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Peter and Jonas had been together for two years and Jonas had even moved into Peter’s apartment some three months ago but in recent weeks things had begun to turn sour. The issues originated in the bedroom: Jonas was a proud top but Peter was rarely left feeling satisfied with his boyfriend’s performance and was even sometimes left uncomfortable as well as disappointed. It was clear as day that there needed to be a change. 

Truthfully Jonas was everything Peter had wanted from a boyfriend in terms of aesthetics: he was tall and broad in comparison to Peter’s own slight frame, and his morning sessions in the gym five times a week had helped him sculpt a powerful body, but his physicality couldn’t make up for his unsatisfactory performance between the sheets. The uncomfortable silences after their nights together had soon given way to more vocal disagreements and even escalated into arguments, the most raging of which had been the night before. Peter had dared to suggest that if he had the same physical qualities as Jonas he’d manage to be a better top and that hadn’t sat well with his boyfriend. Jonas had opted to spend the night on the couch, leaving Peter to stew in his bitterness in their bed alone. 

The two young men had the exact same dream that night, reflecting back on their first date together which had ended with their first kiss. It had been a blissful night, so far removed from the arguments they were consistently having in the present day. There was only one thing different between Peter and Jonas’ dreams though, and that was the perspective they were seeing the events from. Neither man was reliving the event through their own eyes but rather that of their boyfriend: Peter was experiencing everything Jonas had felt and thought during that glorious first date, and the same was happening in reverse for Jonas.

While the change of perspective in their dreams was understandably confusing for the pair of them, it was nothing compared to when they woke up and discovered that it hadn’t just been part of their dream. Peter was stunned to find himself almost rolling off of the couch as he began to stir, and steadied himself using a strong arm on the nearby coffee table. His vision swam for a moment but as it steadied he identified immediately that the limb was far too muscular and hairy to be his own. His heart rate accelerated as he shifted into a seated position and inspected the rest of his body, which was just as large and sculpted as the arm he had used to steady himself. Even though it wasn’t his own, the body was still recognisable: it was Jonas’!

Peter barely had a minute to deal with the shock of waking up in his boyfriend’s body when he heard the sounds of stirring coming from the bedroom he had fallen asleep in the night before, and just a few short seconds later the door opened to allow his own body to blearily pad out into the living space, only to stop short the moment their eyes locked. “Don’t freak out,” Peter urged, surprised to hear his boyfriend’s voice speaking his words. “I don’t know how but I’m pretty sure that we switched bodies overnight.”

“This is because of what you said last night, isn’t it?” Jonas suggested in a voice that Peter had never noticed sounded so meek. “That you’d make a better top than me.” It was a strange experience to hear and see himself from an outsider’s perspective but as he rose to his feet and experienced the sensation of being six-foot-one for the first time, Peter realised he was actually rather excited for the possibilities that arose with the extraordinary situation they had found themselves thrust into. Confidence rushed through Peter like the tide rolling in and he stood up a little straighter and folded his arms, tensing his biceps in the process. It was not lost on him either that Jonas seemed momentarily captivated by the movement.

“Well, there’s never going to be a better time for us to test that than the present,” the normally rather reserved Peter suggested, a salacious smirk settling over his lips as he mentally undressed his own body as if it was nothing more than a piece of meat. It had been over two years since he had last topped for anyone and even then it had only ever been infrequently but he was feeling confident in his abilities and now that he had a muscular body that would allow him to take control with ease he was certain that he had everything he needed to prove that what he’d said the night before was the honest truth: he really would make a better top than Jonas had done!

Despite Jonas’ previous claims that he was a natural top and would never bottom for anyone, especially not Peter, he suddenly found himself curious. Occupying a body that was smaller and weaker was a strange experience but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant. The narcissistic streak in him was also delighted by the prospect of experiencing his body from an external position and from the way his biceps bulged, Jonas was sure that Peter would put his body’s strength to good use. All it took was for the other to take a single step forward and Jonas was melting against him like putty, reaching up to capture the (now) taller man’s lips in a hungry kiss.

A short while later and the two men dropped back onto the mattress of their shared bed, totally spent but equally satisfied with the events that had just transpired. Jonas felt no shame in admitting that Peter lived up to his promise - the things he had done using those strong muscles had left Jonas whimpering with pleasure and he wasn’t sure he’d ever experienced a climax quite so explosive. Peter meanwhile felt the smug satisfaction of a victory over his previously stubborn boyfriend and was delighted by his own performance to boot. He got a real thrill out of being the more physically dominant of the two of them and as his smaller boyfriend cuddled in against his side, Peter knew that he didn’t want to go back to being the bottom when he had already proven himself to be the better top.

“You know, I think I’m a bottom now,” Jonas happily admitted, earning a soft chuckle from his larger boyfriend. “Do you think we can go again?” He was already beginning to kiss at Peter’s muscular chest again, while his delicate hands wandered further south. Peter just chuckled and brought his boyfriend’s lips up to meet his own. He felt confident that their troubles were finally going to be over now that they had settled into their more fitting roles in the relationship!


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