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Happy Halloween, everybody! Stay safe out there!

Electing to receive tutoring in order to pass his Economics class was proving to be the worst mistake Jared had ever made in his life. He’d needed a passing grade in order to graduate from college on time, but the professor was a real hard-ass and had continually failed Jared no matter how hard he worked on his essays. The fraternity brother liked to think it was because the elderly professor was jealous of his hot young body and athletic ability as the captain of the school’s lacrosse team, but despite doing his best to sweet talk the old man, there was no swaying him. Instead, the professor had made a blunt suggestion that Jared would do better by hiring a tutor to help him prepare for the final exam and had even gone out of his way to name the perfect tutor: Keenan Dolkes, the star student in their Economics class.

Unfortunately Jared also happened to have something of a negative history with Keenan and it was clear from the loathing glances that the smaller boy often cast his way that the other hadn’t forgotten about it. Back when they had both been freshmen they had both pledged for the Alpha Tau fraternity; Jared had obviously been successful and was now even the Fraternity President, but Keenan had been mercilessly hazed and eventually dropped his pledge after a number of demeaning acts that Jared had happily participated in. Since then Keenan had made his loathing for the Alpha Tau boys well known, and it probably didn’t help that Jared had helped coin the nickname Keenan Dorks to such an extent that many people on campus thought that was his actual surname.

When Jared had first asked his nerdy classmate to help tutor him for the upcoming exam, Keenan had merely laughed in his face. Anger burned inside the jock and he clenched his hands into fists but held himself back from raining down blows like he wanted to. Instead he forced out a resentful “Please”, which prompted the other to pause and think it over for a few moments. Jared didn’t just hate being at the other’s mercy, he downright loathed it, but the professor was right. He needed help if he was going to graduate on time and there was nobody better than Keenan, who had proven himself to be an economics genius time and time again. Rumour had it that he hadn’t received less than a ninety percent on a piece of work since taking on the class.

Jared had a feeling he could probably thank his good looks for the other’s eventual agreement. It was no secret that Keenan was gay and although Jared was one-hundred and twenty percent heterosexual, he wasnt afraid to flex his muscles and pull out the puppy-dog eyes to get his way. Maybe if Keenan did a good job of tutoring him, he’d even let the nerd feel up his biceps or something. The frat president could be a good guy when he felt like it.

Keenan insisted on their tutoring sessions starting later that day and explained that they were to study every single day for an hour. Keenan would even come to the fraternity house rather than making Jared come to him, although he insisted that they would have to go undisturbed for the entire hour. Committing to an hour every day until the exam in two month’s time was so much more than Jared actually wanted to do, but the smaller boy’s tone of voice and expression left little room for argument so he reluctantly agreed. He returned to the frat house with a cloud hanging over his head and summoned everyone together for a house meeting, where he explained that they were to stay out of Keenan’s way whenever he visited and would have to lay off teasing and tormenting him around campus for the duration of the tutoring. A number of the younger fraternity brothers were barely bothering to hide their smirks or chuckles, but those were quickly wiped clean off their faces when Jared threatened them with expulsion from the frat if they didn’t do as he said. “As of right now, Keen Dorks-- Dolkes is off limits, and that's the final word on it.”

The tutoring sessions themselves were torturously dull. While Keenan managed to do a better job of explaining the various elements in a manner that Jared could more easily access than the professor ever had, that didn’t make the actual content any less mind-numbing. The fact that Keenan looked at him as he was nothing more than a piece of meat certainly didn’t help matters, although Jared had managed to hold his tongue on that front. After the first week though, whenever the lacrosse jock answered a question correctly, Keenan had begun rewarding him with a quick, “Well done, boi.” From the very time the remark was made, a shiver travelled down Jared’s spine and his brain went blank for a moment before he recovered. Each time it was said though, that strange sensation lasted even longer. It was if he lost all control over himself and that was both terrifying and surprisingly invigorating.

After the second week of tutoring sessions together, Keenan had suggested that Jared should work with his shirt off and the fraternity president had simply accepted the suggestion and stripped right out of his shirt, exposing his well-muscled torso with his broad shoulders and deliciously pumped-up pecs. He was aware enough of the fact that he didn’t actually want to be shirtless in front of Keenan, who looked at him like a predator stalking its prey, but he couldn’t find it within him to resist. Besides, all it took was a simple “Well done, boi!” and all of his doubts were washed away like the tide.

A month into their tutoring sessions and Jared was rightfully alarmed at how he seemed to turn into putty to be played with however Keenan saw fit. He was the type of guy who usually loved being in control but he had been sculpted into a much more submissive figure where his tutor was involved. All it had taken was a mere suggestion from Keenan and Jared had informed the rest of the fraternity that their annual Halloween rager was going to be nerd-themed and anybody not wearing a nerd costume would have to spend their night somewhere else. The declaration was met by a large amount of groaning and grumbling but Jared didn’t back down even when his closest friends suggested it was a bad idea. If Keenan thought that was the best idea then that was what Jared was going to make sure happened!

In time Jared found less and less enjoyment in lacrosse practice, hanging out with his bros and chatting up the various sorority sisters who were always hitting up his messages. Indeed the undeniable highlights of his day were his tutoring sessions with Keenan; he was even beginning to feel like he had a good grasp of the economic practises he needed to know and his test scores were starting to ascend! He was earning more praise from Keenan than ever before and Jared’s response to those moments of praise were so extreme that it was no longer uncommon for him to start chubbing in his shorts! It was crazy to think that it was another guy causing such responses, especially one as dorky as Keenan, but Jared was growing less and less concerned about that. He was starting to recognise that maybe his previous behaviour towards Keenan was actually based on jealousy. After all, the more he got to know Keenan the clearer it became that the other was actually a great guy and had his life together. When the other had remarked that being intelligent was more important than being physically strong or dominant, Jared had surprised himself by agreeing wholeheartedly.

By the time Halloween arrived, Jared had not only compiled the perfect nerd costume but he actually felt rather comfortable while wearing it and Keenan had convinced him that it was the best he’d ever looked. As he stared at his reflection in the mirror, Jared had to agree. What wasn’t to love above the pants pulled up high above his waist, the oversized glasses with bulky frames that were held together by tape and the dorky bowtie that was tight around his thick neck? If anything the only thing that didn’t look good about his appearance was how big he was. It would look so much better if he was smaller and skinnier!

Upon Keenan’s instruction, Jared had enlisted the help of two of his buddies, Drake and Francis, to paint a number of strange occult symbols on the walls around the house. When the pair of best friends asked why they were doing so, Jared had no answer but insisted nonetheless that it was essential. He hadn’t even questioned Keenan when the other had first made the demand. Why would he? Keenan had never led him astray before and there was obviously a logical reason for why he wanted it to be done! That was reason enough for Jared.

Seeing all of his fraternity brothers and the sisters from their neighboring sorority dressed up as nerds once would have been amusing to Jared but now he only felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Keenan seemed to be pleased with what he saw too, and that was the most important thing to Jared. The alcohol was flowing freely but all of the party-going college students found themselves getting delirious much quicker than they had anticipated. In their suddenly intoxicated states they failed to notice the strange symbols on the walls begin to glow with supernatural power and their massive muscular frames begin to dwindle. Hard muscle faded away as if it had never even been there: tree trunk legs becoming little more than twigs, while broad shoulders adopted a more slender shape, and football-sized biceps withered away until they could no longer produce even the smallest of bumps if the newly nerdified fraternity brother dared try to flex!

The only individuals aware of the changes were Jared, who was delighted to find himself becoming a much better fit for his costume, and Keenan, who had been entirely unaffected by the physical changes. He no longer looked like the odd one out, indeed he was now carrying more muscle mass than some of the former jocks that populated the fraternity house! He patrolled the party, admiring the sounds of the new nerds conversing about scientific theories rather than the latest football scores, before finally making his way to the largest of the occult symbols which was on the door to the frat president’s bedroom. Pressing his hand in the centre of the symbol, Keenan murmured a few words in a long-forgotten language and enacted the final part of his revenge: all of the raw masculinity and muscle development he had drained from the fraternity jocks who had once mercilessly tormented him began to flow through his body. His diminutive size began to expand and explode with newfound power; he rocketed above six feet tall and gained over a hundred pound of pure muscle, causing him to burst out of the tight-fitting clothes he wore! The soft features of his face hardened to give him a square jawline peppered with stubble, while his acne-ridden skin completely cleared up and his perpetually greasy hair adopted a more stylish cut and became a smoother texture. In just a matter of moments he had gone from a stereotypical nerd to an alpha jock and the undoubted big man on campus, to be challenged by none!

Finally pulling his hand off of the occult symbol on the door to what was now his room, Keenan turned to find three expectant faces looking at him with pleading expressions. Jared, Drake and Francis were now nothing more than a trio of twinks who relied on their unsightly glasses to see anything and were desperately hard at the mere sight of a behemoth like Keenan. He couldn’t exactly blame them though: he was a real life Hercules and a simple pop of his pecs and double bicep pose had the three nerds quivering and whimpering, already blowing their loads like the pathetic little runts they were.

“Happy Halloween, boys!” he boomed out in his new bassy tones, patting each of them on the head with an almighty chuckle before returning to the party. He was going to have a lot of fun reshaping Alpha Tau to match his desires but before he got started on that he was going to enjoy tormenting the same guys who had made his life hell for the past four years and were now all bigger nerds than he had ever been or would be again!



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