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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Jacob Rudolph had never lived the kind of life he’d wanted. The term “life is a rollercoaster” certainly applied to him and although he couldn’t deny that it had its ups, those moments seemed few and far between. He was stuck in the lows and he simply wasn’t happy about it.

At fifty-three years old he had been without a committed partner for thirteen years and hadn’t had sex in a full six months. Sure, there had been moments here and there with strangers in the restrooms of the various bars he inhabited but nothing ever worthy of his time. He felt cheated of all the good times every other man his age could boast of having. He’d never been the high school quarterback, nor even that popular at high school, and college had been completely out of the question. His life had been nothing more than boring and average and it drove Jacob crazy because he believed that he was surely destined for more.

Perhaps the most upsetting part of his miserably dull lifestyle was that his neighbor’s son seemed to have everything he’d always wanted. In truth the two couldn’t be more different - old and young, plain and beautiful, boring and exciting. Jacob had done his very best not to let feelings of envy consume him but it was difficult when the kid unknowingly flaunted it in his face on a near-daily basis.

Garrett Brixton was an eighteen year-old guaranteed Prom King in the making. Tall, blond and unfairly beautiful, Garrett was the guy every kid aspired to grow up to be and every adult wished they had been during their glory days. Unfortunately there was only one Garrett Brixton and he remained blissfully unaware of how envious his aging neighbor felt every time he had to see the young jock working out shirtless in his backyard or entertaining female guests through the windows of his house.

Observing Garrett’s daily life hadn’t begun purposefully for Jacob but soon it became something of an unconscious obsession. He felt the urge to glimpse out of his window, hoping to catch sight of his young neighbor and when he did, the middle-aged man remained rooted to the spot for minutes. He wasn’t sure what it was about watching the other that fascinated him so much but it was an addiction he couldn’t break out of and relatively soon it had progressed further.

Despite never having much care for social media - his only real use for the internet was to search up the kind of guy-on-guy action that really got him going - Jacob found himself willing to adapt if it meant he got a closer inspection on the young man’s life. He was aware that some people might consider him a loser or a freak for being so interested in Garrett’s life but it wasn’t as if he was necessarily doing anything bad.

Doubting that his young neighbor would accept a friend request from the pathetic old man next door, Jacob falsified a profile claiming to be an underclassman at Garrett’s school and was surprised by just how quickly the request was accepted. Considering Garrett’s friend list was in the thousands though, perhaps it wasn’t much of a surprise that he would accept anybody who he believed to be a classmate. A small thought in his brain reminded Jacob that he should perhaps at least think twice about what he was doing and the ethics of it but he hushed that voice as quickly as he possibly could. Everything he was doing was purely innocent, after all.

Within days though, it became harder for Jacob to deny that he only had innocent intentions when it came to Garrett. The extra exposure to the young man’s life via his various social media profiles had sent him into an obsessive frenzy and before he knew it, Jacob was visualizing himself and his neighbor as the men he lustily watched going at each other almost hourly on his computer.

Despite never really amounting to much academically, Jacob had always had a good memory when he was interested in something. There was no chance he’d ever retain anything to do with Math or Biology, but he remembered the final scores for every single game his favorite football team had played from 2003 to 2007. Similarly, the information he learned about Garrett and his life became deep-rooted in his mind until it almost took precedence over his own history.

Garrett’s last relationship had been with Bayley, a pretty brunette girl who was on the ladies track team at their high school. Every photo they took together her arms were thrown around either his broad shoulders or his waist. They looked comfortable together but had apparently decided to call things off when Garrett got drunk and kissed Bayley’s best friend. He had written a long public apology as a Facebook status shortly after that and as the blissfully unaware king of his high school, he was immediately forgiven by almost everybody.

Jacob took special interest in Garrett’s friends too - each one of them a jock like the handsome young blond that had captured his attention so fiercely over the previous few weeks. There was Caleb, the football team’s wide receiver, Hunter, the star of the school’s wrestling team, and Josh, the quarterback who still managed to play second-string to Garrett’s easy-going charm. There was no doubt in Jacob’s mind that he wasn’t the first person who experienced such strong feelings for Garrett blossoming unexpectedly but unlike those other people, Jacob was much closer to doing something extreme about his obsession.

Having pored over the young man’s social profiles for hours every day, Jacob had finally realized that he didn’t simply want to run his hands and lips over the young stud’s body. No, he wanted to be Garrett Brixton and although that would certainly be a difficult task to achieve, it wasn’t totally impossible. There were people out there who could help him get what he wanted, he just had to be prepared to pay a steep price for it. Luckily Jacob hadn’t had much to buy for himself lately so he had a small fortune saved up and what better way to spend it then making his newly-realized dream come to life?

Thankfully for Jacob, it didn’t take him long to locate somebody who could help. The man who came to his aid introduced himself as Godric and explained that he had once been tutored by the elusive Mr Cavanaugh himself and would be more than able to grant Jacob his wish for a cost of course. Considering his training, Godric requested a hefty payment but Jacob didn’t hesitate for a moment. His body practically hummed with excitement at the possibility of what was to come. 

All that was required for Godric’s spell was an item of Garrett’s but that was of no issue to Jacob as he had swiped a baseball cap from the other’s porch the other day. It had been his prized possession since then and the fact that it would be of some use was only a surprising benefit. 

Placing the cap on his head, Jacob did as he was instructed and focused all of his thoughts on the boy next door, imagining what he was doing at that very moment. He had no doubt that Garrett probably had no idea just how drop dead gorgeous he was and that he didn’t use that perfect body to take advantage. He was a fool for not recognising as such and Jacob wasn’t about to let that stand. Something built from perfection like Garrett Brixton deserved to be flaunted as much as possible.

Within moments of Godric’s incantation beginning, Jacob began to feel a strange sensation that could only be described as pulling at his very soul. The pull was attempting to drag him in the direction of the Brixton family’s house and as Godric’s chanting continued, Jacob felt as if he was being pulled from his feet and through the air. Wind rushed around him, sending a shiver throughout his body, and the world seemed to vanish into a brilliant bright light. 

Godric’s voice continued to echo through his mind for a few more moments, louder than his own thoughts, before it died down completely. All Jacob could hear was… music? It was more than just that though, it was music coming from earphones that he certainly hadn’t had in moments before. 

It worked.

Steadiness finally returned to the world around him and Jacob found himself staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. Ripping the earphones out, he sprung up from his position laid out on a bed and was delighted by the absence of the beer gut he had grown over the last thirty years. His stomach was flat and the jeans he wore hugged his slender legs perfectly. It didn’t look like there was an ounce of fat on this body at all!

Springing from the bed and across the room to the nearest mirror, Jacob’s heart pounded out an excited rhythm as he was greeted by the handsome visage of Garrett Brixton in the mirror! “Holy fuckin’ shit,” he cursed, momentarily overwhelmed by the voice that sprung forth from his lips. He had previously only spared moments considering what it would be like to be Garrett but no amount of thought could have prepared him for the reality. It truly was beyond words.

Lifting his hands to his torso, Jacob pushed them underneath the fabric of his shirt and traced them along Garrett’s neatly defined abs. Despite playing for a variety of sports teams at his high school, Garrett wasn’t obsessively muscular like some of his friends and had maintained a lean physique that was much more fitting of Jacob’s type. 

Make no mistakes, he was no twink but he wasn’t the type to gloat about his ‘gainz’ or anything of the sort. Some people even considered him to be humble which only made him even more desirable to people, Jacob included.

Fighting back the threat of being overwhelmed by his possession of the kid next door, Jacob took a deep breath and smiled at his reflection. He’d achieved his goal of getting into Garrett’s body, now the next step was to take advantage of everything his social media stalking and observations from the house next door had taught him. After all, he hadn’t just wanted Garrett’s body because he thought the younger man was hot, he had wanted to live Garrett’s life and there was nothing stopping him from doing that for as long as he well liked.

“My name is Garrett Brixton,” he told his reflection, relishing in the sound of the younger man’s voice. “I’m eighteen years old and the kicker on my school’s football team. I like girls and guys - especially older men. I’m a horny fuckin’ stud and- and oh my god, this is the best fucking day of my life!” Jacob was struggling to hold himself together but could anybody possibly blame him when he was having the best day any fifty-three year old man had ever had?

Stripping down to just his underwear, the new Garrett was immediately pleased with what he found. He’d always known that there must be a reason for the young stud’s easygoing confidence and the package in his boxers was a pretty good indication. Already beginning to tent the boxer briefs, Jacob could hardly believe what a perfect opportunity this was. He had the body of a young adonis and big cock that he couldn’t wait to take full advantage of.

“I need to fuck someone,” he muttered to himself, instinctively reaching down to palm his crotch through the boxer briefs. Lust had entirely consumed his mind and all he could think about was taking his new body out for a joyride. After all, it wasn’t as if he’d wanted Garrett’s body purely for innocent intentions. Of course he wanted to have a little fun!

Thankfully it really didn’t take long for Jacob to find somebody who would be happy to get down and dirty with ‘Garrett Brixton’. The young stud’s reputation preceded him and Jacob knew that he would have a lot of opportunities to enjoy himself which suited him just fine. After not getting any action for so long he had a lot of emotions pent up and was more than willing to unleash them on the world.

Aaron was one of Garrett’s school friends that he recognized from frequent social media posts and it really hadn’t taken Jacob long to realize that the other man harbored deep sexual feelings towards his friends. Then again, who didn’t when Garrett was a ball of undeniable charm and unfair beauty?

All it took was a simple flirtatious joke and a rather forward kiss to the other’s temple and suddenly Aaron was all up over him, pressing their lips together and grinding his body down against him. Knowing that Aaron had no idea that his friend was currently being occupied by a middle-aged man who hadn’t had much sexual experience in the last decade only turned the new Garrett on even more.

Needless to say, Aaron was only the first. Jacob was going to be making himself right at home in Garrett Brixton’s life, something that would be so much easier thanks to the young man’s inability to keep anything off social media. Even his parents would have no idea there was anything different about their son! He’d made a whole list of friends that he had plans to seduce and Jacob felt fairly certain that not a single one would be turning him down.

After all, who would pass up the opportunity to be with the future Prom King and hottest piece of ass in the whole town?


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