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Many thanks to patron Transformee for this idea! I hope you enjoy!

Richard knew he was playing a dangerous game by cheating on his wife with a woman who was fifteen years his junior but he’d always been a slave to his own temptations and, to tell the truth, he was bored of being the family man. He had let his wife talk him into being a father and now he had two young children who consumed every free waking moment he had and his wife was always too stressed to try and restore any sparks in their stale relationship. Fed up, the forty-three year old businessman decided to look elsewhere for his relief and he soon found it in Delilah. She was a recently hired intern at his company and nothing short of a treat to the eyes with her long legs, her youthful complexion and sizeable bust. The twenty-something had been apprehensive about starting anything with him when she had seen his wedding ring but Richard had told her that he and his wife were filing for divorce, and made sure he always slipped the band off of his finger in all of their future encounters.

The affair between Richard and Delilah was still relatively new, only three months old, by the time Halloween rolled around. Traditionally he and his wife had always taken their two children - wretched little beasts that they were - trick-or-treating together, but he was keen to spend it with his new bedfellow instead, particularly as she had suggested that they dress up in costumes. The thought of her as a sexy cat or a slutty firefighter was most certainly appealing and it sure as hell wasn’t something Richard was willing to risk missing, so he told his wife that the company needed him to pull some late night overtime over the Halloween weekend. She was unhappy about it but didn’t question too deeply, unwittingly allowing him to confirm his plans with Delilah while her husband felt minimal regret.

While Richard was excited to see what Delilah would wear for their costumed evening together, he had decided to just re-use a costume he had worn to a staff party the year previous. It was that of a typical garden gnome, only much larger to fit his broad frame. He had kept himself in good shape over the years and while his muscles weren’t quite as firm as they were in his twenties and thirties, a simple look at his physique easily identified that he made regular use of his company’s private gym a few times a week. It allowed him to keep up that all important stamina, especially with such an energetic petal like Delilah. Sure, the costume wasn’t exactly the sexiest, but the tights sure did make his legs, ass and bulge look nice, plus he was certain it would prompt his younger girlfriend to let out that pretty little giggle he liked so much, so it seemed like an easy win.

Alas, when Halloween finally rolled around, Richard didn’t feel like he was winning for long. His costume had indeed received a beautiful laugh from Delilah and her fairy get-up made her look like a divine being, so things seemed to be going positively all up until the businessman decided to pour them some champagne from the kitchen. He had unwittingly left his cell phone on the dining room table as he moved to the kitchen and how was he supposed to know that not only would his wife text him at that moment but that Delilah would catch sight of the illuminated screen and feel compelled to take a look at the incoming message?

He returned to the dining room merely a minute after his departure but the atmosphere in the room had turned bitterly cold. Delilah’s icy gaze and the cell phone held her in her hands quickly spelled out the scenario and Richard felt his stomach drop as he realised that he’d finally been caught out. “Now look, I can explain--” he started, only to be cut off by the younger women bursting out into a furious tirade that wasn’t shy on the expletives. His attempts to cut across and attempt to weasel his way out of the situation were shouted down and in her hysteria Delilah even began crying out that she was ‘putting a curse’ on him. He caught the cell phone as it was thrown at him and shook his head in dissatisfaction. “Crazy bitch,” he muttered under his breath as he retreated from her apartment and left her incensed rampage behind.

Richard was down in the car park of the apartment building when he finally checked the cell phone and read his wife’s message, explaining that their youngest son had fallen ill and she needed him to come and look after him so she could take their other child trick-or-treating. Of course that frigid witch would cost him the only bit of fun he was having! Richard’s mood only soured when he reached were he had parked, only to find that his expensive car was completely missing. He looked in all directions but didn’t see its sleek black anywhere. What a fucking night, he thought angrily, realising he would have to walk all the way home in that stupid costume and then get in touch with the cops so they could catch up to the car thief. The thought of some scummy lowlife dirtying his precious vehicle made his stomach turn. Was nothing sacred?

The tightness in Richard’s gut didn’t settle even ten minutes after beginning the long walk home. Indeed the discomfort seemed to have spread throughout his body, making his limbs feel heavy and his provoking a throbbing pain to begin at the back of his skull. Before long though, Richard had more than just a growing nausea to complain about, as he discovered that the world around him was becoming larger and more imposing. Despite the impossibility of it, he actually seemed to be shrinking; the costumed drunks around him were all taller by at least a foot and the closer he got to his home, the more titanesque everything appeared to be! He even heard a couple of drunk frat bros joke that he was a chubby kid unfortunate enough to have an old man’s face. Had he still been himself, Richard would have shouted them down and threatened to sue their asses, but he was terrified by the strange events occurring to him.

Once he had finally reached the suburbs and was mere minutes from his home, Richard’s six-foot frame had shrunk until he was only two feet tall! He was sprinting to the best of his ability but even then he was barey moving at the same pace that he previously would have walked at. Panic had sprung up inside him and began consuming all of the cool confidence that a successful businessman like himself usually possessed and he couldn’t help but think back to the confrontation with Delilah and how she had ‘cursed’ him. He’d brushed it off as her being crazy but now he had his doubts, because his sudden shrinking sure felt like the result of a curse, as ridiculous as that seemed!

When his home was finally in sight, Richard felt a small glimmer of hope. He could see his wife through the kitchen window and attempted to call out to her as he passed the white picket fence onto their lawn but all that left his mouth was a high-pitched squeak. No, no no, this can’t be happening! His body was rapidly feeling heavier and his movements became slower as a result. He felt as if he was wading through mud in his attempts to get to his front door, but he was also aware that there was little he could do should he even manage to reach it. He had shrunk even further and at a more rapid pace, from two feet to one, then to just a mere ten inches were he seemed to settle. It was at that point though that his body became too heavy for him to move any further and he was ultimately stopped in his tracks, completely frozen in a running position with his hands outstretched towards the house.

Silently screaming and raging against his new situation, Richard could do nothing but watch as the front door opened and his wife stepped out onto the porch. She looked completely past him, instead glancing around at all of the decorated houses and sighing. “Where the hell are you, Rich?” she muttered, evidently disappointed at his supposed absence. I’m here, I’m here! Please see me! Richard begged, but with his words locked away in his new inanimate body, there was no way he could even communicate with his wife, even if she was to see him. He was trapped as a goddamn garden gnome!

After shaking her head in disgust at the carelessness of her deadbeat husband, his wife disappeared back behind the door, leaving Richard to suffer his cruel and unusual fate in silence for the rest of his days.


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