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Zac woke up feeling weak. That wasn’t an altogether surprising experience considering the filming of his new Netflix documentary series Down To Earth with Zac Efron had proven to be a gruelling experience, but he could tell even before opening his eyes that there was something different about how he felt that morning. Even pushing himself up into a seated position like running an obstacle course and his back flared up in pain as he did so, likely irritated from yet another night on an uncomfortable mattress. Filming the documentary was nothing like filming a Hollywood movie was - there were no trailers for him to kick back in, or top-notch caterers to ensure he was keeping to a high-protein diet that would ensure he maintained his impressive physique. Instead of all that he was trying to live as self-sufficient as possible while also experiencing different cultures around the world and opening both his own mind and those of the eventual documentary viewers. The show’s mission statement unfortunately meant a few uncomfortable nights during the filming process were all but guaranteed.

Once Zac’s eyes were open though and he was able to see the body half-covered by a thin sheet though, alarm bells began blaring in his brain. A fleeting glance down at himself might have helped him dismiss what he saw as a trick of the mind or an optical illusion, but he was staring unblinkingly down at himself and the body he saw was unquestionably not his own! His powerful muscles were gone, replaced with undefined softness that covered his slender torso and skinny limbs. There was no longer any hair spreading across his chest either and as he brought a shaking hand up to his jawline he met smooth skin rather than the thick beard he had been letting grow throughout the filming process. Although he had been gradually developing a tan throughout filming too, his skin was an undeniably darker shade, much like the locals of the South American rural community he was visiting. Despite some people viewing him as a typical Hollywood brainless beauty type, Zac wasn’t dumb; the reality of the situation was starting to sink in, causing his heart to race like an athlete going for gold.

The clearing of a throat from across the room prompted Zac’s head to sharply jerk in the direction of the noise and a stunned gasp involuntarily escaped his lips at what he saw. There was no mistaking it, after all it was the very same face Zac had seen in the mirror for the previous thirty-two years of his life! Despite the obvious familiarity of his facial features though, the actor saw something different behind those baby blue eyes. He’d heard people refer to the eyes as the “window to the soul” before but he’d never really understood what that meant until that very moment, with his own eyes acting as a window to another man’s soul that had taken residence in the actor’s body. That wasn’t even mentioning the gentle tug of a smirk on the other’s lips, promising foul intentions. A shiver of fear rippled down Zac’s spine as he took in the new information and his brain began making connections to the events of the previous day.

Jorge had been an exceptionally welcoming young man in a community that apparently didn’t receive too many visitors, especially not ones accompanied by camera crews. He had volunteered to give the Hollywood actor the full tour and even made dinner for Zac and the small crew he was travelling with. After the cameraman and sound technician had decided to turn in for the night, Jorge then offered the actor a drink he had referred to as a “special local brew” and, despite the murky purple colour, Zac downed the whole thing. It had a sour taste and even made him shiver as it ran down his throat like ice, but he had forced a smile onto his lips and assured his host that it had been pleasant. They had both ended their days shortly after that and then the next thing Zac knew he had woken up in Jorge’s body, while the man smirking across at him was undoubtedly Jorge!

“Good morning, sleepyhead!” the other greeted, using Zac’s own voice and speaking in perfect unbroken English, unlike his conversational attempts the night before. “I’d say I was bored waiting for you to wake up but I’ve had plenty to keep me busy.” As he spoke, Zac’s replacement brought one hand up to pinch his left nipple between his index finger and thumb, then used the other hand to reach down and cup at the bulge in his boxer shorts. The action in combination with the shameless smirk on his tormentor’s face made Zac’s unfamiliar skin crawl. He’d thought nothing of Jorge’s eagerness to help them the day before but even if he’d had his doubts about the other’s intentions, it would have been impossible for him to anticipate the strange turn of events that the following morning had presented him with!

“How?” the actor - former actor? - croaked, bringing a hand up to his throat as he heard Jorge’s voice speaking instead. “How you do this to me?” Despite knowing that he wasn’t elocuting himself properly, Zac simply couldn’t string the words together like he wanted to. “You stole! You not me! You stole mine body!” A dangerous cauldron of panic and anger began to stir inside of Zac and in his desperation he attempted to lunge towards the other and grab at the body that had been stolen from him, but he miscalculated the weight he was now working with and sent himself sprawling to the ground instead, landing at Jorge’s feet. The other only laughed, adding an additional ingredient of misery to the bubbling potion inside the humiliated actor.

“Here’s how this is going to work,” his own voice declared as Jorge crouched down beside Zac, speaking in a low and threatening tone. “You’re not going to say anything to my crew about this, are you? Yes, they’re my crew. Do you even remember their names?” As much as he tried to pull their names out of his memory, Zac was appalled to find himself instead drawing a blank. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” How could he not remember the names of the two guys he had been travelling with for almost a month? The knowing look on his tormentor’s face gave him the answer though: it was just another thing Jorge had forcibly taken from him. “Now, I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself by trying to convince them that you’re Zac Efron when I’m very clearly the Hollywood star here and you’re just a sad nobody without any prospects.” The smirk on the other’s face was no longer just teasing, it was outright malicious. “Then again, if you want to tell them, I won’t stop you! Who do you think they’ll believe, after all, the guy who looks and sounds like Zac Efron or the local who can barely string a whole sentence together in English?”

There was a terrifying truth to everything Jorge said and Zac was stunned into complete silence. Tears sprung forth in his eyes as he scuttled back away from the other just as his replacement rose back to his feet. Jorge looked like a titan as he towered above him with those chiselled muscles and the manly beard. The real kicker was the steely gaze he wore, regarding Zac as if the Hollywood actor meant absolutely nothing to him. Nobody had looked at him like that in a long time, if ever! As if Zac hadn’t been humiliated enough though, he caught sight of the other’s boxers beginning to tent as the eight-inch cock he had stolen from the actor hardened. Jorge was getting off on stealing Zac’s life, even pushing the boxers down to let the hard shaft spring free. Jorge’s gaze was locked with Zac’s as he gave his new cock a few experimental tugs, the pleasure obvious from the subtle twitching of his facial features, before he beckoned the former actor closer. “Why don’t you give your body a proper goodbye before it’s gone forever?” he suggested, precum beginning to coat the head of his eight-inch glory.

Zac was mortified to discover a stirring in his own crotch as he took in the sight before him. The confusing and conflicting emotions inside of him finally exploded, leaving Zac with nothing but an overwhelming lust as he admired the man who would be leaving in his place: the hard muscles; the hairy chest; the all-American good looks; the thick juicy cock; the victorious expression he wore. Zac was on his knees before the other before he even realised that he’d moved and as his lips wrapped around what was once his own cock, he felt a strange sense of calm wash over him. Maybe nobody would ever believe that he was the real Zac Efron, or that he’d sucked a movie star’s cock, but even as the memories of his former life faded, the new Jorge was happy to know that he could at least hold onto the perfect moment he was currently experiencing!



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