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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

The VIP meet-and-greets before each concert could get pretty tiring, but Shawn continued to smile through and exchange pleasantries with all of the young adult women and creepy gay men who paid thousands just to have a quick two minute conversation and picture with him. Considering how much they were lining his pockets he supposed it was the least he could do. He loved being a pop star, he did, but sometimes he wished he could take a day off from fame and all of its limitations. He couldn’t even remember the last time that he had been able to go for a walk without being stopped by a fan for a selfie or having to retreat from the paparazzi who stalked his every move.

The last VIP guest to enter the curtained-off private room was introduced to him by his assistant as Gloria, and Shawn quickly identified her as a half-Hispanic woman in her early twenties with pretty features and a petite frame. She was dressed in tomboy fashion though that seemed ill-fitting for her girlish face and frame: a baggy tee-shirt and dungarees, and her hair was cut short into a pixie cut. Her eyes didn’t quite light up with the same excitement he’d seen in every girl before her and Shawn was both relieved and a little confused by that. On the one hand he was glad that he at least likely wouldn’t have to tolerate any wandering hands but on the other hand what had prompted her to spend so much money if she wasn’t desperate to meet him? It seemed like an unusual choice, given the attitudes he had come to expect of his VIP guests.

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she exclaimed, although the words didn’t quite ring out as true. Her hand was extended though, and Shawn knew the importance of being polite, especially considering he was a public figure, so he forced a smile onto his face and accepted her hand with his own. He barely had time to recognize that there was something in the palm of her hand before he felt a sharp pinprick pierce his skin and suddenly his whole body went rigid.

Totally incapable of moving, Shawn was forced to stare straight ahead as Gloria’s grip on his hand grew stronger. A strange sensation pulsed throughout the popstar’s entire body as he was sapped of all his strength, even as he desperately willed his body to move and pull away from the woman before him. He couldn’t even open his mouth to call out for the help that was surely just behind that closed curtain. What the hell was happening to him?

Staring down at their clasped hands, Shawn watched in horror as the hairs on his forearms began to retreat into the follicles, leaving him entirely smooth and hairless. At the same time though, dark hairs began to burst forth from Gloria’s own forearm as it took on a slightly more toned definition. The very shapes of their hands even changed, his fingers becoming slender and the nails lengthening before a coat of red polish appeared upon them, all while the reverse happened to the female whose grip now seemed stronger than ever over his delicate hand.

The changes continued up Gloria’s arms, the skin losing its natural tan while the bicep began to balloon with carefully sculpted muscle – definition that Shawn had put in hard work with his personal trainer to achieve. The strong arms were soon joined by thick deltoids, lean traps and the reshaping of the woman’s torso. He watched in equal parts amazement and horror as her perky C-cup breasts began to smooth down until they were nothing more than decently refined pectorals. At that exact moment Shawn could feel a growing weight on his chest and even though he was incapable of looking down he knew that he now sported the woman’s set of delectable breasts.

The sudden feeling of emptiness that Shawn felt just a moment later hit him like a truck – she had stolen his cock and balls and given him her pussy instead! His stomach twisted and his heart raced, mortified at the changes he was experiencing but also strangely fascinated enough to make his new genitalia wet with anticipation. Meanwhile a bulge seemed to grow in Gloria’s pants, her clothes fitting much better around her rapidly masculinizing frame, and the tenting made it perfectly clear just how much she was enjoying every part of their exchange.

The skinny jeans that had once been incredibly tight around Shawn’s toned legs began feeling loose and, had he been capable of walking, his shoes certainly would have fallen from his smaller feet. He could only imagine that his toenails were painted in similar fashion in a bold red that probably looked super cute. Wait, where did that thought come from? None of this is cute! This is crazy!

Crazy as it was, there was no denying that it was happening as he was forced to watch Gloria’s face lose its soft feminine features in exchange for the hard, angular lines that Shawn had seen in his own reflection just an hour beforehand. The sharp cheekbones and jawline, the pouty lips and the hazel eyes all appeared one by one on his guest’s face while a tickling sensation across his features communicated that his own identity was disappearing and being replaced by the girlish features he had found so pretty when Gloria had first entered the room.

It didn’t take much for their hair to change, Gloria developing Shawn’s famous curls while his own straightened out into a tomboyish pixie cut that perfectly framed his new delicate face. With that final change, their switch was complete. 

To an outsider’s perspective Shawn Mendes was now standing where Gloria had once been, still wearing the tee and dungarees, although they both now it perfectly on his toned frame. The real Shawn, however, looked strange wearing his ill-fitted jeans and a shirt that hung off of his narrow shoulders and sleeves that travelled well past his hands.

As the hand was ripped out of his grip Shawn realized that the ability to move had come back to him and yet he had little willpower to do anything more than to wrap his delicate arms around himself in a display of vulnerability. He felt stripped of more than just his identity; all of his confidence was gone too and all he could do was let out a small whimper as tears sprung to his eyes.

“Now, now, don’t cry, babe,” his own voice remarked as his replacement wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. “I know meeting your idol can be overwhelming but I’m just a normal dude, I promise.” Shawn wanted to protest – to point out that the other was nothing more than an imposter – but he simply couldn’t form the words. Instead he meekly nodded and attempted to wipe away the tears. “You want a selfie, hon?” his former self asked, dealing with the situation like they’d done it a thousand times before.

One single short minute later and not only did the new woman have a selfie with the one and only Shawn Mendes on her phone but she had also begrudgingly accepted her new identity, finding herself too afraid to speak up to the guards that escorted her out of the VIP area and towards the concert hall where she would join the other over-excited VIP ticket holders. 

With the opportunity to get their real body back gone, she was forced to accept that she was now nothing more than a young woman who felt at odds with her own skin and identity. Even worse, she wasn’t even a Shawn Mendes fan!

At the very least though, her early exit from the concert prompted her to run into a rough-looking guy with stubble and tattoos down his neck who was on his way to a rock concert at a nearby bar. After a little bit of flirting that felt far more natural than she wanted to admit, Gloria found herself with the guy’s hands around her waist and she was on her way to a show that would hopefully be far more her liking than that pretty boy popstar she’d paid extortionate amounts to meet – and why she’d done that, she couldn’t even remember!


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