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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Falling. The world was nothing but cold air tunnelling around Theo as he continued to fall for what felt like an eternity. In a way he’d known that things would end this way for him but that hadn’t stopped him on his quest for power. Finally Scott McCall and his pack had found a way to get rid of him by launching him into what they presumed to be some hell dimension and here he was falling into oblivion…


The breath was pushed out of Theo as he landed suddenly and began to wheeze for breath. His eyes swam with water, blurring his vision, but he could tell that he was still very much solid. Wherever he had ended up, he still had a body and that was a positive at least. He was too damn beautiful not to have a body!

As his vision finally slowly began to return, the chimera glanced around to inspect his new prison cell - only to be caught off guard by what he saw around him. 

Moonlight swam into the room through a gap in the curtains, revealing a few details that immediately caught Theo’s attention. Football trophies lined the wall as well as a number of posters of some pretty hot girls. If this was Hell then it looked nothing like how religions and various mythologies suggested it would look because he was pretty sure this was just an average teenager’s bedroom. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary or particularly demonic in nature, which had to be good.

Quickly identifying that he was under some sheets, Theo began to feel around him and eventually found a lamp on the bedside table that lit up the whole room. 

One thing immediately caught Theo’s attention - a magazine in the bed with him, one that revealed images of naked men proudly showing off their bodies! “Huh.” That was somewhat unexpected, especially given the posters on the wall.

Beginning to doubt that he was really in a Hell dimension after all, Theo swung his legs out from under the sheets and was granted by muscular thighs that could easily be his own if it wasn’t for the golden tan of the skin. Different body. Weird. Then again, life in Beacon Hills had trained Theo for weird and at least he already knew that this body was in good shape. It really could have been Hell if he’d woken up in the body of a twink or some fat kid.

Getting out of the bed, Theo made his way towards the mirror propped up on the wall and wiped his eyes so he could get a good look at his new reflection. What he saw certainly wasn’t disappointing in the slightest either! 

There was no debating that he was still a stud with lightly tanned skin and slick black hair, not to mention some kissable lips. Theo had always been comfortable enough in his sexuality to admit when guys were hot and he was definitely enjoying what he saw!

Spending a few minutes admiring his new reflection by pulling some poses and flexing his muscles, Theo threw the theory of being in a Hell dimension out for good. The only difference between this reality and the one he had come from was that he was unable to shift into his supernatural state but strangely he didn’t even miss it that much.

It took a little time but eventually Theo was able to locate some school textbooks with a name scribbled on the inside - Reggie Mantle. It wasn’t a name that he recognized and the discovery of a blue and yellow letterman jacket explained why. He had apparently woken in a place called Riverdale where he was clearly in the body of one of the high school’s top jocks who was also apparently a total closet case.

Wide awake and desperate to understand more about the place he had found himself in, Theo explored more of the jock’s room until he found a sheet full of usernames and passwords hidden under one of the many football trophies. Logging into all of Reggie’s social media profiles and getting into his phone, Theo did his best to learn more about the young man’s life - who his friends and enemies were, what position he played (quarterback, of course) and where he liked to hang out. If he was trapped here now then he was going to make himself comfortable.

Within just a few days Theo had truly settled into his new life as Reggie Mantle. Very few people had noticed any differences about him besides a few select handsome male classmates who he had begun flirting with. Beautiful redhead Archie Andrews had merely glared at him, presuming it was a cruel joke on Reggie’s behalf while the school’s only openly gay student Kevin Keller had blushed, stammered and quickly hurried away. As far as Theo was concerned, that was a challenge for continued pursuit.

It didn’t even take that long to convince Kevin to get down on his knees and worship his cock. Sure, the other young man was still somewhat dubious about “Reggie’s” intentions but a kiss had shut him up and it had actually felt pretty damn nice. Theo was very quickly getting used to this whole ‘sexually and romantically attracted to men’ thing. He’d always had something of a thing for Scott and had even thought Liam was cute but those feelings were nothing compared to how he felt as Reggie.

While the sexual encounters with Kevin became something of a regularity, they remained a secret to the rest of Riverdale High. Theo wasn’t ashamed of identifying as gay but Reggie had built up something of a badass reputation for himself and associating himself with a nerdy loser like Kevin would kill some of that mystique which he wasn’t prepared to do. Instead he remained every bit the bully that Reggie was known as, publically tormenting Kevin in the corridors of their high school before having his way with him in the locker room showers after football practice the very same day.

One encounter even had Kevin between Theo and Moose Mason, another closeted guy on the football team, worshiping their bodies and treating them like gods. It was an afternoon that wouldn’t soon be forgotten, especially as Theo had been brought to orgasm multiple times and decorated both boys’ faces in his cum. They both knew that in their little circle he was the Alpha, something he’d never been able to achieve back in Beacon Hills.

It was in thinking about his previous life that Theo thought of a way to get a little revenge on the people who had attempted to send him to Hell as punishment. Magic wasn’t exactly common in this reality but that didn’t mean it didn’t exist, it was just harder to locate. It took time and a lot of sweet talking but eventually Theo was able to convince Sabrina, a powerful witch from Riverdale’s neighboring town, to help him out in exchange for a night with the famous Reggie Mantle.

A short while later and Theo was no longer the former supernatural resident of Beacon Hills to be relocated to Riverdale. Through some pretty powerful magic, Sabrina had pulled Liam and Scott from their reality and thrown them into the bodies of Kevin and Moose respectively, while casting those men into the bodies of their counterparts back in Beacon Hills. How Kevin and Moose would deal with waking up in the bodies of werewolves, Theo didn’t know, but they weren’t any of his concern anymore.

Scott and Liam were obviously struggling to accept their new identities and threatened to cause some serious issues for Theo, prompting him to make another deal with Sabrina. Both boys suddenly found themselves unable to vocalize about their true identities, forcing them to act as if they really were Kevin Keller and Moose Mason. No doubt they were both furious with Theo who had revealed himself to them soon after their arrival but there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.

It was pretty clear that Liam struggled with the pressure of being the only openly gay guy in the whole school but he performed his duties as Kevin wonderfully, sucking dick like a professional. Theo was pleased to see the beta become so submissive, especially given the tension that had always existed between during their days back in Beacon Hills. 

Of course Theo got quite the rush of enjoyment whenever he got the opportunity to push Kevin around or talk down to him, especially as nobody was coming to the younger student’s aid anymore. Sure, Kevin had friends but very few posed actual honest threats to Riverdale High’s local god, Reggie Mantle.

Scott fared a little better than his former beta but he still found himself submissive to his former enemy, especially as he had inherited Moose’s fear of being outed to the rest of the school and his family. While still a jock, Moose’s body wasn’t nearly as defined or desired as Reggie’s, something that Theo took great pleasure of reminding him whenever the two were alone.

Theo had never anticipated that it would take dropping into another dimension and pulling Scott and Liam with him to finally the Alpha of his own little pack but he wasn’t exactly complaining. Reggie’s body was no less beautiful than his own and he was enjoying the popularity that came with being the king of the school and hero of the football team. Having two faithful sluts in his former rivals was really just the icing on the cake.

Now all that was left to do was to decide who from Beacon Hills he should throw into Archie’s body. Only then would the pack be complete...


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