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In the months since his father’s company had gone bust in the middle of a huge financial controversy, Parker had lost absolutely everything. He had been raised as the kid who got everything he ever wanted and never had to work for anything in his life. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been academically gifted because as soon as he finished high school he had a job at his father’s company and over the years his responsibilities and paycheck continued to increase, even though he had done little to prove his worth to those around him. It was as clear as day that nepotism was running wild in the company but nobody could have suspected the scam that Parker’s father was running with a number of known criminals. Not even Parker himself had known; he was as shocked as everybody else when his father had been escorted off the premises in handcuffs!

With no real qualifications to his name and only the experience of working for his father to go off, Parker struggled to find himself a new place of employment once it was clear that his company would soon be crumbling, its assets being sold off to the competitors it had ruled over for the better part of twenty years. Parker himself had been the public face of the company, speaking at all of its corporate events and even doing interviews with news stations when the situation had called for it. Having a lean body and a classically handsome face had been the key factors in putting him forward for that position but the downside was, as he was soon discovering in his conversations with potential employers, he was far too heavily associated with his disgraced father’s company and nobody wanted the bad publicity that would surely come with hiring him. He had been blacklisted from the business world!

Over the space of three months Parker had been helpless to watch as all the privileges he had known for his whole life were stripped away one by one: his numerous sports cars, his expensive tuxedos, even his penthouse apartment in a New York City high-rise. He was living in a tiny box apartment with his remaining funds dwindling as he struggled to curb his heavy-spending habits. Nights were lost to bottles of champagne and he refused to quit his membership to the exclusive gym he had been a member of since his sixteenth birthday, even if it was costing him five-hundred dollars a month and the guys he had once been friendly with weren’t quite as open with him anymore. Tabloids had been predicting that Parker was in on his father’s scam all along but had gotten away with it because there wasn’t enough evidence. Even though Parker fiercely denied it nobody seemed to believe it. Simply put: things were miserable.

His last hope came in the form of Camille Fenhurst, a so-called “professional re-hirer”. Her services weren’t cheap but her webpage had over a hundred recommendation reviews from people she had helped find new careers, even some who had been at rock bottom. Parker had contacted her over the phone and upon establishing who she was talking to she had the gall to raise the fee he had seen on her webpage by two-thousand dollars. Just a few months ago Parker wouldn’t have thought twice about spending that much on something trivial but he found himself hesitating. The impatient clucking of the woman’s tongue on the other end of the line hurried him into his decision though and despite the price hike, he agreed to meet with her the following day to go over the details he’d be putting on his curriculum vitae and any other changes he’d have to make for his upcoming applications.

Upon arriving at their initial meeting Parker’s first thought was to note just how beautiful Camille was. She looked like she’d stepped right off of a runway or belonged on the front cover of a fashion magazine but here she was simply running what was effectively a career agency, even if it was a high-end one. She gave him a thin smile as she inspected him but her features sharpened when Parker settled into his most flirtatious smirk as he seated himself across from her. “Don’t even try it, pretty boy,” she remarked stiffly.

“So you think I’m pretty, huh?” Parker asked, unable to help himself. Gorgeous women always sent him into a bit of a tizzy; he had a reputation for being something of a womanizer thanks to his portrayal in the tabloids but he preferred to think himself as a connoisseur of the female body. “You’re not too bad yourself, darlin’.”

It was rare for a woman to be so unaffected by his charm but Camille’s dark look made it clear that she had no time for his flirting. Instead of responding she opened her ringbinder and began flicking through several pages until finally settling on one. As she scanned the page closely Parker inquired as to what had caught her attention but she merely raised a finger and the former business manager found himself prompted into silence. He wasn’t sure why, he just felt compelled to remain silent until Camille told him otherwise. Being bossed around by a gorgeous gal? That’s pretty hot.

“So I might have something for you,” she announced after a minute of silent reading. She removed the page from her folder and slid it across the table for him to read, her expression completely neutral but with the smallest glint of something in her eye. Parker had never been good at reading people.

What he could read though was the job title at the top of the page: Manual Labourer. A laugh escaped his lips before he could help himself. “Are you serious? Me? Manual labour?” he gasped, his words interspersed with continued laughter. “Yeah, that’s going to be a big old no from me, babe. What else you got? Maybe something that pays a little better and is less, you know, regular people work.” He was convinced she was playing a joke on him because who in their right mind would honestly think he would lower himself to such a degree? His family name might have been disgraced but he was still a notable person and becoming a manual labourer would completely destroy his image, not to mention he’d barely be on a tenth of the salary he had earned when working for his father!

“You hired me to get you a job. That’s what I just did,” Camille replied curtly, closing her folder and returning it to the bag beside her chair. “I suggest you look over the contract. That’s about as good as it’s going to get for you, I’m afraid. It might not be the… quality of work you were expecting, but in your situation you don’t have much choice.” 

Parker’s eyes moved back down to the paper and he began to scan through the text, each progressive word making him more irritable. Forty hour work week, minimum hourly wage, not even a managerial position. He was expected to be just another grunt laying bricks and carting around wheelbarrows of mud? It was downright offensive to even consider! A few lines further down was a detail that made him perk up though and a wave of triumph surged inside of him as he highlighted it to Camille: “They’re looking for guys over two-forty. I’m barely two-ten. Looks like I’m not suitable for the position.” 

Certain that he had won the verbal tussle he had engaged Camille in, Parker took the glass of wine from in front of him and took a long sip. He savoured the taste of apples in his mouth before swallowing it down and taking another gulp. For the first time in several minutes Camille began to smile. “That won’t be much of an issue, I assure you,” she advised in as calm a tone as ever. “They’re also not looking for an egotistical man-child with a criminal father either so I made sure that was taken care of too. I pride myself on running a business where all my clients are satisfied, after all, but sometimes that requires taking a few shortcuts.”

As the woman spoke Parker began experiencing a hot flush and had to loosen a couple more buttons on his shirt in an attempt to cool off. Soon though it was clear that having a hot flush was the least of his issues as his shirt suddenly became incredibly constricting. His muscles had begun expanding, pushing their fabric confinements to the very limit until they began to split at the seams and expose the taut tanned skin underneath. Parker attempted to exclaim in shock at what was happening to him but was only capable of letting out a few grunts, each one coming out deeper than the last.

Within moments he barely fit in his chair: his waist was still slim but his thighs were the size of watermelons and his calves were footballs in their own right. Meanwhile his pecs had ballooned to such an extent that he was probably better endowed in the chest area than some of the women Parker had taken to bed previously. Mountainous traps had formed, sloping down from the top of his thick neck to his broadened shoulders from which hung the two strong branches of his arms. His hands were calloused and rough as if he’d been in a physical trade for his whole adult life and even his forearms were well defined to compliment the rest of his jacked up body!

Even as Parker felt certain that his physical changes had stopped a strange sensation began to travel across his face. It felt as if thousands of tiny needles were being pressed against every inch of his features, pinching areas while pulling at others. His nose and lips thinned, jawline squared out even further, and brow became a little more pronounced. He was still handsome, just a little less striking than he had been prior to his meeting with Camille. Rather than looking like a refined gentleman he appeared to be just another jock who had continued training rigorously even though there was no chance of them ever going pro in their sport of choice. He even had the dimwitted expression to match as he stared at the contract and realized he could no longer understand half of the longer words written there!

“If you’ll just sign your name on the line at the bottom of the page, I’ll get the paperwork filed and you can start in the position as soon as tomorrow!” Camille advised him. The hulking man was quick to trust the beautiful woman and, accepting the pen she handed to him, signed his name in distinctive red ink. A shiver rushed through his huge body as the pen parted from the paper, almost as if he’d signed his entire life away, but he didn’t even have enough brain capacity to consider if it had any deeper meaning. He knew that all he was good for was lifting heavy equipment and laying bricks. He’d leave the business and maths stuff to folks who knew what they were doing!

“It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Paul,” the woman announced, accepting the pen from him again and then extending her other hand to him as she rose from her chair. “I’ll email through a copy of the contract for you tonight with the address you should report to tomorrow morning. They’ll answer any questions you have there. Do you have anything else for me, big guy?”

The newly christened Paul rose from his seat and gave her a once over before adopting a dopey grin. “Oh I got something for ya,” he declared, groping at the bulge in his pants. Camille chuckled and shook her head before hesitating to reconsider.

“Ah, what the hell. I suppose you’re at least more tolerable now,” she huffed before indicating that he followed her to somewhere more private. She didn’t make it a habit of sleeping with the men who hired her but she’d always had a thing for big meatheads like Paul and it wasn’t like he had the brainpower to write his own review for her site. She’d have to write one for him and post it up later, knowing that it would eventually sucker in another man at wit’s end looking for a new career and unaware of what they were getting themselves into...



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