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Based on an idea and image provided by patron Mark Josefsson. If you want to suggest an idea, comment on this post and we'll see what inspires me!

As far as anyone was concerned, Charlie had a promising life ahead of him. He’d graduated at the top of all of his classes and scored a full-ride scholarship to the Ivy College of his choice, not something many people could boast about. To celebrate his academic success he had decided to join some of the other high-achieving classmates - people who he had sat beside in advanced classes for the past several years but truthfully didn’t even know all that well - on their cross-country trip to Las Vegas. A bunch of high school graduates in a big city with fake IDs and a genuine reason to celebrate, what could possibly go wrong?

While he had expected underage drinking and partying, the decision to do those activities at a burlesque club of all places caught Charlie by surprise. They were a group of five guys and three girls and every single one of them seemed to relish the opportunity to cut their ties of responsibility and be the badly behaved kids they’d never gotten to be in high school. Truthfully though Charlie didn’t feel quite as comfortable as the others seemed to be. He’d never been good at switching his brain off and relaxing to properly enjoy the moment and as such lived in permanent fear that they would be caught out and their fake IDs would be confiscated. Requests from the rest of the group for him to calm down became more common and even though he did his best to fit in, Charlie knew that he would end up being the one to expose them if he stuck around.

Making the decision to head back to the hotel, Charlie was glad to have the opportunity to walk down the Las Vegas Strip at night on his own. He was met by a surprisingly cool breeze in the air and by the time he had completed the twenty minute walk back from the club, he realized that he wasn’t quite ready to head straight to bed. There was still a healthy dose of alcohol rolling around in his system and now that he wasn’t quite so far out of his comfort zone, he was even feeling a little more daring. As such, he changed course and made his way into the casino area just off of the hotel lobby and passed by the security guard with a confidence that surprised even himself.

Gambling had never been Charlie’s thing - he’d had an uncle who got into a lot of debt because of it - but in his emboldened state he soon found himself stationed at a slot machine that he’d almost unconsciously navigated towards. A large green banner atop the machine proudly established it as MAKING IT BIG-TIME FOR THE BROS! and all of the icons on the slots were emojis more commonly associated with jocks rather than timid sheltered kids like himself: dumbbells, backward caps and biceps, among others. It looked dumb but Charlie figured it would at least entertain him for five or so minutes at least. 

Strangely enough though, he couldn’t find anywhere to insert his coins. He tapped at the buttons and was met by a message appearing on the screen in a bold font: LOOK INTO THE CAMERA TO MAKE YOUR DONATION! An arrow above the text drew Charlie’s eye up towards a small lens just above the screen and at that exact moment a bright flash of light sent his mind spinning. What was that about a donation?, he wondered, rubbing at his temples as the game started to load up. 

MAKE YOUR FIRST SPIN! the game instructed. Deciding to overlook his momentary blindness and the oddity of his ‘payment’ to access the game, Charlie pulled down the lever on the machine to send the icons spinning. After ten seconds the emoji icons finally settled down and Charlie was initially disappointed to find a mixed bag: two dumbbells, an eggplant, a camera and a bicep flex. That disappointment was immediately called into question though as the words COLLECT YOUR ROUND ONE PRIZES NOW! flashed up on screen, accompanied by an arrow pointing down at one of the buttons in front of him. Curious as to what he could possibly have one with such mixed results, Charlie used his free hand to press down on the button and was promptly rewarded by a sudden shock that rippled throughout his body.

Heartbeat escalating, Charlie was frozen in place and could only watch as his body ‘collected’ the rewards from his initial spin: his forearms thickening, biceps and triceps becoming more pronounced and his delts rounding out. Two mounds of lean muscle began to blossom on his upper torso while his flat stomach tightened into a subtle four-pack of abs as his body-fat percentage dropped a couple digits. His cock began stirring to life and the crotch area of his jeans tightened as his average-length shaft began standing to attention. The need to step in front of a mirror and check out the changes to his upper body began to scratch away at the back of Charlie’s mind but he was too curious to step away from the machine so quickly. What results could another spin produce?

Unsurprisingly, a new message appeared on the screen: WANT TO SPIN AGAIN? MAKE ANOTHER DONATION! This time Charlie was prepared for the bright flash as his eyes met the lens but being prepared wasn’t enough to stop the dull ache, as if he was back in phys ed and had taken a football to his temple. He took a moment to recover before pulling down on the lever and silently praying for a full match. Once again though he was met by an assortment of emojis: two weightlifters, two peaches and another eggplant. He didn’t even need the on-screen prompt to collect his rewards as he was already pushing down on the button as soon as the icons had fallen into place.

His lower half got a little time to shine as the rewards were assimilated into him: his thighs began to thicken with meaty quads and his oft-neglected calves gained considerable definition too. The stool he was sat upon felt more cushioned than it had moments before and as he adjusted his position to slump back a little more, he realized that it was because of his own toned backside providing him with an extra bit of comfort with his formerly flat cheeks now well-rounded and perky. Once again his cock received a jolt too and the bulge in his jeans was impossible to ignore. In fact he was the hardest he had ever been and felt even bigger than should have been possible. Fuck, that feels good, he thought, briefly taking his hand off of the button to grope at the thick length tenting out the front of his jeans. His hands-on inspection suggested that it was longer than the five inches he was used to, even at full hardness.

There was absolutely no doubt in Charlie’s mind that he was going to take another spin. The blinding flash of the camera brought about another wave of discomfort in his head but once the initial pain had subsided he felt much better for it. His mind was totally clear; all the anxious thoughts of earlier in the day were completely wiped away. Why did I leave the club anyway? Still, if he’d never left the club he wouldn’t have found his new favourite slot machine so at least it hadn’t been all that terrible of a decision!

Watching the icons spin for the third time, Charlie didn’t even bother hoping for a full set, he was just eager to see what they would land on. Sure enough, this time he received five different icons: a pair of sneakers, a backwards cap, a bicep flex, a football and a flashing camera. Slamming his hand down on the button to collect his rewards, a dumb grin settled over Charlie’s face. There was clearly no downside to this game at all because all he was doing was winning! His upper body muscles pumped up even more, the biceps bulging and pecs popping out further, while his modest four-pack abs transitioned into a more enviable six-pack. His shoulders broadened out further, forearms became even thicker and even his neck widened until his upper half better matched the results of the transformation to his lower half in the previous round.

A slight tickling at the top of his scalp signified the arrival of a cap upon his head, pure black and spun around to further establish his ‘bro’ look. The same sensation occurred around his feet as well as his leather shoes were replaced by a pair of sneakers that fit comfortably around his longer and wider feet. Back when he’d been an awkward gangly teenager he’d modelled himself after the other guys on the football team and even though it took some time he was eventually able to fit in with them as one of the team’s wide receivers. His love of the game and improving his body in the gym was one of the reasons he hadn’t done as well at his studies as his parents and teachers claimed he could do. “You could have been top of your class!” his mother had huffed when his last sat of test results had come back to show that Charlie had barely scraped a pass. He didn’t put too much thought into it - why bother getting so worked up when he already had a football scholarship for college? 

The effects of the camera flash emoji were the last to take hold and perhaps the most subtle of the lot. His skin cleared up from all of his unfortunate teenage acne and the pale flesh darkened into a more bronzed tone. The soft features of his face adopted a more hard-edged appearance with a square jawline, a sharper nose and high cheekbones that eliminated his puffy cheeks. It showed that he’d taken care of his appearance for a long time - his teammates had stressed the importance of looking after himself - and Charlie was damn proud of the fact he was regularly called a “pretty boy” by friends and admirers alike. Heh, who wouldn’t want to be a pretty boy? Ever since he had grown into his good looks his social media profiles had exploded with followers and each of his selfies was guaranteed to get several hundred-thousand likes on Instagram without fail.

Slipping a hand into the front of his jeans and beginning to stroke at the hard length which was already beginning to leak precum, Charlie couldn’t help but go for another spin. This time there was no pain when the flash overtook his eyes, instead he was only greeted by a serene calm as all of his thoughts slowed down and the vast majority of his passing grades disappeared from his history. His friends and family were honestly astounded that he’d even scraped through high school given his notoriously slow brain and terrible memory. The only thing his brain seemed to actually get in gear for was football!

His fourth spin produced a series of familiar emojis - the weightlifter, the dumbbell and the eggplant - as well as two new ones: gym shorts and a pair of lips. Within moments Chad's fist slammed down on the button to collect his rewards and his entire body began to swell with added mass, bringing him up to two-hundred-thirty pounds of pure muscle. His cock grew even longer and thicker in his hands even as his jeans and dress shirt shifted into a pair of green gym sweats and a black tank top. The clothes showed off just how jacked every inch of him was and he loved the looks of envy he got from smaller men whenever he swaggered into a room. As he stared at the icon of the lips right next to the eggplant, Chad’s mind began to wander and pretty soon he was thinking about the night before when he’d had his own lips around the cock of one of the preppy know-it-alls he’d come to Vegas with. The dude’s body had been nothing compared to his but Chad loved sucking cock, it didn’t matter who it was from!

Still hungry for more, the self-pleasuring jock stared up at the lens for a fifth time but there was no blinding flash to meet him. Instead a new message appeared on the screen: SORRY, YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DONATE! Anger flushed through Chad as he kicked his foot against the machine, causing it to wobble. “Fuckin’ bullshit,” he muttered in a deep grunt, reluctantly pulling his hand out of his pants and stepping away from the slot machine. He was in desperate need of something else to entertain him and thankfully there appeared to be a well-dressed businessman at a nearby poker table who was already eyeing him up. He was sure that the older man would be all too happy to take Chad up on his offer for a little fun up in his luxury hotel room - maybe he’d even let Chad record some footage to put on his OnlyFans later! Who said it was a big deal that he hadn't made it into college? He was already making a thousands each day online!

As Chad approached his new target, he was replaced at the slot machine by a skinny college student not too dissimilar from the young man who had sat there some ten minutes previously. They had been admiring Chad from afar for the last several minutes and were happy to just sit in the warm seat of the leather-bound stool where his muscle butt had been just moments before. Thus the cycle would begin again, luring in unsuspecting innocent young men and making them into brainless cock-loving muscle sluts every single night...



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