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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Archie didn’t want to be the kind of guy that gloated about having everything but the simple truth was that for once things actually seemed to be treating him well. Who would have thought it, Archie Andrews of all people on a winning streak. He had great friends, a place on the football team and was rising the popularity ranks at Riverdale High School. 

While there was no denying that things in Riverdale weren’t always perfect, for him this was pretty much as close as it got and he wasn’t going to waste a single moment of it either.

Having once been overlooked and considered something of a ‘dork’, Archie was well aware of how fickle popularity could be. He didn’t take anything for granted and continued to work hard to prove himself to his coach and the rest of the guys on the football team, not to mention Josie and all the other music-lovers at their school.

There were other people in similar situations to Archie, only they hadn’t had quite so much luck in the popularity department. One such person was Bruce Neidhart, the regular target of Reggie’s more obnoxious comments and the subject of an unpleasant song Archie had once heard being sung by a full chorus of girls. Bruce was actually a rather pleasant guy in his opinion, but he was also something of a popularity repellant and everybody knew it.

Despite having scored a position on the gymnastics team, Bruce’s social standing didn’t exactly get boosted. Even his teammates limited their contact with him, fearing that any association with Brucie might risk the ire of Reggie’s gang of obnoxious jocks. As far as Archie was concerned it was actually a shame - Bruce had put a lot of work into getting himself in great shape for the gymnastics team and he genuinely tried to be a good person but nobody seemed to have the time of day for him.

After witnessing another harsh put-down of Bruce by Reggie, Archie decided that enough was enough. His popularity was fragile and he knew it but there was no way Archie could stand idly by while somebody was being tormented just as Jughead had. He’d be a hypocrite if he turned his head and pretended he didn’t notice and Archie didn’t want to think that of himself. He’d always tried his hardest to be a good person after all.

“Are you alright?” he asked in a quiet voice, approaching Bruce in the boy’s locker room. The rest of the sports teams had already showered and left, allowing Archie the opportunity to speak to Bruce without being judged.

The sandy-haired boy glanced up at him and frowned. “Peachy,” he mumbled, casting his gaze back towards the ground. “What do you want, Andrews?”

Bruce’s sullen nature was unsettling to say the least. “I’m sorry about Reggie,” the red-headed teen apologized, “He’s an ass.” Archie wasn’t sure why he was the one apologizing but he felt like somebody needed to and Reggie sure as hell wasn’t about to show something that could be interpreted as kindness or, god forbid, vulnerability.

“You don’t need to remind me,” Bruce scoffed in reply. His gaze fixed firmly on Archie and his lips turned up into a small smile. “Thanks for trying, though. It’s more than anybody else has done.”

“I’m cool like that,” Archie joked, attempting to encourage more of a smile out of the other. Much to his delight, Bruce didn’t seem to take the joke as a sign of his ego. That was something Archie had done his best to keep in check because he didn’t want to be seen as just another egotistic football jock.

Silence fell between the two young athletes shortly after that and Archie was beginning to wonder if that his cue to grab his stuff and leave when the other cleared his throat. “Hey Andrews, how did you do it?” Bruce asked, something close to vulnerability in both his voice and expression. It was enough to momentarily confuse Archie - although according to the likes of Betty and Veronica that really wasn’t too surprising. He’d been described as ‘pretty but dumb’ more than once recently.

“Do what?” he inquired, a slight frown pulling on his lips.

Bruce’s eyes remained trained on him, inspecting and analysing him so closely that it almost made Archie feel uncomfortable. “Become so popular. Everybody loves you and - don’t take this the wrong way - a year ago you were just as much a loser as I am,” he explained.

For a moment Archie had no idea what to say. Was there any simple answer to a question like that? “I… don’t know. I just got lucky, I guess,” he mumbled in response, almost feeling guilty for not having a real response for Bruce. He could tell that the other was only asking because he was still trapped within the social confines of ‘loserdom’ but was there really much else he could say? It wasn’t as if he’d had a meticulous plan to become popular or anything.

“That’s it? Just… luck?” Bruce asked, his voice suddenly laced with intensity and the vulnerability in his expression becoming steely. “That’s really all you’ve got for me?”

This guy is something else, Archie thought to himself, feeling utterly confused at the sudden turn in the conversation’s tone. What more could Bruce want from him? “I’m not sure what else I can say. I work hard on my music and football but yeah, a lot of it is luck I guess,” he attempted to explain, hurrying to grab his stuff from his locker. Although he felt guilty for thinking it, he didn’t exactly want to spend much longer in Bruce’s company when he was seemingly in the middle of a rather intense moodswing.

“I want some of your luck then,” Bruce stated, his voice leaving little room for argument. Any signs of vulnerability that had been present just thirty seconds ago had completely vanished, replaced by petulance that reminded Archie of a toddler throwing a tantrum. He didn’t want to think bad of anyone but there was clearly a lot going on in Bruce’s head that wasn’t quite right and he really didn’t want to be the one that had to suffer the consequences.

Deciding to ignore the comment, Archie finished packing his stuff up into his bag. He had every intention of leaving but guilt rushed through him for a single moment and he hesitated, wondering what else he could possibly say. Bruce was clearly in distress after all and it wouldn’t be fair of him to leave him like that, would it?

“I’m going to be the lucky one from now on, Andrews,” Bruce declared. “You’re going to give me all of your luck.” Bruce’s hand clamped down on Archie’s shoulder and the redhead was caught off guard by how unexpectedly strong the other was. While he squirmed in the other’s grip in an attempt to break free, something sharp pierced Archie’s lower back for just a moment and he let out a yelp of surprise. Had Bruce just shoved a needle in him?!

“What the hell are-- are you… what?” Archie started, only to feel exhausted after just a few words. Why was speaking suddenly so tiresome for him? There was definitely something wrong and he had to get away, only his legs didn’t seem to want to cooperate anymore. He was firmly caught in Bruce’s grip and he didn’t even have the strength to argue back.

A devious smile spread across Bruce’s face, provoking a shiver that rushed down Archie’s spine. He was doing his best not to panic but that was difficult to do when it felt like his body was working against him - or giving up entirely. Craning his neck to look down at himself, he was stunned to find the sleeves of his letterman jacket to be completely empty. Where the hell were his arms?

“If it’s any consolation, you seem like a nice dude,” Bruce remarked, the smirk on his face conflicting with the sincerity of his words. “I’m just not letting myself be overlooked anymore. If it’s luck that got you where you are then it’ll get me there too.” None of what he was saying made any sense but Archie no longer had the strength inside him to even question it. All he knew was that Bruce was responsible for the strange hollow sensation in his body and he had no way of stopping whatever was happening to him.

Finally his legs gave out and Archie fell to the floor, only to be surprised at how little it hurt. The landing was surprisingly soft despite the cold hard floor of the locker room. With Bruce looming down above him though, the redhead didn’t exactly feel any more comfortable. Archie had never imagined that he’d be in a position where he felt threatened by Brucie Neidhart of all people but the world worked in strange ways. Hadn’t his sudden rise to popularity already proven that?

The discomfort that had spread throughout Archie’s body from the moment he started to feel strangely hollow converted into arousal the moment Bruce reached down and grabbed him by his shoulder. For some reason, the contact with the other young man sent pleasure rippling throughout his body. Archie couldn’t tell what had happened to him, all he knew was that he enjoyed Bruce holding him and that - as crazy as it sounded - he wanted more.

The questions Archie had about what had become of him were answered in surprising fashion as Bruce carried him before one of the many mirrors that decorated the locker room walls and held him up for a proper view. Had he still had the capabilities of doing so, Archie would have gasped in shock. His body had completely gone, replaced by the blue-and-yellow singlet that was associated with Riverdale High’s gymnastics team!

That can’t be me, he thought, even though he knew that his eyes weren’t lying. That was him in Bruce’s hands and he suddenly understood what was to become of him. “You football goblins might have lucky jockstraps but I had a lucky singlet now,” Bruce declared proudly, running his hands along Archie’s fabric body and sending another burst of the most extreme pleasure he had ever felt shooting through him.

Any resistance Archie felt towards his new inanimate resistance was quickly shut down when he were granted the opportunity to admire Bruce as he stripped down and displayed with surprisingly well-groomed body. With his strong muscles and handsome features, he was a perfect picture of young male beauty and Archie was once again reminded that the only difference between them was his luck. 

As he was pulled over those lean muscles, Archie knew that there was very little chance he would want to change back. The pleasure he felt while hugging Bruce’s lean muscles so tightly was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It was orgasmic in nature, sending his mind into a frenzy that it refused to come down from. This was the best high anybody his age could possibly experience and every passing moment made Archie even more comfortable with his new position. 

For the next twenty minutes, Bruce pulled pose after pose, showing off his body in front of the mirror and contorting Archie into a number of positions that really enhanced just how good he felt pressed against the other teen’s strong body. Every single moment was bliss and Archie was delighted by the fact that Bruce merely put the rest of clothes on over him rather than stripping out of the singlet.

Although his rational mind was hardly present from then on, Archie could tell that he was having a positive effect on Bruce. The popular crowd really grew to notice what a great person Bruce was and accepted him into their circle, finally letting him feel included. Even Reggie quit his douchebag ways and the ‘Brucie’ nickname became a thing of the past.

Bruce’s luck with girls rapidly increased too - both Betty and Veronica were at odds over the newest star on the gymnastics team and Bruce was more than happy to play the field. Hell, even Jughead got his hands all over him and merely chuckled when he discovered that the athlete wore his ‘lucky singlet’ under his clothes. 

There was no outcry of worry over Archie Andrews’ disappearance. In fact Archie didn’t hear his name uttered at all - except for the moments where Bruce stroked his shaft through Archie’s new fabric body and moaned his name, knowing that the former musician and football star was loving absolutely every moment of it. 

Whatever magic he had accessed to transform Archie’s human body into a gymnastics singlet had seemingly also made his friends and family forget he ever existed. Much to his own surprise, Archie didn’t even feel sad over being forgotten because it meant nobody would come looking for him and attempt to return him to his original human form. 

His days as Bruce’s lucky singlet weren’t limited to high school either. Whether it was college or representing the USA as part of the Olympic Gymnastics team, Archie was Bruce’s consistent lucky singlet. He underwent transformations and redesigns every few years but he was never too far away from the man he had grown to love above all else - and nor did he ever want to be!


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