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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Archie could hardly believe just how out of control things had gotten. He had somehow gone from a naive high school student who wanted nothing more than to be a musician to a convict who was under serious threat of facing time behind bars. It hardly seemed possible that so much had changed in so short an amount of time but the threat of wasting the best years of his life behind bars was very real and Archie knew that he could kiss any potential music career goodbye should he take the fall for the actions of the Southside Serpents. He’d only gotten involved to defend Jughead but things had gone too far and spiralled out of control in a way that nobody had expected.

As such when his lawyer revealed that there was a way that he could avoid both jail time and any permanent marks on his criminal record Archie was more than a little interested. The government were rolling out an “Alternative Punishment Plan” that involved convicts serving their sentences as the property of the wealthy rather than inside a cell. Presuming that he would be put to work as a gardener or a butler, Archie agreed to take part in the experiment. Acting as somebody’s servant would no doubt be humiliating but it was a lot better than spending time in lock-up, that was for sure. 

Auctioned off at the court in front of a sea of businessmen and trophy wives, Archie felt intimidated and even scared at moments but his heart settled when he saw who had ultimately won the bid - Hiram Lodge. While he knew that the other man could have questionable motives and his relationship with Veronica seemed to vary from one extreme to another, Archie felt like he would at least be safe while serving the other. Indeed the man even smiled warmly at him as he approached. “I’m glad you took this option, Andrews,” he said in a friendly voice. “There’s no point in that pretty face being hidden behind bars, right?”

While Archie attempted to work out how he felt about his ex-girlfriend’s father making a joke about his ‘pretty face’, one of the court employees rushed over and placed something in Hiram’s hands. He inspected it for a moment before suddenly ordering, “Hold out your wrist.” Archie did as he was told and watched curiously as the other man placed a leather bracelet around his wrist. The only decoration on the brown leather strap was a word written in golden cursive - Serve.

“What’s this?” Archie asked, lifting it up to inspect it closely. 

“A sign of your servitude. It won’t be coming off until your sentence is done,” Hiram explained, placing a hand on the teen’s back and beginning to lead him out of the courtroom and towards his car. “If you try you’ll get a nasty shock so I wouldn’t attempt it if I were you. Besides, you shouldn’t have any reason to try. I plan on being a very fair man when it comes to you. I won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

Ever the trusting individual, Archie nodded and mumbled a quick ‘thanks’. He was well aware that he could have ended up in the service of much worse people than Hiram Lodge and it didn’t bear thinking about without making his skin crawl. 

“Now, how about we set some ground rules,” Hiram began, glancing across at the redheaded teen in the passenger seat of the vehicle as he began to drive away from the court. “You should refer to me as ‘sir’ unless told otherwise. I’ll expect you to have breakfast ready for me in the morning and dinner done for when I get back from the office. Does that sound acceptable?”

“Yes sir,” Archie replied immediately, surprising himself with the speed at which he agreed. Hiram seemed pleased though so he figured he was off to a good start, even if he wasn’t the most confident in his cooking abilities. Then again he’d have plenty of time to work on that given he was spending the next eight months in service of the older man. The kitchen would probably become like a second home to him. 

“I’ll also have you doing a little work in the yard. Cutting the grass, cleaning the pool… nothing too strenuous, don’t you worry.” Archie mumbled in agreement, keeping his eyes on the road as Hiram took a number of turnings that led him away from Veronica’s home. As if sensing his confusion, Hiram chuckled. “I have my own place just a little outside of town. I figured you might be distracted if Veronica was around the house so this was the preferable option.” Archie’s heart sunk a little. One of the main reasons he’d been okay with serving Hiram was that he could probably hang out with Veronica at any point. Now that option was being taken away from him and all he could do was swallow his pride and nod as if he approved of the decision.

The first few weeks of serving Hiram were exactly as Archie had been expected - long days of tough work but ultimately not that punishing. He had a nice double bed with soft sheets to himself and Hiram even let him practice on his guitar in the evenings once he had prepared dinner. He’d burned meals once or twice but hadn’t received anything more than a disappointed look and a request that he try again from Hiram as punishment for his failings. Considering this was the alternative to prison it seemed like he’d really lucked out!

There were even times that Hiram requested Archie help him relive his days as a wrestler and the teenage redhead would done his Riverdale Wrestlers singlet and go to the mat with Hiram. Of course the older man always managed to overpower and pin him or tap him out but it felt good for Archie to work off some of the nervous energy with physical activity. He’d never been as good as a wrestler as Kevin but under Hiram’s tutelage Archie could tell that he was improving. He was learning a lot from his time spent with the older man, that was for sure.

A month in though and things began to change. Hiram returned from work in a worse mood than Archie could remember ever seeing him in and was completely silent as he devoured the meal that his teenage servant had prepared for him. Archie hovered by the doorway, curious as to what might have put his boss into such a foul mood. “Come here,” Hiram barked suddenly, startling Archie out of his thoughts. He scrambled over to the table and began to collect the dirty dishes - after pouring Hiram another glass of wine, of course. “I want you to call me Daddy from now on,” the older man suddenly announced, prompting Archie to almost drop the plates in his hands. He stared meekly at the man, eyes wide as he tried to comprehend the instruction. “Do you understand?”

No, I really don’t! What the hell, dude? Despite his dubious thoughts, words escaped Archie’s lips before he could even think about it: “Yes Daddy.” His cheeks burned in embarrassment as the word rolled off his tongue but Hiram seemed pleased at the very least. Archie quickly hurried away to wash the dishes, confused at why he had given in so easily without even daring to point out that maybe calling the older man ‘Daddy’ wasn’t entirely appropriate. It was like his will had totally left him the moment he’d been given the instruction!

Just a few days later and Hiram called Archie into his office, this time with an even more alarming request: “My feet could really use a massage. You wouldn’t mind, would you?” The protesting voice at the back of Archie’s mind was quickly shut down as he dropped his knees and began to use his fingers and thumbs to massage the sole of the other’s feet. It was a humiliating experience but Archie found himself locking eyes with the older man and lost in the proud smile that decorated the other’s lips. He felt strangely captivated by the other even though he knew there was no reason for it to be the case.

After that foot massages became a part of Archie’s daily routine - Hiram would get home from work, crack open a beer and order his servant to ease some the tension that had built up over the day. It wasn’t long before Archie was delivering both shoulder and full back massages too. The way Hiram would grunt and groan under his touch even provoked physical reactions out of Archie too, causing him to tent his pants on more than one occasion. He had been mortified at first - he wasn’t gay after all - but it soon became such a regular experience that he eventually stopped questioning why it was happening at all.

If there was any request that made Archie want to protest more than any other before it though, it was when Hiram suddenly announced that he was horny and required some lips around his cock. Archie even hesitated, his lips curling into a frown as he fought back against the part of his brain insisting that he follow Hiram’s orders. “Is something the matter, boy?” the older man asked, his voice laced with annoyance. Archie took a step forward before stopping himself again.

“I-- I’m not gay,” he murmured, hating the fact that his cock had risen to attention once Hiram had made the request. Why did his body want something that his mind didn’t want? Or, more accurately, why was he even bothering to hold out? “You said… you wouldn’t make me do anything I wasn’t comfortable with…” Hadn’t Hiram said that on the drive back from the courts? The memory suddenly seemed hazy in Archie’s mind. 

“Does the idea of sucking my cock really make you uncomfortable?” Hiram asked, his eyes peering right through Archie into the very fibers of his being. He felt totally exposed and uncertain of how to answer. “You trust me, don’t you? I’ve been a good master to you so far, haven’t I?” Archie had to admit that it was the truth. Hiram had made him feel incredibly welcome and on the whole Archie had been happy, even if he’d been cut off from his friends and family for months. “Let’s stop this silliness, boy. Get down on your knees and suck my cock - or do you want to be bent over my knee and spanked?” The threat destroyed the remains of Archie’s defiance, breaking down the walls and sending him stumbling down onto his knees in front of the other where he could get access to the other’s pants, freeing his lengthy cock from the restraints and wrapping his lips around the shaft as if it wasn’t the first time he’d had his lips around another man’s cock.

Not too long after that and Hiram was once again requesting more from Archie, only this time there was no fight left in him. Sucking the other’s cock on a daily basis had rid him of all resistance to his master’s control and Archie instead found himself enjoying his new life of servitude. Just bringing a smile to Hiram’s face made the younger man happy and he would often beat off at night just thinking about how good it felt to serve his master. There was nothing more arousing to Archie than hearing the words “good boy” out of Hiram’s lips - it was the stuff of fantasies for him.

As such, when Hiram made the bold announcement one day that he wanted to fuck Archie’s “cute little bubble butt” until he was “dripping with my cum”, the redhead didn’t even try to fight it. In fact he eagerly agreed, dropping to his feet and thrusting his ass up in the air right then and there. Ever since he had first tasted the other’s cock Archie had fantasized about having the other fuck him mercilessly and he was so happy that Hiram finally deemed him worthy enough to fuck. He’d worked hard to make sure all of his cooking was perfect and he took extra care of the house and garden just to try and impress the older man enough for such a reward.

The strong thrusting and low grunts of the man above him had Archie panting for breath. Once he felt the other brush against his prostate he hit his climax and came all over himself without even making contact with his own cock once. His cheeks burned but he didn’t have time for embarrassment as Hiram grabbed him by the hair and rode his ass like a jockey in a race until eventually erupting deep inside the other with a mighty roar. Both men collapsed to the bed, drenched in each other’s sweat and already preparing themselves for another round. Archie couldn’t remember ever having so much fun. It only made sense that somebody as brilliant as Hiram had been able to make him feel that way - in his eyes the other simply couldn’t do anything wrong.

After that Hiram had his way with the young man wherever he felt like it - in his study, on the dining table and even in the pool. Each time Archie became a little more desperate for him, kissing his golden muscles and lapping at his pits like a bitch in heat. Hiram loved having the young man so horny for him and always so faithful in his service, being the perfect live-in butler. He looked damn good in his new uniform of a skimpy speedo, although Archie insisted that Hiram himself looked better.

While lounging out in the pool one hot summer day, Hiram admired the sight of his slave. He’d just received a letter from the court informing that the leather bracelet they had given him to control Archie could do much more than make him obedient - it could transform him into objects for Hiram to use too. A whole new world of possibilities had opened up and Hiram was already starting to have a number of ideas of how else he could have fun with his new favorite toy. After all he still had another four months left of Archie’s sentence in which he could enjoy playing with the young man and once Hiram was done with him he was sure that there was no way Archie would ever want to leave him and go back to his old life, control bracelet or not!


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