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This is a brand new multi-part transformation series for all patrons of The Kelce Tier and above - I hope you enjoy!

Day 1

I woke up this morning and my hands were different. That’s a strange thing to notice, I know, but I’ve always been hyper-aware of my own body. It’s to be expected of somebody with pretty crippling body issues, to tell the hard truth, but I don’t see the point of hiding anything in a personal diary. Nobody’s going to see this other than me. Anyway, the situation at hand - no pun intended. My hands have always been delicate and smooth, just like the rest of my body, but this morning… well, they were anything but.

I stared curiously at the hard calluses at the top of my palms, wondering where they had come from. Calluses weren’t uncommon for jocks or labourers but I was neither: I was a mere college freshman without a single athletic bone in my body and possessing the strength of an average toddler. Add to that my near-obsessive skincare routine and there was absolutely no foreseeable reason for my hands to be in such a start. It was alarming, to say the very least, and invasive anxiety began creeping in at the edges of my morning equilibrium.

It wasn’t just that the hands were callused either, but also that they just seemed bigger. The fingers appeared to me to be longer and thicker, although the logical part of my brain dismissed that observation was simply ridiculous. Hands didn’t simply change shape overnight. Over the years, sure, but overnight? I was a fool for even considering that it was a possibility, my own eyes be damned!

Despite my brain trying to assert logic, even now as I type I can feel that there’s something different about my hands. My fingers can spread wider and I hit the keys with more force than I would usually. I can’t help but pick at the calluses too - they’re so gross!

Anyway, now that I’ve got that oddity out of the way, onto more interesting things. I was looking up theories about Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining last night…

Day 4

I was willing to put aside my insane suspicions about the sudden changing of my hands as a mere delusion of my tired brain - this essay about Film History has been keeping me up in the late hours, after all, and I still have another thousand words to write - but now it’s started happening again and it’s impossible to ignore or dismiss this time.

This time it’s my feet that appear to have grown bigger overnight and the proof is all there in the shoes that have fit me comfortably since my meager growth spurt finally ended, and now feel like a prison for my feet! The sides of my feet are pinched by the narrowness of the shoes, and the toes are curled over by the restrictive ends of them. Somehow, completely overnight, my feet have grown too big for my favourite sneakers, and seemingly by several sizes too!

It’s not even just that none of my shoes fit anymore either: these larger feet have even affected the way I walk! Try as I might, I no longer walk with the quiet delicate steps I’ve always made - a tactic I developed to try and limit the attention I brought to myself - no, all I seem to be able to do now is stomp around like I’m wearing lead boots, and that’s without anything on my feet! I always used to complain that Garrett, my jockish college roommate who recently moved out for a frat house after pledging, stomped around in such a fashion, but now it’s me making a similar racket and it's infuriating that I can’t seem to stop myself!

As if all of that wasn’t bad enough, there’s even some hairs sprouting from the top of my feet! I’ve been naturally hairless pretty much everywhere for my entire life, but there’s no denying those ticklish little hairs that have taken root on the larger surface of my feet. Honestly, just looking at them makes my stomach twist a little. This is all so bizarre. I suppose the only explanation that makes sense is that I’m going through a sort of second puberty. I guess that’s not completely unheard of, but it’s still a little bewildering and, if I may say so, kinda gross.

Now, as loathe as I am to do it, I need to put those awfully inflexible sneakers back on and head out to the store to buy some footwear that’ll actually fit. I can only hope that this second puberty - if that’s what it even is - doesn’t make any more drastic changes, on a student budget there’s no way I can afford to buy a whole new wardrobe!

Day 6

I had the hottest dream about Garrett last night. He was working at one of those sexy car wash places that fraternities sometimes hold to raise money from horny cougars and sad lonely girls, and he was totally soaked from head to toe. All of his strong rippling muscles were on show and the wet white trunks left very, very little to the imagination. Of course, I’m no stranger to his junk - he was never shy about getting naked when we shared a dorm room - but I’d always made a point not to stare; in my dream I didn’t hold myself back. He was serving a full five-course feast and I was determined to consume every single delicious item!

As if it wasn’t enough that he looked like a descendant of Hercules, my dream even had him flirting with me and inviting me to feel up his huge muscles. Before you ask, diary, of course I accepted the invitation. I’m by no means an idiot, thank you. As I said, it was one of the hottest dreams I’d ever had, so I was of course sad when life decided to pull me out of it and thrust me into the waking world. I was less disappointed when I discovered a glorious case of morning wood and the dream was still vivid enough in my mind to fuel a slow and steady jerk-off session. It wasn’t the first time Garrett has been the subject of my most private moments, but I feel less guilty about them now that he’s moved out of the dorm room. While I miss the eye candy he provided, I’m glad that I don’t have to feel so darn awkward in his presence all the time!

There’s no denying to myself that I’ve got a crush on Garrett. How could I not? He’s got those strong muscles, those glistening emerald green eyes and that gorgeous bassy laugh. Even as far as football jocks go, he’s something special, and when you throw in the fact that he’s the first jock to ever actually make steps to befriend me, then of course I was going to fall head over heels! All the jocks I encountered in high school were entitled douchebags who had pushed nerds like me into lockers and called me a fag because they knew they could get away with it. Garrett wasn’t like that in the slightest. He’d picked up on the fact I was gay straight away, of course, but he made a point of being totally chill with it. I’ve got a feeling he knew I was crushing on him but he didn’t say or do anything to make me feel awkward. Boy am I thankful for that. I think I would have died of embarrassment!

Anyway, as hot as that dream was, it’s not the reason I’m compelled to write another journal entry here rather than finishing off my latest Film Technology essay. As I was “enjoying myself” I noticed that I was harder than I had ever been before. My length felt girthier within my grasp and even elongated beyond its usual limitations. Of course it was difficult to be sure with my mind in such a tender state, but even now that I’ve well and truly come down from that high I’m fairly certain that my cock is bigger than it used to be. I don’t want to be that guy but I think I took a ruler to it then I’d get confirmation that it’s an inch or two longer than my usual five inches. It even feels heavier too and swings around more when I walk around naked - not that I make a habit of that, of course! Rest assured that I have my tighty-whities on now, although the front feels a little tighter than it ever did before.

I need to get ready for class now, but I’m already thinking about having a little more private time fun after the lecture. I’m not kidding when I say that dream was seriously hot, and I can’t seem to keep my hands off of my junk at the minute. I better stop doing that before I get to class, I don’t want people staring at me and thinking I’m a perv, even if it’s going to be difficult with Garrett sat just a few rows away... Maybe it’s just because of how tight these damn briefs are. Aw man, am I gonna have to buy new underwear now too? I’m gonna be damn broke if all this growth keeps up!

Whatever. Class time now, round two later!


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