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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Superman knew he was in trouble. 

Perhaps that wasn’t much of a surprise considering he spent a good portion of his time fighting off the multitude of villains who liked to think they had a chance of claiming Metropolis as their own kingdom but this time it felt especially troubling. Lex Luthor was the most devious of all the villains he had come up against and every plan he concocted was more dangerous and game-changing than before. He had a brilliant mind and yet it was used to cause chaos and turmoil for the citizens of Metropolis - and most frequently, Superman himself. The other had a vendetta against him and it was well known but his recent attacks had felt far more personal and desperate than even the big hero himself had expected.

After foiling a break-in at Wayne Enterprises’ Metropolis base of operations, it didn’t take much for Clark to trace the criminals back to men on Luthor’s payroll. If Luthor was trying to steal something - likely technology - from Wayne Industries then it was no doubt something major. Clark knew that Bruce’s business were responsible for rather amazing technological advancements but they could also be incredibly dangerous if they fell into the wrong hands and Lex Luthor was certainly one pretty major example of ‘wrong hands’. 

It was the eagerness to warn Luthor off of making any more dramatic attempts to steal from Bruce that had convinced Clark to hurry into action without putting proper thought into a plan. Despite knowing that the villain could be major trouble and cause him quite a lot of misery, since Bruce had destroyed the last remaining kryptonite in Luthor’s possession Clark felt perhaps a little more confident that he could handle whatever was thrown his way. The power imbued to him by Earth’s sun made him nearly invulnerable and while it was foolish for him to believe that made him invincible, it didn’t stop that from happening on certain occasions when he perhaps wasn’t thinking as carefully as he should have been.

Luthor’s apartment suite was lined with lead making it impossible for Clark to see through into what might await him but confident that he could deal with whatever Luthor threw at him, he landed on the man’s balcony and strode through the glass double doors to announce his presence.

Much to his surprise, Luthor was already waiting for him with a rather strange gun that was decorated in pink-or-blue lines, all glowing from some rare form of energy that was likely too scientific for Clark to even attempt to understand. Instead he stared open-mouthed at the businessman pulled the trigger on the gun, blasting him square in the chest with a bright purple beam. Clark had half-expected the beam to bounce off his steel chest but instead it seemed to be absorbed into his body through the S-symbol he so proudly wore on his chest.

“What was that?” he gasped, running his fingers over where the beam had struck him. He had been expecting some kind of pain but it never came. Instead there was an almost tickling sensation at the area that began spreading out across his chest and throughout the rest of his body, quite unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

“A solution,” Luthor replied, a dark level of cruelty hidden in his words, “You’ve been a thorn in my backside for too long, Superman. Now I plan to put a thorn in yours.” As far as villainous threats went it was rather par-for-the-course but there was something about the look in Luthor’s eyes that sent a shiver down Clark’s spine. No longer did he feel as invulnerable and in control as he had when he’d all but marched into the millionaire’s penthouse suite just moments before. It was enough to cause fear to trickle through his mind, placing doubt in just how prepared he was for whatever nefarious plan his arch-enemy had in store for him this time.

Heavy breaths escaped from Clark’s lips as he felt his body begin to writhe and contort without his control. He couldn’t stop what was happening to him, nor could he explain it but the pleased smile on Luthor’s face filled him with dread. Whatever it was that the other had done to him it couldn’t be good and even if it wasn’t presently causing him pain there would no doubt be some sort of repercussions in the future.

“You see, when I had my men break into Wayne Enterprises they weren’t there for anything, I just needed an excuse to get you alone. I figured you’d be hot-headed enough to charge in here without any of your super-buddies,” Lex began to monologue, lowering the gun as he paced the width of the room. “I know you like to view yourself as some kind of ‘beacon of purity’ but the truth is you’re far more arrogant than you think you are and arrogance is so easy to manipulate.”

As Luthor spoke the tickling sensation further spread throughout Clark’s body, turning his panting into low groans. The only thing he could compare the sensation to was pleasure but he couldn’t imagine why Luthor would hit him with something that would bring him pleasure. “Get to the point!” he hissed through his teeth, glaring at the monologuing businessman. God, did he like to talk - especially about himself - and honestly Clark got sick of his voice after a while.

“This sweet little blaster here? My guys in the lab cooked it up a few weeks back to help with my Superman problem. From my point of view right now, they weren’t wrong.” What the hell did that mean? What was happening to him that would make Luthor think he’d no longer be a problem? “Perhaps they’ve earned a raise and a personal thanks. You might even want to thank them yourself.”

Whatever Luthor’s lab techs had cooked up now had to be bad news and a shiver of fear ran down Clark’s spinet. I’m supposed to be the goddamn Man of Steel, he reminded himself, dismayed at how weak and vulnerable he now felt. He was entirely at Luthor’s mercy and that could never end well. They had been fighting a long battle for years and Clark refused to let this be how it ended. Luthor couldn’t triumph over him, he simply couldn’t.

A fiery sensation began to spread out across Clark’s body, focusing on his crotch and within moments his cock had begun to harden, tenting the front of his iconic costume. His cheeks flushed with color in embarrassment as he knew Luthor would find endless pleasure in witnessing his humiliation. He had no idea why his body was reacting as it did but he couldn’t deny just how horny he suddenly felt.

“You can feel it, can’t you? The changes?” Luthor questioned, quirking an eyebrow and decorating his face with a smirk. Those smirks always meant Lex was up to something bad but this time it caused Clark’s cock to twitch in excitement and a shocking thought flashed through Clark’s mind - Isn’t he handsome?

Despite what Luthor no doubt thought, Clark wasn’t stupid. He knew what his mysterious sudden arousal and those intrusive thoughts about how attractive the other man was meant. The beam from the gun had at the very least manipulated and switched his sexuality but he had an uncomfortable feeling that the changes were not just limited to his thoughts and emotions. His body continued to feel unusual and it made sense that perhaps the intrusive changes to his mind were also affecting him physically.

The urge to touch and tease himself ultimately proved too strong for Clark to fight and he all but tore his costume off to get his hands wrapped around his cock and stroking himself in a somewhat ferocious manner. He felt more aroused than he ever had in his life and his every thought was about how good it felt to give into that desire. Why would he bother with anything else when this felt so right?

“Look at you,” Luthor cooed, beginning to circle him, “Aren’t you beautiful? My little Super-slut.” Clark wanted to protest that he was no ‘slut’ but instead only found himself giggling. Perhaps there was some truth in what Luthor said - it certainly did feel good to give into carnal desire and explore himself in a more sexual manner than ever before. With one hand still stroking his cock, his other moved back to grope at rounder ass cheeks than he was used to. A deep groan escaped his lips as he continued to grope his money-maker, already imagining how it would feel to have somebody spreading those cheeks and making him beg to be fucked.

What the hell am I thinking? Rational thought suddenly seemed like such a difficult concept for Clark. He knew that this was all because of whatever Luthor had shot him with but he was also struggling to agree with himself about whether this was a punishment or not. It certainly didn’t feel like one.

“I can see you’re still trying to resist. That won’t last for much longer, I assure you,” Luthor purred, the menace in his voice sending shivers down Clark’s spine. “In fact soon you’ll be begging for this to become a permanent change and luckily for you, there is such a way to make that happen.”

Clark hated how suddenly excited he felt by the prospect of feeling this good all the time. “What do you want from me, Luthor?” he growled through gritted teeth, holding onto the last bits of restraint left in him.

Luthor merely smirked back at him. “I want you to accept your new role in life! This is all for the greater good - and your happiness, of course,” the bald businessman oh-so-obviously lied. “Now, as I was saying, when you do come around to realize that this is a better life for you, there is a way to make it permanent. You’ll need to give into your new desires and fuck another man. Whoever you like, of course, but might I suggest Robin? The Boy Wonder shouldn’t even need his sexuality fiddled with beforehand!”

“I’d never do that,” Clark spit defiantly, shaking his head and moaning suddenly as he felt his hips buck. He was so close to cumming and his body was practically begging for release and begging him to accept that Lex was telling him. Surely this was a better feeling than anything he’d gone through before as Metropolis’ local superhero?

“Sure you wouldn’t,” Luthor retorted in his most patronising tone as he circled Clark once more before beginning to walk back towards his office. “Fine, then. Do as you’d like. Run along to one of your heroes and ask for their help but I promise you that when your transformation wears off you’ll feel weaker and emptier than ever. It would really be a shame to see you throw everything away when it suits you so well.” And with that the office doors were closed, leaving Clark alone with his cock in his hand and a desperate need to release despite knowing it was a bad idea. Who was to say that letting himself cum wouldn’t accelerate the changes that were making his mind so malleable and willing to accept these mystery transformations? No, he simply couldn’t risk it!

Barely dressed and too aroused to think properly, Clark launched himself off of Luthor’s balcony and flew towards the nearest help he could think of. Tim Drake, the third Robin, had an apartment in Metropolis for when he needed a break from Gotham and wanted to catch up on how the branches of his adopted father’s company were doing. He had encountered Tim just that morning and knew that the boy was perhaps even brighter than Bruce himself. If anybody would know how to fix this without repercussions then it would be him.

All but smashing through the apartment window, Clark set his feet on the ground and accessed his x-ray vision to track Tim’s rapid movement towards him, bo staff in hand. The weapon stopped mere inches from Clark’s face as the younger male no doubt realized his “invader” wasn’t out to attack him after all.

“Clark? What’s going on?” Tim asked, pulling the staff back and resting it against the wall. “Why are you… lacking clothes right now? I mean you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of at all, that’s pretty clear, but I think we’d both feel a little more comfortable if you had something on, you know?” There was a delicate pink touch to Tim’s cheeks and it caused Clark to view the young man in a new light. He was rather beautiful with his pale skin and raven hair, not to mention the body that was far leaner than his oversized clothes would ever suggest.

Opening his mouth, Clark suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He knew that the main word he needed was help but help with what, really? Luthor’s words were playing on repeat in his mind and Clark was beginning to believe them. He didn’t want to use his body for a weapon anymore, he wanted to use it for sex and achieve the full potential that Lex had seen in him. 

Finally giving in to the seductive whisper that had crept into his mind no more than ten minutes earlier, Clark surged forward to grab Tim by his hair and pulled him in for a dominating kiss. He was met by minimal resistance and even though Tim’s hands moved to his chest, he felt no attempt to be pushed away by the other. In fact Tim’s fingers moved across his pecs in such a slow and tender motion that he was practically groping him and Clark loved it. His body practically sang in delight, renewing his arousal and causing his shaft to press firmly against Tim’s hip. His cock was definitely bigger than he was used to as well and he was already having ideas on how he could test it out. Perhaps Tim would be happy to help him?

Any resistance Clark had still possessed to fight off the effects of Luthor’s gun was quickly fading. His mind felt like a war between two identities - the Man of Steel and the Super-Slut. As shocking as it was, it seemed like the Super-Slut was triumphing and the manner in which Tim was touching him only coaxed the Super-Slut closer to victory. What would become of Clark’s rational mind if he truly gave in? He wasn’t sure but there was a small seed of temptation that was all but begging him to give in and find out.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” Tim panted against his lips, spurring the new Super-Slut on. If Tim wanted this and he wanted it to then what was really stopping them from having some fun? “You’re bigger than I ever imagined,” he continued between desperate kisses, reaching down to grope his ass cheeks, “And that ass is unholy, Clark. I’ve wanted to get my hands on it for so long.”

Clark was really liking the way the younger male was talking. He could definitely get on board with that. “You want between these cheeks, baby?” he asked, the flirtatious tone rolling off his tongue with ease. He didn’t even have to think about anything he was saying anymore because it came so naturally, as if this was who he was supposed to be and wanted to be - just like what Lex had said. “Or maybe want this fat cock between yours?” To prove his point he bucked his hips forward, pressing his exposed erection firmer against the other’s hip and smirking down at him.

Tim’s hands wrapping around his shaft was hardly a surprise but even the slightest touch sent pleasure shooting around Clark’s body and assured him that he was doing the right thing by no longer fighting this. He wasn’t fit to be a superhero anymore, he knew that now. He didn’t care about saving the world, he only cared about making sure he showed off his hot body as much as possible and got as much action from the studs of the world to satisfy his sexual cravings.

This is who I am now, he finally accepted, bidding farewell to the straight alpha male superhero he had once been. All he wanted to do now was get Tim down on his hands and knees and worshipping his body. Maybe he’d return the favor after that - although taking Tim on a trip to see Lex and be the next ‘victim’ of his new toy certainly sounded tempting. He could already imagine the Boy Wonder with some more pumped up muscles, a fatter ass, bigger cock and even more cravings for men than he had now. Hell yeah, that would be pretty sweet!

For now though, Clark wanted to enjoy his first time with a man. Lex had promised that this was the only way to make his transformation permanent and by heaven or hell, he was he going to make sure there was no way he went back to being a straight goody-two-shoes hero!


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