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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Despite the fact that he was no longer a high-schooler and had worked alongside the other man for three years as a member of the Justice League, Billy Batson still considered himself a total Superman fanboy. Why wouldn’t he? The Kryptonian encapsulated everything he wanted to be - strong, respected and kind. He was a shining beacon in a dark world and a constant figure of inspiration for the young hero, one that he was thrilled to have the privilege to work alongside. 

Being a member of the Justice League wasn’t always easy. At only nineteen years old he was the regular victim of “kid” jokes from the likes of Batman and Green Lantern and quite often his opinion was discarded without second thought whenever a decision over something had to be made. He was very much cast in a supporting role and he was aware of it too but he hoped that one day he could prove himself as worthy of being among them. 

Out of all the Justice League, Superman never treated him like a child though and was always willing to lend an ear when Billy wanted to gripe about how Batman continually ignored his suggestions. The Man of Steel had the patience of a saint and was also as wise without being preachy, offering solid advice that always made Billy feel reassured rather than patronised. He could teach my old high school teachers a thing or too!

When the opportunity for a two-man mission came up with Superman spearheading the operation, Billy was of course quick to volunteer just to get the chance to learn from his hero in the field. This wasn’t some big ‘end of the world’ situation like the Justice League usually dealt with, it was merely a track and detain mission which would give Billy more chances to learn from the other’s years of experience and expertise. What better way to become a superhero than to learn from the superhero - the one who had saved the planet more times than anybody could possibly count?

The Justice League had been warned that there was a magic user causing trouble in a rural midwest town. There hadn’t been anything violent yet but a few unfortunate townsfolk had been turned into frogs and others had found themselves suddenly mute. There was every chance that whoever was responsible had little control over their own magic and Superman was confident that he could talk them down and get them help from the likes of Zatanna who would be able to properly train them in the arcane arts. Shazam was only there to be back-up and Superman had expressed that he hoped the other’s services wouldn’t actually be needed and their culprit would come in without struggle. Billy considered that maybe a little too hopeful - when had things ever been easy for the Justice League?

Landing down on a field on the outskirts of the town, the two superheroes observed what looked like a sleepy settlement in the middle of nowhere. “Hard to believe there’s all sorts of magical mayhem going on here,” Billy joked, “I don’t think this place even has a Starbucks.”

The corner of Superman’s lips turned up in a small smile. “Keep your guard up, Shazam. With magic involved you can’t always believe everything you see,” he instructed, straight back to business as he began scanning the area with his X-Ray vision. “There’s a surprising amount of lead coating some of these buildings. Let’s divide and conquer. Once you find the magic user just call my name, I’ll hear you.”

“Yes sir!” Billy responded eagerly, taking back to the air to travel across the town, peering down at the townsfolk, some of whom pointed and waved up at him. This is the sweetest job on Earth, he thought enthusiastically, waving back and even flexing his big biceps for a few of the cute girls he saw walking below. Finally settling down on the opposite side of the town from where he had begun, he decided to start his search by approaching some of the locals and questioning them about any unexplainable happenings that had occurred lately, assuring them that he was working on official Justice League business. Despite that assurance the people were reluctant to talk, each one them stiffening up and shaking their heads the moment he suggested any potential use of magic in the area. Definitely suspicious, he surmised after the sixth person hurried away from him once he had begun questioning them. They’re scared of something. Maybe somebody watching me right now? Very creepy… and very possible.

Billy’s search didn’t take much longer as his alley-exploring brought him right to a door that had a golden glow surrounding it. Now that’s magical! I should call Supes… unless… What if Shazam tackled this issue single-handedly? He could prove to his hero and the whole Justice League that he could be taken seriously as one of them! Despite the older man’s insistence that he be summoned if anything was found, Billy decided it was the perfect time to prove his own worth and pulled at the door handle, surprised to find it unlocked as if somebody had been expecting a visitor.

Stepping inside, Billy immediately took note of the fact that the circular room didn’t match the square exterior he had come from - and that he wasn’t alone in the room. Sat behind a smoking cauldron was a middle-aged woman dressed in a get-up that looked like the 1950’s housewives Billy had seen in his history class textbooks back at high school. Her curly blonde hair was pinned up high and expensive-looking pearls decorated both her ears and neck. As she met his eyes her bright red lips spread into a broad smile. “Oh Mr Batson, it’s so nice of you to finally join me!” she exclaimed, her voice high-pitched and sickly sweet. For all that her outward appearance made her look friendly and beautiful, there was something distinctly creepy about being in her presence; a shiver rushing down Billy’s spine as he dealt with the knowledge that she had known his name in advance.

Okay, this is definitely a trap, he realized, opening his mouth to call out for Superman only to find himself suddenly unable to form words. Oh Billy, you’ve messed up now. She’s Little Mermaid’d you! This was definitely within the realms of ‘not good’ and ‘very, very bad’, neither of which he really wanted to be in.

“Tssk, tssk! Were you about to invite another guest to my party? You know you should at least ask first! Where are your manners, boy?” the woman scolded, her eyes flashing with menace. Billy suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable, like he was a kid getting pushed around by the jocks in the school corridors again.

“Sorry ma’am,” he replied, his body working on auto-pilot as shame flushed through him. Wait, why? Oh lord, she’s working her magic mojo on you, Billy! You’ve gotta get out of here! Moving from the spot felt like nothing more than an impossibility though, no matter how hard he tried to force himself to back out of the room where he could hopefully escape the woman’s control.

“Why don’t you take a seat?” she suggested, waving to a cushion on the ground before him, just across the cauldron from here. Billy really didn’t want to take a seat so close to her - and whatever she was cooking up in that cauldron - but his body once again betrayed his thoughts and he found himself sat cross-legged before her in just a matter of moments. “There’s a good boy. Now, I know why you’re here and I’m going to have to politely decline. I quite enjoy having my own little kingdom away from the hustle and bustle of the city… and all you Super-dolts who stick your nose into other people’s business. Don’t you think that’s a bit rude of you?”

“Yes ma’am.” Once again the response was stolen from his mouth - and far more apologetic than Billy had intended to be when all he really wanted to do was call her out for being a total loony who probably deserved to get locked up in Arkham Asylum.

“Now, we’ve got something of an issue here, don’t we? I can’t have you and Superman taking me out of my kingdom and I certainly don’t want either of you reporting back and bringing more of you nuisances to my town,” she explained, all in her sickeningly pleasant tone. “Making the world forget about Superman would be near impossible… I’m still new at this, after all! But you… I don’t think it’ll take too much to make people forget you.” Panic flashed across Billy’s face at that, prompting a laugh out of the woman who had him trapped. “Oh I’m not going to kill you, my dear! That’s not my style. In fact, I think ultimately you’ll be happy with what I’m going to do to you.” 

Then, with a devious smirk crossing her lips, she asked a simple question: “Tell me, what do you like about Superman?”

The last thing Billy wanted to do was tell her the truth but he simply couldn’t help himself, the words flowed from him like water from a spring. “I like that he’s always calm in the face of danger. That he doesn’t give up even when things look hopeless. That he’s willing to take a chance on guys like me,” he confessed, his face burning as the truth spilled from his lips.

“I see… and is there anything physical you like about him?”

Billy’s cock twitched in response to the thoughts that rushed to the surface of his mind. He had done so well in his attempts to quell the physical attraction he felt towards the Man of Steel but just the mere suggestion from the woman had him suddenly overwhelmed by those forbidden feelings. He imagined the Kryptonian hero pinning him up against a wall and ravishing him, using his superior strength to hold Billy tightly, grinding against him… Oh fuck, this is so not good. The crotch of Billy’s costume was completely tented as his shaft stood to attention, thick and leaking pre-cum against the red spandex as his mind continued to play a showreel of clips all featuring Shazam being manhandled by Superman in some form or other.

“I think he’s beautiful. His big, strong muscles; the square jaw; those sky blue eyes; the bulge in his suit; that ass I just want to grab. He’s physical perfection.” Billy was completely humiliated. The witch had made all of his darkest desires rise to the surface and rid him of the safety blanket he had been so content to hide underneath. He wasn’t even gay, there was just something about Superman that really did it for him. Could he really be blamed for that? He was sure there were plenty of other straight guys who felt the same way as him!

“And, should you be given the chance to remain close to his ‘physical perfection’ as you put it, would you take that chance?” There was no hiding the evil behind those piercing eyes, eyes that Billy simply couldn’t escape from. She saw right through him and knew the truth before he even opened his mouth to reply.

“Yes.” The reply came out as a moan, the hero’s whole body shuddering in delight at the thought of having Superman pressed against him.

“Billy, I’d like you to lean over the cauldron and smell the contents. Don’t worry, I think you’ll quite like the scent.”

Leaning forward as instructed, he took a long whiff of the blue mixture inside the cauldron and felt a shiver rush through his whole body. There was something so familiar about that smell... “Smells like Superman,” he realized, his cock throbbing in anticipation. How had she perfectly managed to recreate the musky scent of the Man of Steel?

“Keep breathing it in, dear boy,” she encouraged. “Just close your eyes and focus on that scent. Let it encompass you, become a part of you.” Billy followed the instructions without question, keeping so focused that soon the world around him - including her voice - completely vanished, leaving only him and that beautiful smell, the smell of the man he desired the most in the world.

The strangest feeling overcame Billy, like he was tumbling forward and falling, falling falling… There seemed to be no end in sight, nor no logic to what was happening to him. Superman’s scent lingered like a cloud around him, seeping into his pores and playing with his mind as if it was jelly. Flashes of blue, red and yellow filled his vision as he was utterly devoured by an orgasmic sensation.

The next thing Billy knew, there were hands pulling him upwards and slowly his sense of hearing began to return, two distinct voices making themselves aware - the voices of that crazy witch and Superman himself. Billy tried to open his eyes, to warn Superman of what she was capable of, but found himself incapable. He couldn’t move his body at all either. In fact he wasn’t even sure he had a body anymore, he felt so light and strangely empty, as if he was craving to be filled by something.

“Well, thank you for the kind gift, madam.” That was Superman’s voice, coming from close by. Was Superman the one holding him? Wait, am I the gift? Oh no no no, this is really bad. 

“Oh young man, you must put it on! Do be a dear and show me how well it fits?” That appallingly polite voice made Billy cringe in unease. What had she done to him and what was she planning to do to Superman?

“I suppose it’s only polite,” Superman replied. A few moments later and Billy felt a sudden pressure against him, filling him out, followed by a growing hardness that was beginning to push Billy to his limits. The other man’s scent was stronger than ever, intoxicating like a drug. Then came a slight wetness where Billy’s lips should have been and a salty taste that drove Billy wild and clueing him into what the witch had done to him in the face of his confessions. Am I… underwear? I’m Superman’s underwear!

“A perfect fit! I thought as much. So glad I made it in extra-extra-large, I’m not sure it would be able to contain all of your manhood otherwise!” There was a girlish giggle nearby, likely the witch celebrating her triumph over the foolish young hero who was now trapped as an inanimate object of clothing.

Billy heard Superman clear his throat, followed by a series of thanks and insistences that he had to report back to the Hall of Justice. The whole journey back Superman remained hard, his thick cock stretching Billy out while also tormenting him with the delicious taste of his pre-cum. As such he was so distracted that he hardly noticed when more voices started to talk, voices that he should have recognized as belonging to Batman and Wonder Woman.

“I do wish you wouldn’t go on these missions alone, Clark. You know you’re vulnerable to magic. That could have been incredibly dangerous.” But he didn’t go alone, he had me! Unless… she said she was going to make people forget me. She did it, she’s removed everyone’s memories of me! 

“Diana’s right, Clark. Next time you should take back-up with you. You’re lucky it was nothing but false rumors or who knows what might have happened to you.”

“I know, I know. I’ll take back-up next time, I promise. Let’s all just be glad there really was no threat there and focus on the next big thing. Now, uh, if there’s nothing too urgent I may go get some rest. All that flying has got me rather tired,” Superman’s voice replied to the concerns, all while the unmistakable pressure of a hand pressed down against Billy, sending him wild all over again. He was so incredibly sensitive and desperate for more of the Man of Steel’s precious juices, something that he hopefully wouldn’t have to wait much longer for as the hero excused himself from his teammates to enjoy some privacy.

Billy was torn between desperately trying to communicate with the man whose body he was now wrapped around and enjoying everything about being a garment for Superman to wear. As more and more of the other’s juices leaked into him though, Billy’s fears began to drop away and he consigned himself to being Superman’s jockstrap forever...


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