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Wated to post a picture to go with this one but every time I tried Patreon freaked out and thought that the text contained pornography so I guess I won't be doing that for today...

Jordan had a history of ending up in places he really shouldn’t have been: the school basement, his brother’s girlfriend’s bedroom, the CEO’s office. Even though each of those situations had resulted in him getting in varying degrees of trouble, he was certain that his latest location was the worst of all. Against all rhyme or reason he had somehow ended up as a garment wrapped around the body of Killian, the most obnoxious guy at Jordan’s gym who had been an obnoxious asshole to him since day one. Jordan had just worked up the nerve to confront the other over his attitude issues, demanding to know why the other was such a jackass. Killian’s response had been to just laugh in his face, lift up his arms and flex. The encounter continued to eat away at Jordan’s brain for the remainder of the day and he even dreamed of the gym bully that night, but nothing could have prepared him to wake up and discover himself on the floor of a giant bedroom and unable to move.

An investigation of his senses revealed that while Jordan was unable to move or even speak and his sight was limited to looking straight up towards a monstrously sized bed, his sense of smell had enhanced to supernatural proportions. He could so clearly detect the scent of sweat almost everywhere in the room and a deep musky odour coming from the giant figure on the bed, of whom Jordan could only see a large foot hanging over the edge. The smells were repulsive upon his first recognition of them but as the minutes began passing he found that he was not only beginning to adapt to them but also even to relish in them! From the little he could make of the floor around him, all Jordan could see were various items of clothing (jeans; a shirt; two dirty-looking socks) which appeared to have been carelessly discarded the night before. Jordan was a smart guy, he was able to add up his surroundings with the insane proportions of everything around him and made a connection: he had somehow been shrunk down and was very likely just another object of clothing!

That situation in and of itself was bad enough, but when the giant figure rolled off of the bed and revealed itself to be the six-foot-five wall of muscle and impossibly perfect genes that was Killian, Jordan began fighting against his fabric prison like a cornered wild animal. The obnoxious jock’s eyes found him immediately and that infuriatingly cocky smirk settled over his lips and he loomed down over the helpless man. “How you doing down there, buddy?” Killian asked as he lowered himself into a crouched position and plucked Jordan from the floor as if he weighed nothing more than a feather. “I’ve been waiting for you to call me out for a while now. My magic only works when I feel threatened, you see, but I always knew you’d make a great pair of briefs for me!”

No, no, no, this can’t be real! This was all too impossibly bizarre to actually be happening, and yet Jordan’s hyper-sensitive fabric body could feel the roughness of Killian’s hands all over him and it was getting increasingly more difficult to form rational thought. The smell he had noticed earlier was absolutely everywhere, radiating from every pore of Killian’s body and notably from his armpits, and it washed over Jordan like a fog, clouding all of his rational thoughts. Overwhelmed and outmatched, Jordan had little choice but to give into his newfound arousal, especially as Killian stepped into him and began pulling the helpless victim up until he was pressed tight around the firm globes of his tormentor’s ass cheeks and hugging the thick shaft of his cock, both of which left Jordan feeling stretched beyond comfort. 

As Killian sauntered in front of the mirror to give Jordan his first proper look at the fabric body he would seemingly be forever trapped within, all of the fight finally flooded out of him. What was he, a pair of briefs, supposed to do against such a titan of a man? He couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything other than enjoy the feeling of Killian’s body and his delightful scent. He’d always appreciated the physical beauty of the other man, even if he found the attached personality absolutely reprehensible, and now he was getting to appreciate it up close and personal. It likely wouldn’t be long until he was introduced to the adonis’ juices either and the formerly bi-curious man wasn’t nearly as disgusted by the thought as he should have been. No, he was looking forward to the moment when Killian blew his load and allowed his cum to soak into Jordan’s fabric body. With each passing second he was thinking less like a man and instead like the garment of clothing that he currently was. Giving in and accepting his fate didn’t even feel like defeat anymore, in fact it was feeling more and more like a victory for both of them!


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