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What do you mean I haven't posted an entry in the Seven Year Retrospective Top Twenty all week? That's simply impossible... and yet we all know it isn't. Better late than never though, so here we are with the number nine entry! This one's actually a bit of a cheat as it's two stories: Interrupted Order, and its sequel, Worth The Wait. The former is a muscle growth story (although, I suppose it's technically muscle theft too considering the plot device) and the latter is a good old fashioned bodyswap where the roommate gets his much needed revenge!

The idea for Intercepted Order itself isn't actually that original - I think I first saw it being used for a Young Trevor caption, or it may have been on the Male Transformation Blog. Either way, it was during my early days as a reader of TF Fiction and I finally decided to try my hand at it with this story. I was rather happy with how it turned out and much to my surprise I even had a few people reach out and enquire if I'd be writing a sequel to it. Even then the thought interested me and I knew that a lot of fun could be had if I was to follow up on the changing relationship between Luke and Jacob, and that is what Worth The Wait eventually became. Hopefully that title was also how the readers felt when they got the sequel two months after the original!

Now, as I've previously mentioned, I'm a sucker for a happy ending (although I've written my fair share of darker tales, many of which feature on this list) so I knew I wanted the long-suffering roommate to get his revenge on the undeserving hunk who had robbed him. At first that was going to be through the process of a muscle theft but I ultimately went with a classic bodyswap because it's a forever favourite and I thought it would bring things full circle - Luke stole from Jacob, so now Jacob steals from Luke rather than just taking back what was rightfully his. Story symmetry!

The model being used in this story is one Luke Gregory (he can be found on Instagram at @lukegregs, and he also has an OnlyFans for those of you who want more than just his Instagram thirst traps!) who I've used countless times previously (such as in Resolutions and a collab I did with JW Ripley which I currently can't seem to find a link to) because he's a total stud. That sutle smirk just worked perfectly for the story so he felt like an obvious choice and I find that I do my best writing when it's with characters who I can attach a real life face too, hence my frequent use of celebrities and my Instagram crushes in my various stories!

Hope you enjoyed the trip down (relartively recent) memory lane and I'll see you next time (at this point, who knows when that will be!) as we continue up the top ten to #8!


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