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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Charlie had almost dreaded his visit to the canine rescue shelter because he was anticipating falling in love with every single dog there and wanting to adopt them all. He’d always been a dog lover and had grown up with them around the house but after his last pup had passed away from old age he hadn’t had the courage to get another. It had been almost two years since then and he’d finally decided to take the leap and bring another soul into his life. It wasn’t as if he was having much luck on the dating scene anyway so a dog would surely provide him with some much-needed company at the very least.

It turned out that the decision wasn’t really all that difficult for him at all. While there was no doubting that all of the dogs were adorable in their own way, one stood out to him among all the rest. Theo was a gorgeous great dane with sandy brown fur and the most beautiful eyes Charlie had ever seen on a dog. From the moment he looked into those eyes he knew Theo was the one for him and a short while later he had signed the adoption papers and led his new pet into the back of his jeep to take him to his new home.

There was no crying or barking during those first few hours of Theo being in Charlie’s care but the dog simply wouldn’t leave his side. He seemed so grateful to have an owner again and Charlie was all too happy to shower the great dane in love and affection. It seemed clear as day that they were going to get along just fine and he wasn’t going to be dealing with any behavioural issues. Whoever Theo’s previous owner was must have trained him well because he would always sit, lay down and roll over without even a moment’s hesitation. Still, they had apparently abandoned Theo on the roadside and that was never okay. Charlie simply couldn’t stand people who didn’t look after their pets properly - in many ways he preferred the innocence of animals to the ignorance of other humans.

As the sun finally set on their first day together, Charlie got into bed and was delighted to find Theo following him and curling up against his side. He happily cuddled his new furry friend and placed a soft kiss on the other’s head until eventually sleep claimed the both of them, sending Charlie into dreams full of handsome men walking their dogs in a park and flexing their large muscles at him in greeting. What an ideal life....

The first thing he noticed as he began to rise back into the land of the living was that Theo was much heavier against his side than he remembered. Sure, the pup was big but this heavy and forced him to open his eyes far sooner than he would have liked. It was then that he was greeted by both the explanation for Theo’s sudden increase in weight and a surprise that made him yell out in surprise. It was no longer his new pet that was resting on the bed with him but a fully-grown man. A naked man with a hairy chest and tattoos!

Charlie’s yell startled the stranger awake and he flailed for a moment, almost falling off of the bed until he grabbed at the sheets to steady himself. His gaze locked with Charlie’s and the two men stared at each other, wide-eyed and speechless. 

“Who are you and what are you doing in my bed?” Charlie managed to stammer out after what felt like a full lifetime. He had to admit that the other man was particularly handsome - Charlie definitely enjoyed the thick beard and the furry chest - but the man’s overnight arrival in his bed left him suspicious and panicked. His Ma had raised him to be suspicious of strangers and never let them into his home, after all.

“I-- I’m Theo,” the other croaked, his eyes beginning to water with tears. He stared down at his hands, tensing and relaxing several times before letting out a short laugh. “I’m human again… you freed me!” He bound up suddenly and, without seeming to care about his naked state, pulled Charlie into a tight hug. The other muscles weren’t purely for looks - he was strong too and Charlie’s cheeks flushed red as he realized that this was the most intimate he had been with a man in almost eight months.

“You’re going to have to give me a bit more to go on than that,” Charlie mumbled, prying himself from the other’s strong grip. “Freed you from what? Again, how did you end up in my bed?”

The man laughed again. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m Theo. I’m your dog!” he exclaimed, grinning like a madman. Charlie was beginning to think that the noun might be incredibly fitting because handsome as he was, the guy seemed to have a screw or two loose in his head. Did he seriously just announce that he had been a dog? “I sense you’re still not getting it so let me explain. My name is Theodore Perkins and my ex-wife put a curse on me when I came out to her as gay. That curse made me into a dog that she kept around to torment and abuse for a few months before finally getting bored and throwing me out. That’s how I ended up at the shelter. I didn’t know what it would take to break the curse but… but you did it! I can’t thank you enough dude, I really can’t!”

With that, Theo surged forward and pressed his lips against Charlie’s, startling the blond man to the extent that he fell onto his back and the other tumbled on top of him. He could feel Theo’s hard shaft pressing against his thigh and it wasn’t long before his own cock was beginning to react the same way, even as he tried to get his head around what was happening. Curses, transformations… it all seemed a little too wild to be believed. His Ma would call him an idiot for even contemplating that it was a possibility - thank god she’s not here to see this!

Considering there was a naked man on top of him and no dog in sight though, Charlie was willing to bet that Theo was capable of finding a way to persuade him it was the truth.


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