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Hi folks, welcome to an unofficial Critical Role week! I say that as both this and Thursday's story (for $15+ patrons) feature cast members from the internet D&D show Critical Role as the subjects. Hope you enjoy!

Liam wasn’t sure why he let Travis talk him into so many stupid situations. They had an ongoing game for each weekly Critical Role session - whoever rolled the most natural ones would have to complete a punishment assigned by the other man. Those punishments came in a whole range of forms, be it having to wear a ridiculous costume on the next Talks Machina taping, having to tweet out a love poem written for the other, or even making their character do something humiliating in the next game session. After Liam’s latest loss though with a miserable six natural ones in a single session, Travis had decided to escalate the punishment to new unbelievable extremes…

“You’re going to be my gym shirt!” the larger man had explained joyously, grinning like a cheshire cat as he spread his arms out wide. Liam merely stared, struggling to put his thoughts into words, while Travis continued to act as if he’d won gold at the Olympics. “Two hours tomorrow morning and you’re done for the week. That doesn’t sound too bad, right?”

“This is the weirdest joke you’ve ever tried to pull off, Mr Willingham,” Liam remarked with a roll of his eyes. “What’s my real punishment? Am I babysitting the kid - or is it Laura I’m babysitting?” They were good friends, sure, but Liam was certain that Laura could be just as chaotic as the baby she shared with Travis. In fact the whole damn family was chaotic to a tee, as evidenced by Travis’ latest bold proclamation.

“I’m not messing with you,” Travis insisted with a low chuckle, his broad chest bouncing as he did so. Liam couldn’t help but take notice of how tight the fabric was stretched over his friend’s muscular frame - the lockdown had allowed Travis to spend more time sculpting his body into even more of a visage of masculine ideals. A small part of Liam wished he had that same kind of drive, although he also knew he didn’t exactly have the same genetic blessings as Travis did that helped him achieve such an enviable build.

Crossing his arms, the older man gave the other a wry smile. “And how are you going to do that, hmm?” he challenged, completely convinced that Travis was attempting another dumb joke on him. This one reeked of Laura Bailey’s silly humour if he was being honest - she really was a bad influence on her husband!

“With this,” Travis countered, pulling a small orb from his pocket and holding it up. It appeared to be made of sapphire: deep blue and somewhat opaque, with a perfectly smooth surface the whole way around. Liam’s gaze was immediately captivated by the object, in fact he couldn’t bring himself to look away from it, even when Travis continued speaking. “It’s a wishing stone that one of our new sponsors sent us. I think they were Cavanaugh & Crafts. I didn’t think it would work but then I wished for you to roll six natural ones last session and lo and behold, you did exactly that. Then I wished for Brian to invite the pair of us onto this week’s Talks and that happened too. So, working wishing stone, and right now I wish you were my gym shirt!

Liam wanted to laugh. This was all rather ridiculous, and yet all of a sudden he couldn’t seem to move. In fact he was feeling lighter and lighter with each passing moment and the world around him, Travis included, began to rapidly expand. His friend looked like a colossal statue looming over him as Liam dropped to the floor, totally incapable of moving or speaking, and also feeling strangely empty and full of longing for something he couldn’t quite grasp. As insane as it was, Liam was forced to accept that Travis’ wishing stone wasn’t quite as bullshit as it had sounded - he really had been transformed into the other’s gym shirt!

The strange longing feeling he was experiencing subsided as Travis crouched down and took Liam into his large calloused hands. Instead he was overwhelmed by a sudden rush of pleasure rather unlike anything he had ever experienced before. All rational thought escaped Liam’’s mind in an instant, all he knew was that he needed even more from Travis. He craved to be worn and wouldn’t be satisfied until that had happened. The fact that he wasn’t being wrapped around his friend’s muscular torso was nothing short of torture, but he still experienced a thrill as the large man brought Liam’s new fabric body up towards his face and inhaled deeply.

“You still smell like yourself, buddy,” Travis rumbled, his voice emerging as a bassy boom with Liam in such close proximity. “Not to make it weird or anything but this is kinda hot…” Although he had no way to vocalise his opinion, Liam had to agree. The sensations of pleasure pulsated through his fabric body and his innocent man-crush of Travis (because, come on, he had eyes and Travis was very nice to look at) had escalated into a fully-blown irrepressible need

Thankfully Travis didn’t drag out Liam’s torture for much longer. The giant stripped out of his Critical Role merch tee and instead pulled on his co-star in its place, stretching Liam to his limitations with the broadness of his wide shoulders and the mighty expanse of his glorious pectorals. He was wrapped tightly around the other man’s torso like a second skin and that overwhelming pleasure Liam had been experiencing just from Travis’ touch was multiplied tenfold by being worn, as if he was in an endless orgasmic state. There was no capability to think anymore, nor even any recognition of the passing of time, all he could do was merely enjoy what had become of him.

Unfortunately the pleasure wasn’t to last forever - Liam was removed and left on the floor at the foot of Travis’ bed for the night while he slept, although Liam himself was so emotionally spent from the experience of being worn that he remained in his blissed out thoughtless state. It wasn’t long before he was back wrapped around Travis’ muscular chest and the other began his full body morning workout. He bore witness to every deep-voiced grunt and every desperate moan throughout the experience, each sounding like a symphonic masterpiece to Liam.

In no time at all Travis’ sweat had started to build up and as it soaked into Liam’s fabric body, the voice actor felt weaker than he had in his life. He was totally submerged in pleasure, sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean of lust and instead of panicking he was only growing more and more content with what was becoming of him. He relished the opportunity to soak up Travis’ sweat, in fact he was proud of it - he felt like he was really doing something good and meaningful with his life!

By the time Travis had finished his workout there wasn’t an inch of Liam that wasn’t wet from the larger man’s exertion. Travis’ sweat was salty and undeniably masculine and it may as well have been a full five-course dinner from the highest rated restaurant in the world, for all Liam enjoyed it. If he’d still been capable of making noise he would have been whimpering and panting, but instead he remained totally spent in silence. Of course, the teasing was not yet complete, as Travis decided to bounce his pumped up pecs several times, battering the already defeated Liam with another wave of sensory overload. 

When it was all finally over, Liam was thankful for the rest but also left craving more. He continued to absorb the other’s sweat even as he was stripped off of that strong body, but much to his surprise there was no immediate undoing of his transformation. Instead he found himself being discarded on top of a pile of dirty clothes in a wash basket. Travis once again loomed over him, still red faced but dashingly handsome, and smiled. “I’ll make sure you’re cleaned up and turned back before Talks, I can’t imagine you’d be too happy turning back when you stink of my sweat,” he advised his transformed friend, unaware of how content Liam actually was with that strong manly scent, “Fair warning, I’ve got a couple duplicates of that shirt so I hope I remember which one you are. It’d probably suck if I was to turn the wrong one back into you…”

As Travis disappeared from sight to take his post-workout shower, Liam was left with the other’s words echoing in his mind. He wasn’t sure how to feel about the revelation that he could end up getting stuck as part of Travis’ wardrobe for good, on the one hand he’d be losing his human life, but on the other it had felt so damn good being wrapped around his buddy like that. Thankfully the choice was out of his hands - he’d just have to wait and see what Travis did next!



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