip still dripping cum from shooting your load just minutes before, you could only stare as it twitched and began to rise back up again. 

The shame you had felt just moments before was quickly washed away and replaced by curiosity and growing arousal. While there was no doubt that Cody was your main celebrity crush, Tyler Posey fell in a close second place and having his body - however the hell it had happened - was simply too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially if you got to enjoy his beautiful brown cock in all of its glory!

Hearing the door of the restroom begin to open, alarm spiked in your mind and instinct forced you to to quickly duck back into the stall and hide behind the closed door. You needed to make some sense of what was going on and the last thing you needed was for any sorely mistaken Teen Wolf fans to freak out thinking that the show’s main star was among them at their humble little convention staring at his reflection with his cock out in the men’s restroom. There was no way you could really be Tyler Posey, things like that just didn’t --

“Posey? You in there?” It wasn’t the voice of any ordinary fan. It was a voice you had heard just minutes before back at the signing table and it made your heart beat double time. What the hell was Cody Christian doing in the restroom looking for Tyler Posey? On that note, how the hell did he know what had just happened to you?

Opening the stall door, you were greeted by the glorious sight of Cody pulling his shirt off and displaying his firm chest packed with tight muscles. His face lit up with a bright smile as he saw you and he reached out to grab you by your belt and pull you close. “There you are, buddy,” he murmured, lips getting dangerously close to your own. “Thanks for showing up. I promised the convention guys I could score them a last minute guest and who better than the leading man?”

“Cody?” you gasped, slowly beginning to piece things together. You knew he was responsible for this miraculous transformation but you were struggling to understand how to react to it. “What are-- How did you--”

Your questions were cut off by Cody pressing your lips together. You moaned into the kiss, allowing him to deepen it as your hands moved to his waist and his grabbed you by the back of your much darker hair. The moment felt too good to be true and yet you could feel it all in such detail that you knew it was. 

“How about you fuck me before we have to go do the photoshoots?” Cody purred after breaking off the kiss. His hands were already moving to undo your belt buckle and pull your zipper down. Even though you had only hit climax just a minute or two before you were already starting to get hard again, although it was understandable given the current situation. This was everything you had always dreamed of and more!

“That’s the best suggestion I’ve ever heard,” you agreed, grabbing him by the hair and kissing him again as you pinned him against the sinks. While you had never been the most aggressive type, now that you had a body that could back it up you weren’t afraid to take control. Cody certainly didn’t seem to be complaining either - in fact he clearly wanted it just as much as you did, which was something you were more than happy to take advantage of.

Needless to say you were quick to give into Cody’s request. His assistant was guarding the door to make sure neither of you were disturbed which meant you were free to bend him over the sinks and bury your thick latino cock inside of him, pushing between those delectable cheeks of his perfect bubble butt. Cody sounded glorious as he moaned in delight, giving you a perfect picture to watch in the mirror.

It was a surreal moment to see yourself - as Tyler Posey - fucking the man of your dreams but you couldn’t be happier about it. You were riding high on cloud nine and had absolutely no plans to come down! One thing was for sure: meeting Cody was sure as hell worth the ticket price!


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