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If Troy hadn’t worked out that Davis had a crush on him then it would be a goddamn miracle as far as Davis was concerned. They went to the same gym but aside from that shared very little in common. Troy was a six-foot-five muscle-bound hunk of a man with blond hair, blue eyes and professional bodybuilding experience under his belt. Davis, meanwhile, was a barista with a swirling cauldron of confidence issues and self-loathing related to his physical appearance which could at best be described as plain. Throw in the fact that Troy was unquestionably straight and Davis was as gay as a rainbow and, well, it was pretty clear that they were on totally different ends of a number of spectrums. The concept of Troy actually returning Davis’ feelings wasn’t just a pipedream, it was a damn impossibility.

Whether or not Troy had actually noticed that Davis’ eyes always lingered on him for a little too long, or that he struggled to find his words whenever in the other’s presence, the taller and more muscular male always smiled politely at him and even occasionally exchanged polite greetings. Those moments always made Davis’ heart race and turn the twenty-two year old man back into a high school girl with her first crush. He knew that it would only end up leading to heartbreak or worse, depending on Troy’s opinions towards gay guys crushing on him, but Davis simply couldn’t help it. Try as he might, he simply couldn’t stop the thundering in his chest or eradicate the butterflies in his stomach whenever the other was remotely nearby.

It was by pure happenstance that the two young men finished their workouts simultaneously, changed into their own clothes in tandem and boarded the elevator together. Of course, being the only two enclosed in that small box made it impossible for Davis to ignore the other and before he could stop himself he found himself asking in a timid voice how Troy’s workout had been. “Pretty sick, dude. Really got my arms pumped up!” the other man replied happily, hitting a flex to show off his football-sized biceps. Davis hoped the hunger wasn’t too obvious in his eyes because wow, that arm might as well have been a full three-course meal for all it was worth. His brain was totally fried and his cock was stirring to life, promising to make the situation even more uncomfortable for the gay man. 

Before Troy even had the opportunity to glance down and notice the tent beginning to form in Davis’ pants though, the lights of the elevator suddenly flickered out and the box rumbled to a complete stop. The movement had thrown Davis off of his feet and right into Troy, colliding with the other’s gloriously firm and broad chest. Then, in the most surprising thing either man had ever experienced, Davis began to sink into Troy! The sensation was similar to being enveloped in a warm embrace and any panic the two men felt was immediately put to rest by a wave of pleasure that rushed over the two of them as Davis continued to sink further and further into the other’s body, pulled in by some invisible force until he had been totally absorbed. 

In the darkness of the deluminated elevator it was impossible to see but the further into Troy’s body Davis sunk, the more the former began to change. His blond hair darkened to match Davis’ brown and thick stubble began to form along his previously smooth square jawline. A splash of green joined Troy’s previously blue irises and his nose both thinned at the nostrils and formed a slight hook at the bridge to match how Davis’ had been. In just seconds their facial features had merged to create a brand new man, just as handsome as Troy had been before but with a bit more appreciation for facial hair!

As the lights blinked back to life and the elevator once again resumed its ascent to the rooftop parking area, Travis inspected himself in the mirror. It was strange but he felt like there was something different about him, even if he couldn’t actually see anything wrong in his reflection. His arms still looked beautifully pumped and his stubble hadn’t yet grown into the wild beard that it was wanton to do if left untackled for too long. Reaching down to rearrange his half-hard cock (checking himself out always got Travis a little bit hard, although he didn’t think a dash of narcissism was really all that bad), the six-foot-five wall of muscle pulled out his phone to check the multiple new notifications on his Tinder profile. Being bisexual should have made dating so much easier considering he had both girls and guys to match with but so many of them saw him as nothing but a dumb jock considering his profile identified him as a “professional bodybuilder paying the bills as a barista”. They were only ever interested in hooking up rather than dating and while the frequent sex was fun, Travis still wanted something more. Boyfriend, girlfriend, it didn’t really matter to him, as long as he found a partner to enjoy the time with who could appreciate him for more than just his body, incredible as it was!

Stepping out of the elevator and into the car park, Travis nodded in greeting as he crossed paths with one of his usual lifting bros. “Have a good session, bro!” he encouraged in a deep bassy voice, fist-bumping the other man, and experiencing a thrill to realize the other wasn’t quite as big as him. That shouldn’t be a surprise, I’ve always been bigger, he mused as he approached his brand new land rover, brushing off a fleeting thought that he had driven to the gym in a small beat-up red car that had been a hand-me-down from his parents. What the hell’s up with my head today? 

Shaking off the confusion, Travis unlocked his vehicle and slipped into the leather driver’s seat. He spared a glance in the rearview mirror to admire himself once more and felt a natural smirk slip over his lips. Looking this good, it was no wonder he got so many tips at the coffee shop! Still, he couldn’t wait until he could finally quit his day job and focus on his fitness career full time. Considering the attention he was starting to get on social media he was sure it wouldn’t be long until the sponsorships came rolling in and in no time at all Travis would be the next big thing in bodybuilding like he deserved to be!



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