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This story is a result ideas put forward by two patrons - malebodyswaps who wanted to see a "retired guy stealing young studs body" and JerryGreenfield who wanted "billionaire stealing studly intern’s body". Thank you both for the ideas, I hope you enjoy the final result!

Denver was rather pleased with the legacy he had built for himself - a billion dollars was nothing to dismiss so easily, after all - but he was struggling to deal with the expectations of him now he was a retired man. No, more specifically, it was the lack of expectations that bothered him. He had always enjoyed being the center of attention and having both men and women fall over themselves just to bask in his glory but now that he was approaching seventy years old and his star in the business world was beginning to fade, people no longer saw him as something to desire and instead he became the subject of petty whisperings by his own former employees who labelled him a bitter and out of touch old man. The worst part was that he supposed there was even some truth to that descriptio; he certainly felt angry that his best days were behind him, and was desperate to relive them somehow.

Thankfully it wouldn’t take Denver long to discover that for a billionaire like him nothing was impossible. Money permitted people access to long-concealed information and, although he initially believed that he was becoming the victim of a scam, Denver soon became aware of the fact that the ability to switch the consciousnesses of two individuals was not only possible but regularly practiced by those in the elite and wealthiest circles. The fortune he had amassed over his years as a ruthless businessman meant that he was able to buy his way into this highly exclusive group and for the cool price of six-hundred million he was able to secure the use of the Exchange Pods, the apparatus used to bring miracles into reality. Denver didn’t care what sort of trans-dimensional power the Pods ran on, all he cared about was getting himself back into a younger and more virile body, and the demonstration of the Pods in use had him jittering in anticipation. Not only that but he’d even picked out the perfect candidate to step into the adjoining pod and gift him the second chance he deserved!

One of the last things Denver had done in his position as CEO was sign the contracts of a set of new interns and deliver a welcoming speech to the small group of twenty-somethings all looking to get a headstart in business. Among them had been one of the most striking men that Denver had ever laid eyes upon and he was instantly filled with envy at the thought that such a handsome man could divert attention away from him; indeed many of the female interns paid more attention to their hunky compatriot than the billion dollar businessman’s speech. That simply wasn’t acceptable as far as Denver was concerned and from that moment he made sure to keep an eye on the young man, even now in his early retirement.

Luca Hansen perhaps didn’t have the required brains to make it all the way to the top of the ultra competitive industry he was entering but he certainly had the handsome features to make a perfect front man for any organisation and that would undoubtedly make him a hot commodity. His chiselled jawline featured a faint dusting of stubble and his bright blue eyes sparkled like sapphires. Each of his muscles was perfectly sculpted to form an aesthetic beauty that one might associate with a masterpiece of artwork. Even Denver in his prime couldn’t have possibly competed with such masculine perfection and that knowledge infuriated the older man. As such, he knew that Luca was the only possible option for the exchanging process. By hook or crook, Denver would be Luca Hansen!

It was a mere three hours after Denver had given his new associates the name of his desired future body when he received a text message requesting him to come to the Exchange Labs in the Atlantis Science tower. He moved at double pace, even instructing his driver to break the speed laws, and made it to the laboratory just twenty minutes after the message had arrived. His eyes lit up with excitement as he saw the reason for his summoning: Luca’s gorgeous body had been placed into one of the pods while the other remained open, ready and waiting for him. The young stud appeared to be sleeping but had been stripped completely naked, allowing Denver to inspect everything the younger man had to offer through the glass panelling of the pod. Needless to say, not a single inch of Luca’s body disappointed, and his confidence was well earned considering all the goodness he was packing.

“We’ll need you to strip down, sir,” one of the scientists, a pretty thing with emerald eyes, said politely from Denver’s side. Once upon a time he wouldn’t have hesitated to strip naked in front of a large crowd of people such as those gathered around him, but his body confidence had waned over the years as his skin had begun to sag and the weight sat on his body in an unflattering manner. It wasn’t just scientists gathered in the lab - it appeared as if many of the secret organisation’s beneficiaries had gathered to be entertained by the latest exchange. Still, Denver’s excitement and anticipation of what was to come eclipsed any lacking confidence and he soon followed the instruction, stripping right down until all of his clothes had dropped into a pile by his feet.

Stepping into the awaiting pod, Denver’s heart pounded in his chest like a horse running free across a meadow as the scientists wrapped pads around his biceps, his forearms, his waist, his thighs and his calves. Another set of pads were placed over each of his feet and then the last wrapped around his skull, keeping him fully secured within the pod as the glass doors closed around him. A gentle chill began to fill the pod, enough to cause the old man to shiver. The gentle voice of that pretty young scientist then played from a speaker inside the impressive contraption: “Okay sir, we’ll be starting to exchange momentarily. All you need to do is close your eyes, make sure you keep your breathing as steady as possible and try not to move around too much.” Although Denver wasn’t usually one for orders, he was sensible enough to decide that these were ones worth following. As he waited there with his eyes closed though, keeping his breaths regular suddenly felt like an impossible task. How was one supposed to remain calm on the cusp of a miracle? “The process will be starting in five… four… three… two… one!

That slight chill Denver had felt just moments before was replaced by a wave of warmth that seemed to ripple over his body. The heat soon concentrated on the areas of his body that were covered by the pads and the retired billionaire inhaled sharply as he felt himself seized by a most unnatural of sensations, as if a pair of hands had reached deep inside of him and began to rearrange his very being. The loose skin of his time-battered body slowly began to tighten around hardening muscles, muscles that were pumping full of youthful vigor for the first time in decades! Fresh energy raced through his body, travelling from the tips of his toes right up to the top of his skull, filling every inch of him with overwhelming adrenaline.

The straps around his arms soon struggled to contain the blossoming muscles and were forced to expand around the growing biceps and the prominent triceps. Conversely, the strap around his waist received less pressure as the excess weight he carried was sucked away, giving him a much tighter midsection. As this was happening though his chest had started to bolster and broaden with two mighty pectorals inflating and the outline of a powerfully built core delicately forming to produce what was undeniably a picture perfect torso. The muscles of his back expanded in similar fashion, with his trapezius muscles forming perfect slopes down to his bulging deltoids, and his lats widened to create an even vaster canvas of muscles. These changes weren’t just limited to his upper half either, as his fat thighs firmed up, the muscles of his quadriceps popping forth and his calves forming enviable diamonds. The flat cheeks of his ass similarly ballooned to form a pair of perfect globes that would forever prompt adulation and appreciation of his delectable backside. At the base of his body, his slender feet widened and stretched to grow several sizes and better support the increased bulk he carried around.

A tingling sensation spread across Denver’s face as his wrinkles dissipated and his leathery skin adopted a healthy glow that could only come from youth. Much of his facial structure remained the same, although his jawline squared out some millimetres more and his cheekbones became less severe, softening his overall appearance. His nostrils widened and his eyebrows grew thicker while the autumnal hazel of his irises was swept away in a whirlpool of aquamarine. Thick blond hairs sprouted from his scalp, drowning out the thin wisps of silver that had been there before, until he once again had a full head of hair that was perfectly cut in the fashionable style of the times. With a small amount of stubble decorating his masculine jawline, the warmth of the pads finally relented and Denver was once again greeted by a refreshing chill.

As the glass doors of the exchange pod rolled open, Denver was greeted by the sound of applause from the gathered audience, as well as two scientists who quickly and efficiently removed the pads from his body and released him from the constraints. Taking his first few steps in his new body, Denver could hardly hold back a chuckle at how unusual it felt to be carrying around so much more weight than he was used to; he had to be almost sixty pounds heavier, at least, and all of it was muscle! Glancing down at his built torso, strong legs and the eight-inch length standing at attention, Denver’s chuckle became a full on laugh of incredulous excitement. This was everything he could have ever dreamed of and more.

With some difficulty he pulled his gaze away from the sublime sight of his new body and directed his attention towards the other exchange pod. Luca remained out of consciousness but there wasn’t a doubt in Denver’s mind that when the young man arose, he would plummet into a panic like never before. All of Luca’s youth and beauty had been sucked right out of him and placed into Denver instead, leaving his studly intern with the unimpressive body of a man nearing seventy with all of its sagging skin and unsightly wrinkles. The world would look at him and only see Denver McAdams: a sad has-been losing his marbles and claiming to be a much younger man. If he didn’t play his cards right then he’d maybe even spend his last days in a padded cell and what a tragedy that would be for a man who had once covered business magazines and been considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the United States!

While he relished his victory in a competition the intern hadn’t even known he’d been competing in, Denver almost failed to notice as the pretty scientist approached him again and offered out a towel. “How are you feeling, sir?” they asked, making no secret of the way their eyes traced over his new body from head to toe and back again.

Denver accepted the towel but merely threw it over his shoulder, content to let everybody continue to admire his impressive muscles and glorious manhood. Instead he fixed the scientist with a smirk he had perfected back in the eighties and gave his confident reply: “Ready to get back to running my company!” With Luca’s looks and his brain for business, he’d be back on top in no time at all - but judging from the look in the scientist’s eyes, they’d likely let him get on top even sooner in a whole other situation too… Oh, the joys of youth!


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