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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Tobias could hardly believe his own luck. That was a sentence he had hardly expected to say at any point considering the circumstances of his life but things were actually looking up for once, and it was all thanks to Jackson Parker. Mr Parker was a successful businessman with an overflowing bank account and his expensive taste complimented that nicely. It was due to this expensive taste that Tobias found himself slipping on a top-of-the-range bodysuit and assuming the identity of an A-List celebrity.

Truthfully, Tobias’ life had started to turn around when he first met Mr Parker. Barely making it through an abusive childhood with unstable parents and a douchebag older brother, Tobias had minimal education and little other to go on than his body. Petite in an almost feminine manner, he found himself working at The Eden Club as an exotic dancer, performing sexual favors for any men that were willing to cough up a little extra cash. 

It was hardly the most exciting lifestyle and challenged Tobias’ tatters of self-worth but it was there that he had first encountered Mr Parker, dragged there for a colleague’s bachelor party. Jackson hadn’t had any interest in involving himself with the sexual deviancy that had apparently overcome the men he shared an office space with, but when his eyes fell on Tobias he found himself sorely tempted to break that self-promise.

Tobias had initially been disappointed that the businessman wanted nothing more than a dance from him, as Jackson was rather handsome to say the least, but forgot about him by the time the night was over and he was leaving with his cash in hand. Much to his surprise, the older man returned the next night, only this time he was alone and requested a private room with him. 

As if his physical appearance and the prestige of his name wasn’t enough, Jackson also happened to be an incredible lover, both strong and flexible whenever needed. He was attentive to Tobias’ needs too, far more than any man previous. It marked quite the change and certainly took some getting used to but it wasn’t long before Tobias began to feel comfortable in the other man’s presence.

The relationship - or whatever sort of connection the two now shared - continued for weeks beyond those initial two nights, with Jackson continuing to return to The Eden Club with eyes only for Tobias. Sometimes he even came with gifts worth far more than Tobias could earn in a month and each time he felt his heart begin to beat just a little faster. He couldn’t explain why the successful businessman had taken such a shining to him but he certainly wasn’t going to complain about it.

Eventually Jackson invited Tobias to come and live with him, and having lived out of motels for the better part of two years, the young exotic dancer agreed. Despite knowing that he was taking a risk, he also knew that he had fallen for the older man and felt a connection to him that he’d never felt for another person before. That wasn’t the type of thing he was going to waste.

Tobias slept in the other man’s bed every night and dined as he could only imagine a king would. No longer did he have to survive on microwave meals when Jackson had his own personal chef prepare dinner every night. It was a lifestyle that felt far too fantastical to be real but Tobias was more than happy to roll with the surprises. The gifts continued coming to, each of them more extravagant than the last until finally he was gifted something that made his heart skip a beat.

“Is this what I think it is?” he asked, looking from his lover to the body laid out on the bed. He knew that face and those muscles. He recognized them from billboards in the city and the Hollywood blockbusters on the silver screen. Henry Cavill was in their bedroom, on their bed, but it couldn’t possibly him. There was only one thing it could be…

“It is. Top of the range: vocal modifier, lenses, even some built in muscle memory. It’s the best money can buy,” Jackson confirmed, wrapping his arms around Tobias’ slender waist. “And I want you to put it on.”

Even basic bodysuits weren’t cheap but a celebrity bodysuit with all of the furnishings had to have cost hundreds of thousands. How could Jackson feel comfortable spending that much money on somebody like him? It simply didn’t make sense and was enough to cause Tobias’ lip to quiver. The gentle kiss at the back of his neck kept him stable and he took a few cautious steps forward, reaching out to touch the suit. It was firm to the touch, like it really was the famous actor, only there was no radiance of warmth like would be expected.

Joseph helped Tobias into the suit, limb by limb, and the young man was overwhelmed as he wiggled his toes and watched Henry Cavill’s hairy feet respond. As the suit was pulled up around his waist, he couldn’t help but tense his leg and watch the muscles flex. “This is insane,” he muttered to himself before slipping his arms into the suit and allowing Jackson to zip up the back before concealing the zipper and smoothing it over. To the untrained eye, there was absolutely nothing suspect about him.

“One last thing,” Joseph declared, lifting the head over Tobias’ and making sure it was on just right. Tobias blinked several times, then quickly smiled and frowned in quick succession. Operating another man’s face was strangely bizarre, especially when he could feel the other’s facial hair all of a sudden, as if the bodysuit truly was his own skin. “Well? How do you feel?”

Reaching up to scratch at his stubble, Tobias let out a short huff of laughter at the sheer insanity of the situation. He considered the other’s question for a moment before settling on the only answer that made any sense considering the circumstances - “Incredible.” His lips spread into a broad smile as he rolled his broad shoulders and stood up to his full height. The voice had been deep and commanding - and most importantly, Henry Cavill’s. It would have been quite alarming for his own squeak to come from the other’s lips after all.

For the first time in Tobias’ life his body felt strong and powerful, as if he had worked on it in an almost religious fashion for years, like the real actor surely had. He was taller and far more muscular, with a hairy chest and a larger cock. There was a lot to adjust to all it once and it would have been overwhelming had he not had Joseph there to calm him down, placing a hand on his furry pec and stealing a quick kiss.

“We need to get you dressed up,” Jackson explained, “I have a party to go to tonight and I want you to be my plus one.” Tobias was overwhelmed. He had never been to any of the other’s business functions and he knew that Jackson’s business partners had no idea he’d ever gone back to The Eden Club after that bachelor party where they had first met. He was certain that such men in high circles wouldn’t approve of Jackson’s lover being an exotic dancer of all things so this… this made sense.

Even as he dressed in one of Jackson’s finest three-piece suits, Tobias took every chance to relish in his new muscular body. The bodysuit was unlike anything he had ever experienced before and every touch felt so real, as if he truly was Henry Cavill. As far as everybody else would be concerned, for that night he would be. Then, once they were home, Jackson promised that they would have much more time to explore the bodysuit in full detail, as well as all of the new elements it could bring to their relationship. Tobias was finally going to get his chance to be the more dominant man between them and the prospect of getting between Jackson’s firm ass cheeks was getting him hard already!


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